{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | Functions for score composition.
module Temporal.Music.Notation.Score (
    -- * Types
	Time, Dur, Score, 
    -- * Constructors
    rest, note, 
    -- * Duration querry
    -- * Composition 
    (+:+), (=:=), (=:/),
	line, chord, chordT, 
    loop, trill,     
    -- * Transformers
    -- ** In time domain
    bpm, dot, ddot, tri,
    slice, takeS, dropS, reverseS,
    pedal, pedalBy,
    sustain, sustainBy,
    -- ** Mappings
    tmap, dmap, tdmap, eventMap,
    -- * Rendering
    -- * Miscellaneous
    tmapRel, dmapRel, tdmapRel,

import qualified Temporal.Media as M
import Temporal.Media(Event(..), EventList(..), linseg)

import Control.Arrow(first, second)

-- | time 
type Time = Double

-- | duration 
type Dur  = Double

-- | In 'Score' @a@ values of type @a@ 
-- can be wrapped in time events as if they present or abscent for some 
-- time 'Dur' and combined together in parrallel or sequent ways.
-- Score is instance of
-- * 'Functor' 'Score'
-- 'Functor' instance means that you can map over score values
-- with some function @(a -> b)@, rests are mapped to rests and values 
-- transformed with given function. 

type Score a = M.Media Dur a

-- | querry score's duration
dur :: Score a -> Dur
dur = M.dur

-- | pause for some "Dur" time
rest :: Dur -> Score a
rest = M.none

-- | stretch in time domain. Duration of every note segemnt is multiplied by 
-- given factor.
stretch :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
stretch = M.stretch

-- | stretch with 1.5
dot :: Score a -> Score a
dot = stretch 1.5

-- | double 'dot', stretch with 1.75
ddot :: Score a -> Score a
ddot = stretch 1.75

-- | stretch with 2/3
tri :: Score a -> Score a
tri = stretch (2/3)

-- | adds given amount of duration to all notes
sustain :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
sustain k = sustainBy $ \t d a -> (d + k, a)

-- | set tempo in beats per minute, 
-- if 1 "Dur" is equal to 1 second before transformation.
bpm :: Double -> (Score a -> Score a)
bpm beat = stretch (x1/x0)
    where x0 = 0.25
          x1 = 60/beat

-- | general sustain
sustainBy :: (Time -> Dur -> a -> (Dur, b)) -> Score a -> Score b
sustainBy f = M.eventMap $ 
    \(M.Event t d a) -> let (d', a') = f t d a
                        in  M.Event t d' a'

-- | adds sustain, but total duration of score elements remains unchaged
-- notes are sustained within total duration interval.
-- adds given amount of time to all notes.
pedal :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a 
pedal dt' = pedalBy (\t dt a -> (dt + dt', a))

-- | general \"pedal\"
-- Total duration of score element remains unchanged. notes are sustained within total duration interval
pedalBy :: (Time -> Dur -> a -> (Dur, b)) -> Score a -> Score b
pedalBy f x = sustainBy f' x
    where d = dur x
          f' t dt a = first (min (d - t)) $ f t dt a 
-- | Constructor of score. Constructs note out of given value that lasts
-- for some time.
note :: Dur -> a -> Score a
note = M.temp

-- | Delay scores by given duration.
delay :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
delay = M.delay

-- | binary sequential composition, @a +:+ b@ means play a and then play b.
(+:+) :: Score a -> Score a -> Score a
(+:+) = (M.+:+)
-- | binary parallel composition, @a =:= b@ means play a and b simultoneously.
(=:=) :: Score a -> Score a -> Score a
(=:=) = (M.=:=)
-- | turncating parallel composition
-- for a =:/ b composes two scores together and turncates biggest one by 
-- duration of smallest one.
(=:/) :: Score a -> Score a -> Score a
a =:/ b 
    | dur a < dur b = a =:= takeS (dur a) b
    | otherwise     = b =:= takeS (dur b) a

-- | sequential composition for list of scores
line :: [Score a] -> Score a
line = M.sequent

-- | parallel composition for list of scores
chord :: [Score a] -> Score a
chord = M.parallel

-- | turncating parallel composition for lists of scores
chordT :: [Score a] -> Score a
chordT xs = chord $ map (takeS d) xs
    where d = minimum $ map dur xs

-- | Arranges n copies of score in line.
loop :: Int -> Score a -> Score a
loop = M.loop

-- | loop for two groups of notes. Repeats n times line of two scores.
trill :: Int -> Score a -> Score a -> Score a
trill n a b = loop n $ line [a, b]

-- | extracting score parts in some time interval.
-- it reverses output if @t1 < t0@.
slice :: Dur -> Dur -> Score a -> Score a
slice = M.slice

-- | take sub-score from begining
takeS :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
takeS = M.takeM

-- | drop sub-score
dropS :: Dur -> Score a -> Score a
dropS = M.dropM

-- | reverse score
reverseS :: Score a -> Score a
reverseS = M.reverseM

-- | temporal functor 'tmap' method for scores
-- map with time
tmap :: (Time -> a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
tmap = M.tmap

-- |  temporal functor 'dmap' method for scores
-- map with duration
dmap :: (Dur -> a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
dmap = M.dmap

-- | temporal functor 'tdmap' method for scores
-- map with time and duration
tdmap :: (Time -> Dur -> a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
tdmap = M.tdmap

-- | General mapping. In the end all values of type 'Score' 
-- are to be converted to 'EventList' wich is list of 'Event' s 
-- and function 'eventMap' allows mapping on 'Score' subvalues as if 
-- they are events already.
-- Warning : It is possible to change start time position with 
-- 'eventMap' but it can lead to unexpected outcome when used 
-- with 'slice' function. 'slice' operates on structure of 
-- type 'Score' (how value was built with 'sequent', 'parallel'
-- or 'stretch' and other functions), but 'eventMap' operates 
-- on 'Score' subvalues as if they are converted to 'Event' s 
-- and some shifted events can slip through 'slice' 's fingers.
eventMap :: (Event Dur a -> Event Dur b) -> Score a -> Score b
eventMap = M.eventMap

-- | relative 'tmap' 
-- map with time normalized by total duration value
tmapRel :: (Time -> a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
tmapRel = M.tmapRel

-- |  relative 'dmap' 
-- map with duration normalized by total duration value
dmapRel :: (Dur -> a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
dmapRel = M.dmapRel

-- | relative 'tdmap'
-- map with time and duration normalized by total duration value
tdmapRel :: (Time -> Dur -> a -> b) -> Score a -> Score b
tdmapRel = M.tdmapRel

--  Rendering

-- | Transform 'Score' to 'EventList'
renderScore :: Score a -> EventList Dur a
renderScore = M.renderMedia