cabal-version: >=1.10 name: semialign version: 1.3.1 synopsis: Align and Zip type-classes from the common Semialign ancestor. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: C. McCann, Oleg Grenrus maintainer: Oleg Grenrus category: Data, These build-type: Simple extra-source-files: description: The major use of @These@ of this is provided by the @align@ member of @Semialign@ class, representing a generalized notion of "zipping with padding" that combines structures without truncating to the size of the smaller input. . It turns out that @zip@ operation fits well the @Semialign@ class, forming lattice-like structure. tested-with: GHC ==8.6.5 || ==8.8.4 || ==8.10.7 || ==9.0.2 || ==9.2.8 || ==9.4.8 || ==9.6.5 || ==9.8.2 || ==9.10.1 source-repository head type: git location: subdir: semialign flag semigroupoids description: Build with semigroupoids dependency manual: True default: True library default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-trustworthy-safe if impl(ghc >=9.2) ghc-options: -Wno-noncanonical-monoid-instances hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Data.Align Data.Crosswalk Data.Semialign Data.Semialign.Indexed Data.Zip other-modules: Data.Semialign.Internal -- ghc boot libs build-depends: base >= && <4.21 , containers >= && <0.8 , transformers >= && <0.7 -- These build-depends: these >=1.2.1 && <1.3 -- other dependencies build-depends: hashable >= && <1.5 , indexed-traversable >=0.1.4 && <0.2 , indexed-traversable-instances >=0.1.2 && <0.2 , tagged >=0.8.8 && <0.9 , unordered-containers >= && <0.3 , vector >= && <0.14 if flag(semigroupoids) build-depends: semigroupoids >=6.0.1 && <6.1