synthesizer-alsa-0.3: Control synthesizer effects via ALSA/MIDI



Convert MIDI events of a MIDI controller to a control signal.



subdivideInt :: T LazyTime y -> T Int ySource

Subdivide lazy times into chunks that fit into the number range representable by Int.

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> T StrictTime a -> T StrictTime b -> T StrictTime cSource

initWith :: (y -> c) -> c -> T StrictTime [y] -> T cSource

controllerLinear :: C y => Channel -> Controller -> (y, y) -> y -> Filter (T y)Source

controllerExponential :: C y => Channel -> Controller -> (y, y) -> y -> Filter (T y)Source

pitchBend :: C y => Channel -> y -> y -> Filter (T y)Source

pitchBend channel range center: emits frequencies on an exponential scale from center/range to center*range.

channelPressure :: C y => Channel -> y -> y -> Filter (T y)Source

data BendModulation a Source


BendModulation a a 


shiftBendModulation :: C a => a -> BendModulation a -> BendModulation aSource

Multiply the pitch bend by a given factor. This way you can e.g. shift the pitch bend from around 1 to the actual frequency.

bendWheelPressure :: (C y, C y) => Channel -> Int -> y -> y -> Filter (T (BendModulation y))Source