salvia-1.0.0: Modular web application framework.




type Dispatcher a m b = a -> m b -> m b -> m bSource

The dispatcher type takes one value to dispatch on and two handlers. The first handler will be used when the predicate on the dispatch value returned True, the second (default) handler will be used when the predicate returs False.

type ListDispatcher a m b = [(a, m b)] -> m b -> m bSource

A list dispatcher takes a mapping from dispatch values to handlers and one default fallback handler.

hDispatch :: forall a b c d m. HttpM d m => d -> (Http d :-> b) -> (c -> b -> Bool) -> Dispatcher c m aSource

Dispatch on an arbitrary part of the context using an arbitrary predicate. When the predicate returns true on the value selected with the Label the first handler will be invoked, otherwise the second handler will be used.

hListDispatch :: Dispatcher a m b -> ListDispatcher a m bSource

Turns a dispatcher function into a list dispatcher. This enables handler routing based on arbitrary values from the context. When non of the predicates in the ListDispatcher type hold the default handler will be invoked.

hRequestDispatch :: HttpM Request m => (Http Request :-> b) -> (t -> b -> Bool) -> Dispatcher t m cSource

Like the hDispatch but always dispatches on a (part of) the `HTTP Request' part of the context.

hResponseDispatch :: HttpM Response m => (Http Response :-> b) -> (t -> b -> Bool) -> Dispatcher t m cSource

Like the hDispatch but always dispatches on a (part of) the `HTTP Response' part of the context.