{- | An implementation of the Observer pattern, based on Observable.hs
     by Bastiaan Heeren, originally from

This module defines the 'Subject' typeclass, specifying the
capabilities of an observable value.  See other modules in the package
for example implementations of this typeclass.


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

module Control.Observer (
) where

-- | A type class for observable objects.  A minimal implementation
-- implements all of these functions.
class Subject sub val | sub -> val where
    -- | Get the subject's current value.
    getValue     :: sub -> IO val
    -- | Update the subject's value quietly; should NOT call
    -- notifyObservers.  Rarely called; usually you want 'setValue',
    -- which does notify the subject's observers of the change.
    setValue'    :: sub -> val -> IO ()
    -- | Add an observer function.
    addObserver  :: sub -> (val -> IO ()) -> IO ()
    -- | Get the list of observers.
    getObservers :: sub -> IO [val -> IO ()]

-- | Update the subject value, and notify observers.
setValue :: Subject sub val => sub -> val -> IO ()
setValue subject value = do subject `setValue'` value
                            notifyObservers subject

-- | Notify observers that the subject's value has changed.  Rarely
-- called explicitly: usually called via 'setValue'.
notifyObservers :: Subject sub val => sub -> IO ()
notifyObservers subject =
   do value <- getValue subject
      observers <- getObservers subject
      mapM_ ($ value) observers

-- | Apply an update function to the subject value, and notify
-- observers.
changeValue :: Subject sub val => sub -> (val -> val) -> IO ()
changeValue subject f =
   do a <- getValue subject
      subject `setValue` f a

-- | Add an observer which doesn't care about the subject's value,
-- only that it's changed.
addConstObserver  :: Subject sub val => sub -> IO () -> IO ()
addConstObserver sub = addObserver sub . const