-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2008-9 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : stable
   Portability: portable

   XML tree conversion to external string representation


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml
    ( xshow
    , showElemType

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs		-- XML Tree types
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlKeywords
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode			( mkDTDElem
						, getDTDAttrl

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- the toString conversion functions

-- |
-- convert the result of a filter into a string
-- see also : 'xmlTreesToText' for filter version, 'Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XmlParsec.xread' for the inverse operation 

xshow	:: XmlTrees -> String
xshow [(NTree (XText s) _)]	= s			-- special case optimisation
xshow ts			= showXmlTrees ts ""

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showXmlTree		:: XmlTree  -> String -> String

showXmlTree (NTree (XText s) _)
    = showString s

showXmlTree (NTree (XCharRef i) _)
    = showString "&#" . showString (show i) . showChar ';'

showXmlTree (NTree (XEntityRef r) _)
    = showString "&" . showString r . showChar ';'

showXmlTree (NTree (XCmt c) _)
    = showString "<!--" . showString c . showString "-->"

showXmlTree (NTree (XCdata d) _)
    = showString "<![CDATA[" . showString d . showString "]]>"

showXmlTree (NTree (XPi n al) _)
    = showString "<?"
      showQName n
      (foldr (.) id . map showPiAttr) al
      showString "?>"
      showPiAttr	:: XmlTree -> String -> String
      showPiAttr a@(NTree (XAttr an) cs)
	  | qualifiedName an == a_value
	      = showBlank . showXmlTrees cs
	  | otherwise
	      = showXmlTree a
      showPiAttr _
	  = id

showXmlTree (NTree (XTag t al) [])
    = showLt . showQName t . showXmlTrees al . showSlash . showGt

showXmlTree (NTree (XTag t al) cs)
    = showLt . showQName t . showXmlTrees al . showGt
      . showXmlTrees cs
      . showLt . showSlash . showQName t . showGt

showXmlTree (NTree (XDTD de al) cs)
    = showXmlDTD de al cs

showXmlTree (NTree (XAttr an) cs)
    = showBlank . showQName an . showEq . showQuoteString (xshow cs)

showXmlTree (NTree (XError l e) _)
    = showString "<!-- ERROR (" . shows l . showString "):\n" . showString e . showString "\n-->"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showXmlTrees		:: XmlTrees -> String -> String
showXmlTrees		= foldr (.) id . map showXmlTree

showXmlTrees'		:: XmlTrees -> String -> String
showXmlTrees'		= foldr (\ x y -> x . showNL . y) id . map showXmlTree

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showQName		:: QName -> String -> String
    = showString . qualifiedName

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showQuoteString		:: String -> String -> String
showQuoteString s
    | '\"' `elem` s
	= showApos . showString s . showApos
    | otherwise
	= showQuot . showString s . showQuot

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showAttr	:: String -> Attributes -> String -> String
showAttr k al
    = showString (fromMaybe "" . lookup k $ al)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showPEAttr	:: Attributes -> String -> String
showPEAttr al
    = showPE (lookup a_peref al)
      showPE (Just pe) = showChar '%' . showString pe . showChar ';'
      showPE Nothing   = id

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showExternalId	:: Attributes -> String -> String
showExternalId al
    = id2Str (lookup k_system al) (lookup k_public al)
      id2Str Nothing  Nothing  = id
      id2Str (Just s) Nothing  = showBlank . showString k_system . showBlank . showQuoteString s
      id2Str Nothing  (Just p) = showBlank . showString k_public . showBlank . showQuoteString p
      id2Str (Just s) (Just p) = showBlank . showString k_public . showBlank . showQuoteString p . showBlank . showQuoteString s

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showNData	:: Attributes -> String -> String
showNData al
    = nd2Str (lookup k_ndata al)
      nd2Str Nothing	= id
      nd2Str (Just v)	= showBlank . showString k_ndata . showBlank . showString v

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showXmlDTD		:: DTDElem -> Attributes -> XmlTrees -> String -> String

showXmlDTD DOCTYPE al cs
    = showString "<!DOCTYPE "
      showAttr a_name al
      showExternalId al
      showInternalDTD cs
      showString ">"
      showInternalDTD [] = id
      showInternalDTD ds = showString " [\n" . showXmlTrees' ds . showChar ']'

showXmlDTD ELEMENT al cs
    = showString "<!ELEMENT "
      showAttr a_name al
      showElemType (lookup1 a_type al) cs
      showString " >"

showXmlDTD ATTLIST al cs
    = showString "<!ATTLIST "
      ( if isNothing . lookup a_name $ al
	showXmlTrees cs
	showAttr a_name al
	( case lookup a_value al of
	  Nothing -> ( showPEAttr
		       . fromMaybe [] . getDTDAttrl
		       . head
		     ) cs
	  Just a  -> ( showString a
                       showAttrType (lookup1 a_type al)
                       showAttrKind (lookup1 a_kind al)
      showString " >"
      showAttrType t
	  | t == k_peref
	      = showBlank . showPEAttr al
	  | t == k_enumeration
	      = showAttrEnum
	  | t == k_notation
	      = showBlank . showString k_notation . showAttrEnum
	  | otherwise
	      = showBlank . showString t

	  = showString " ("
	    foldr1 (\ s1 s2 -> s1 . showString " | " .  s2) (map (getEnum . fromMaybe [] . getDTDAttrl) cs)
	    showString ")"
	    getEnum	:: Attributes -> String -> String
	    getEnum l = showAttr a_name l . showPEAttr l

      showAttrKind k
	  | k == k_default
	      = showBlank . showQuoteString (lookup1 a_default al)
	  | k == k_fixed
	      = showBlank . showString k_fixed
		showBlank . showQuoteString (lookup1 a_default al)
	  | k == ""
	      = id
	  | otherwise
	      = showBlank . showString k

showXmlDTD NOTATION al _cs
    = showString "<!NOTATION "
      showAttr a_name al
      showExternalId al
      showString " >"

showXmlDTD PENTITY al cs
    = showEntity "% " al cs

showXmlDTD ENTITY al cs
    = showEntity "" al cs

showXmlDTD PEREF al _cs
    = showPEAttr al

showXmlDTD CONDSECT _ (c1 : cs)
    = showString "<![ "
      showXmlTree c1
      showString " [\n"
      showXmlTrees cs
      showString "]]>"

showXmlDTD CONTENT al cs
    = showContent (mkDTDElem CONTENT al cs)

showXmlDTD NAME al _cs
    = showAttr a_name al

showXmlDTD de al _cs
    = showString "NOT YET IMPLEMETED: " . showString (show de) . showBlank . showString (show al) . showString " [...]\n"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showElemType	:: String -> XmlTrees -> String -> String
showElemType t cs
    | t == v_pcdata
	= showLpar . showString v_pcdata . showRpar

    | t == v_mixed && (not . null) cs
	= showLpar
	  showString v_pcdata
	  ( foldr (.) id . map (mixedContent . selAttrl . getNode) ) cs1
	  showAttr a_modifier al1
    | t == v_mixed				-- incorrect tree, e.g. after erronius pe substitution
	= showLpar
    | t == v_children && (not . null) cs
	= showContent (head cs)
    | t == v_children
	= showLpar
	  . showRpar
    | t == k_peref
	= foldr (.) id . map showContent $ cs
    | otherwise
	= showString t
    [(NTree (XDTD CONTENT al1) cs1)] = cs

    mixedContent :: Attributes -> String -> String
    mixedContent l
	= showString " | " . showAttr a_name l . showPEAttr l

    selAttrl (XDTD _ as) = as
    selAttrl (XText tex) = [(a_name, tex)]
    selAttrl _           = []

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showContent	:: XmlTree -> String -> String
showContent (NTree (XDTD de al) cs)
    = cont2String de
      cont2String	:: DTDElem -> String -> String
      cont2String NAME
	  = showAttr a_name al
      cont2String PEREF
	  = showPEAttr al
      cont2String CONTENT
	  = showLpar
	    foldr1 (combine (lookup1 a_kind al)) (map showContent cs)
            showAttr a_modifier al
      cont2String n
	  = error ("cont2string " ++ show n ++ " is undefined")
      combine k s1 s2
	  = s1
	    showString ( if k == v_seq
			 then ", "
			 else " | "

showContent n
    = showXmlTree n

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showEntity	:: String -> Attributes -> XmlTrees -> String -> String

showEntity kind al cs
    = showString "<!ENTITY "
      showString kind
      showAttr a_name al
      showExternalId al
      showNData al
      showEntityValue cs
      showString " >"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

showEntityValue	:: XmlTrees -> String -> String

showEntityValue []
    = id

showEntityValue cs
    = showBlank . showQuoteString (xshow cs)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

  showEq, showLt, showGt, showSlash, showApos, showQuot, showLpar, showRpar, showNL :: String -> String

showBlank	= showChar ' '
showEq		= showChar '='
showLt		= showChar '<'
showGt		= showChar '>'
showSlash	= showChar '/'
showApos	= showChar '\''
showQuot	= showChar '\"'
showLpar	= showChar '('
showRpar	= showChar ')'
showNL		= showChar '\n'

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------