module Test.Framework.Runners.Console (
defaultMain, defaultMainWithArgs, defaultMainWithOpts,
interpretArgs, interpretArgsOrExit
) where
import Test.Framework.Core
import Test.Framework.Options
import Test.Framework.Runners.Console.Run
import Test.Framework.Runners.Core
import Test.Framework.Runners.Options
import Test.Framework.Runners.Processors
import Test.Framework.Runners.Statistics
import qualified Test.Framework.Runners.XML as XML
import Test.Framework.Seed
import Test.Framework.Utilities
import Control.Monad (when)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Data.Monoid
instance Functor OptDescr where
fmap f (Option a b arg_descr c) = Option a b (fmap f arg_descr) c
instance Functor ArgDescr where
fmap f (NoArg a) = NoArg (f a)
fmap f (ReqArg g s) = ReqArg (f . g) s
fmap f (OptArg g s) = OptArg (f . g) s
type SuppliedRunnerOptions = Maybe RunnerOptions
optionsDescription :: [OptDescr SuppliedRunnerOptions]
optionsDescription = [
Option [] ["help"]
(NoArg Nothing)
"show this help message"
] ++ map (fmap Just) [
Option ['j'] ["threads"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_threads = Just (read t) }) "NUMBER")
"number of threads to use to run tests",
Option [] ["test-seed"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_test_options = Just (mempty { topt_seed = Just (read t) }) }) ("NUMBER|" ++ show RandomSeed))
"default seed for test random number generator",
Option ['a'] ["maximum-generated-tests"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_test_options = Just (mempty { topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just (read t) }) }) "NUMBER")
"how many automated tests something like QuickCheck should try, by default",
Option [] ["maximum-unsuitable-generated-tests"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_test_options = Just (mempty { topt_maximum_unsuitable_generated_tests = Just (read t) }) }) "NUMBER")
"how many unsuitable candidate tests something like QuickCheck should endure before giving up, by default",
Option ['s'] ["maximum-test-size"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty {ropt_test_options = Just (mempty { topt_maximum_test_size = Just (read t) }) }) "NUMBER")
"to what size something like QuickCheck should test the properties, by default",
Option ['d'] ["maximum-test-depth"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_test_options = Just (mempty { topt_maximum_test_depth = Just (read t) }) }) "NUMBER")
"to what depth something like SmallCheck should test the properties, by default",
Option ['o'] ["timeout"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_test_options = Just (mempty { topt_timeout = Just (Just (secondsToMicroseconds (read t))) }) }) "NUMBER")
"how many seconds a test should be run for before giving up, by default",
Option [] ["no-timeout"]
(NoArg (mempty { ropt_test_options = Just (mempty { topt_timeout = Just Nothing }) }))
"specifies that tests should be run without a timeout, by default",
Option ['l'] ["list-tests"]
(NoArg (mempty { ropt_list_only = Just True }))
"list available tests but don't run any; useful to guide subsequent --select-tests",
Option ['t'] ["select-tests"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_test_patterns = Just [read t] }) "TEST-PATTERN")
"only tests that match at least one glob pattern given by an instance of this argument will be run",
Option [] ["jxml"]
(ReqArg (\t -> mempty { ropt_xml_output = Just (Just t) }) "FILE")
"write a JUnit XML summary of the output to FILE",
Option [] ["jxml-nested"]
(NoArg (mempty { ropt_xml_nested = Just True }))
"use nested testsuites to represent groups in JUnit XML (not standards compliant)",
Option [] ["plain"]
(NoArg (mempty { ropt_color_mode = Just ColorNever }))
"do not use any ANSI terminal features to display the test run",
Option [] ["color"]
(NoArg (mempty { ropt_color_mode = Just ColorAlways }))
"use ANSI terminal features to display the test run",
Option [] ["hide-successes"]
(NoArg (mempty { ropt_hide_successes = Just True }))
"hide sucessful tests, and only show failures"
interpretArgs :: [String] -> IO (Either String (RunnerOptions, [String]))
interpretArgs args = do
prog_name <- getProgName
let usage_header = "Usage: " ++ prog_name ++ " [OPTIONS]"
case getOpt Permute optionsDescription args of
(oas, n, []) | Just os <- sequence oas -> return $ Right (mconcat os, n)
(_, _, errs) -> return $ Left (concat errs ++ usageInfo usage_header optionsDescription)
interpretArgsOrExit :: [String] -> IO RunnerOptions
interpretArgsOrExit args = do
interpreted_args <- interpretArgs args
case interpreted_args of
Right (ropts, []) -> return ropts
Right (_, leftovers) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Could not understand these extra arguments: " ++ unwords leftovers
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
Left error_message -> do
hPutStrLn stderr error_message
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
defaultMain :: [Test] -> IO ()
defaultMain tests = do
args <- getArgs
defaultMainWithArgs tests args
defaultMainWithArgs :: [Test] -> [String] -> IO ()
defaultMainWithArgs tests args = do
ropts <- interpretArgsOrExit args
defaultMainWithOpts tests ropts
defaultMainWithOpts :: [Test] -> RunnerOptions -> IO ()
defaultMainWithOpts tests ropts = do
let ropts' = completeRunnerOptions ropts
when (unK$ ropt_list_only ropts') $ do
putStr $ listTests tests
running_tests <- runTests ropts' tests
isplain <- case unK $ ropt_color_mode ropts' of
ColorAuto -> not `fmap` hIsTerminalDevice stdout
ColorNever -> return True
ColorAlways -> return False
fin_tests <- showRunTestsTop isplain (unK $ ropt_hide_successes ropts') running_tests
let test_statistics' = gatherStatistics fin_tests
case ropt_xml_output ropts' of
K (Just file) -> XML.produceReport (unK (ropt_xml_nested ropts')) test_statistics' fin_tests >>= writeFile file
_ -> return ()
exitWith $ if ts_no_failures test_statistics'
then ExitSuccess
else ExitFailure 1
listTests :: [Test] -> String
listTests tests = "\ntest-framework: All available tests:\n"++
concat (map (++"\n") (concatMap (showTest "") tests))
showTest :: String -> Test -> [String]
showTest path (Test name _testlike) = [" "++path ++ name]
showTest path (TestGroup name tests) = concatMap (showTest (path++":"++name)) tests
showTest path (PlusTestOptions _ test) = showTest path test
showTest path (BuildTest build) = []
completeRunnerOptions :: RunnerOptions -> CompleteRunnerOptions
completeRunnerOptions ro = RunnerOptions {
ropt_threads = K $ ropt_threads ro `orElse` processorCount,
ropt_test_options = K $ ropt_test_options ro `orElse` mempty,
ropt_test_patterns = K $ ropt_test_patterns ro `orElse` mempty,
ropt_xml_output = K $ ropt_xml_output ro `orElse` Nothing,
ropt_xml_nested = K $ ropt_xml_nested ro `orElse` False,
ropt_color_mode = K $ ropt_color_mode ro `orElse` ColorAuto,
ropt_hide_successes = K $ ropt_hide_successes ro `orElse` False,
ropt_list_only = K $ ropt_list_only ro `orElse` False