{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Network.TLS.Core
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Core
	-- * Internal packet sending and receiving
	, recvPacket

	-- * Creating a client or server context
	, client
	, clientWith
	, server
	, serverWith

	-- * Initialisation and Termination of context
	, bye
	, handshake
	, HandshakeFailed(..)
	, ConnectionNotEstablished(..)

	-- * High level API
	, sendData
	, recvData
	, recvData'
	) where

import Network.TLS.Context
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Record
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Compression
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Sending
import Network.TLS.Receiving
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import Network.TLS.Wire (encodeWord16)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Data
import Data.List (intersect, find)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Crypto.Random
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception(), fromException, catch, SomeException)
import System.IO (Handle)
import System.IO.Error (mkIOError, eofErrorType)
import Prelude hiding (catch)

data HandshakeFailed = HandshakeFailed TLSError
	deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable)

data ConnectionNotEstablished = ConnectionNotEstablished
	deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable)

instance Exception HandshakeFailed
instance Exception ConnectionNotEstablished

errorToAlert :: TLSError -> Packet
errorToAlert (Error_Protocol (_, _, ad)) = Alert [(AlertLevel_Fatal, ad)]
errorToAlert _                           = Alert [(AlertLevel_Fatal, InternalError)]

handshakeFailed :: TLSError -> IO ()
handshakeFailed err = throwIO $ HandshakeFailed err

checkValid :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m ()
checkValid ctx = do
	established <- ctxEstablished ctx
	unless established $ liftIO $ throwIO ConnectionNotEstablished
	eofed <- ctxEOF ctx
	when eofed $ liftIO $ throwIO $ mkIOError eofErrorType "data" Nothing Nothing

readExact :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> Int -> m Bytes
readExact ctx sz = do
	hdrbs <- liftIO $ connectionRecv ctx sz
	when (B.length hdrbs < sz) $ do
		setEOF ctx
		if B.null hdrbs
			then throwCore Error_EOF
			else throwCore (Error_Packet ("partial packet: expecting " ++ show sz ++ " bytes, got: " ++ (show $B.length hdrbs)))
	return hdrbs

recvRecord :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m (Either TLSError (Record Plaintext))
recvRecord ctx = readExact ctx 5 >>= either (return . Left) recvLength . decodeHeader
	where recvLength header@(Header _ _ readlen)
		| readlen > 16384 + 2048 = return $ Left $ Error_Protocol ("record exceeding maximum size", True, RecordOverflow)
		| otherwise              = do
			content <- readExact ctx (fromIntegral readlen)
			liftIO $ (loggingIORecv $ ctxLogging ctx) header content
			usingState ctx $ disengageRecord $ rawToRecord header (fragmentCiphertext content)

-- | receive one packet from the context that contains 1 or
-- many messages (many only in case of handshake). if will returns a
-- TLSError if the packet is unexpected or malformed
recvPacket :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m (Either TLSError Packet)
recvPacket ctx = do
	erecord <- recvRecord ctx
	case erecord of
		Left err     -> return $ Left err
		Right record -> do
			pkt <- usingState ctx $ processPacket record
			case pkt of
				Right p -> liftIO $ (loggingPacketRecv $ ctxLogging ctx) $ show p
				_       -> return ()
			return pkt

recvPacketHandshake :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m [Handshake]
recvPacketHandshake ctx = do
	pkts <- recvPacket ctx
	case pkts of
		Right (Handshake l) -> return l
		Right x             -> fail ("unexpected type received. expecting handshake and got: " ++ show x)
		Left err            -> throwCore err

data RecvState m =
	  RecvStateNext (Packet -> m (RecvState m))
	| RecvStateHandshake (Handshake -> m (RecvState m))
	| RecvStateDone

runRecvState :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx a -> RecvState m -> m ()
runRecvState _   (RecvStateDone)   = return ()
runRecvState ctx (RecvStateNext f) = recvPacket ctx >>= either throwCore f >>= runRecvState ctx
runRecvState ctx iniState          = recvPacketHandshake ctx >>= loop iniState >>= runRecvState ctx
		loop :: MonadIO m => RecvState m -> [Handshake] -> m (RecvState m)
		loop recvState []                  = return recvState
		loop (RecvStateHandshake f) (x:xs) = do
			nstate <- f x
			usingState_ ctx $ processHandshake x
			loop nstate xs
		loop _                         _   = unexpected "spurious handshake" Nothing

sendChangeCipherAndFinish :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> Bool -> m ()
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx isClient = do
	sendPacket ctx ChangeCipherSpec
	liftIO $ connectionFlush ctx
	cf <- usingState_ ctx $ getHandshakeDigest isClient
	sendPacket ctx (Handshake [Finished cf])
	liftIO $ connectionFlush ctx

recvChangeCipherAndFinish :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m ()
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher)
		expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
		expectChangeCipher p                = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")
		expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
		expectFinish p            = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")

unexpected :: MonadIO m => String -> Maybe [Char] -> m a
unexpected msg expected = throwCore $ Error_Packet_unexpected msg (maybe "" (" expected: " ++) expected)

newSession :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m Session
newSession ctx
	| pUseSession $ ctxParams ctx = getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . Session . Just
	| otherwise                   = return $ Session Nothing

-- | Send one packet to the context
sendPacket :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> Packet -> m ()
sendPacket ctx pkt = do
	liftIO $ (loggingPacketSent $ ctxLogging ctx) (show pkt)
	dataToSend <- usingState_ ctx $ writePacket pkt
	liftIO $ (loggingIOSent $ ctxLogging ctx) dataToSend
	liftIO $ connectionSend ctx dataToSend

-- | Create a new Client context with a configuration, a RNG, a generic connection and the connection operation.
clientWith :: (MonadIO m, CryptoRandomGen g)
           => TLSParams         -- ^ Parameters to use for this context
           -> g                 -- ^ Random number generator associated
           -> c                 -- ^ An abstract connection type
           -> IO ()             -- ^ A method for the connection buffer to be flushed
           -> (Bytes -> IO ())  -- ^ A method for sending bytes through the connection
           -> (Int -> IO Bytes) -- ^ A method for receiving bytes through the connection
           -> m (TLSCtx c)
clientWith params rng connection flushF sendF recvF =
	liftIO $ newCtxWith connection flushF sendF recvF params st
	where st = (newTLSState rng) { stClientContext = True }

-- | Create a new Client context with a configuration, a RNG, and a Handle.
-- It reconfigures the handle buffermode to noBuffering
client :: (MonadIO m, CryptoRandomGen g)
       => TLSParams -- ^ parameters to use for this context
       -> g         -- ^ random number generator associated with the context
       -> Handle    -- ^ handle to use
       -> m (TLSCtx Handle)
client params rng handle = liftIO $ newCtx handle params st
	where st = (newTLSState rng) { stClientContext = True }

-- | Create a new Server context with a configuration, a RNG, a generic connection and the connection operation.
serverWith :: (MonadIO m, CryptoRandomGen g) => TLSParams -> g -> c -> IO () -> (Bytes -> IO ()) -> (Int -> IO Bytes) -> m (TLSCtx c)
serverWith params rng connection flushF sendF recvF =
	liftIO $ newCtxWith connection flushF sendF recvF params st
	where st = (newTLSState rng) { stClientContext = False }

-- | Create a new Server context with a configuration, a RNG, and a Handle.
-- It reconfigures the handle buffermode to noBuffering
server :: (MonadIO m, CryptoRandomGen g) => TLSParams -> g -> Handle -> m (TLSCtx Handle)
server params rng handle = liftIO $ newCtx handle params st
	where st = (newTLSState rng) { stClientContext = False }

-- | notify the context that this side wants to close connection.
-- this is important that it is called before closing the handle, otherwise
-- the session might not be resumable (for version < TLS1.2).
-- this doesn't actually close the handle
bye :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m ()
bye ctx = sendPacket ctx $ Alert [(AlertLevel_Warning, CloseNotify)]

-- | when a new handshake is done, wrap up & clean up.
handshakeTerminate :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m ()
handshakeTerminate ctx = do
	session <- usingState_ ctx getSession
	-- only callback the session established if we have a session
	case session of
		Session (Just sessionId) -> do
			sessionData <- usingState_ ctx getSessionData
			liftIO $ (onSessionEstablished $ ctxParams ctx) sessionId (fromJust sessionData)
		_ -> return ()
	-- forget all handshake data now and reset bytes counters.
	usingState_ ctx endHandshake
	updateMeasure ctx resetBytesCounters
	-- mark the secure connection up and running.
	setEstablished ctx True
	return ()

-- client part of handshake. send a bunch of handshake of client
-- values intertwined with response from the server.
handshakeClient :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m ()
handshakeClient ctx = do
	updateMeasure ctx incrementNbHandshakes
	sessionResuming <- usingState_ ctx isSessionResuming
	if sessionResuming
		then sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx True
		else do
			sendCertificate >> sendClientKeyXchg >> sendCertificateVerify
			sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx True
			recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
	handshakeTerminate ctx
		params       = ctxParams ctx
		ver          = pConnectVersion params
		allowedvers  = pAllowedVersions params
		ciphers      = pCiphers params
		compressions = pCompressions params
		clientCerts  = map fst $ pCertificates params
		getExtensions =
			if pUseSecureRenegotiation params
			then usingState_ ctx (getVerifiedData True) >>= \vd -> return [ (0xff01, encodeExtSecureRenegotiation vd Nothing) ]
			else return []

		sendClientHello = do
			crand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ClientRandom
			let clientSession = Session . maybe Nothing (Just . fst) $ sessionResumeWith params
			extensions <- getExtensions
			usingState_ ctx (startHandshakeClient ver crand)
			sendPacket ctx $ Handshake
				[ ClientHello ver crand clientSession (map cipherID ciphers)
					      (map compressionID compressions) extensions

		expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
		expectChangeCipher p                = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")
		expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
		expectFinish p            = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")

		sendCertificate = do
			-- Send Certificate if requested. XXX disabled for now.
			certRequested <- return False
			when certRequested (sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [Certificates clientCerts])

		sendCertificateVerify =
			{- maybe send certificateVerify -}
			{- FIXME not implemented yet -}
			return ()

		recvServerHello = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake onServerHello)

		onServerHello :: MonadIO m => Handshake -> m (RecvState m)
		onServerHello sh@(ServerHello rver _ serverSession cipher _ _) = do
			when (rver == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("ssl2 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
			case find ((==) rver) allowedvers of
				Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("version " ++ show ver ++ "is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
				Just _  -> usingState_ ctx $ setVersion ver
			case find ((==) cipher . cipherID) ciphers of
				Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no cipher in common with the server", True, HandshakeFailure)
				Just c  -> usingState_ ctx $ setCipher c

			let resumingSession = case sessionResumeWith params of
				Just (sessionId, sessionData) -> if serverSession == Session (Just sessionId) then Just sessionData else Nothing
				Nothing                       -> Nothing
			usingState_ ctx $ setSession serverSession (isJust resumingSession)
			usingState_ ctx $ processServerHello sh
			case resumingSession of
				Nothing          -> return $ RecvStateHandshake processCertificate
				Just sessionData -> do
					usingState_ ctx (setMasterSecret $ sessionSecret sessionData)
					return $ RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher
		onServerHello p = unexpected (show p) (Just "server hello")

		processCertificate :: MonadIO m => Handshake -> m (RecvState m)
		processCertificate (Certificates certs) = do
			usage <- liftIO $ catch (onCertificatesRecv params $ certs) rejectOnException
			case usage of
				CertificateUsageAccept        -> return ()
				CertificateUsageReject reason -> certificateRejected reason
			return $ RecvStateHandshake processServerKeyExchange
				rejectOnException :: SomeException -> IO TLSCertificateUsage
				rejectOnException e = return $ CertificateUsageReject $ CertificateRejectOther $ show e
		processCertificate p = processServerKeyExchange p

		processServerKeyExchange :: MonadIO m => Handshake -> m (RecvState m)
		processServerKeyExchange (ServerKeyXchg _) = return $ RecvStateHandshake processCertificateRequest
		processServerKeyExchange p                 = processCertificateRequest p

		processCertificateRequest (CertRequest _ _ _) = do
			--modify (\sc -> sc { scCertRequested = True })
			return $ RecvStateHandshake processServerHelloDone
		processCertificateRequest p = processServerHelloDone p

		processServerHelloDone ServerHelloDone = return RecvStateDone
		processServerHelloDone p = unexpected (show p) (Just "server hello data")

		sendClientKeyXchg = do
			encryptedPreMaster <- usingState_ ctx $ do
				xver       <- stVersion <$> get
				prerand    <- genTLSRandom 46
				let premaster = encodePreMasterSecret xver prerand
				setMasterSecretFromPre premaster

				-- SSL3 implementation generally forget this length field since it's redundant,
				-- however TLS10 make it clear that the length field need to be present.
				e <- encryptRSA premaster
				let extra = if xver < TLS10
					then B.empty
					else encodeWord16 $ fromIntegral $ B.length e
				return $ extra `B.append` e
			sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [ClientKeyXchg encryptedPreMaster]

		-- on certificate reject, throw an exception with the proper protocol alert error.
		certificateRejected CertificateRejectRevoked =
			throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate is revoked", True, CertificateRevoked)
		certificateRejected CertificateRejectExpired =
			throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate has expired", True, CertificateExpired)
		certificateRejected CertificateRejectUnknownCA =
			throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate has unknown CA", True, UnknownCa)
		certificateRejected (CertificateRejectOther s) =
			throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate rejected: " ++ s, True, CertificateUnknown)

handshakeServerWith :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> Handshake -> m ()
handshakeServerWith ctx clientHello@(ClientHello ver _ clientSession ciphers compressions _) = do
	-- check if policy allow this new handshake to happens
	handshakeAuthorized <- withMeasure ctx (onHandshake $ ctxParams ctx)
	unless handshakeAuthorized (throwCore $ Error_HandshakePolicy "server: handshake denied")
	updateMeasure ctx incrementNbHandshakes

	-- Handle Client hello
	usingState_ ctx $ processHandshake clientHello
	when (ver == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("ssl2 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
	when (not $ elem ver (pAllowedVersions params)) $
		throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("version " ++ show ver ++ "is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
	when (commonCiphers == []) $
		throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no cipher in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
	when (null commonCompressions) $
		throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no compression in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
	usingState_ ctx $ modify (\st -> st
		{ stVersion     = ver
		, stCipher      = Just usedCipher
		, stCompression = usedCompression

	resumeSessionData <- case clientSession of
		(Session (Just clientSessionId)) -> liftIO $ onSessionResumption params $ clientSessionId
		(Session Nothing)                -> return Nothing
	case resumeSessionData of
		Nothing -> do
			liftIO $ connectionFlush ctx

			-- Receive client info until client Finished.
			sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx False
		Just sessionData -> do
			usingState_ ctx (setSession clientSession True)
			serverhello <- makeServerHello clientSession
			sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [serverhello]
			usingState_ ctx $ setMasterSecret $ sessionSecret sessionData
			sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx False
			recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
	handshakeTerminate ctx
		params             = ctxParams ctx
		commonCiphers      = intersect ciphers (map cipherID $ pCiphers params)
		usedCipher         = fromJust $ find (\c -> cipherID c == head commonCiphers) (pCiphers params)
		commonCompressions = compressionIntersectID (pCompressions params) compressions
		usedCompression    = head commonCompressions
		srvCerts           = map fst $ pCertificates params
		privKeys           = map snd $ pCertificates params
		needKeyXchg        = cipherExchangeNeedMoreData $ cipherKeyExchange usedCipher

		recvClientData = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake $ processClientCertificate)

		processClientCertificate (Certificates _) = return $ RecvStateHandshake processClientKeyExchange
		processClientCertificate p = processClientKeyExchange p

		processClientKeyExchange (ClientKeyXchg _) = return $ RecvStateNext processCertificateVerify
		processClientKeyExchange p                 = unexpected (show p) (Just "client key exchange")

		processCertificateVerify (Handshake [CertVerify _]) = return $ RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher
		processCertificateVerify p = expectChangeCipher p

		expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
		expectChangeCipher p                = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")

		expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
		expectFinish p            = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")

		makeServerHello session = do
			srand <- getStateRNG ctx 32 >>= return . ServerRandom
			case privKeys of
				(Just privkey : _) -> usingState_ ctx $ setPrivateKey privkey
				_                  -> return () -- return a sensible error

			-- in TLS12, we need to check as well the certificates we are sending if they have in the extension
			-- the necessary bits set.
			secReneg   <- usingState_ ctx getSecureRenegotiation
			extensions <- if secReneg
				then do
					vf <- usingState_ ctx $ do
						cvf <- getVerifiedData True
						svf <- getVerifiedData False
						return $ encodeExtSecureRenegotiation cvf (Just svf)
					return [ (0xff01, vf) ]
				else return []
			usingState_ ctx (setVersion ver >> setServerRandom srand)
			return $ ServerHello ver srand session (cipherID usedCipher)
			                               (compressionID usedCompression) extensions

		handshakeSendServerData = do
			serverSession <- newSession ctx
			usingState_ ctx (setSession serverSession False)
			serverhello   <- makeServerHello serverSession
			-- send ServerHello & Certificate & ServerKeyXchg & CertReq
			sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [ serverhello, Certificates srvCerts ]
			when needKeyXchg $ do
				let skg = SKX_RSA Nothing
				sendPacket ctx (Handshake [ServerKeyXchg skg])
			-- FIXME we don't do this on a Anonymous server
			when (pWantClientCert params) $ do
				let certTypes = [ CertificateType_RSA_Sign ]
				let creq = CertRequest certTypes Nothing [0,0,0]
				sendPacket ctx (Handshake [creq])
			-- Send HelloDone
			sendPacket ctx (Handshake [ServerHelloDone])

handshakeServerWith _ _ = fail "unexpected handshake type received. expecting client hello"

-- after receiving a client hello, we need to redo a handshake
handshakeServer :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m ()
handshakeServer ctx = do
	hss <- recvPacketHandshake ctx
	case hss of
		[ch] -> handshakeServerWith ctx ch
		_    -> fail ("unexpected handshake received, excepting client hello and received " ++ show hss)

-- | Handshake for a new TLS connection
-- This is to be called at the beginning of a connection, and during renegociation
handshake :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m ()
handshake ctx = do
	cc <- usingState_ ctx (stClientContext <$> get)
	liftIO $ handleException $ if cc then handshakeClient ctx else handshakeServer ctx
		handleException f = catch f $ \exception -> do
			let tlserror = maybe (Error_Misc $ show exception) id $ fromException exception
			setEstablished ctx False
			sendPacket ctx (errorToAlert tlserror)
			handshakeFailed tlserror

-- | sendData sends a bunch of data.
-- It will automatically chunk data to acceptable packet size
sendData :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> L.ByteString -> m ()
sendData ctx dataToSend = checkValid ctx >> mapM_ sendDataChunk (L.toChunks dataToSend)
	where sendDataChunk d
		| B.length d > 16384 = do
			let (sending, remain) = B.splitAt 16384 d
			sendPacket ctx $ AppData sending
			sendDataChunk remain
		| otherwise = sendPacket ctx $ AppData d

-- | recvData get data out of Data packet, and automatically renegociate if
-- a Handshake ClientHello is received
recvData :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m Bytes
recvData ctx = do
	checkValid ctx
	pkt <- recvPacket ctx
	case pkt of
		-- on server context receiving a client hello == renegociation
		Right (Handshake [ch@(ClientHello _ _ _ _ _ _)]) ->
			handshakeServerWith ctx ch >> recvData ctx
		-- on client context, receiving a hello request == renegociation
		Right (Handshake [HelloRequest]) ->
			handshakeClient ctx >> recvData ctx
		Right (Alert [(AlertLevel_Fatal, _)]) -> do
			setEOF ctx
			return B.empty
		Right (Alert [(AlertLevel_Warning, CloseNotify)]) -> do
			setEOF ctx
			return B.empty
		Right (AppData x) -> return x
		Right p           -> error ("error unexpected packet: " ++ show p)
		Left err          -> error ("error received: " ++ show err)

recvData' :: MonadIO m => TLSCtx c -> m L.ByteString
recvData' ctx = recvData ctx >>= return . L.fromChunks . (:[])