{- | 
Here are the serialization and deserialization functions.

This module cooperates with the generated code to implement the Wire
instances.  The encoding is mostly documented at

The user API functions are grouped into sections and documented.  The
rest are for internal use.  The main functions are 'messageGet' and
'messagePut' (and 'messageSize').  There are then several 'message*'
variants which allow for finer control and for making delimited
module Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage
    ( -- * User API functions
      -- ** Main encoding and decoding operations (non-delimited message encoding)
      -- **  The author's home brewed encoding (length written first to delimit message)
    , messageWithLengthSize,messageWithLengthPut,messageWithLengthGet,messageWithLengthPutM,messageWithLengthGetM
      -- ** Encoding to write or read a single message field (good for delimited messages or incremental use)
    , messageAsFieldSize,messageAsFieldPutM,messageAsFieldGetM
      -- ** The Put monad from the binary package, and a custom binary Get monad ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.Get")
    , Put,Get,runPut,runGet,runGetOnLazy,getFromBS
      -- * The Wire monad itself.  Users should beware that passing an incompatible 'FieldType' is a runtime error or fail
    , Wire(..)
      -- * The internal exports, for use by generated code and the "Text.ProtcolBuffer.Extensions" module
    , size'Varint,toWireType,toWireTag,mkWireTag
    , prependMessageSize,putSize,putVarUInt,getVarInt,putLazyByteString,splitWireTag
    , wireSizeReq,wireSizeOpt,wireSizeRep
    , wirePutReq,wirePutOpt,wirePutRep
    , wireSizeErr,wirePutErr,wireGetErr
    , getMessage,getBareMessage,getMessageWith,getBareMessageWith
    , unknownField,unknown,wireGetFromWire
    , castWord64ToDouble,castWord32ToFloat,castDoubleToWord64,castFloatToWord32
    , zzEncode64,zzEncode32,zzDecode64,zzDecode32
    ) where

-- GHC internals for getting at Double and Float representation as Word64 and Word32
import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS (length)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F(foldl',forM_)
import Data.List (genericLength)
import qualified Data.Set as Set(notMember,delete,null)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..))
--import GHC.Exts (Double(D#),Float(F#),unsafeCoerce#)
--import GHC.Word (Word64(W64#)) -- ,Word32(W32#))

-- binary package
import Data.Binary.Put (Put,runPut,putWord8,putWord32le,putWord64le,putLazyByteString)

import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Basic
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Get as Get (Result(..),Get,runGet,bytesRead,isReallyEmpty
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Mergeable()
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Reflections(ReflectDescriptor(reflectDescriptorInfo,getMessageInfo)

--import Debug.Trace(trace)

-- External user API for writing and reading messages

-- | This computes the size of the message's fields with tags on the
-- wire with no initial tag or length (in bytes).  This is also the
-- length of the message as placed between group start and stop tags.
messageSize :: (ReflectDescriptor msg,Wire msg) => msg -> WireSize
messageSize msg = wireSize 10 msg

-- | This computes the size of the message fields as in 'messageSize'
-- and add the length of the encoded size to the total.  Thus this is
-- the the length of the message including the encoded length header,
-- but without any leading tag.
messageWithLengthSize :: (ReflectDescriptor msg,Wire msg) => msg -> WireSize
messageWithLengthSize msg = wireSize 11 msg

-- | This computes the size of the 'messageWithLengthSize' and then
-- adds the length an initial tag with the given 'FieldId'.
messageAsFieldSize :: (ReflectDescriptor msg,Wire msg) => FieldId -> msg -> WireSize
messageAsFieldSize fi msg = let headerSize = size'Varint (getWireTag (toWireTag fi 11))
                            in headerSize + messageWithLengthSize msg

-- | This is 'runPut' applied to 'messagePutM'. It result in a
-- 'ByteString' with a length of 'messageSize' bytes.
messagePut :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> ByteString
messagePut msg = runPut (messagePutM msg)

-- | This is 'runPut' applied to 'messageWithLengthPutM'.  It results
-- in a 'ByteString' with a length of 'messageWithLengthSize' bytes.
messageWithLengthPut :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> ByteString
messageWithLengthPut msg = runPut (messageWithLengthPutM msg)

-- | This writes just the message's fields with tags to the wire.  This
-- 'Put' monad can be composed and eventually executed with 'runPut'.
-- This is actually @ wirePut 10 msg @
messagePutM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> Put
messagePutM msg = wirePut 10 msg

-- | This writes the encoded length of the message's fields and then
--  the message's fields with tags to the wire.  This 'Put' monad can
--  be composed and eventually executed with 'runPut'.
-- This is actually @ wirePut 11 msg @
messageWithLengthPutM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> Put
messageWithLengthPutM msg = wirePut 11 msg

-- | This writes an encoded wire tag with the given 'FieldId' and then
--  the encoded length of the message's fields and then the message's
--  fields with tags to the wire.  This 'Put' monad can be composed
--  and eventually executed with 'runPut'.
messageAsFieldPutM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => FieldId -> msg -> Put
messageAsFieldPutM fi msg = let wireTag = toWireTag fi 11
                            in wirePutReq wireTag 11 msg

-- | This consumes the 'ByteString' to decode a message.  It assumes
-- the 'ByteString' is merely a sequence of the tagged fields of the
-- message, and consumes until a group stop tag is detected or the
-- entire input is consumed.  Any 'ByteString' past the end of the
-- stop tag is returned as well.
-- This is 'runGetOnLazy' applied to 'messageGetM'.
messageGet :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => ByteString -> Either String (msg,ByteString)
messageGet bs = runGetOnLazy (messageGetM) bs

-- | This 'runGetOnLazy' applied to 'messageWithLengthGetM'.
-- This first reads the encoded length of the message and will then
-- succeed when it has consumed precisely this many additional bytes.
-- The 'ByteString' after this point will be returned.
messageWithLengthGet :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => ByteString -> Either String (msg,ByteString)
messageWithLengthGet bs = runGetOnLazy (messageWithLengthGetM) bs

-- | This reads the tagged message fields until the stop tag or the
-- end of input is reached.
-- This is actually @ wireGet 10 msg @
messageGetM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => Get msg
messageGetM = wireGet 10

-- | This reads the encoded message length and then the message.
-- This is actually @ wireGet 11 msg @
messageWithLengthGetM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => Get msg
messageWithLengthGetM = wireGet 11

-- | This reads a wire tag (must be of type '2') to get the 'FieldId'.
-- Then the encoded message length is read, followed by the message
-- itself.  Both the 'FieldId' and the message are returned.
-- This allows for incremental reading and processing.
messageAsFieldGetM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => Get (FieldId,msg)
messageAsFieldGetM = do
  wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt
  let (fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag
  when (wireType /= 2) (fail $ "messageAsFieldGetM: wireType was not 2 "++show (fieldId,wireType))
  msg <- wireGet 11
  return (fieldId,msg)

-- more functions

-- | This is 'runGetOnLazy' with the 'Left' results converted to
-- 'error' calls and the trailing 'ByteString' discarded.  This use of
-- runtime errors is discouraged, but may be convenient.
getFromBS :: Get r -> ByteString -> r
getFromBS parser bs = case runGetOnLazy parser bs of
                        Left msg -> error msg
                        Right (r,_) -> r

-- This is like 'runGet', without the ability to pass in more input
-- beyond the initial ByteString.  Thus the 'ByteString' argument is
-- taken to be the entire input.  To be able to incrementally feed in
-- more input you should use 'runGet' and respond to 'Partial'
-- differently.
runGetOnLazy :: Get r -> ByteString -> Either String (r,ByteString)
runGetOnLazy parser bs = resolve (runGet parser bs)
  where resolve :: Result r -> Either String (r,ByteString)
        resolve (Failed i s) = Left ("Failed at "++show i++" : "++s)
        resolve (Finished bsOut _i r) = Right (r,bsOut)
        resolve (Partial op) = resolve (op Nothing)

-- | Used in generated code.
prependMessageSize :: WireSize -> WireSize
prependMessageSize n = n + size'Varint n

{-# INLINE wirePutReq #-}
-- | Used in generated code.
wirePutReq :: Wire b => WireTag -> FieldType -> b -> Put
wirePutReq wireTag 10 b = let startTag = getWireTag wireTag
                              endTag = succ startTag
                          in putVarUInt startTag >> wirePut 10 b >> putVarUInt endTag
wirePutReq wireTag fieldType b = putVarUInt (getWireTag wireTag) >> wirePut fieldType b

{-# INLINE wirePutOpt #-}
-- | Used in generated code.
wirePutOpt :: Wire b => WireTag -> FieldType -> Maybe b -> Put
wirePutOpt _wireTag _fieldType Nothing = return ()
wirePutOpt wireTag fieldType (Just b) = wirePutReq wireTag fieldType b 

{-# INLINE wirePutRep #-}
-- | Used in generated code.
wirePutRep :: Wire b => WireTag -> FieldType -> Seq b -> Put
wirePutRep wireTag fieldType bs = F.forM_ bs (\b -> wirePutReq wireTag fieldType b)

{-# INLINE wireSizeReq #-}
-- | Used in generated code.
wireSizeReq :: Wire b => Int64 -> FieldType -> b -> Int64
wireSizeReq tagSize 10 v = tagSize + wireSize 10 v + tagSize
wireSizeReq tagSize  i v = tagSize + wireSize i v

{-# INLINE wireSizeOpt #-}
-- | Used in generated code.
wireSizeOpt :: Wire b => Int64 -> FieldType -> Maybe b -> Int64
wireSizeOpt _tagSize _i Nothing = 0
wireSizeOpt tagSize i (Just v) = wireSizeReq tagSize i v

{-# INLINE wireSizeRep #-}
-- | Used in generated code.
wireSizeRep :: Wire b => Int64 -> FieldType -> Seq b -> Int64
wireSizeRep tagSize i s = F.foldl' (\n v -> n + wireSizeReq tagSize i v) 0 s

-- | Used in generated code.
putSize :: WireSize -> Put
putSize = putVarUInt

toWireTag :: FieldId -> FieldType -> WireTag
toWireTag fieldId fieldType
    = ((fromIntegral . getFieldId $ fieldId) `shiftL` 3) .|. (fromIntegral . getWireType . toWireType $ fieldType)

mkWireTag :: FieldId -> WireType -> WireTag
mkWireTag fieldId fieldType
    = ((fromIntegral . getFieldId $ fieldId) `shiftL` 3) .|. (fromIntegral . getWireType $ fieldType)

splitWireTag :: WireTag -> (FieldId,WireType)
splitWireTag (WireTag wireTag) = ( FieldId . fromIntegral $ wireTag `shiftR` 3
                                 , WireType . fromIntegral $ wireTag .&. 7 )

-- | Used by generated code
getMessage :: (Mergeable message, ReflectDescriptor message,Typeable message)
           => (FieldId -> message -> Get message)           -- handles "allowed" wireTags
           -> Get message
getMessage = getMessageWith unknown

-- getMessage assumes the wireTag for the message, if it existed, has already been read.
-- getMessage assumes that it still needs to read the Varint encoded length of the message.
getMessageWith :: (Mergeable message, ReflectDescriptor message)
               => (FieldId -> WireType -> message -> Get message) -- handle wireTags that updater cannot
               -> (FieldId -> message -> Get message)             -- handles "allowed" wireTags
               -> Get message
getMessageWith punt updater = do
  messageLength <- getVarInt
  start <- bytesRead
  let stop = messageLength+start
      -- switch from go to go' once all the required fields have been found
      go reqs message | Set.null reqs = go' message
                      | otherwise = do
        here <- bytesRead
        case compare stop here of
          EQ -> notEnoughData messageLength start
          LT -> tooMuchData messageLength start here
          GT -> do
            wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt -- get tag off wire
            let (fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag
            if Set.notMember wireTag allowed
              then punt fieldId wireType message >>= go reqs
              else let reqs' = Set.delete wireTag reqs
                   in updater fieldId message >>= go reqs'
      go' message = do
        here <- bytesRead
        case compare stop here of
          EQ -> return message
          LT -> tooMuchData messageLength start here
          GT -> do
            wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt -- get tag off wire
            let (fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag
            if Set.notMember wireTag allowed
              then punt fieldId wireType message >>= go'
              else updater fieldId message >>= go'
  go required initialMessage
  initialMessage = mergeEmpty
  (GetMessageInfo {requiredTags=required,allowedTags=allowed}) = getMessageInfo initialMessage
  notEnoughData messageLength start =
      fail ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.getMessage: Required fields missing when processing "
            ++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage)
            ++ " at (messageLength,start) == " ++ show (messageLength,start))
  tooMuchData messageLength start here =
      fail ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.getMessage : overran expected length when processing"
            ++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage)
            ++ " at  (messageLength,start,here) == " ++ show (messageLength,start,here))

unknown :: (Typeable a,ReflectDescriptor a) => FieldId -> WireType -> a -> Get a
unknown fieldId wireType initialMessage = do
  here <- bytesRead
  fail ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.unkown: Unknown wire tag read (type,fieldId,wireType,here) == "
        ++ show (typeOf initialMessage,fieldId,wireType,here) ++ " when processing "
        ++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage))

-- | Used by generated code
-- getBareMessage assumes the wireTag for the message, if it existed, has already been read.
-- getBareMessage assumes that it does needs to read the Varint encoded length of the message.
-- getBareMessage will consume the entire ByteString it is operating on, or until it
-- finds any STOP_GROUP tag
getBareMessage :: (Typeable message, Mergeable message, ReflectDescriptor message)
               => (FieldId -> message -> Get message)             -- handles "allowed" wireTags
               -> Get message
getBareMessage = getBareMessageWith unknown

getBareMessageWith :: (Mergeable message, ReflectDescriptor message)
                   => (FieldId -> WireType -> message -> Get message) -- handle wireTags that updater cannot
                   -> (FieldId -> message -> Get message)             -- handles "allowed" wireTags
                   -> Get message
getBareMessageWith punt updater = go required initialMessage
  go reqs message | Set.null reqs = go' message
                  | otherwise = do
    done <- isReallyEmpty
    if done then notEnoughData
      else do
        wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt -- get tag off wire
        let (fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag
        if wireType == 4 then notEnoughData -- END_GROUP too soon
          else if Set.notMember wireTag allowed
                 then punt fieldId wireType message >>= go reqs
                 else let reqs' = Set.delete wireTag reqs
                      in updater fieldId message >>= go reqs'
  go' message = do
    done <- isReallyEmpty
    if done then return message
      else do
        wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt -- get tag off wire
        let (fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag -- WIRETYPE_END_GROUP
        if wireType == 4 then return message
          else if Set.notMember wireTag allowed
                 then punt fieldId wireType message >>= go'
                 else updater fieldId message >>= go'
  initialMessage = mergeEmpty
  (GetMessageInfo {requiredTags=required,allowedTags=allowed}) = getMessageInfo initialMessage
  notEnoughData = fail ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.getBareMessage: Required fields missing when processing "
                        ++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage))

unknownField :: FieldId -> Get a
unknownField fieldId = do 
  here <- bytesRead
  fail ("Impossible? Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.unknownField "
        ++" The Message's updater claims there is an unknown field id on wire: "++show fieldId
        ++" at a position just before here == "++show here)

{-# INLINE castWord32ToFloat #-}
castWord32ToFloat :: Word32 -> Float
--castWord32ToFloat (W32# w) = F# (unsafeCoerce# w)
--castWord32ToFloat x = unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \p -> poke p x >> peek (castPtr p)
castWord32ToFloat x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)
{-# INLINE castFloatToWord32 #-}
castFloatToWord32 :: Float -> Word32
--castFloatToWord32 (F# f) = W32# (unsafeCoerce# f)
castFloatToWord32 x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)

{-# INLINE castWord64ToDouble #-}
castWord64ToDouble :: Word64 -> Double
-- castWord64ToDouble (W64# w) = D# (unsafeCoerce# w)
castWord64ToDouble x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)
{-# INLINE castDoubleToWord64 #-}
castDoubleToWord64 :: Double -> Word64
-- castDoubleToWord64 (D# d) = W64# (unsafeCoerce# d)
castDoubleToWord64 x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)

-- These error handlers are exported to the generated code
wireSizeErr :: Typeable a => FieldType -> a -> WireSize
wireSizeErr ft x = error $ concat [ "Impossible? wireSize field type mismatch error: Field type number ", show ft
                                  , " does not match internal type ", show (typeOf x) ]
wirePutErr :: Typeable a => FieldType -> a -> Put
wirePutErr ft x = fail $ concat [ "Impossible? wirePut field type mismatch error: Field type number ", show ft
                                , " does not match internal type ", show (typeOf x) ]
wireGetErr :: Typeable a => FieldType -> Get a
wireGetErr ft = answer where
  answer = fail $ concat [ "Impossible? wireGet field type mismatch error: Field type number ", show ft
                         , " does not match internal type ", show (typeOf (undefined `asTypeOf` typeHack answer)) ]
  typeHack :: Get a -> a
  typeHack = undefined

instance Wire Double where
  wireSize {- TYPE_DOUBLE   -} 1      _ = 8
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_DOUBLE   -} 1      x = putWord64le (castDoubleToWord64 x)
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_DOUBLE   -} 1        = fmap castWord64ToDouble getWord64le
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire Float where
  wireSize {- TYPE_FLOAT    -} 2      _ = 4
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_FLOAT    -} 2      x = putWord32le (castFloatToWord32 x)
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_FLOAT    -} 2        = fmap castWord32ToFloat getWord32le
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire Int64 where
  wireSize {- TYPE_INT64    -} 3      x = size'Varint x
  wireSize {- TYPE_SINT64   -} 18     x = size'Varint (zzEncode64 x)
  wireSize {- TYPE_SFIXED64 -} 16     _ = 8
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_INT64    -} 3      x = putVarSInt x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_SINT64   -} 18     x = putVarUInt (zzEncode64 x)
  wirePut  {- TYPE_SFIXED64 -} 16     x = putWord64le (fromIntegral x)
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_INT64    -} 3        = getVarInt
  wireGet  {- TYPE_SINT64   -} 18       = fmap zzDecode64 getVarInt
  wireGet  {- TYPE_SFIXED64 -} 16       = fmap fromIntegral getWord64le
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire Int32 where
  wireSize {- TYPE_INT32    -} 5      x = size'Varint x
  wireSize {- TYPE_SINT32   -} 17     x = size'Varint (zzEncode32 x)
  wireSize {- TYPE_SFIXED32 -} 15     _ = 4
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_INT32    -} 5      x = putVarSInt x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_SINT32   -} 17     x = putVarUInt (zzEncode32 x)
  wirePut  {- TYPE_SFIXED32 -} 15     x = putWord32le (fromIntegral x)
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_INT32    -} 5        = getVarInt
  wireGet  {- TYPE_SINT32   -} 17       = fmap zzDecode32 getVarInt
  wireGet  {- TYPE_SFIXED32 -} 15       = fmap fromIntegral getWord32le
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire Word64 where
  wireSize {- TYPE_UINT64   -} 4      x = size'Varint x
  wireSize {- TYPE_FIXED64  -} 6      _ = 8
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_UINT64   -} 4      x = putVarUInt x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_FIXED64  -} 6      x = putWord64le x
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_FIXED64  -} 6        = getWord64le
  wireGet  {- TYPE_UINT64   -} 4        = getVarInt
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire Word32 where
  wireSize {- TYPE_UINT32   -} 13     x = size'Varint x
  wireSize {- TYPE_FIXED32  -} 7      _ = 4
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_UINT32   -} 13     x = putVarUInt x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_FIXED32  -} 7      x = putWord32le x
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_UINT32   -} 13       = getVarInt
  wireGet  {- TYPE_FIXED32  -} 7        = getWord32le
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire Bool where
  wireSize {- TYPE_BOOL     -} 8      _ = 1
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_BOOL     -} 8  False = putWord8 0
  wirePut  {- TYPE_BOOL     -} 8  True  = putWord8 1 -- google's wire_format_inl.h
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_BOOL     -} 8        = do
    x <- getVarInt :: Get Int32 -- google's wire_format_inl.h line 97
    case x of
      0 -> return False
      x' | x' < 128 -> return True
      _ -> fail ("TYPE_BOOL read failure : " ++ show x)
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire Utf8 where
-- items of TYPE_STRING is already in a UTF8 encoded Data.ByteString.Lazy
  wireSize {- TYPE_STRING   -} 9      x = prependMessageSize $ BS.length (utf8 x)
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_STRING   -} 9      x = putVarUInt (BS.length (utf8 x)) >> putLazyByteString (utf8 x)
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_STRING   -} 9        = getVarInt >>= getLazyByteString >>= return . Utf8
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

instance Wire ByteString where
-- items of TYPE_BYTES is an untyped binary Data.ByteString.Lazy
  wireSize {- TYPE_BYTES    -} 12     x = prependMessageSize $ BS.length x
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_BYTES    -} 12     x = putVarUInt (BS.length x) >> putLazyByteString x
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_BYTES    -} 12       = getVarInt >>= getLazyByteString >>= return
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

-- Wrap a protocol-buffer Enum in fromEnum or toEnum and serialize the Int:
instance Wire Int where
  wireSize {- TYPE_ENUM    -} 14      x = size'Varint x
  wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
  wirePut  {- TYPE_ENUM    -} 14      x = putVarSInt x
  wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
  wireGet  {- TYPE_ENUM    -} 14        = getVarInt
  wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft

-- This will have to examine the value of positive numbers to get the size
{-# INLINE size'Varint #-}
size'Varint :: (Bits a,Integral a) => a -> Int64
size'Varint b = case compare b 0 of
                  LT -> 10 -- fromIntegral (divBy (bitSize b) 7)
                  EQ -> 1
                  GT -> genericLength . takeWhile (0<) . iterate (`shiftR` 7) $ b

{- unused since I started casting all negative values to Int64
{-# INLINE divBy #-}
divBy :: (Ord a, Integral a) => a -> a -> a
divBy a b = let (q,r) = quotRem (abs a) b
            in if r==0 then q else succ q

-- Taken from google's code, but I had to explcitly add fromIntegral in the right places:
zzEncode32 :: Int32 -> Word32
zzEncode32 x = fromIntegral ((x `shiftL` 1) `xor` (x `shiftR` 31))
zzEncode64 :: Int64 -> Word64
zzEncode64 x = fromIntegral ((x `shiftL` 1) `xor` (x `shiftR` 63))
zzDecode32 :: Word32 -> Int32
zzDecode32 w = (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 1)) `xor` (negate (fromIntegral (w .&. 1)))
zzDecode64 :: Word64 -> Int64
zzDecode64 w = (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 1)) `xor` (negate (fromIntegral (w .&. 1)))

-- The above is tricky, so the testing roundtrips and versus examples is needed:
testZZ :: Bool
testZZ = and (concat testsZZ)
  where testsZZ = [ map (\v -> v ==zzEncode64 (zzDecode64 v)) values
                  , map (\v -> v ==zzEncode32 (zzDecode32 v)) values
                  , map (\v -> v ==zzDecode64 (zzEncode64 v)) values
                  , map (\v -> v ==zzDecode32 (zzEncode32 v)) values
                  , [ zzEncode32 minBound == maxBound
                    , zzEncode32 maxBound == pred maxBound
                    , zzEncode64 minBound == maxBound
                    , zzEncode64 maxBound == pred maxBound
                    , zzEncode64 0 == 0,    zzEncode32 0 == 0
                    , zzEncode64 (-1) == 1, zzEncode32 (-1) == 1
                    , zzEncode64 1 == 2,    zzEncode32 1 == 2
                    ] ]
        values :: (Bounded a,Integral a) => [a]
        values = [minBound,div minBound 2,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,div maxBound 2, maxBound]

{-# INLINE getVarInt #-}
getVarInt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Get a
getVarInt = do -- optimize first read instead of calling (go 0 0)
  b <- getWord8
  if testBit b 7 then go 7 (fromIntegral (b .&. 0x7F))
    else return (fromIntegral b)
  go n val = do
    b <- getWord8
    if testBit b 7 then go (n+7) (val .|. ((fromIntegral (b .&. 0x7F)) `shiftL` n))
      else return (val .|. ((fromIntegral b) `shiftL` n))

-- This can be used on any Integral type and is needed for signed types; unsigned can use putVarUInt below.
-- This has been changed to handle only up to 64 bit integral values (to match documentation).
{-# INLINE putVarSInt #-}
putVarSInt :: (Typeable a, Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Put
putVarSInt bIn =
  case compare bIn 0 of
    LT -> let b :: Int64 -- upcast to 64 bit to match documentation of 10 bytes for all negative values
              b = fromIntegral bIn
--               len = divBy (bitSize b) 7               -- (pred len)*7 < bitSize b <= len*7
--               last'Size = (bitSize b)-((pred len)*7)  -- at least 1 and at most 7
--               last'Mask = pred (1 `shiftL` last'Size) -- at least 1 and at most 255
              len :: Int
              len = 10                                -- (pred 10)*7 < 64 <= 10*7
--            last'Size = 1                           -- 64 - (pred 10)*7
              last'Mask = 1                           -- pred (1 `shiftL` 1)
              go i 1 = putWord8 (fromIntegral (i .&. last'Mask))
              go i n = putWord8 (fromIntegral (i .&. 0x7F) .|. 0x80) >> go (i `shiftR` 7) (pred n)
          in go b len
    EQ -> putWord8 0
    GT -> putVarUInt bIn

-- This should be used on unsigned Integral types only (not checked)
{-# INLINE putVarUInt #-}
putVarUInt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Put
putVarUInt b = let go i | i < 0x80 = putWord8 (fromIntegral i)
                        | otherwise = putWord8 (fromIntegral (i .&. 0x7F) .|. 0x80) >> go (i `shiftR` 7)
               in go b

-- | This reads in the raw bytestring corresponding to an field known
-- only through the wiretag's 'FieldId' and 'WireType'.
wireGetFromWire :: FieldId -> WireType -> Get ByteString
wireGetFromWire fi wt = getLazyByteString =<< calcLen where
  calcLen = case wt of
              0 -> lenOf (spanOf (>=128) >> skip 1)
              1 -> return 8
              2 -> lookAhead $ do
                     here <- bytesRead
                     len <- getVarInt
                     there <- bytesRead
                     return ((there-here)+len)
              3 -> lenOf (skipGroup fi)
              4 -> fail $ "Cannot wireGetFromWire with wireType of STOP_GROUP: "++show (fi,wt)
              5 -> return 4
              wtf -> fail $ "Invalid wire type (expected 0,1,2,3,or 5) found: "++show (fi,wtf)
  lenOf g = do here <- bytesRead
               there <- lookAhead (g >> bytesRead)
               return (there-here)
-- | After a group start tag with the given 'FieldId' this will skip
-- ahead in the stream past the end tag of that group.  Used by
-- 'wireGetFromWire' to help compule the length of an unknown field
-- when loading an extension.
skipGroup :: FieldId -> Get ()
skipGroup start_fi = go where
  go = do
    (fieldId,wireType) <- fmap (splitWireTag . WireTag) getVarInt
    case wireType of
      0 -> spanOf (>=128) >> skip 1 >> go
      1 -> skip 8 >> go
      2 -> getVarInt >>= skip >> go
      3 -> skipGroup fieldId >> go
      4 | start_fi /= fieldId -> fail $ "skipGroup failed, fieldId mismatch bewteen START_GROUP and STOP_GROUP: "++show (start_fi,(fieldId,wireType))
        | otherwise -> return ()
      5 -> skip 4 >> go
      wtf -> fail $ "Invalid wire type (expected 0,1,2,3,4,or 5) found: "++show (fieldId,wtf)

  enum WireType {
    WIRETYPE_VARINT           = 0,
    WIRETYPE_FIXED64          = 1,
    WIRETYPE_END_GROUP        = 4,
    WIRETYPE_FIXED32          = 5, };

    TYPE_DOUBLE         = 1;
    TYPE_FLOAT          = 2;
    TYPE_INT64          = 3;
    TYPE_UINT64         = 4;
    TYPE_INT32          = 5;
    TYPE_FIXED64        = 6;
    TYPE_FIXED32        = 7;
    TYPE_BOOL           = 8;
    TYPE_STRING         = 9;
    TYPE_GROUP          = 10;  // Tag-delimited aggregate.
    TYPE_MESSAGE        = 11;
    TYPE_BYTES          = 12;
    TYPE_UINT32         = 13;
    TYPE_ENUM           = 14;
    TYPE_SFIXED32       = 15;
    TYPE_SFIXED64       = 16;
    TYPE_SINT32         = 17;
    TYPE_SINT64         = 18; -}
-- http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/encoding.html
toWireType :: FieldType -> WireType
toWireType  1 =  1
toWireType  2 =  5
toWireType  3 =  0
toWireType  4 =  0
toWireType  5 =  0
toWireType  6 =  1
toWireType  7 =  5
toWireType  8 =  0
toWireType  9 =  2
toWireType 10 =  3 -- START_GROUP
toWireType 11 =  2
toWireType 12 =  2
toWireType 13 =  0
toWireType 14 =  0
toWireType 15 =  5
toWireType 16 =  1
toWireType 17 =  0
toWireType 18 =  0
toWireType  x = error $ "Text.ProcolBuffers.Basic.toWireType: Bad FieldType: "++show x