-- | -- Module : Properties.ByteString -- Copyright : (c) Andrew Lelechenko 2021 -- License : BSD-style {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} -- We need @AllowAmbiguousTypes@ in order to be able to use @TypeApplications@ -- to disambiguate the desired instance of class methods whose instance cannot -- be inferred from the caller's context. We would otherwise have to use -- proxy arguments. Here the 'RdInt' class methods used to generate tests for -- all the various 'readInt' types require explicit type applications. -- We are happy to sacrifice optimizations in exchange for faster compilation, -- but need to test rewrite rules. As one can check using -ddump-rule-firings, -- rewrite rules do not fire in -O0 mode, so we use -O1, but disable almost all -- optimizations. It roughly halves compilation time. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O1 -fenable-rewrite-rules -fmax-simplifier-iterations=1 -fsimplifier-phases=0 -fno-call-arity -fno-case-merge -fno-cmm-elim-common-blocks -fno-cmm-sink -fno-cpr-anal -fno-cse -fno-do-eta-reduction -fno-float-in -fno-full-laziness -fno-loopification -fno-specialise -fno-strictness #-} -- BYTESTRING_CHAR8 and BYTESTRING_LAZY are defined in -- Properties.ByteString{Char8,Lazy,LazyChar8}, which include this file. #ifndef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 #if defined(BYTESTRING_SHORT) module Properties.ShortByteString (tests) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Short.Internal as B #define BYTESTRING_TYPE B.ShortByteString #elif !(defined BYTESTRING_LAZY) module Properties.ByteString (tests) where #define BYTESTRING_TYPE B.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString as B import GHC.IO.Encoding #else module Properties.ByteStringLazy (tests) where #define BYTESTRING_TYPE B.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B #endif #else #ifndef BYTESTRING_LAZY module Properties.ByteStringChar8 (tests) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B #define BYTESTRING_TYPE B.ByteString #else module Properties.ByteStringLazyChar8 (tests) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B #define BYTESTRING_TYPE B.ByteString #endif import Data.Int import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Text.Read #endif import Prelude hiding (head, tail) import Control.Arrow import Data.Char import Data.Data (toConstr, showConstr, Data) import Data.Foldable import Data.Generics.Text (gread, gshow) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Semigroup import Data.String import Data.Tuple import Data.Word import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import QuickCheckUtils #ifdef BYTESTRING_LAZY import Data.Int #endif #ifndef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 toElem :: Word8 -> Word8 toElem = id #else toElem :: Char8 -> Char toElem (Char8 c) = c class (Integral a, Show a) => RdInt a where bread :: BYTESTRING_TYPE -> Maybe (a, BYTESTRING_TYPE) sread :: String -> Maybe (a, String) instance RdInt Int where { bread = B.readInt; sread = readInt } instance RdInt Int8 where { bread = B.readInt8; sread = readInt8 } instance RdInt Int16 where { bread = B.readInt16; sread = readInt16 } instance RdInt Int32 where { bread = B.readInt32; sread = readInt32 } instance RdInt Int64 where { bread = B.readInt64; sread = readInt64 } -- instance RdInt Word where { bread = B.readWord; sread = readWord } instance RdInt Word8 where { bread = B.readWord8; sread = readWord8 } instance RdInt Word16 where { bread = B.readWord16; sread = readWord16 } instance RdInt Word32 where { bread = B.readWord32; sread = readWord32 } instance RdInt Word64 where { bread = B.readWord64; sread = readWord64 } -- instance RdInt Integer where { bread = B.readInteger; sread = readInteger } instance RdInt Natural where { bread = B.readNatural; sread = readNatural } instance Arbitrary Natural where arbitrary = i2n <$> arbitrary where i2n :: Integer -> Natural i2n i | i >= 0 = fromIntegral i | otherwise = fromIntegral $ negate i testRdInt :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, RdInt a) => String -> TestTree testRdInt s = testGroup s $ [ testProperty "from string" $ int64OK $ \value prefix suffix -> let si = show @a value b = prefix <> B.pack si <> suffix in fmap (second B.unpack) (bread @a b) === sread @a (B.unpack prefix ++ si ++ B.unpack suffix) , testProperty "from number" $ int64OK $ \n -> bread @a (B.pack (show n)) === Just (n, B.empty) ] #endif intToIndexTy :: Int -> IndexTy #ifdef BYTESTRING_LAZY type IndexTy = Int64 intToIndexTy = fromIntegral @Int @Int64 #else type IndexTy = Int intToIndexTy = id #endif tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testProperty "pack . unpack" $ \x -> x === B.pack (B.unpack x) , testProperty "unpack . pack" $ \(map toElem -> xs) -> xs === B.unpack (B.pack xs) , testProperty "read . show" $ \x -> (x :: BYTESTRING_TYPE) === read (show x) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "fromStrict . toStrict" $ \x -> B.fromStrict (B.toStrict x) === x , testProperty "toStrict . fromStrict" $ \x -> B.toStrict (B.fromStrict x) === x #endif #if !defined(BYTESTRING_LAZY) && !defined(BYTESTRING_CHAR8) && !defined(BYTESTRING_SHORT) , testProperty "toFilePath >>= fromFilePath" $ \x -> ioProperty $ do r <- B.toFilePath x >>= B.fromFilePath pure (r === x) , testProperty "fromFilePath >>= toFilePath" $ ioProperty $ do let prop x = ioProperty $ do r <- B.fromFilePath x >>= B.toFilePath pure (r === x) -- Normally getFileSystemEncoding returns a Unicode encoding, -- but if it is ASCII, we should not generate Unicode filenames. enc <- getFileSystemEncoding pure $ case textEncodingName enc of "ASCII" -> property (prop . getASCIIString) "ANSI_X3.4-1968" -> property (prop . getASCIIString) _ -> property prop #endif , testProperty "==" $ \x y -> (x == y) === (B.unpack x == B.unpack y) , testProperty "== refl" $ \x -> (x :: BYTESTRING_TYPE) == x , testProperty "== symm" $ \x y -> ((x :: BYTESTRING_TYPE) == y) === (y == x) , testProperty "== pack unpack" $ \x -> x == B.pack (B.unpack x) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "== copy" $ \x -> x == B.copy x #endif , testProperty "compare" $ \x y -> compare x y === compare (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) , testProperty "compare EQ" $ \x -> compare (x :: BYTESTRING_TYPE) x == EQ , testProperty "compare GT" $ \x (toElem -> c) -> compare (B.snoc x c) x == GT , testProperty "compare LT" $ \x (toElem -> c) -> compare x (B.snoc x c) == LT , testProperty "compare GT empty" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> compare x B.empty == GT , testProperty "compare LT empty" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> compare B.empty x == LT , testProperty "compare GT concat" $ \x y -> not (B.null y) ==> compare (x <> y) x == GT , testProperty "compare char" $ \(toElem -> c) (toElem -> d) -> compare c d == compare (B.singleton c) (B.singleton d) #ifndef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 , testProperty "compare unsigned" $ once $ compare (B.singleton 255) (B.singleton 127) == GT #endif , testProperty "null" $ \x -> B.null x === null (B.unpack x) , testProperty "empty 0" $ once $ B.length B.empty === 0 , testProperty "empty []" $ once $ B.unpack B.empty === [] , testProperty "mempty 0" $ once $ B.length mempty === 0 , testProperty "mempty []" $ once $ B.unpack mempty === [] , testProperty "concat" $ \(Sqrt xs) -> B.unpack (B.concat xs) === concat (map B.unpack xs) , testProperty "concat [x,x]" $ \x -> B.unpack (B.concat [x, x]) === concat [B.unpack x, B.unpack x] , testProperty "concat [x,[]]" $ \x -> B.unpack (B.concat [x, B.empty]) === concat [B.unpack x, []] , testProperty "mconcat" $ \(Sqrt xs) -> B.unpack (mconcat xs) === mconcat (map B.unpack xs) , testProperty "mconcat [x,x]" $ \x -> B.unpack (mconcat [x, x]) === mconcat [B.unpack x, B.unpack x] , testProperty "mconcat [x,[]]" $ \x -> B.unpack (mconcat [x, B.empty]) === mconcat [B.unpack x, []] , testProperty "null" $ \x -> B.null x === null (B.unpack x) , testProperty "reverse" $ \x -> B.unpack (B.reverse x) === reverse (B.unpack x) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "transpose" $ \xs -> map B.unpack (B.transpose xs) === List.transpose (map B.unpack xs) , testProperty "group" $ \x -> map B.unpack (B.group x) === List.group (B.unpack x) , testProperty "groupBy" $ \f x -> map B.unpack (B.groupBy f x) === List.groupBy f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "groupBy ==" $ \x -> map B.unpack (B.groupBy (==) x) === List.groupBy (==) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "groupBy /=" $ \x -> map B.unpack (B.groupBy (/=) x) === List.groupBy (/=) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "inits" $ \x -> map B.unpack (B.inits x) === List.inits (B.unpack x) , testProperty "tails" $ \x -> map B.unpack (B.tails x) === List.tails (B.unpack x) , testProperty "initsNE" $ \x -> NE.map B.unpack (B.initsNE x) === NE.inits (B.unpack x) , testProperty "tailsNE" $ \x -> NE.map B.unpack (B.tailsNE x) === NE.tails (B.unpack x) #endif , testProperty "all" $ \f x -> B.all f x === all f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "all ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.all (== c) x === all (== c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "any" $ \f x -> B.any f x === any f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "any ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.any (== c) x === any (== c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "append" $ \x y -> B.unpack (B.append x y) === B.unpack x ++ B.unpack y , testProperty "mappend" $ \x y -> B.unpack (mappend x y) === B.unpack x `mappend` B.unpack y , testProperty "<>" $ \x y -> B.unpack (x <> y) === B.unpack x <> B.unpack y , testProperty "stimes" $ \(Sqrt (NonNegative n)) (Sqrt x) -> stimes (n :: Int) (x :: BYTESTRING_TYPE) === stimesMonoid n x , testProperty "break" $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break f x) === break f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "break ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break (== c) x) === break (== c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "break /=" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break (/= c) x) === break (/= c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "break span" $ \f x -> B.break f x === B.span (not . f) x , testProperty "breakEnd" $ \f x -> B.breakEnd f x === swap ((B.reverse *** B.reverse) (B.break f (B.reverse x))) , testProperty "breakEnd" $ \f x -> B.breakEnd f x === B.spanEnd (not . f) x #ifndef BYTESTRING_LAZY , testProperty "break breakSubstring" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.break (== c) x === B.breakSubstring (B.singleton c) x , testProperty "breakSubstring" $ \x y -> not (B.null x) ==> B.null (snd (B.breakSubstring x y)) === not (B.isInfixOf x y) , testProperty "breakSubstring empty" $ \x -> B.breakSubstring B.empty x === (B.empty, x) #endif #ifdef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 , testProperty "break isSpace" $ \x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.break isSpace x) === break isSpace (B.unpack x) #endif #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "concatMap" $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.concatMap f x) === concatMap (B.unpack . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "concatMap singleton" $ \x -> B.unpack (B.concatMap B.singleton x) === concatMap (: []) (B.unpack x) #endif , testProperty "singleton" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.singleton c) === [c] , testProperty "cons" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.cons c x) === c : B.unpack x , testProperty "cons []" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.cons c B.empty) === [c] , testProperty "uncons" $ \x -> fmap (second B.unpack) (B.uncons x) === List.uncons (B.unpack x) , testProperty "snoc" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.snoc x c) === B.unpack x ++ [c] , testProperty "snoc []" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.snoc B.empty c) === [c] , testProperty "unsnoc" $ \x -> fmap (first B.unpack) (B.unsnoc x) === unsnoc (B.unpack x) #ifdef BYTESTRING_LAZY , testProperty "cons'" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.cons' c x) === c : B.unpack x #endif , testProperty "drop" $ \(intToIndexTy -> n) x -> B.unpack (B.drop n x) === List.genericDrop n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "drop 10" $ \x -> let n = 10 in B.unpack (B.drop n x) === List.genericDrop n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "drop 2^31" $ \x -> let n = 2^31 in B.unpack (B.drop n x) === List.genericDrop n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "dropWhile" $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile f x) === dropWhile f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "dropWhile ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile (== c) x) === dropWhile (== c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "dropWhile /=" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile (/= c) x) === dropWhile (/= c) (B.unpack x) #ifdef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 , testProperty "dropWhile isSpace" $ \x -> B.unpack (B.dropWhile isSpace x) === dropWhile isSpace (B.unpack x) #endif , testProperty "take" $ \(intToIndexTy -> n) x -> B.unpack (B.take n x) === List.genericTake n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "take 10" $ \x -> let n = 10 in B.unpack (B.take n x) === List.genericTake n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "take 2^31" $ \x -> let n = 2^31 in B.unpack (B.take n x) === List.genericTake n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "takeWhile" $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile f x) === takeWhile f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "takeWhile ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile (== c) x) === takeWhile (== c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "takeWhile /=" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile (/= c) x) === takeWhile (/= c) (B.unpack x) #ifdef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 , testProperty "takeWhile isSpace" $ \x -> B.unpack (B.takeWhile isSpace x) === takeWhile isSpace (B.unpack x) #endif , testProperty "dropEnd" $ \(intToIndexTy -> n) x -> B.dropEnd n x === B.take (B.length x - n) x , testProperty "dropWhileEnd" $ \f x -> B.dropWhileEnd f x === B.reverse (B.dropWhile f (B.reverse x)) , testProperty "takeEnd" $ \(intToIndexTy -> n) x -> B.takeEnd n x === B.drop (B.length x - n) x , testProperty "takeWhileEnd" $ \f x -> B.takeWhileEnd f x === B.reverse (B.takeWhile f (B.reverse x)) #ifdef BYTESTRING_LAZY , testProperty "fromChunks . toChunks" $ \x -> B.fromChunks (B.toChunks x) === x , testProperty "toChunks . fromChunks" $ \xs -> B.toChunks (B.fromChunks xs) === filter (/= mempty) xs , testProperty "append lazy" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.head (B.singleton c <> undefined) === c , testProperty "compareLength 1" $ \x -> B.compareLength x (B.length x) === EQ , testProperty "compareLength 2" $ \x (toElem -> c) -> B.compareLength (B.snoc x c) (B.length x) === GT , testProperty "compareLength 3" $ \x -> B.compareLength x (B.length x + 1) === LT , testProperty "compareLength 4" $ \x (toElem -> c) -> B.compareLength (B.snoc x c <> undefined) (B.length x) === GT , testProperty "compareLength 5" $ \x (intToIndexTy -> n) -> B.compareLength x n === compare (B.length x) n , testProperty "dropEnd lazy" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.take 1 (B.dropEnd 1 (B.singleton c <> B.singleton c <> B.singleton c <> undefined)) === B.singleton c , testProperty "dropWhileEnd lazy" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.take 1 (B.dropWhileEnd (const False) (B.singleton c <> undefined)) === B.singleton c , testProperty "breakEnd lazy" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.take 1 (fst $ B.breakEnd (const True) (B.singleton c <> undefined)) === B.singleton c , testProperty "spanEnd lazy" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.take 1 (fst $ B.spanEnd (const False) (B.singleton c <> undefined)) === B.singleton c #endif , testProperty "length" $ \x -> B.length x === fromIntegral (length (B.unpack x)) , testProperty "count" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.count c x === fromIntegral (length (List.elemIndices c (B.unpack x))) -- for long strings, the multiplier is non-round (and not power of 2) -- to ensure non-trivial prefix or suffix of the string is handled outside any possible SIMD-based loop, -- which typically handles chunks of 16 or 32 or 64 etc bytes. , testProperty "count (long strings)" $ \(toElem -> c) x (Positive n) -> B.count c x * fromIntegral n === B.count c (B.concat $ replicate n x) , testProperty "filter" $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.filter f x) === filter f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "filter compose" $ \f g x -> B.filter f (B.filter g x) === B.filter (\c -> f c && g c) x , testProperty "filter ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.filter (== c) x) === filter (== c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "filter /=" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.filter (/= c) x) === filter (/= c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "partition" $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.partition f x) === List.partition f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "find" $ \f x -> B.find f x === find f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "findIndex" $ \f x -> B.findIndex f x === fmap fromIntegral (List.findIndex f (B.unpack x)) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "findIndexEnd" $ \f x -> B.findIndexEnd f x === fmap fromIntegral (findIndexEnd f (B.unpack x)) #endif , testProperty "findIndices" $ \f x -> B.findIndices f x === fmap fromIntegral (List.findIndices f (B.unpack x)) , testProperty "findIndices ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.findIndices (== c) x === fmap fromIntegral (List.findIndices (== c) (B.unpack x)) , testProperty "elem" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elem c x === elem c (B.unpack x) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "notElem" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.notElem c x === notElem c (B.unpack x) #endif , testProperty "elemIndex" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elemIndex c x === fmap fromIntegral (List.elemIndex c (B.unpack x)) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "elemIndexEnd" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elemIndexEnd c x === fmap fromIntegral (elemIndexEnd c (B.unpack x)) #endif , testProperty "elemIndices" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.elemIndices c x === fmap fromIntegral (List.elemIndices c (B.unpack x)) , testProperty "isPrefixOf" $ \x y -> B.isPrefixOf x y === List.isPrefixOf (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) , testProperty "stripPrefix" $ \x y -> fmap B.unpack (B.stripPrefix x y) === List.stripPrefix (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) , testProperty "isSuffixOf" $ \x y -> B.isSuffixOf x y === List.isSuffixOf (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) , testProperty "stripSuffix" $ \x y -> fmap B.unpack (B.stripSuffix x y) === stripSuffix (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) #ifndef BYTESTRING_LAZY , testProperty "isInfixOf" $ \x y -> B.isInfixOf x y === List.isInfixOf (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) #endif , testProperty "map" $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.map (toElem . f) x) === map (toElem . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "map compose" $ \f g x -> B.map (toElem . f) (B.map (toElem . g) x) === B.map (toElem . f . toElem . g) x , testProperty "replicate" $ \n (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.replicate (fromIntegral n) c) === replicate n c , testProperty "replicate 0" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.replicate 0 c) === replicate 0 c , testProperty "span" $ \f x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span f x) === span f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "span ==" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span (== c) x) === span (== c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "span /=" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.span (/= c) x) === span (/= c) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "spanEnd" $ \f x -> B.spanEnd f x === swap ((B.reverse *** B.reverse) (B.span f (B.reverse x))) , testProperty "split" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> map B.unpack (B.split c x) === split c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "split empty" $ \(toElem -> c) -> B.split c B.empty === [] , testProperty "splitWith" $ \f x -> map B.unpack (B.splitWith f x) === splitWith f (B.unpack x) , testProperty "splitWith split" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.splitWith (== c) x === B.split c x , testProperty "splitWith empty" $ \f -> B.splitWith f B.empty === [] , testProperty "splitWith length" $ \f x -> let splits = B.splitWith f x; l1 = fromIntegral (length splits); l2 = B.length (B.filter f x) in (l1 == l2 || l1 == l2 + 1) && sum (map B.length splits) + l2 == B.length x , testProperty "splitAt" $ \(intToIndexTy -> n) x -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.splitAt n x) === List.genericSplitAt n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "splitAt 10" $ \x -> let n = 10 in (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.splitAt n x) === List.genericSplitAt n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "splitAt (2^31)" $ \x -> let n = 2^31 in (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.splitAt n x) === List.genericSplitAt n (B.unpack x) , testProperty "head" $ \x -> case B.unpack x of [] -> property True hd : _ -> B.head x === hd , testProperty "last" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.last x === last (B.unpack x) , testProperty "tail" $ \x -> case B.unpack x of [] -> property True _ : tl -> B.unpack (B.tail x) === tl , testProperty "tail length" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.length x === 1 + B.length (B.tail x) , testProperty "init" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.unpack (B.init x) === init (B.unpack x) , testProperty "init length" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.length x === 1 + B.length (B.init x) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "maximum" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.maximum x === maximum (B.unpack x) , testProperty "minimum" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.minimum x === minimum (B.unpack x) #endif , testProperty "foldl" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldl ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldl ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldl'" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldl' ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldl' ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldr" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldr ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldr ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldr'" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.foldr' ((toElem .) . f) c x === foldr' ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldl cons" $ \x -> B.foldl (flip B.cons) B.empty x === B.reverse x , testProperty "foldr cons" $ \x -> B.foldr B.cons B.empty x === x , testProperty "foldl special" $ \(Sqrt x) (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.foldl (\acc t -> if t == c then acc else B.cons t acc) B.empty x) === foldl (\acc t -> if t == c then acc else t : acc) [] (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldr special" $ \(Sqrt x) (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.foldr (\t acc -> if t == c then acc else B.cons t acc) B.empty x) === foldr (\t acc -> if t == c then acc else t : acc) [] (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldl1" $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 ((toElem .) . f) x === foldl1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldl1'" $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1' ((toElem .) . f) x === List.foldl1' ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldr1" $ \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) x === foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldr1'" $ -- there is not Data.List.foldr1' \f x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1' ((toElem .) . f) x === foldr1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "foldl1 const" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 const x === B.head x , testProperty "foldl1 flip const" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 (flip const) x === B.last x , testProperty "foldr1 const" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 const x === B.head x , testProperty "foldr1 flip const" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 (flip const) x === B.last x , testProperty "foldl1 max" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldl1 max x === B.foldl max minBound x , testProperty "foldr1 max" $ \x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.foldr1 max x === B.foldr max minBound x #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "scanl" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.scanl ((toElem .) . f) c x) === scanl ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "scanl foldl" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.last (B.scanl ((toElem .) . f) c x) === B.foldl ((toElem .) . f) c x , testProperty "scanr" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.scanr ((toElem .) . f) c x) === scanr ((toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "scanl1" $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.scanl1 ((toElem .) . f) x) === scanl1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "scanl1 empty" $ \f -> B.scanl1 f B.empty === B.empty , testProperty "scanr1" $ \f x -> B.unpack (B.scanr1 ((toElem .) . f) x) === scanr1 ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x) , testProperty "scanr1 empty" $ \f -> B.scanr1 f B.empty === B.empty #endif #if !defined(BYTESTRING_LAZY) && !defined(BYTESTRING_SHORT) , testProperty "sort" $ \x -> B.unpack (B.sort x) === List.sort (B.unpack x) #endif #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "intersperse" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.unpack (B.intersperse c x) === List.intersperse c (B.unpack x) #endif , testProperty "intercalate" $ \(Sqrt x) (Sqrt ys) -> B.unpack (B.intercalate x ys) === List.intercalate (B.unpack x) (map B.unpack ys) , testProperty "intercalate 'c' [x,y]" $ \(toElem -> c) x y -> B.unpack (B.intercalate (B.singleton c) [x, y]) === List.intercalate [c] [B.unpack x, B.unpack y] , testProperty "intercalate split" $ \(toElem -> c) x -> B.intercalate (B.singleton c) (B.split c x) === x #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "mapAccumL" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> second B.unpack (B.mapAccumL ((second toElem .) . f) c x) === List.mapAccumL ((second toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "mapAccumR" $ \f (toElem -> c) x -> second B.unpack (B.mapAccumR ((second toElem .) . f) c x) === List.mapAccumR ((second toElem .) . f) c (B.unpack x) , testProperty "zip" $ \x y -> B.zip x y === zip (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) , testProperty "zipWith" $ \f x y -> (B.zipWith f x y :: [Int]) === zipWith f (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) , testProperty "packZipWith" $ \f x y -> B.unpack (B.packZipWith ((toElem .) . f) x y) === zipWith ((toElem .) . f) (B.unpack x) (B.unpack y) , testProperty "unzip" $ \(fmap (toElem *** toElem) -> xs) -> (B.unpack *** B.unpack) (B.unzip xs) === unzip xs #endif , testProperty "index" $ \(NonNegative n) x -> intToIndexTy n < B.length x ==> B.index x (intToIndexTy n) === B.unpack x !! n , testProperty "indexMaybe" $ \(NonNegative n) x -> intToIndexTy n < B.length x ==> B.indexMaybe x (intToIndexTy n) === Just (B.unpack x !! n) , testProperty "indexMaybe Nothing" $ \n x -> n < 0 || intToIndexTy n >= B.length x ==> B.indexMaybe x (intToIndexTy n) === Nothing , testProperty "!?" $ \(intToIndexTy -> n) x -> B.indexMaybe x n === x B.!? n #ifdef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 , testProperty "isString" $ \x -> x === fromString (B.unpack x) , testRdInt @Int "readInt" , testRdInt @Int8 "readInt8" , testRdInt @Int16 "readInt16" , testRdInt @Int32 "readInt32" , testRdInt @Int64 "readInt64" , testRdInt @Word "readWord" , testRdInt @Word8 "readWord8" , testRdInt @Word16 "readWord16" , testRdInt @Word32 "readWord32" , testRdInt @Word64 "readWord64" , testRdInt @Integer "readInteger" , testRdInt @Natural "readNatural" , testProperty "lines" $ \x -> map B.unpack (B.lines x) === lines (B.unpack x) , testProperty "lines \\n" $ once $ let x = B.pack "one\ntwo\n\n\nfive\n\nseven\n" in map B.unpack (B.lines x) === lines (B.unpack x) , testProperty "unlines" $ \xs -> B.unpack (B.unlines xs) === unlines (map B.unpack xs) , testProperty "words" $ \x -> map B.unpack (B.words x) === words (B.unpack x) , testProperty "unwords" $ \xs -> B.unpack (B.unwords xs) === unwords (map B.unpack xs) #endif #ifndef BYTESTRING_LAZY , testProperty "unfoldrN" $ \n f (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (fst (B.unfoldrN n (fmap (first toElem) . f) c)) === take (fromIntegral n) (List.unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) c) , testProperty "unfoldrN replicate" $ \n (toElem -> c) -> fst (B.unfoldrN n (\t -> Just (t, t)) c) === B.replicate n c , testProperty "unfoldr" $ \n a (toElem -> c) -> B.unpack (B.unfoldr (\x -> if x <= 100 * n then Just (c, x + 1 :: Int) else Nothing) a) === List.unfoldr (\x -> if x <= 100 * n then Just (c, x + 1) else Nothing) a #endif #ifdef BYTESTRING_LAZY , testProperty "unfoldr" $ \n f (toElem -> a) -> B.unpack (B.take (fromIntegral n) (B.unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) a)) === take n (List.unfoldr (fmap (first toElem) . f) a) , testProperty "repeat" $ \n (toElem -> c) -> B.take (fromIntegral (n :: Int)) (B.repeat c) === B.take (fromIntegral n) (B.unfoldr (\a -> Just (a, a)) c) , testProperty "cycle" $ \n x -> not (B.null x) ==> B.take (fromIntegral (n :: Int)) (B.cycle x) === B.take (fromIntegral n) (B.concat (List.unfoldr (\a -> Just (a, a)) x)) , testProperty "iterate" $ \n f (toElem -> a) -> B.take (fromIntegral (n :: Int)) (B.iterate (toElem . f) a) === B.take (fromIntegral n) (B.unfoldr (\x -> Just (toElem (f x), toElem (f x))) a) #endif #ifndef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 -- issue #393 , testProperty "fromString non-char8" $ \s -> fromString s == B.pack (map (fromIntegral . ord :: Char -> Word8) s) , testProperty "fromString literal" $ fromString "\0\1\2\3\4" == B.pack [0,1,2,3,4] #endif #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT , testProperty "toConstr is pack" $ \(x :: BYTESTRING_TYPE) -> showConstr (toConstr x) === "pack" #ifndef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 , testProperty "gshow" $ \x -> gshow x === "(pack " ++ gshow (B.unpack x) ++ ")" #endif -- -- gread is broken on bytestring-0.12 and fixed on bytestring-master -- , testProperty "gread . gshow = reads . show" $ -- \(x :: BYTESTRING_TYPE) -> gread (gshow x) === (reads (show x) :: [(BYTESTRING_TYPE, String)]) #endif ] unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a) unsnoc [] = Nothing unsnoc xs = Just (init xs, last xs) #ifndef BYTESTRING_SHORT findIndexEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int findIndexEnd f xs = fmap (\n -> length xs - 1 - n) (List.findIndex f (reverse xs)) elemIndexEnd :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int elemIndexEnd c xs = fmap (\n -> length xs - 1 - n) (List.elemIndex c (reverse xs)) #endif stripSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a] stripSuffix x y = fmap reverse (List.stripPrefix (reverse x) (reverse y)) split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] split c = splitWith (== c) splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitWith _ [] = [] splitWith f ys = go [] ys where go acc [] = [reverse acc] go acc (x : xs) | f x = reverse acc : go [] xs | otherwise = go (x : acc) xs #ifdef BYTESTRING_CHAR8 readInt :: String -> Maybe (Int, String) readInt xs = case readInteger xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readWord :: String -> Maybe (Word, String) readWord xs = case readIntegerUnsigned xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readInt8 :: String -> Maybe (Int8, String) readInt8 xs = case readInteger xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readWord8 :: String -> Maybe (Word8, String) readWord8 xs = case readIntegerUnsigned xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readInt16 :: String -> Maybe (Int16, String) readInt16 xs = case readInteger xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readWord16 :: String -> Maybe (Word16, String) readWord16 xs = case readIntegerUnsigned xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readInt32 :: String -> Maybe (Int32, String) readInt32 xs = case readInteger xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readWord32 :: String -> Maybe (Word32, String) readWord32 xs = case readIntegerUnsigned xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readInt64 :: String -> Maybe (Int64, String) readInt64 xs = case readInteger xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readWord64 :: String -> Maybe (Word64, String) readWord64 xs = case readIntegerUnsigned xs of Just (y, zs) | y' <- fromInteger y, toInteger y' == y -> Just (y', zs) otherwise -> Nothing readInteger :: String -> Maybe (Integer, String) readInteger ('+' : xs) = readIntegerUnsigned xs readInteger ('-' : xs) = fmap (first negate) (readIntegerUnsigned xs) readInteger xs = readIntegerUnsigned xs readNatural :: String -> Maybe (Natural, String) readNatural xs = case readIntegerUnsigned xs of Just (y, zs) | y >= 0 -> Just (fromIntegral @Integer @Natural y, zs) _ -> Nothing readIntegerUnsigned :: String -> Maybe (Integer, String) readIntegerUnsigned xs = case readMaybe ys of Just y -> Just (y, zs) otherwise -> Nothing where (ys, zs) = span isDigit xs #endif