{-| This module remains as a wistful reminder of this library's humble origins.
    This library now builds upon the more general 'Proxy' type, but still keeps
    the @pipes@ name.  Read "Control.Proxy.Tutorial" to learn about this new

    The 'Pipe' type is a monad transformer that enriches the base monad with the
    ability to 'await' or 'yield' data to and from other 'Pipe's.
module Control.Pipe
    {-# DEPRECATED "Use 'Control.Proxy' instead of 'Control.Pipe'" #-} (
    -- * Types
    -- $types

    -- * Create Pipes
    -- $create

    -- * Compose Pipes
    -- $category

    -- * Run Pipes
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure, (<*>)))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.Proxy.Class (C)
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)

-- For documentation
import Control.Category (Category((.), id), (<<<), (>>>))

{- $types
    The 'Pipe' type is strongly inspired by Mario Blazevic's @Coroutine@ type in
    his concurrency article from Issue 19 of The Monad Reader.

    The base type for pipes

    * @a@ - The type of input received from upstream pipes

    * @b@ - The type of output delivered to downstream pipes

    * @m@ - The base monad

    * @r@ - The type of the return value
data Pipe a b m r
     = Await (a -> Pipe a b m r)
     | Yield  b   (Pipe a b m r)
     | M     (m   (Pipe a b m r))
     | Pure r
{- Technically, the correct implementation that satisfies the monad transformer
   laws is:

> data PipeF a b x = Await (a -> x) | Yield b x deriving (Functor)
> type Pipe a b = FreeT (PipeF a b)

instance (Monad m) => Functor (Pipe a b m) where
    fmap f pr = go pr where
        go p = case p of
            Await   k  -> Await (\a -> go (k a))
            Yield b p' -> Yield b (go p')
            M       m  -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
            Pure    r  -> Pure (f r)

instance (Monad m) => Applicative (Pipe a b m) where
    pure = Pure
    pf <*> px = go pf where
        go p = case p of
            Await   k  -> Await (\a -> go (k a))
            Yield b p' -> Yield b (go p')
            M       m  -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
            Pure    f  -> fmap f px

instance (Monad m) => Monad (Pipe a b m) where
    return  = Pure
    pm >>= f = go pm where
        go p = case p of
            Await   k  -> Await (\a -> go (k a))
            Yield b p' -> Yield b (go p')
            M       m  -> M (m >>= \p' -> return (go p'))
            Pure    r  -> f r

instance MonadTrans (Pipe a b) where
    lift m = M (m >>= \r -> return (Pure r))

-- | A pipe that produces values
type Producer b m r = Pipe () b m r

-- | A pipe that consumes values
type Consumer a m r = Pipe a C m r

-- | A self-contained pipeline that is ready to be run
type Pipeline m r = Pipe () C m r

{- $create
    'yield' and 'await' are the only two primitives you need to create pipes.
    Since @Pipe a b m@ is a monad, you can assemble 'yield' and 'await'
    statements using ordinary @do@ notation.  Since @Pipe a b@ is also a monad
    transformer, you can use 'lift' to invoke the base monad.  For example, you
    could write a pipe stage that requests permission before forwarding any

> check :: (Show a) => Pipe a a IO r
> check = forever $ do
>     x <- await
>     lift $ putStrLn $ "Can '" ++ (show x) ++ "' pass?"
>     ok <- read <$> lift getLine
>     when ok (yield x)

{-| Wait for input from upstream.

    'await' blocks until input is available from upstream.
await :: Pipe a b m a
await = Await Pure

{-| Deliver output downstream.

    'yield' restores control back upstream and binds its value to 'await'.
yield :: b -> Pipe a b m ()
yield b = Yield b (Pure ())

{-| Convert a pure function into a pipe

> pipe f = forever $ do
>     x <- await
>     yield (f x)
pipe :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> Pipe a b m r
pipe f = go where
    go = Await (\a -> Yield (f a) go)

{- $category
    'Pipe's form a 'Category', meaning that you can compose 'Pipe's using
    ('>+>') and also define an identity 'Pipe': 'idP'.  These satisfy the
    category laws:

> idP >+> p = p
> p >+> idP = p
> (p1 >+> p2) >+> p3 = p1 >+> (p2 >+> p3)

    @(p1 >+> p2)@ satisfies all 'await's in @p2@ with 'yield's in @p1@.  If any
    'Pipe' terminates the entire 'Pipeline' terminates.

-- | 'Pipe's form a 'Category' instance when you rearrange the type variables
newtype PipeC m r a b = PipeC { unPipeC :: Pipe a b m r}

instance (Monad m) => Category (PipeC m r) where
    id = PipeC idP
    PipeC p1 . PipeC p2 = PipeC $ p1 <+< p2

-- | Corresponds to ('<<<')/('.') from @Control.Category@
(<+<) :: (Monad m) => Pipe b c m r -> Pipe a b m r -> Pipe a c m r
(Yield b p1) <+< p2 = Yield b (p1 <+< p2)
(M       m ) <+< p2 = M (m >>= \p1 -> return (p1 <+< p2))
(Pure    r ) <+< _  = Pure r
(Await   k ) <+< (Yield b p2) = k b <+< p2
p1 <+< (Await k) = Await (\a -> p1 <+< k a)
p1 <+< (M     m) = M (m >>= \p2 -> return (p1 <+< p2))
_  <+< (Pure  r) = Pure r

-- | Corresponds to ('>>>') from @Control.Category@
(>+>) :: (Monad m) => Pipe a b m r -> Pipe b c m r -> Pipe a c m r
p2 >+> p1 = p1 <+< p2

infixr 7 <+<
infixl 7 >+>

-- | Corresponds to 'id' from @Control.Category@
idP :: (Monad m) => Pipe a a m r
idP = go where
    go = Await (\a -> Yield a go)

-- | Run the 'Pipe' monad transformer, converting it back into the base monad
runPipe :: (Monad m) => Pipe () b m r -> m r
runPipe pl = go pl where
    go p = case p of
       Yield _ p' -> go p' 
       Await   k  -> go (k ())
       M       m  -> m >>= go
       Pure    r  -> return r