{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Network.Socks5
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.Socks5
	( SocksConf(..)
	, defaultSocksConf
	, socksConnectAddr
	, socksConnectName
	, socksConnectTo
	, socksConnectWith
	) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Network.Socket
import Network.BSD
import Network.Socks5.Command
import Network.Socks5.Types
import Network
import System.IO

-- | SOCKS configuration structure.
-- this structure will be extended in future to support authentification.
-- use defaultSocksConf to create new record.
data SocksConf = SocksConf
	{ socksHost    :: String     -- ^ SOCKS host.
	, socksPort    :: PortNumber -- ^ SOCKS port.
	, socksVersion :: Int        -- ^ SOCKS version to use, only 5 supported for now.

-- | defaultSocksConf create a new record, making sure
-- API remains compatible when the record is extended.
defaultSocksConf host port = SocksConf host port 5

withSocks sock sockaddr f = do
	connect sock sockaddr
	r <- socks5Establish sock [SocksMethodNone]
	when (r == SocksMethodNotAcceptable) $ error "cannot connect with no socks method of authentication"

-- | connect a new socket to the socks server, and connect the stream on the server side
-- to the sockaddr specified. the sockaddr need to be SockAddrInet or SockAddrInet6.
-- a unix sockaddr will raises an exception.
-- |socket|-----sockServer----->|server|----destAddr----->|destination|
socksConnectAddr :: Socket -> SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IO ()
socksConnectAddr sock sockserver destaddr = withSocks sock sockserver $ do
	case destaddr of
		SockAddrInet p h      -> socks5ConnectIPV4 sock h p >> return ()
		SockAddrInet6 p _ h _ -> socks5ConnectIPV6 sock h p >> return ()
		_                     -> error "unsupported unix sockaddr type"

-- | connect a new socket to the socks server, and connect the stream to a FQDN
-- resolved on the server side.
socksConnectName :: Socket -> SockAddr -> String -> PortNumber -> IO ()
socksConnectName sock sockserver destination port = withSocks sock sockserver $ do
	_ <- socks5ConnectDomainName sock destination port
	return ()

-- | create a new socket and connect in to a destination through the specified
-- SOCKS configuration.
socksConnectWith :: SocksConf -- ^ SOCKS configuration
                 -> String    -- ^ destination hostname
                 -> PortID    -- ^ destination port
                 -> IO Socket
socksConnectWith sockConf desthost destport = do
	dport <- resolvePortID destport
	proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
	bracketOnError (socket AF_INET Stream proto) sClose $ \sock -> do
		he <- getHostByName $ socksHost sockConf
		let sockaddr = SockAddrInet (socksPort sockConf) (hostAddress he)
		socksConnectName sock sockaddr desthost dport
		return sock

-- | similar to Network connectTo but use a socks proxy with default socks configuration.
socksConnectTo :: String -> PortID -> String -> PortID -> IO Handle
socksConnectTo sockshost socksport desthost destport = do
	sport <- resolvePortID socksport
	let socksConf = defaultSocksConf sockshost sport
	sock <- socksConnectWith socksConf desthost destport
	socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode

resolvePortID (Service serv) = getServicePortNumber serv
resolvePortID (PortNumber n) = return n
resolvePortID _              = error "unsupported unix PortID"