Build #1 for hspray-

[all reports]

Package hspray-
Install InstallOk
Docs Ok
Tests Ok
Time submitted 2024-04-27 17:15:28.463359614 UTC
Compiler ghc-9.6.3
OS linux
Arch x86_64
Dependencies base-, containers-0.6.7, extra-1.7.14, hashable-, matrix-, numeric-prelude-0.4.4, text-2.0.2, unordered-containers-0.2.20
Flags none

Code Coverage

expressions82% (3860/4659)
booleanguards42% (36/85)
conditions 41% (40/96)
qualifiers100% (0/0)
alternatives67% (197/291)
local declarations93% (409/438)
top-level declarations68% (229/332)

Build log

[view raw]

Resolving dependencies...
Starting     clock-0.8.4
Starting     loop-0.3.0
Starting     semigroups-0.20
Starting     primitive-
Starting     splitmix-
Starting     vector-stream-
Starting     os-string-
Starting     utility-ht-
Building     primitive-
Building     loop-0.3.0
Building     clock-0.8.4
Building     semigroups-0.20
Building     splitmix-
Building     os-string-
Building     vector-stream-
Building     utility-ht-
Completed    loop-0.3.0
Completed    semigroups-0.20
Completed    clock-0.8.4
Completed    splitmix-
Starting     random-
Building     random-
Completed    vector-stream-
Completed    utility-ht-
Completed    os-string-
Starting     filepath-
Building     filepath-
Completed    primitive-
Starting     vector-
Building     vector-
Completed    random-
Starting     QuickCheck-2.15
Building     QuickCheck-2.15
Completed    filepath-
Starting     hashable-
Starting     unix-
Building     hashable-
Building     unix-
Completed    hashable-
Starting     unordered-containers-0.2.20
Building     unordered-containers-0.2.20
Completed    QuickCheck-2.15
Starting     storable-record-0.0.7
Starting     non-negative-0.1.2
Building     storable-record-0.0.7
Building     non-negative-0.1.2
Completed    non-negative-0.1.2
Completed    storable-record-0.0.7
Starting     numeric-prelude-0.4.4
Building     numeric-prelude-0.4.4
Completed    unordered-containers-0.2.20
Completed    vector-
Starting     matrix-
Building     matrix-
Completed    unix-
Starting     directory-
Building     directory-
Completed    directory-
Starting     process-
Completed    matrix-
Building     process-
Completed    process-
Starting     extra-1.7.14
Building     extra-1.7.14
Completed    numeric-prelude-0.4.4
Completed    extra-1.7.14
Downloading  hspray-
Downloaded   hspray-
Starting     hspray-
Building     hspray-
Completed    hspray-

Test log

[view raw]

Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-9.6.3 -O0
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - extra-1.7.14 (lib:extra) (requires build)
 - hashable- (lib:hashable) (requires build)
 - non-negative-0.1.2 (lib:non-negative) (requires build)
 - optparse-applicative- (lib:optparse-applicative) (requires build)
 - storable-record-0.0.7 (lib:storable-record) (requires build)
 - unordered-containers-0.2.20 (lib:unordered-containers) (requires build)
 - tasty-1.5 (lib:tasty) (requires build)
 - numeric-prelude-0.4.4 (lib:numeric-prelude) (requires build)
 - tasty-hunit-0.10.1 (lib:tasty-hunit) (requires build)
 - hspray- (first run)
Starting     non-negative-0.1.2 (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     extra-1.7.14 (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     hashable- (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     storable-record-0.0.7 (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     optparse-applicative- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     non-negative-0.1.2 (all, legacy fallback)
Building     optparse-applicative- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     extra-1.7.14 (all, legacy fallback)
Building     hashable- (all, legacy fallback)
Building     storable-record-0.0.7 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   non-negative-0.1.2 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   storable-record-0.0.7 (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    non-negative-0.1.2 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   extra-1.7.14 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   hashable- (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    storable-record-0.0.7 (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     numeric-prelude-0.4.4 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   optparse-applicative- (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    extra-1.7.14 (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    hashable- (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     unordered-containers-0.2.20 (all, legacy fallback)
Building     numeric-prelude-0.4.4 (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    optparse-applicative- (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     tasty-1.5 (all, legacy fallback)
Building     unordered-containers-0.2.20 (all, legacy fallback)
Building     tasty-1.5 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   tasty-1.5 (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    tasty-1.5 (all, legacy fallback)
Starting     tasty-hunit-0.10.1 (all, legacy fallback)
Building     tasty-hunit-0.10.1 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   tasty-hunit-0.10.1 (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    tasty-hunit-0.10.1 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   unordered-containers-0.2.20 (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    unordered-containers-0.2.20 (all, legacy fallback)
Installing   numeric-prelude-0.4.4 (all, legacy fallback)
Completed    numeric-prelude-0.4.4 (all, legacy fallback)
Configuring hspray-
Preprocessing library for hspray-
Building library for hspray-
[1 of 1] Compiling Math.Algebra.Hspray ( src/Math/Algebra/Hspray.hs, /home/builder/builder-dir/build-cache/tmp-install/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.6.3/hspray-, /home/builder/builder-dir/build-cache/tmp-install/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.6.3/hspray- )
Preprocessing test suite 'unit-tests' for hspray-
Building test suite 'unit-tests' for hspray-
[1 of 2] Compiling Approx           ( tests/Approx.hs, /home/builder/builder-dir/build-cache/tmp-install/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.6.3/hspray- )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( tests/Main.hs, /home/builder/builder-dir/build-cache/tmp-install/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.6.3/hspray- )
[3 of 3] Linking /home/builder/builder-dir/build-cache/tmp-install/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.6.3/hspray-
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite unit-tests: RUNNING...
Test suite unit-tests: PASS
Test suite logged to:
Writing: hspray-
Writing: hpc_index.html
Writing: hpc_index_fun.html
Writing: hpc_index_alt.html
Writing: hpc_index_exp.html
Test coverage report written to
1 of 1 test suites (1 of 1 test cases) passed.
Writing: hspray-
Writing: hpc_index.html
Writing: hpc_index_fun.html
Writing: hpc_index_alt.html
Writing: hpc_index_exp.html
Package coverage report written to