opaleye- An SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Full outer joins. See Opaleye.Join for details on the best way to do other joins in Opaleye.


Full outer join

fullJoinF Source #


:: (Default IfPP fieldsResult fieldsResult, Default Unpackspec fieldsL fieldsL, Default Unpackspec fieldsR fieldsR) 
=> (fieldsL -> fieldsR -> fieldsResult)

Calculate result row from input rows for rows in the left and right query satisfying the join condition

-> (fieldsL -> fieldsResult)

Calculate result row from left input row when there are no rows in the right query satisfying the join condition

-> (fieldsR -> fieldsResult)

Calculate result row from right input row when there are no rows in the left query satisfying the join condition

-> (fieldsL -> fieldsR -> Field SqlBool)

Condition on which to join

-> Select fieldsL

Left query

-> Select fieldsR

Right query

-> Select fieldsResult