
Portabilitynon-portable (GADTs)



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A module for the step-wise evaluation of pure computations, in particular suitable to resolve non-deterministic choices in computations.

This module provides a monadic interface for a special form of pure coroutines that, upon disgression of the caller, yield lazily the result of the coroutine, or evaluates strictly until it can yield next callee-determined progress report. Due to the monadic interface, such a coroutine is an ordinary composable monadic haskell function, with the exception that it may be decorated with statements that yield progress reports. Both the result and progress reports are purely functional: given an expression written with this interface, the evaluated value as well as all the progress reports are uniquely determined by the values for the free variables of the expression.

Given such a coroutine m, we can both refer to its progress reports and its value from another coroutine. Given a coroutine m, the conventional way to access its value is via a coroutine m >>= f, where f is itself a coroutine that takes m's value as parameter. The progress reports of m are incorporated as part of the progress reports of m >>= f, ordered such that the progress reports of m are emitted before those of f. Alternatively, we can ask m to yield the next progress report via smallStep m. This returns a progress report, and an updated coroutine to be used as continuation. In this case, m evaluated one step, hence 'step-wise'.

Stepwise evaluation provides a means to encode non-deterministic choices in a deterministic way via advanced search strategies. For example, with this module, we can define a coroutine that determines its result by making a choice between the results of two other coroutines. For that, we step through the evaluation of both coroutines until we saw sufficient progress reports to make a choice. Meanwhile, we already yield progress reports. Finally, we make a choice by integrating the coroutine in the conventional way. Consequently, the choice is optimized away, and the coroutine that is not selected becomes garbage.

With this approach, we encode a breadth-first evaluation by letting each couroutine emitting steps regularly, and alternate the coroutine to take steps from. We get depth-first behavior by fully stepping through one of the choices first before considering the other choice. Custom strategies are possible by emitting progress reports. For example, a coroutine can emit statistics about the work done so far and predictions of the work still to do to produce the result, which can subsequently be used to direct the evaluation process.

A coroutine has the type BF e i w a, where a is the final result computed by the coroutine. Such a computation may fail, with reasons indicated by the type e. Progress reports are of the type i w, i.e. parameterized in the type of a watcher w. A watcher is a type index that allows the progress reports to be different depending on the caller of a coroutine: both the callee and its caller (and the caller's caller, etc.) coroutines must share the same type i for progress reports. Specific callee/caller combinations may decide on a common type w to communicate special-typed progress information. To emit such a progress report to a caller with a different watcher-type, it has to be transcoded first via e.g. transcode.

In some situations, the choice between a coroutine a and b may depend on what happends when we pick i.e. a and our caller continues its evaluation. For example, suppose that the continued evaluation is represented by some unknown coroutine r, and we we define a coroutine c = choice a b. This means that the actual evaluation is choice a b >>= r. We may want to lift this choice over r, to choice' (a >>= r) (b >>= r). Since r is unknown, choice' cannot base its choice on the value computed by a >>= r or b >>= r. Both the type of the result and the watcher type are existential. However, we can inspect if one of the alternatives fails, and inspect progress reports that are independent of the watcher type. We provide this choice-lifting via a special operation call lookahead. It provides us with our continuation r, and we must define the coroutine denoting c' >>= r, where c' denotes our choice. This lifting comes with a price: requesting a step from a coroutine may require us to provide it a continuation that represents what we are going to do afterwards with it. For example, if we pass return, there is no lookahead beyond the evaluation of the coroutine. However, if we pass the continuation obtained through lookahead, we potentially look ahead through a possible future. The difference between progress report type and watcher type is important here. We cannot make assumptions about the wachter of the continuation: but we do know that we get progress reports of type i with unspecified watcher type.

When we request a step from e = m >>= f, we gradually reduce it until it emits the next progress report. It first gradually reduces m. When it is entirely finished with m, it continues with f, after parametrizing it with the value computed for m. However, given such a partially reduced e' = m' >>= f', when we ask for the lazyEval e, we immediately get the result lazyEval (f' (lazyEval m')). lazyEval discards any progress reports and immediately produces a lazy result. When f is not strict in its first argument, this means that a value can already be produced, possibly without even evaluating the remainder of m'. For example, lazyEval (choice a b) strictly evaluates a and b as long as it is asking for steps. Once choice selects one alternative, lazy evaluation takes over. This allows us to produce online results when choices have been resolved.

Benchmark results show that a Stepwise bind is approximately 10 times slower compared to a bind of the identity monad (independent of the amount of binds). Stepwise evaluation of a bind via stepwiseEval is only marginally (e.g. approx 10%) slower compared to lazyEval of a bind.

A downside of the monadic interface is that it requires code to be written in a sequential way (it enforces monadic style upon the program). For tree traversals, we eliminate this downside with Attribute Grammars. For the class of Ordered Attribute Grammars (non-cyclic tree-traversals fall in this class), the UUAG system has an option to automatically derive code for this library.

This library is a generalization of the Steps-technique presented in `Polish parsers, Step by Step` by R. J. M. Hughes and S. D. Swierstra, and the later work in `Combinator Parsing: A Short Tutorial' by S. D. Swierstra. The key difference is that we do not construct a single function f :: a -> b in Apply f (as mentioned in the latter paper) that represents a continuation of what still needs to be computed. Instead, we explicitly build a stack of all pending right-hand sides that follow the currently active computation m in m >>= g1 >>= ... gn. The functions g on the stack thus have the monadic type g :: a -> BF e i w b. When we request a new progress report and m is fully reduced, we reduce the pending-stack: pop off g1, parametrize it with the result of m, then start reducing that value. Consequently, we have no difficulties dealing with the monadic bind in this approach. This representation, however, does not impair laziness. We still manage to map this representation back to a function f :: a -> b. This transformation is performed by lazyEval. A smaller difference is that our interface to deal with progress reports does not expose the above mentioned stack, which reduces complexity for the programmer.
