-- |
-- Module      :  Network.XmlRpc.Client
-- Copyright   :  (c) Bjorn Bringert 2003
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  bjorn@bringert.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires extensions and non-portable libraries)
-- This module contains the client functionality of XML-RPC.
-- The XML-RPC specifcation is available at <http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec>.
-- A simple client application:
-- > import Network.XmlRpc.Client
-- >
-- > server = "http://localhost/~bjorn/cgi-bin/simple_server"
-- >
-- > add :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
-- > add url = remote url "examples.add"
-- > 
-- > main = do
-- >        let x = 4
-- >            y = 7
-- >        z <- add server x y
-- >        putStrLn (show x ++ " + " ++ show y ++ " = " ++ show z)

module Network.XmlRpc.Client
    ) where

import qualified Network.XmlRpc.Base64 as Base64
import Network.XmlRpc.Internals

import Control.Exception (handleJust)
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Network.URI
import Network.Socket (withSocketsDo)

import Network.HTTP
import Network.Stream

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString, toChunks, fromChunks)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as U
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

-- | Gets the return value from a method response.
--   Throws an exception if the response was a fault.
handleResponse :: Monad m => MethodResponse -> m Value
handleResponse (Return v) = return v
handleResponse (Fault code str) = fail ("Error " ++ show code ++ ": " ++ str)

-- | Sends a method call to a server and returns the response.
--   Throws an exception if the response was an error.
doCall :: String -> MethodCall -> Err IO MethodResponse
doCall url mc = 
    let req = renderCall mc
    --FIXME: remove
    --putStrLn req
    resp <- ioErrorToErr $ post url req
    --FIXME: remove
    --putStrLn resp
    parseResponse resp

-- | Low-level method calling function. Use this function if
--   you need to do custom conversions between XML-RPC types and 
--   Haskell types.
--   Throws an exception if the response was a fault.
call :: String -- ^ URL for the XML-RPC server.
     -> String -- ^ Method name.
     -> [Value] -- ^ The arguments.
     -> Err IO Value -- ^ The result
call url method args = doCall url (MethodCall method args) >>= handleResponse

-- | Call a remote method.
remote :: Remote a => 
	  String -- ^ Server URL. May contain username and password on
	         --   the format username:password\@ before the hostname.
       -> String -- ^ Remote method name.
       -> a      -- ^ Any function 
		 -- @(XmlRpcType t1, ..., XmlRpcType tn, XmlRpcType r) => 
                 -- t1 -> ... -> tn -> IO r@
remote u m = remote_ (\e -> "Error calling " ++ m ++ ": " ++ e) (call u m)

class Remote a where
    remote_ :: (String -> String)        -- ^ Will be applied to all error
					 --   messages.
	    -> ([Value] -> Err IO Value) 
	    -> a

instance XmlRpcType a => Remote (IO a) where
    remote_ h f = handleError (fail . h) $ f [] >>= fromValue

instance (XmlRpcType a, Remote b) => Remote (a -> b) where
    remote_ h f x = remote_ h (\xs -> f (toValue x:xs))

-- HTTP functions

userAgent :: String
userAgent = "Haskell XmlRpcClient/0.1"

-- | Handle connection errors.
handleE :: Monad m => (ConnError -> m a) -> Either ConnError a -> m a
handleE h (Left e) = h e
handleE _ (Right v) = return v

-- | Post some content to a uri, return the content of the response
--   or an error.
-- FIXME: should we really use fail?
post :: String -> ByteString -> IO String
post url content = do
    uri <- maybeFail ("Bad URI: '" ++ url ++ "'") (parseURI url)
    let a = authority uri
    auth <- maybeFail ("Bad URI authority: '" ++ a ++ "'") (parseURIAuthority a)
    post_ uri auth content

-- | Post some content to a uri, return the content of the response
--   or an error.
-- FIXME: should we really use fail?
post_ :: URI -> URIAuthority -> ByteString -> IO String
post_ uri auth content = 
    -- FIXME: remove
    --putStrLn (show (request uri content))
    --putStrLn content
    eresp <- simpleHTTP (request uri auth (BS.concat . toChunks $ content))
    resp <- handleE (fail . show) eresp
    case rspCode resp of
		      (2,0,0) -> return (U.toString (rspBody resp))
		      _ -> fail (httpError resp)
    showRspCode (a,b,c) = map intToDigit [a,b,c]
    httpError resp = showRspCode (rspCode resp) ++ " " ++ rspReason resp

-- | Create an XML-RPC compliant HTTP request.
request :: URI -> URIAuthority -> BS.ByteString -> Request BS.ByteString
request uri auth content = Request{ rqURI = uri, 
				    rqMethod = POST, 
				    rqHeaders = headers, 
				    rqBody = content }
    -- the HTTP module adds a Host header based on the URI
    headers = [Header HdrUserAgent userAgent,
	       Header HdrContentType "text/xml",
	       Header HdrContentLength (show (BS.length content))
	      ] ++ maybeToList (authHdr (user auth) (password auth))

-- | Creates an Authorization header using the Basic scheme, 
--   see RFC 2617 section 2.
authHdr :: Maybe String -- ^ User name, if any
	-> Maybe String -- ^ Password, if any
	-> Maybe Header -- ^ If user name or password was given, returns 
	                --   an Authorization header, otherwise 'Nothing'
authHdr Nothing Nothing = Nothing
authHdr u p = Just (Header HdrAuthorization ("Basic " ++ base64encode user_pass))
	where user_pass = fromMaybe "" u ++ ":" ++ fromMaybe "" p
	      base64encode = Base64.encode . stringToOctets
	      -- FIXME: this probably only works right for latin-1 strings
	      stringToOctets :: String -> [Word8]
	      stringToOctets = map (fromIntegral . fromEnum)

-- Utility functions

maybeFail :: Monad m => String -> Maybe a -> m a
maybeFail msg = maybe (fail msg) return