parameterized-data-0.1.5: Parameterized data library implementing lightweight dependent types




FSVec: Fixed sized vectors. Vectors with numerically parameterized size.




data Nat s => FSVec s a Source

Fixed-Sized Vector data type, indexed with type-level naturals, the first index for all vectors is 0


Typeable2 FSVec 
Nat s => Functor (FSVec s) 
Nat s => Foldable (FSVec s) 
Nat s => Traversable (FSVec s) 
Eq a => Eq (FSVec s a) 
(Data a, Typeable s) => Data (FSVec s a) 
(Read a, Nat s) => Read (FSVec s a) 
Show a => Show (FSVec s a) 
(Lift a, Nat s) => Lift (FSVec s a) 

(+>) :: (Nat s, Pos s', Succ s s') => a -> FSVec s a -> FSVec s' aSource

Cons operator, note it's not a constructor

singleton :: a -> FSVec D1 aSource

A FSVec with a single element

vectorCPS :: [a] -> (forall s. Nat s => FSVec s a -> w) -> wSource

Build a vector from a list (CPS style)

vectorTH :: Lift a => [a] -> ExpQSource

Build a vector from a list (using Template Haskell)

unsafeVector :: Nat s => s -> [a] -> FSVec s aSource

Build a vector from a list (unsafe version: The static/dynamic size of the list is checked to match at runtime)

reallyUnsafeVector :: [a] -> FSVec s aSource

Build a vector from a list.

Unlike unsafeVector, reallyunsafeVector doesn't have access to the static size of the list and thus cannot not check it against its dynamic size (which saves traversing the list at runtime to obtain the dynamic length).

Therefore, reallyUnsafeVector (the name is that long on purspose) can be used to gain some performance but may break the consistency of the size parameter if not handled with care (i.e. the size parameter can nolonger be checked statically and the fullfilment of function constraints is left to the programmers judgement).

Do not use reallyUnsafeVector unless you know what you're doing!

readFSVec :: (Read a, Nat s) => String -> FSVec s aSource

Read a vector (Note the the size of the vector string is checked to match the resulting type at runtime)

readFSVecCPS :: Read a => String -> (forall s. Nat s => FSVec s a -> w) -> wSource

Read a vector, CPS version.

length :: forall s a. Nat s => FSVec s a -> IntSource

value-level length of a vector

genericLength :: forall s a n. (Nat s, Num n) => FSVec s a -> nSource

generic value-level length of a vector

lengthT :: Nat s => FSVec s a -> sSource

type-level version of length

fromVector :: Nat s => FSVec s a -> [a]Source

Transform Vector to a list

null :: FSVec D0 a -> BoolSource

Check if a Vector is empty

(!) :: (Pos s, Nat i, i :<: s) => FSVec s a -> i -> aSource

Access an element of a vector

replace :: (Nat s, Nat i) => FSVec s a -> i -> a -> FSVec s aSource

Replace an element of a vector

head :: Pos s => FSVec s a -> aSource

Take the first element of a vector

last :: Pos s => FSVec s a -> aSource

Take the last element of a vector

init :: (Pos s, Succ s' s) => FSVec s a -> FSVec s' aSource

Return all but the last element of a vector

tail :: (Pos s, Succ s' s) => FSVec s a -> FSVec s' aSource

Return all but the first element of a vector

take :: (Nat i, Nat s, Min s i s') => i -> FSVec s a -> FSVec s' aSource

Take the first i elements of a vector

drop :: (Nat i, Nat s, Min s i sm, Sub s sm s') => i -> FSVec s a -> FSVec s' aSource

Drop the first i elements of a vector

select :: (Nat f, Nat s, Nat n, f :<: i, Mul s n smn, Add f smn fasmn, fasmn :<=: i) => f -> s -> n -> FSVec i a -> FSVec n aSource

The function select selects elements in the vector. The first argument gives the initial element, starting from zero, the second argument gives the stepsize between elements and the last argument gives the number of elements.

group :: (Pos n, Nat s, Div s n s') => n -> FSVec s a -> FSVec s' (FSVec n a)Source

break a vector into subvectors of size n.

(<+) :: (Nat s, Pos s', Succ s s') => FSVec s a -> a -> FSVec s' aSource

add an element at the end of a vector. (Inverse of '(+>)')

(++) :: (Nat s1, Nat s2, Add s1 s2 s3) => FSVec s1 a -> FSVec s2 a -> FSVec s3 aSource

Concatenate two vectors

map :: Nat s => (a -> b) -> FSVec s a -> FSVec s bSource

Apply a function on all elements of a vector

zipWith :: Nat s => (a -> b -> c) -> FSVec s a -> FSVec s b -> FSVec s cSource

Applies function pairwise on two vectors

foldl :: Nat s => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> FSVec s b -> aSource

Folds a function from the right to the left over a vector using an initial value.

foldr :: Nat s => (b -> a -> a) -> a -> FSVec s b -> aSource

Folds a function from the left to the right over a vector using an initial value.

zip :: Nat s => FSVec s a -> FSVec s b -> FSVec s (a, b)Source

zip two vectors into a vector of tuples.

unzip :: Nat s => FSVec s (a, b) -> (FSVec s a, FSVec s b)Source

unzip a vector of tuples into two vectors.

shiftl :: Pos s => FSVec s a -> a -> FSVec s aSource

shift a value from the left into a vector.

shiftr :: Pos s => FSVec s a -> a -> FSVec s aSource

shift a value from the left into a vector.

rotl :: forall s a. Nat s => FSVec s a -> FSVec s aSource

Rotate a vector to the left. Note that this fuctions does not change the size of a vector.

rotr :: Nat s => FSVec s a -> FSVec s aSource

Rotate a vector to the left. Note that this fuctions does not change the size of a vector.

concat :: (Nat s1, Nat s2, Nat s3, Mul s1 s2 s3) => FSVec s1 (FSVec s2 a) -> FSVec s3 aSource

flatten a vector of vectors to a single vector

reverse :: Nat s => FSVec s a -> FSVec s aSource

reverse a vector

iterate :: Nat s => s -> (a -> a) -> a -> FSVec s aSource

generate a vector with a given number of elements starting from an initial element using a supplied function for the generation of elements.

 FSVec> iterate d5 (+1) 1
 <1,2,3,4,5> :: Num a => FSVec D5 a

generate :: Nat s => s -> (a -> a) -> a -> FSVec s aSource

generate behaves in the same way as iterate, but starts with the application of the supplied function to the supplied value.

 FSVec> generate d5 (+1) 1
 <2,3,4,5,6> :: Num a => FSVec  D5 a

copy :: Nat s => s -> a -> FSVec s aSource

generates a vector with a given number of copies of the same element.

 FSVec> copy d7 5 
 <5,5,5,5,5,5,5> :: FSVec D7 Integer