{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, NoImplicitPrelude  #-}

module Prelude 	(

   -- * Standard types, classes and related functions
    -- ** Basic data types
    Bool(False, True),
    (&&), (||), not, otherwise,

    Maybe(Nothing, Just),

    Either(Left, Right),

    Ordering(LT, EQ, GT),
    Char, String,

    -- *** Tuples
    fst, snd, curry, uncurry,

    -- ** Basic type classes
    -- removed: Eq((==), (/=)),
    (==), (/=),
    -- removed: Ord(compare, (<), (<=), (>=), (>), max, min),
    compare, (<), (<=), (>=), (>), max, min,
    Enum(succ, pred, toEnum, fromEnum, enumFrom, enumFromThen,
         enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo),
    Bounded(minBound, maxBound),

    -- ** Numbers

    -- *** Numeric types
    -- removed: Int, Integer, Float, Double,
    -- removed: Rational,

    -- *** Numeric type classes
    -- removed: Num((+), (-), (*), negate, abs, signum, fromInteger),
    (+), (-), (*), negate, abs, signum, fromInteger,
    -- removed: Real(toRational),
    -- removed: Integral(quot, rem, div, mod, quotRem, divMod, toInteger),
    quot, rem, div, mod, quotRem, divMod, toInteger,
    -- removed: Fractional((/), recip, fromRational),
    -- removed: Floating(pi, exp, log, sqrt, (**), logBase, sin, cos, tan,
    -- removed:          asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh),
    -- removed: RealFrac(properFraction, truncate, round, ceiling, floor),
    -- removed: RealFloat(floatRadix, floatDigits, floatRange, decodeFloat,
    -- removed:           encodeFloat, exponent, significand, scaleFloat, isNaN,
    -- removed:           isInfinite, isDenormalized, isIEEE, isNegativeZero, atan2),

    -- *** Numeric functions
    subtract, even, odd, gcd, lcm, (^), 
    -- removed: realToFrac, (^^),

    -- ** Monads and functors
    Monad((>>=), (>>), return, fail),
    mapM, mapM_, sequence, sequence_, (=<<),

    -- ** Miscellaneous functions
    id, const, (.), flip, ($), until,
    asTypeOf, error, undefined,
    seq, ($!),

    -- * List operations
    map, (++), filter,
    head, last, tail, init, null, length, (!!),
    -- ** Reducing lists (folds)
    foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1,
    -- *** Special folds
    and, or, any, all,
    sum, product,
    concat, concatMap,
    maximum, minimum,
    -- ** Building lists
    -- *** Scans
    scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1,
    -- *** Infinite lists
    iterate, repeat, replicate, cycle,
    -- ** Sublists
    take, drop, splitAt, takeWhile, dropWhile, span, break,
    -- ** Searching lists
    elem, notElem, lookup,
    -- ** Zipping and unzipping lists
    zip, zip3, zipWith, zipWith3, unzip, unzip3,
    -- ** Functions on strings
    lines, words, unlines, unwords,

    -- * Converting to and from @String@
    -- ** Converting to @String@
    Show(showsPrec, showList, show),
    showChar, showString, showParen,
    -- ** Converting from @String@
    Read(readsPrec, readList),
    reads, readParen, read, lex,

    -- * Basic Input and output
    -- ** Simple I\/O operations
    -- All I/O functions defined here are character oriented.  The
    -- treatment of the newline character will vary on different systems.
    -- For example, two characters of input, return and linefeed, may
    -- read as a single newline character.  These functions cannot be
    -- used portably for binary I/O.
    -- *** Output functions
    putStr, putStrLn, print,
    -- *** Input functions
    getLine, getContents, interact,
    -- *** Files
    readFile, writeFile, appendFile, readIO, readLn,
    -- ** Exception handling in the I\/O monad
    IOError, ioError, userError, catch


import           "base" Prelude hiding ( Num(..), Integral(..), subtract, even
                                       , odd, gcd, lcm, (^)
                                       , length, (!!), sum, product
                                       , take, drop
                                       , Ord(..), Eq(..)
import qualified "base" Prelude as P
import qualified Data.List as L

-- -------
-- - Num -
-- -------

(+), (-), (*) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(+) = (P.+)
(-) = (P.-)
(*) = (P.*)

infixl 7 *
infixl 6 +, -

negate, abs, signum, fromInteger :: Integer -> Integer
negate = P.negate
abs = P.abs
signum = P.signum
fromInteger = P.fromInteger

-- ------------
-- - Integral -
-- ------------

quot, rem, div, mod :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
quot = P.quot
rem = P.rem
div = P.div
mod = P.mod

infixl 7 `quot`, `rem`, `div`, `mod`

quotRem, divMod :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
quotRem = P.quotRem
divMod = P.divMod
toInteger :: Integer -> Integer
toInteger = P.toInteger

-- ---------------------
-- - numeric functions -
-- ---------------------

subtract, gcd, lcm, (^) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
subtract = P.subtract
gcd = P.gcd
lcm = P.lcm
(^) = (P.^)

infixr 8 ^

even, odd :: Integer -> Bool
even = P.even
odd = P.odd

-- ------------------
-- - list functions -
-- ------------------

length :: [a] -> Integer
length = L.genericLength

(!!) :: [a] -> Integer -> a
(!!) = L.genericIndex

sum, product :: [Integer] -> Integer
sum = P.sum
product = P.product

take, drop :: Integer -> [a] -> [a]
take = L.genericTake
drop = L.genericDrop

-- -------
-- - Ord -
-- -------

compare :: Integer -> Integer -> Ordering
compare = P.compare

(<), (<=), (>=), (>) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
(<) = (P.<)
(<=) = (P.<=)
(>=) = (P.>=)
(>) = (P.>)

infix 4 <, <=, >=, >

max, min :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
max = P.max
min = P.min

-- ------
-- - Eq -
-- ------

(==), (/=) :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
(==) = (P.==)
(/=) = (P./=)

infix 4 ==, /=

ifThenElse e1 e2 e3= if e1 then e2 else e3