{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Snap.Internal.Types where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception (throwIO, ErrorCall(..))
import           Control.Monad.CatchIO
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.CIByteString as CIB
import           Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Iteratee as Iter
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT

import           Data.Typeable

import           Snap.Iteratee hiding (Enumerator)
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Types

-- The Snap Monad


'Snap' is the 'Monad' that user web handlers run in. 'Snap' gives you:

1. stateful access to fetch or modify an HTTP 'Request'

2. stateful access to fetch or modify an HTTP 'Response'

3. failure \/ 'Alternative' \/ 'MonadPlus' semantics: a 'Snap' handler can
   choose not to handle a given request, using 'empty' or its synonym 'pass',
   and you can try alternative handlers with the '<|>' operator:

   > a :: Snap String
   > a = pass
   > b :: Snap String
   > b = return "foo"
   > c :: Snap String
   > c = a <|> b             -- try running a, if it fails then try b

4. convenience functions ('writeBS', 'writeLBS', 'writeText', 'writeLazyText',
   'addToOutput') for writing output to the 'Response':

   > a :: (forall a . Enumerator a) -> Snap ()
   > a someEnumerator = do
   >     writeBS "I'm a strict bytestring"
   >     writeLBS "I'm a lazy bytestring"
   >     addToOutput someEnumerator

5. early termination: if you call 'finishWith':

   > a :: Snap ()
   > a = do
   >   modifyResponse $ setResponseStatus 500 "Internal Server Error"
   >   writeBS "500 error"
   >   r <- getResponse
   >   finishWith r

   then any subsequent processing will be skipped and supplied 'Response' value
   will be returned from 'runSnap' as-is.

6. access to the 'IO' monad through a 'MonadIO' instance:

   > a :: Snap ()
   > a = liftIO fireTheMissiles

newtype Snap a = Snap {
      unSnap :: StateT SnapState (Iteratee IO) (Maybe (Either Response a))

data SnapState = SnapState
    { _snapRequest  :: Request
    , _snapResponse :: Response
    , _snapLogError :: ByteString -> IO () }

instance Monad Snap where
    (Snap m) >>= f =
        Snap $ do
            eth <- m
            maybe (return Nothing)
                  (either (return . Just . Left)
                          (unSnap . f))

    return = Snap . return . Just . Right
    fail   = const $ Snap $ return Nothing

instance MonadIO Snap where
    liftIO m = Snap $ liftM (Just . Right) $ liftIO m

instance MonadCatchIO Snap where
    catch (Snap m) handler = Snap $ do
        x <- try m
        case x of
          (Left e)  -> let (Snap z) = handler e in z
          (Right y) -> return y

    block (Snap m) = Snap $ block m
    unblock (Snap m) = Snap $ unblock m

instance MonadPlus Snap where
    mzero = Snap $ return Nothing

    a `mplus` b =
        Snap $ do
            mb <- unSnap a
            if isJust mb then return mb else unSnap b

instance Functor Snap where
    fmap = liftM

instance Applicative Snap where
    pure  = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance Alternative Snap where
    empty = mzero
    (<|>) = mplus

-- | The Typeable instance is here so Snap can be dynamically executed with
-- Hint.
snapTyCon :: TyCon
snapTyCon = mkTyCon "Snap.Types.Snap"
{-# NOINLINE snapTyCon #-}

instance Typeable1 Snap where
    typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp snapTyCon []

liftIter :: Iteratee IO a -> Snap a
liftIter i = Snap (lift i >>= return . Just . Right)

-- | Sends the request body through an iteratee (data consumer) and
-- returns the result.
runRequestBody :: Iteratee IO a -> Snap a
runRequestBody iter = do
    req  <- getRequest
    senum <- liftIO $ readIORef $ rqBody req
    let (SomeEnumerator enum) = senum

    -- make sure the iteratee consumes all of the output
    let iter' = iter >>= (\a -> Iter.skipToEof >> return a)

    -- run the iteratee
    result <- liftIter $ Iter.joinIM $ enum iter'

    -- stuff a new dummy enumerator into the request, so you can only try to
    -- read the request body from the socket once
    liftIO $ writeIORef (rqBody req)
                        (SomeEnumerator $ return . Iter.joinI . Iter.take 0 )

    return result

-- | Returns the request body as a bytestring.
getRequestBody :: Snap L.ByteString
getRequestBody = liftM fromWrap $ runRequestBody stream2stream
{-# INLINE getRequestBody #-}

-- | Detaches the request body's 'Enumerator' from the 'Request' and
-- returns it. You would want to use this if you needed to send the
-- HTTP request body (transformed or otherwise) through to the output
-- in O(1) space. (Examples: transcoding, \"echo\", etc)
-- Normally Snap is careful to ensure that the request body is fully
-- consumed after your web handler runs; this function is marked
-- \"unsafe\" because it breaks this guarantee and leaves the
-- responsibility up to you. If you don't fully consume the
-- 'Enumerator' you get here, the next HTTP request in the pipeline
-- (if any) will misparse. Be careful with exception handlers.
unsafeDetachRequestBody :: Snap (Enumerator a)
unsafeDetachRequestBody = do
    req <- getRequest
    let ioref = rqBody req
    senum <- liftIO $ readIORef ioref
    let (SomeEnumerator enum) = senum
    liftIO $ writeIORef ioref
               (SomeEnumerator $ return . Iter.joinI . Iter.take 0)
    return enum

-- | Short-circuits a 'Snap' monad action early, storing the given
-- 'Response' value in its state.
finishWith :: Response -> Snap ()
finishWith = Snap . return . Just . Left
{-# INLINE finishWith #-}

-- | Fails out of a 'Snap' monad action.  This is used to indicate
-- that you choose not to handle the given request within the given
-- handler.
pass :: Snap a
pass = empty

-- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only if the request's HTTP method matches
-- the given method.
method :: Method -> Snap a -> Snap a
method m action = do
    req <- getRequest
    unless (rqMethod req == m) pass
{-# INLINE method #-}

-- Appends n bytes of the path info to the context path with a
-- trailing slash.
updateContextPath :: Int -> Request -> Request
updateContextPath n req | n > 0     = req { rqContextPath = ctx
                                          , rqPathInfo    = pinfo }
                        | otherwise = req
    ctx'  = S.take n (rqPathInfo req)
    ctx   = S.concat [rqContextPath req, ctx', "/"]
    pinfo = S.drop (n+1) (rqPathInfo req)

-- Runs a 'Snap' monad action only if the 'rqPathInfo' matches the given
-- predicate.
pathWith :: (ByteString -> ByteString -> Bool)
         -> ByteString
         -> Snap a
         -> Snap a
pathWith c p action = do
    req <- getRequest
    unless (c p (rqPathInfo req)) pass
    localRequest (updateContextPath $ S.length p) action

-- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only when the 'rqPathInfo' of the request
-- starts with the given path. For example,
-- > dir "foo" handler
-- Will fail if 'rqPathInfo' is not \"@\/foo@\" or \"@\/foo\/...@\", and will
-- add @\"foo\/\"@ to the handler's local 'rqContextPath'.
dir :: ByteString  -- ^ path component to match
    -> Snap a      -- ^ handler to run
    -> Snap a
dir = pathWith f
    f dr pinfo = dr == x
        (x,_) = S.break (=='/') pinfo
{-# INLINE dir #-}

-- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only for requests where 'rqPathInfo' is exactly
-- equal to the given string. If the path matches, locally sets 'rqContextPath'
-- to the old value of 'rqPathInfo', sets 'rqPathInfo'=\"\", and runs the given
-- handler.
path :: ByteString  -- ^ path to match against
     -> Snap a      -- ^ handler to run
     -> Snap a
path = pathWith (==)
{-# INLINE path #-}

-- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action only when 'rqPathInfo' is empty.
ifTop :: Snap a -> Snap a
ifTop = path ""
{-# INLINE ifTop #-}

-- | Local Snap version of 'get'.
sget :: Snap SnapState
sget = Snap $ liftM (Just . Right) get
{-# INLINE sget #-}

-- | Local Snap monad version of 'modify'.
smodify :: (SnapState -> SnapState) -> Snap ()
smodify f = Snap $ modify f >> return (Just $ Right ())
{-# INLINE smodify #-}

-- | Grabs the 'Request' object out of the 'Snap' monad.
getRequest :: Snap Request
getRequest = liftM _snapRequest sget
{-# INLINE getRequest #-}

-- | Grabs the 'Response' object out of the 'Snap' monad.
getResponse :: Snap Response
getResponse = liftM _snapResponse sget
{-# INLINE getResponse #-}

-- | Puts a new 'Response' object into the 'Snap' monad.
putResponse :: Response -> Snap ()
putResponse r = smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapResponse = r }
{-# INLINE putResponse #-}

-- | Puts a new 'Request' object into the 'Snap' monad.
putRequest :: Request -> Snap ()
putRequest r = smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapRequest = r }
{-# INLINE putRequest #-}

-- | Modifies the 'Request' object stored in a 'Snap' monad.
modifyRequest :: (Request -> Request) -> Snap ()
modifyRequest f = smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapRequest = f $ _snapRequest ss }
{-# INLINE modifyRequest #-}

-- | Modifes the 'Response' object stored in a 'Snap' monad.
modifyResponse :: (Response -> Response) -> Snap ()
modifyResponse f = smodify $ \ss -> ss { _snapResponse = f $ _snapResponse ss }
{-# INLINE modifyResponse #-}

-- | Log an error message in the 'Snap' monad
logError :: ByteString -> Snap ()
logError s = Snap $ gets _snapLogError >>= (\l -> liftIO $ l s)
                                       >>  return (Just $ Right ())
{-# INLINE logError #-}

-- | Adds the output from the given enumerator to the 'Response'
-- stored in the 'Snap' monad state.
addToOutput :: (forall a . Enumerator a)   -- ^ output to add
            -> Snap ()
addToOutput enum = modifyResponse $ modifyResponseBody (>. enum)

-- | Adds the given strict 'ByteString' to the body of the 'Response' stored in
-- the 'Snap' monad state.
-- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
-- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
-- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
writeBS :: ByteString -> Snap ()
writeBS s = addToOutput $ enumBS s

-- | Adds the given lazy 'L.ByteString' to the body of the 'Response' stored in
-- the 'Snap' monad state.
-- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
-- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
-- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
writeLBS :: L.ByteString -> Snap ()
writeLBS s = addToOutput $ enumLBS s

-- | Adds the given strict 'T.Text' to the body of the 'Response' stored in the
-- 'Snap' monad state.
-- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
-- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
-- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
writeText :: T.Text -> Snap ()
writeText s = writeBS $ T.encodeUtf8 s

-- | Adds the given lazy 'LT.Text' to the body of the 'Response' stored in the
-- 'Snap' monad state.
-- Warning: This function is intentionally non-strict. If any pure
-- exceptions are raised by the expression creating the 'ByteString',
-- the exception won't actually be raised within the Snap handler.
writeLazyText :: LT.Text -> Snap ()
writeLazyText s = writeLBS $ LT.encodeUtf8 s

-- | Sets the output to be the contents of the specified file.
-- Calling 'sendFile' will overwrite any output queued to be sent in the
-- 'Response'. If the response body is not modified after the call to
-- 'sendFile', Snap will use the efficient @sendfile()@ system call on
-- platforms that support it.
-- If the response body is modified (using 'modifyResponseBody'), the file will
-- be read using @mmap()@.
sendFile :: FilePath -> Snap ()
sendFile f = modifyResponse $ \r -> r { rspBody = SendFile f }

-- | Runs a 'Snap' action with a locally-modified 'Request' state
-- object. The 'Request' object in the Snap monad state after the call
-- to localRequest will be unchanged.
localRequest :: (Request -> Request) -> Snap a -> Snap a
localRequest f m = do
    req <- getRequest

    runAct req <|> (putRequest req >> pass)

    runAct req = do
        modifyRequest f
        result <- m
        putRequest req
        return result
{-# INLINE localRequest #-}

-- | Fetches the 'Request' from state and hands it to the given action.
withRequest :: (Request -> Snap a) -> Snap a
withRequest = (getRequest >>=)
{-# INLINE withRequest #-}

-- | Fetches the 'Response' from state and hands it to the given action.
withResponse :: (Response -> Snap a) -> Snap a
withResponse = (getResponse >>=)
{-# INLINE withResponse #-}

-- | Modifies the 'Request' in the state to set the 'rqRemoteAddr'
-- field to the value in the X-Forwarded-For header. If the header is
-- not present, this action has no effect.
-- This action should be used only when working behind a reverse http
-- proxy that sets the X-Forwarded-For header. This is the only way to
-- ensure the value in the X-Forwarded-For header can be trusted.
-- This is provided as a filter so actions that require the remote
-- address can get it in a uniform manner. It has specifically limited
-- functionality to ensure that its transformation can be trusted,
-- when used correctly.
ipHeaderFilter :: Snap ()
ipHeaderFilter = ipHeaderFilter' "x-forwarded-for"

-- | Modifies the 'Request' in the state to set the 'rqRemoteAddr'
-- field to the value from the header specified.  If the header
-- specified is not present, this action has no effect.
-- This action should be used only when working behind a reverse http
-- proxy that sets the header being looked at. This is the only way to
-- ensure the value in the header can be trusted.
-- This is provided as a filter so actions that require the remote
-- address can get it in a uniform manner. It has specifically limited
-- functionality to ensure that its transformation can be trusted,
-- when used correctly.
ipHeaderFilter' :: CIB.CIByteString -> Snap ()
ipHeaderFilter' header = do
    headerContents <- getHeader header <$> getRequest

    let whitespace = " \t\r\n"
        ipChrs = ".0123456789"
        trim f s = f (`elem` s)

        clean = trim S.takeWhile ipChrs . trim S.dropWhile whitespace
        setIP ip = modifyRequest $ \rq -> rq { rqRemoteAddr = clean ip }
    maybe (return ()) setIP headerContents

-- | This exception is thrown if the handler you supply to 'runSnap' fails.
data NoHandlerException = NoHandlerException
   deriving (Eq, Typeable)

instance Show NoHandlerException where
    show NoHandlerException = "No handler for request"

instance Exception NoHandlerException

-- | Runs a 'Snap' monad action in the 'Iteratee IO' monad.
runSnap :: Snap a
        -> (ByteString -> IO ())
        -> Request
        -> Iteratee IO (Request,Response)
runSnap (Snap m) logerr req = do
    (r, ss') <- runStateT m ss

    e <- maybe (return $ Left fourohfour)

    -- is this a case of early termination?
    let resp = case e of
                 Left x  -> x
                 Right _ -> _snapResponse ss'

    return (_snapRequest ss', resp)

    fourohfour = setContentLength 3 $
                 setResponseStatus 404 "Not Found" $
                 modifyResponseBody (>. enumBS "404") $

    dresp = emptyResponse { rspHttpVersion = rqVersion req }

    ss = SnapState req dresp logerr
{-# INLINE runSnap #-}

evalSnap :: Snap a
         -> (ByteString -> IO ())
         -> Request
         -> Iteratee IO a
evalSnap (Snap m) logerr req = do
    (r, _) <- runStateT m ss

    e <- maybe (liftIO $ throwIO NoHandlerException)

    -- is this a case of early termination?
    case e of
      Left _  -> liftIO $ throwIO $ ErrorCall "no value"
      Right x -> return x
    dresp = emptyResponse { rspHttpVersion = rqVersion req }
    ss = SnapState req dresp logerr
{-# INLINE evalSnap #-}

-- | See 'rqParam'. Looks up a value for the given named parameter in the
-- 'Request'. If more than one value was entered for the given parameter name,
-- 'getParam' gloms the values together with:
-- @    'S.intercalate' \" \"@
getParam :: ByteString          -- ^ parameter name to look up
         -> Snap (Maybe ByteString)
getParam k = do
    rq <- getRequest
    return $ liftM (S.intercalate " ") $ rqParam k rq