pipes-3.2.0: Compositional pipelines

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




A proxy morphism is a natural transformation:

 morph :: forall r . p a' a b' b m r -> q a' a b' b n r

... that defines a functor between five categories:

  • Functor between Kleisli categories:
 morph p1 >=> morph p2 = morph (p1 >=> p2)

 morph return = return
  • Functor between Proxy composition categories:
 morph p1 >-> morph p2 = morph (p1 >-> p2)

 morph idT = idT
 morph p1 >~> morph p2 = morph (p1 >~> p2)

 morph coidT = coidT
  • Functor between ListT Kleisli categories:
 morph p1 \>\ morph p2 = morph (p2 \>\ p2)

 morph request = request
 morph p1 />/ morph p2 = morph (p2 />/ p2)

 morph respond = respond

Examples of proxy morphisms include:

Proxy morphisms commonly arise when manipulating existing proxy transformer code for compatibility purposes. The PFUnctor, ProxyTrans, and PMonad classes define standard ways to change proxy transformer stacks:

  • liftP introduces a new proxy transformer layer of any type:.
  • squashP flattens two identical monad transformer layers into a single layer of the same type.
  • hoistP maps proxy morphisms to modify deeper layers of the proxy transformer stack.


Functors over Proxies

class PFunctor t whereSource

A functor in the category of proxies, using hoistP as the analog of fmap:

 hoistP f . hoistP g = hoistP (f . g)

 hoistP id = id




:: (Monad m, Proxy p1) 
=> (forall r1. p1 a' a b' b m r1 -> p2 a' a b' b n r1)

Proxy morphism

-> t p1 a' a b' b m r2 -> t p2 a' a b' b n r2 

Lift a proxy morphism from p1 to p2 into a proxy morphism from (t p1) to (t p2)

Monads over Proxies

class (PFunctor t, ProxyTrans t) => PMonad t whereSource

A monad in the category of monads, using liftP from ProxyTrans as the analog of return and embedP as the analog of (=<<):

 embedP liftP = id

 embedP f (liftP p) = f p

 embed g (embed f t) = embed (\p -> embed g (f p)) t


embedP :: (Monad n, Proxy p2) => (forall r1. p1 a' a b' b m r1 -> t p2 a' a b' b n r1) -> t p1 a' a b' b m r2 -> t p2 a' a b' b n r2Source

Embed a newly created PMonad layer within an existing layer

embedP is analogous to (=<<)

squashP :: (Monad m, Proxy p, PMonad t) => t (t p) a' a b' b m r -> t p a' a b' b m rSource

Squash to PMonad layers into a single layer

squashP is analogous to join