co-log-polysemy: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library

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Implementation of the co-log logging based on the polysemy extensible effects library.

The ideas behind this package are described in the following blog post:

For the taggless final implementation of the co-log ideas se the following package:

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Dependencies base (>= && <4.15), co-log-core (>= && <0.3), co-log-polysemy, polysemy (>= && <1.4) [details]
License MPL-2.0
Copyright 2019-2020 Kowainik
Author Dmitrii Kovanikov
Maintainer Kowainik <>
Category Logging, Contravariant, Comonad, Effects
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by vrom911 at 2020-04-18T20:18:44Z


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GitHub CI Build status Windows build MPL-2.0 license

co-log-core Hackage Stackage LTS Stackage Nightly
co-log Hackage Stackage LTS Stackage Nightly
co-log-polysemy Hackage Stackage LTS Stackage Nightly

co-log is a composable and configurable logging framework. It combines all the benefits of Haskell idioms to provide a reasonable and convenient interface. Though it uses some advanced concepts in its core, we are striving to provide beginner-friendly API. The library also contains complete documentation with a lot of beginner-friendly examples, explanations and tutorials to guide users. The combination of a pragmatic approach to logging and fundamental Haskell abstractions allows us to create a highly composable and configurable logging framework.

If you're interested in how different Haskell typeclasses are used to implement core functions of co-log, you can read the following blog post which goes into detail about internal implementation specifics:

co-log is also modular on the level of packages. We care a lot about a low dependency footprint so you can build your logging only on top of the minimal required interface for your use-case. This repository contains the following packages:

To provide a more user-friendly introduction to the library, we've created the tutorial series which introduces the main concepts behind co-log smoothly:

co-log also cares about concurrent logging. For this purpose we have the concurrent-playground executable where we experiment with different multithreading scenarios to test the library's behavior. You can find it here:


co-log is compared with basic functions like putStrLn. Since IO overhead is big enough, every benchmark dumps 10K messages to output. If a benchmark's name doesn't contain Message then this benchmark simply dumps the string "message" to output, otherwise it works with the Message data type from the co-log library.

To run benchmarks, use the following command:

cabal v2-run co-log-bench
Benchmarks Time for 10K messages
Prelude.putStrLn 5.117ms
Text.putStrLn 9.220ms
ByteString.putStrLn 2.971ms
mempty 1.181ms
logStringStdout 5.107ms
logPrint 5.248ms
logTextStdout 5.351ms
logByteStringStdout 2.933ms
logByteStringStderr 17.482ms
ByteString > (stdout <> stderr) 17.715ms
Message > format > stdout 9.188ms
Message > format > ByteString > stdout 3.524ms
Message{callstack} > format > stdout 9.139ms
Message{callstack:5} > format > stdout 9.464ms
Message{callstack:50} > format > stdout 9.439ms
Message{Time,ThreadId} > format > stdout 54.160ms
Message{Time,ThreadId} > format > ByteString > stdout 54.137ms