Packages tagged formal-languages

13 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (13), bioinformatics (8), bsd3 (7), gpl (3), mit (3), program (3), algorithms (2), data-structures (2), language (2), compression (1), natural-language-processing (1), nlp (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
ADPfusion50.015Efficient, high-level dynamic programming. (algorithms, bioinformatics, bsd3, data-structures, formal-languages, library)2019-10-
ADPfusionForest20.01Dynamic programming on tree and forest structures (bioinformatics, bsd3, formal-languages, library)2017-11-
ADPfusionSet10.03Dynamic programming for Set data structures. (algorithms, bioinformatics, bsd3, data-structures, formal-languages, library)2017-10-
ForestStructures190.05Tree- and forest structures (bioinformatics, bsd3, formal-languages, library)2023-06-
Forestry20.01Comparison of trees and forests. (bioinformatics, bsd3, formal-languages, library)2017-11-
FormalGrammars130.09(Context-free) grammars in formal language theory (bioinformatics, formal-languages, gpl, library)2019-10-
GenussFold40.00MCFGs for Genus-1 RNA Pseudoknots (bioinformatics, formal-languages, gpl, library, program)2015-07-
GrammarProducts110.04Grammar products and higher-dimensional grammars (bioinformatics, formal-languages, gpl, library)2019-10-
language-toolkit20.00A set of tools for analyzing languages via logic and automata (formal-languages, library, mit, program)2024-04-
libriscv50.00A versatile, flexible and executable formal model for the RISC-V architecture. (formal-languages, library, mit, program)2024-07-
lindenmayer50.01L-systems in Haskell (formal-languages, library, mit)2015-06-
sequitur100.00Grammar-based compression algorithms SEQUITUR (bsd3, compression, formal-languages, language, library, natural-language-processing, nlp, text)2024-07-
smt2-parser350.01A Haskell parser for SMT-LIB version 2.6 (bsd3, formal-languages, language, library, smt)2022-10-, haskell_github_trust