{-# LANGUAGE CPP           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.Vector.Strict.Basics
-- Copyright   : (c) [2001..2002] Manuel M T Chakravarty & Gabriele Keller
--               (c) 2006         Manuel M T Chakravarty & Roman Leshchinskiy
-- License     : see libraries/ndp/LICENSE
-- Maintainer  : Roman Leshchinskiy <rl@cse.unsw.edu.au>
-- Stability   : internal
-- Portability : portable
-- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------
--  Basic operations on flat unlifted arrays.
-- Todo ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "fusion-phases.h"

module Data.Array.Vector.Strict.Basics where

import Data.Array.Vector.Stream
import Data.Array.Vector.UArr hiding (lengthU, indexU)
import qualified Data.Array.Vector.UArr as Prim (lengthU, indexU)

import Data.Array.Vector.Strict.Stream

import Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Debug
import Data.Array.Vector.Prim.Hyperstrict
import GHC.ST

import Debug.Trace


instance (Eq e, UA e) => Eq (UArr e) where (==) = eqU
   -- not really fusible

{-# INLINE_U eqU #-}
eqU :: (Eq e, UA e) => UArr e -> UArr e -> Bool
eqU a1 a2 = lengthU a1 == lengthU a2 && foldlU cmp True (zipU a1 a2)
       cmp r (e1 :*: e2) = e1 == e2 && r


-- XXX general rule:
-- If we have direct implementations with better complexity than streams:
--   length, index, take, drop
-- Then use the direct version

-- |/O(1)/. 'lengthU' returns the length of a 'UArr' as an 'Int'.
lengthU :: UA e => UArr e -> Int
lengthU = foldlU (const . (+1)) 0
-- lengthU = Prim.lengthU
{-# INLINE_U lengthU #-}


Unfused version:

$ time ./length
./length  1.10s user 1.13s system 91% cpu 2.433 total

Fusible version:

./length  0.31s user 0.00s system 97% cpu 0.318 total


-- lengthU_stream :: UA e => UArr e -> Int
-- {-# INLINE lengthU_stream #-}

-- lengthU is reexported from UArr

-- |/O(1)/. 'nullU' tests whether the given array is empty.
nullU :: UA e => UArr e -> Bool
nullU  = nullS . streamU  -- better code if we short circuit
{-# INLINE_U nullU #-}
-- nullU  = (== 0) . lengthU

-- |/O(1)/. 'emptyU' yields an empty array.
emptyU :: UA e => UArr e
emptyU = unstreamU emptyS
{-# INLINE_U emptyU #-}

-- emptyU = newU 0 (const $ return ())

-- |/O(1)/. 'singletonU' yields a singleton array containing the given element.
singletonU :: UA e => e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U singletonU #-}
singletonU = unstreamU . singletonS

-- |/O(n)/. 'consU' prepends the given element to an array.
consU :: UA e => e -> UArr e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U consU #-}
consU x = unstreamU . consS x . streamU

-- |/O(n)/. 'snocU' appends the given element to an array.
snocU :: UA e => UArr e -> e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U snocU #-}
snocU s x = unstreamU (snocS (streamU s) x)

-- unitsU is reexported from Loop

-- |/O(n)/. @'replicateU' n e@ yields an array containing @n@ repetitions of @e@.
replicateU :: UA e => Int -> e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U replicateU #-}
replicateU n e = unstreamU (replicateS n e)

-- |/O(n)/. @'replicateEachU' n r e@ yields an array such that each element in
-- @e@ is repeated as many times as the value contained at the corresponding
-- index in @r@. For example:
-- @replicateEachU 10 (toU [1..3]) (toU [3..5])@ yields @toU [3.0,4.0,4.0,5.0,5.0,5.0]@
-- /N.B/: the @n@ parameter specifies how many elements are /allocated/ for the
-- output array, but the function will happily overrun the allocated buffer for
-- all sorts of interesting effects! The caller is expected to ensure that 
-- @n <= sumU r@.
replicateEachU :: UA e => Int -> UArr Int -> UArr e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U replicateEachU #-}
replicateEachU n ns es = unstreamU
                       . replicateEachS n
                       $ zipS (streamU ns) (streamU es)

-- |/O(n)/. 'indexU' extracts an element out of an immutable unboxed array.
indexU :: UA e => UArr e -> Int -> e
indexU arr n = indexS (streamU arr) n
{-# INLINE_U indexU #-}

-- |/O(1)/. 'headU' yields the first element of an array.
headU :: UA e => UArr e -> e
headU = headS . streamU
{-# INLINE_U headU #-}

-- |/O(n)/. 'lastU' yields the last element of an array.
lastU :: UA e => UArr e -> e
lastU = foldl1U (flip const)
{-# INLINE lastU #-}

-- |/O(n)/. 'appendU' concatenates two arrays.
appendU :: UA e => UArr e -> UArr e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U appendU #-}
a1 `appendU` a2 = unstreamU (streamU a1 +++ streamU a2)

-- |/O(n)/. 'initU' yields the input array without its last element.
initU :: UA e => UArr e -> UArr e -- not unboxing
initU = unstreamU . initS . streamU
{-# INLINE initU #-}

-- |/O(n)/. @'repeatU' n u@ repeats an array @u@ @n@ times.
repeatU :: UA e => Int -> UArr e -> UArr e
repeatU n = unstreamU . repS n
{-# INLINE_U repeatU #-}

-- No work duplicated
repS :: UA e => Int -> UArr e -> Stream e
{-# INLINE_STREAM repS #-}
repS k xs = Stream next (0 :*: k) (k*n)
    n = lengthU xs

    {-# INLINE next #-}
    next (i :*: 0) = Done
    next (i :*: k) | i == n    = Skip (0 :*: k-1)
                   | otherwise = Yield (xs `Prim.indexU` i) (i+1 :*: k)

-- *Indexing
-- ---------

-- |/O(n)/. 'indexedU' associates each element of the array with its index.
indexedU :: UA e => UArr e -> UArr (Int :*: e)
{-# INLINE_U indexedU #-}
indexedU = unstreamU . indexedS . streamU

-- *Conversion
-- -----------

-- |/O(n)/. 'toU' turns a list into a 'UArr'.
toU :: UA e => [e] -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U toU #-}
toU = unstreamU . toStream

-- |/O(n)/. 'fromU' collects the elements of a 'UArr' into a list.
fromU :: UA e => UArr e -> [e]
{-# INLINE_U fromU #-}
fromU a = [a `Prim.indexU` i | i <- [0..lengthU a - 1]]


here s = "Data.Array.Vector.Strict.Combinators." ++ s

-- |/O(n)/. @'iterateU' n f a@ constructs an array of size @n@ by iteratively 
-- applying @f@ to @a@.
iterateU :: (UA a) => Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> UArr a
iterateU n f = unfoldU n (\x -> JustS $ x :*: f x)

-- |/O(n)/. 'mapU' maps a function over an array.
mapU :: (UA e, UA e') => (e -> e') -> UArr e -> UArr e'
{-# INLINE_U mapU #-}
mapU f = unstreamU . mapS f . streamU

-- |/O(n)/. 'filterU' extracts all elements from an array that satisfy 
-- the given predicate.
filterU :: UA e => (e -> Bool) -> UArr e -> UArr e 
{-# INLINE_U filterU #-}
filterU p = unstreamU . filterS p . streamU

-- |/O(n)/. 'packU' extracts all elements from an array according to the 
-- provided flag array. For example:
-- @packU (toU [1..5]) (toU [True,False,False,False,True])@
-- yields @toU [1.0,5.0]@.
packU:: UA e => UArr e -> UArr Bool -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U packU #-}
packU xs = fstU . filterU sndS . zipU xs

-- |/O(n)/. 'foldlU' reduces an array proceeding from the left.
foldlU :: UA a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UArr a -> b
{-# INLINE_U foldlU #-}
foldlU f z = foldS f z . streamU

-- |/O(n)/. 'foldl1U' is a variant of 'foldlU' that assumes a non-empty input
-- array, but requires no starting element. Throws an exception if the input
-- array is empty.

-- FIXME: Rewrite for 'Stream's.

-- foldl1U :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> UArr a -> a
-- {-# INLINE_U foldl1U #-}
-- foldl1U f arr = checkNotEmpty (here "foldl1U") (lengthU arr) $
--                 foldlU f (arr `Prim.indexU` 0) (sliceU arr 1 (lengthU arr - 1))

foldl1U :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> UArr a -> a
foldl1U f = foldl1S f . streamU
{-# INLINE foldl1U #-}

-- |/O(n)/. 'foldl1MaybeU' behaves like 'foldl1U' but returns 'NothingS' if the
-- input array is empty.
foldl1MaybeU :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> UArr a -> MaybeS a
{-# INLINE_U foldl1MaybeU #-}
foldl1MaybeU f = fold1MaybeS f . streamU

-- |/O(n)/. 'foldU' reduces an array using an associative combination function
-- and its unit.
foldU :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> UArr a -> a
{-# INLINE_U foldU #-}
foldU = foldlU

-- |/O(n)/. 'fold1MaybeU' behaves like 'fold1U' but returns 'NothingS' if the
-- input array is empty.
fold1MaybeU :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> UArr a -> MaybeS a
{-# INLINE_U fold1MaybeU #-}
fold1MaybeU = foldl1MaybeU

-- |/O(n)/. 'fold1U' is a variant of 'foldU' that requires a non-empty input
-- array. Throws an exception if its input array is empty.
fold1U :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> UArr a -> a
{-# INLINE_U fold1U #-}
fold1U = foldl1U

-- |/O(n)/. 'scanlU' is equivalent to 'foldlU' on all prefixes (except the
-- array itself) of the input array.
-- /N.B/: the behavior of this function differs from that of Data.List. Compare:
-- @scanl (+) 0.0 [1..5]@ gives @[0.0,1.0,3.0,6.0,10.0,15.0]@
-- @scanlU (+) 0.0 $ toU [1..5]@ gives @toU [0.0,1.0,3.0,6.0,10.0]@
-- To get behavior closer to the List counterpart, see 'scanResU'.
scanlU :: (UA a, UA b) => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> UArr a -> UArr b
{-# INLINE_U scanlU #-}
scanlU f z = unstreamU . scanS f z . streamU

-- |/O(n)/. 'scanl1U' is like 'scanlU', but requires no starting value.
scanl1U :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> UArr a -> UArr a
{-# INLINE_U scanl1U #-}
scanl1U f arr = checkNotEmpty (here "scanl1U") (lengthU arr) $
                unstreamU (scan1S f (streamU arr))

-- |/O(n)/. 'scanU' is equivalent to 'foldU' on all prefixes (except the array
-- itself) of the input array.
scanU :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> UArr a -> UArr a
{-# INLINE_U scanU #-}
scanU = scanlU

-- |/O(n)/. 'scan1U' is like 'scanU', but requires no starting value.
scan1U :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> UArr a -> UArr a
{-# INLINE_U scan1U #-}
scan1U = scanl1U

-- |/O(n)/. 'scanResU' behaves like 'scanU', but yields a strict pair with the
-- 'scanU' result as its @fstS@ and the "missing" element ('foldU' on the same
-- arguments) as its @sndS@. Compare:
-- @scanl (+) 0.0 [1..5]@ gives @[0.0,1.0,3.0,6.0,10.0,15.0]@
-- @scanlU (+) 0.0 $ toU [1..5]@ gives @toU [0.0,1.0,3.0,6.0,10.0]@
-- @scanResU (+) 0.0 $ toU [1..5]@ gives @toU [0.0,1.0,3.0,6.0,10.0] :*: 15.0@.
scanResU :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> UArr a -> UArr a :*: a
{-# INLINE_U scanResU #-}
scanResU f z = unstreamScan f z . streamU

unstreamScan :: UA a => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Stream a -> UArr a :*: a
{-# INLINE_STREAM unstreamScan #-}
unstreamScan f z st@(Stream _ _ n)
  = newDynResU n (\marr -> unstreamScanM marr f z st)

unstreamScanM :: UA a => MUArr a s -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Stream a
                      -> ST s (Int :*: a)
{-# INLINE_U unstreamScanM #-}
unstreamScanM marr f z (Stream next s n) = fill s z 0
    fill s !z !i = case next s of
                     Done       -> return (i :*: z)
                     Skip    s' -> s' `seq` fill s' z i
                     Yield x s' -> s' `seq`
                                     writeMU marr i z
                                     fill s' (f z x) (i+1)

-- |/O(n)/. 'mapAccumLU' is an accumulating map from left to right. Unlike its
-- List counterpart, it does not return the accumulator.

-- FIXME: Naming inconsistent with lists.
mapAccumLU :: (UA a, UA b) => (c -> a -> c :*: b) -> c -> UArr a -> UArr b
{-# INLINE_U mapAccumLU #-}
mapAccumLU f z = unstreamU . mapAccumS f z . streamU

-- zipU is re-exported from UArr

-- |/O(1)/. 'zip3U' takes three arrays and returns an array of triples.
zip3U :: (UA e1, UA e2, UA e3) 
      => UArr e1 -> UArr e2 -> UArr e3 -> UArr (e1 :*: e2 :*: e3)
{-# INLINE_U zip3U #-}
zip3U a1 a2 a3 = (a1 `zipU` a2) `zipU` a3

-- |/O(n)/. 'zipWithU' applies a function to corresponding elements of two 
-- arrays, yielding an array containing the results.
zipWithU :: (UA a, UA b, UA c) 
         => (a -> b -> c) -> UArr a -> UArr b -> UArr c
{-# INLINE_U zipWithU #-}
zipWithU f a1 a2 = unstreamU (zipWithS f (streamU a1) (streamU a2))

-- |/O(n)/. 'zipWith3U' applies a function to corresponding elements of three
-- arrays, yielding an array with the results.
zipWith3U :: (UA a, UA b, UA c, UA d) 
          => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> UArr a -> UArr b -> UArr c -> UArr d
{-# INLINE_U zipWith3U #-}
zipWith3U f a1 a2 a3 = unstreamU (zipWith3S f (streamU a1)
                                              (streamU a2)
                                              (streamU a3))

-- unzipU is re-exported from UArr

-- |/O(1)/. 'unzip3U' unpairs an array of strict triples into three arrays.
unzip3U :: (UA e1, UA e2, UA e3) 
        => UArr (e1 :*: e2 :*: e3) -> (UArr e1 :*: UArr e2 :*: UArr e3)
{-# INLINE_U unzip3U #-}
unzip3U a = let (a12 :*: a3) = unzipU a
                (a1  :*: a2) = unzipU a12
            (a1 :*: a2 :*: a3)

-- fstU and sndU reexported from UArr

-- |/O(n)/. @'combineU' f a1 a2@ yields an array by picking elements from @a1@
-- if @f@ is @True@ at the given position, and picking elements from @a2@ 
-- otherwise. For example:
-- @combineU (toU [True,True,False,True,False,False]) (toU [1..3]) (toU [4..6])@
-- yields @toU [1.0,2.0,4.0,3.0,5.0,6.0]@.
combineU :: UA a
         => UArr Bool -> UArr a -> UArr a -> UArr a
{-# INLINE_U combineU #-}
combineU f a1 a2 = checkEq (here "combineU") 
     ("flag length not equal to sum of arg length")
     (lengthU f) (lengthU a1 + lengthU a2) $ 
--  trace ("combineU:\n\t"  ++ show (lengthU f)  ++ "\n\t" ++ show (lengthU a1) ++ "\n\t" ++ show (lengthU a2) ++ "\n")
  unstreamU (combineS (streamU f) (streamU a1) (streamU a2))


-- sliceU reexported from UArr

-- {-# INLINE_U extractU #-}
-- extractU :: UA a => UArr a -> Int -> Int -> UArr a
-- extractU arr i n = newU n $ \marr -> copyMU marr 0 (sliceU arr i n)

-- |/O(n)/. 'tailU' yields the given array without its initial element.
tailU :: UA e => UArr e -> UArr e
tailU = unstreamU . tailS . streamU
{-# INLINE_U tailU #-}

-- |/O(n)/. 'dropU' yields the suffix obtained by dropping the given number
-- of elements from an array.
dropU :: UA e=> Int -> UArr e -> UArr e
dropU n = unstreamU . dropS n . streamU
{-# INLINE dropU #-}

-- |/O(n)/. 'takeU' yields the prefix of the given length of an array.
takeU :: UA e=> Int -> UArr e -> UArr e
takeU n = unstreamU . takeS n . streamU
{-# INLINE takeU #-}

-- |/O(n)/. 'splitAtU' splits an array into two subarrays at the given index.
splitAtU :: UA e => Int -> UArr e -> (UArr e, UArr e)
splitAtU n a = (takeU n a, dropU n a)
{-# INLINE splitAtU #-}


-- |Extract a prefix of an array
takeU :: UA e=> Int -> UArr e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U takeU #-}
takeU n a = extractU a 0 n

-- |Extract a suffix of an array
dropU :: UA e => Int -> UArr e -> UArr e
{-# INLINE_U dropU #-}
dropU n a = let len = lengthU a
            extractU a n (len - n)

-- |Split an array into two halves at the given index
splitAtU :: UA e => Int -> UArr e -> (UArr e, UArr e)
{-# INLINE_U splitAtU #-}
splitAtU n a = (takeU n a, dropU n a)



-- |/O(n)/. 'takeWhileU', applied to a predicate @p@ and a UArr @xs@,
-- returns the longest prefix (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that satisfy @p@.
takeWhileU :: UA e => (e -> Bool) -> UArr e -> UArr e
takeWhileU f = unstreamU . takeWhileS f . streamU
{-# INLINE_U takeWhileU #-}

-- |/O(n)/. 'dropWhileU' @p xs@ returns the suffix remaining after 'takeWhileU' @p xs@.
dropWhileU :: UA e => (e -> Bool) -> UArr e -> UArr e
dropWhileU f = unstreamU . dropWhileS f . streamU
{-# INLINE_U dropWhileU #-}

-- ** Searching with a predicate

-- |/O(n)/, /fusion/. The 'findU' function takes a predicate and an array
-- and returns the first element in the list matching the predicate, or
-- 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
findU :: UA a => (a -> Bool) -> UArr a -> Maybe a
{-# INLINE_U findU #-}
findU p = findS p . streamU

-- |/O(n)/, /fusion/. The 'findIndexU' function takes a predicate and an array and returns
-- the index of the first element in the array satisfying the predicate,
-- or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
findIndexU :: UA a => (a -> Bool) -> UArr a -> Maybe Int
{-# INLINE_U findIndexU #-}
findIndexU p = findIndexS p . streamU

-- |/O(n)/, /fusion/. 'lookupU' @key assocs@ looks up a key in an array
-- of pairs treated as an association table.
lookupU :: (Eq a, UA a, UA b) => a -> UArr (a :*: b) -> Maybe b
{-# INLINE_U lookupU #-}
lookupU p = lookupS p . streamU


-- |/O(n)/. @'unfoldU' n f z@ builds an array of size @n@ from a seed value
-- @z@ by iteratively applying @f@, stopping when @n@ elements have been 
-- generated or @f@ returns 'NothingS'.
unfoldU :: UA a => Int -> (b -> MaybeS (a :*: b)) -> b -> UArr a
{-# INLINE_U unfoldU #-}
unfoldU n f z = unstreamU (unfoldS n f z)