hscassandra-0.0.7: cassandra database interface




(=:) :: (BS column, BS value) => column -> value -> ColumnSource

(=|) :: BS supercolumn => supercolumn -> [Column] -> ColumnSource

insert :: BS key => ColumnFamily -> key -> [Column] -> Cassandra ()Source

get :: BS key => ColumnFamily -> key -> Filter -> Cassandra [Column]Source

for the given key, within the column family, retrieve all columns, unless filtered

multiget :: BS key => ColumnFamily -> [key] -> Filter -> Cassandra (Map key [Column])Source

range :: forall column_name. BS column_name => column_name -> column_name -> Bool -> Int32 -> FilterSource

a smarter constructor for building a Range filter

columns :: forall column_name. BS column_name => [column_name] -> FilterSource

a smarter constructor for building a Columns filter