tagsoup-selection- Selecting subtrees from TagSoup's TagTrees using CSS selectors

Safe HaskellNone



Selecting subtrees from TagSoup TagTrees.



selectGroup :: Matchable str => SelectorGroup -> TagTree str -> [[Maybe (TagTreePos str)]] Source #

Traverses a tree, collecting all subtree positions for which at least one matches on the given selector group. If at least one subtree matches, a list of the same length as the number of selectors in the given selector group is added to the result list. In order, a Nothing indicates no match and Just a match for the corresponding selector.

select :: Matchable str => Selector -> TagTree str -> [TagTreePos str] Source #

Traverses a tree, collecting all subtree positions which match on the given selector.

selectAll :: Matchable str => [Selector] -> TagTree str -> [(TagTreePos str, [Bool])] Source #

Traverses a tree, collecting all traversed positions in order. For each position all selectors are tried to be matched with the node at the current position and the information about whether a match is possible is added to the result list.

canMatch :: Matchable str => Selector -> TagTreePos str -> Bool Source #

Checks if a selector can be matched with the node at the given position.

matchesWith :: Matchable str => AttributeOperator -> str -> str -> Bool Source #

Checks if two string-like values match under the given attribute operator.