need help to edit the Haskell script in Winhugs and documentation.
Both sections relate to the case study: Index for a document of text.
Given the attached Haskell code which produces an index of words, make the following alterations by modifying existing functions and including new functions where necessary – parts 1) to 5):
Where a word occurs N times on the same line, ensure that the line number occurs n times in the index entry for that word.
Allow words to be hyphenated and treat a hyphenated word as a single word. However, for those words which are split over two lines, treat a split word as a single word without the hyphen.
Treat a capitalised word (one or more capitals) as being different from the word in all lower case (but they should still be sorted alphabetically) – unless it is at the start of a sentence with only the initial letter capitalised. A sentence is terminated by a ‘.’, ‘?’ or ‘!’.
Make the output more readable in the form of an index table in columns with appropriate spacing and without brackets.
Include a user-friendly menu, so that the user can choose input/output file names or default files, and choose to rerun or exit.
Parts 1) to 5) may be developed in any order.
For your version of function, makeIndex (only), show how an alternative ordering of the composed functions would provide a more efficient execution of makeIndex. Justify your answer.
For the parts 1) to 5) above that you have attempted, discuss the use you have made of a) higher-order functions, b) list comprehension, c) monadic input/output, d) functional composition, and/or e) partial parameterisation (or Curried functions). Include an evaluation of how useful your use of these concepts has been.
import Prelude
type Doc = String type Line = String type Word = String
makeIndex :: Doc -> [ ([Int], Word) ]
makeIndex = shorten . -- [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]
amalgamate .-- [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)] makeLists . -- [(Int, Word)] -> [([Int], Word)] sortLs . -- [(Int, Word)] -> [(Int, Word)]
allNumWords .-- [(Int, Line)] -> [(Int, Word)] numLines . -- [Line] -> [(Int, Line)] splitUp -- Doc -> [Line]
splitUp :: Doc -> [Line]
splitUp [] = [] splitUp text = takeWhile (/='\n') text : -- first line
(splitUp . -- splitup other lines
dropWhile (==’\n’) . -- delete 1st newline(s)
dropWhile (/='\n')) text -- other lines
numLines :: [Line] -> [(Int, Line)]
numLines lines -- list of pairs of = zip [1 .. length lines] lines -- line no. & line
-- for each line -- a) split into words -- b) attach line no. to each word
splitWords :: Line -> [Word] -- a)
splitWords [] = [] splitWords line = takeWhile isLetter line : -- first word in line (splitWords . -- split other words dropWhile (not.isLetter) . -- delete separators dropWhile isLetter) line -- other words
where isLetter ch
= (‘a’<=ch) && (ch<=’z’)
|| (‘A’<=ch) && (ch<=’Z’)
numWords :: (Int, Line) -> [(Int, Word)] -- b)
numWords (number, line) = map addLineNum ( splitWords line) -- all line pairs
where addLineNum word = (number, word) -- a pair
allNumWords :: [(Int, Line)] -> [(Int, Word)]
allNumWords = concat . map numWords -- doc pairs
sortLs :: [(Int, Word)] -> [(Int, Word)]
sortLs [ ] = [ ] sortLs (a:x) = sortLs [b | b <- x, compare b a] -- sort 1st half
++ [a] ++ -- 1st in middle
sortLs [b | b <- x, compare a b] -- sort 2nd half
compare (n1, w1) (n2, w2)
= (w1 < w2) -- 1st word less
|| (w1 == w2 && n1 < n2) -- check no.
makeLists :: [(Int, Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]
makeLists = map mk -- all pairs
where mk (num, word) = ([num], word)
-- list of single no.
amalgamate :: [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]
amalgamate [ ] = [ ] amalgamate [a] = [a] amalgamate ((n1, w1) : (n2, w2) : rest)-- pairs of pairs | w1 /= w2 = (n1, w1) : amalgamate ((n2, w2) : rest) | otherwise = amalgamate ((n1 ++ n2, w1) : rest) -- if words are same grow list of numbers
shorten :: [([Int], Word)] -> [([Int], Word)]
shorten = filter long -- keep pairs >4
long (num, word) = length word > 4 -- check word >4
Trac metadata
Trac field | Value |
Version | 6.10.1 |
Type | Task |
TypeOfFailure | OtherFailure |
Priority | normal |
Resolution | Unresolved |
Component | Documentation |
Test case | |
Differential revisions | |
BlockedBy | |
Related | |
Blocking | |
CC | |
Operating system | |
Architecture |