module TwoCaptcha.Internal.Client where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (?~), (^.), (^?)) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow (throwM), try) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, _Integer, _String) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import GHC.Base (Coercible, coerce) import Network.Wreq (Response, responseBody) import Network.Wreq.Session (Session, getWith, postWith) import System.Clock (Clock (Monotonic), getTime, toNanoSecs) import TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.Captcha (Captcha, CaptchaId, CaptchaRes (CaptchaRes), HasCaptchaLenses, HasCommonCaptchaLenses (apiKey, headerACAO), PollingInterval, TimeoutDuration, captchaId, captchaRes, options, parts) import TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.Exception (TwoCaptchaErrorCode (CaptchaNotReady), TwoCaptchaException (NetworkException, SolvingTimeout, TwoCaptchaResponseException, UnknownError), readErrorCode) -- | Runs the given http method and adapts errors to 'TwoCaptchaException'. handle :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => IO (Response ByteString) -> m Text handle method = try (liftIO method) >>= \case -- HttpException found due to non-200 status code. Rethrow as NetworkException. Left exception -> throwM $ NetworkException exception Right response -> do let statusRequest = do body <- response ^? responseBody status <- body ^? key "status" . _Integer request <- body ^? key "request" . _String return (status, request) case statusRequest of -- 'status' and 'request' fields are missing. Nothing -> do liftIO $ print response throwM $ UnknownError "The response is not the expected JSON. This is likely due to 2captcha changing their API." Just (status, request) -> do -- 'status' 0 means an error was returned. if status == 0 then case readErrorCode (unpack request) of -- Parsing the error code failed even though an error was returned. This means the error code is not known yet. Left _ -> throwM $ UnknownError ("Invalid error: " <> request) -- Parsing the error code succeeded. Right errorCode -> throwM $ TwoCaptchaResponseException errorCode else -- No error was found. pure request -- | Encapsulates the __in.php__ and __res.php__ endpoints for the 2captcha API. class TwoCaptchaClient m where -- | Submit a captcha to be solved by the 2captcha API. Returns a captcha id used for 'answer'. submit :: (Coercible Captcha a, HasCaptchaLenses a, HasCommonCaptchaLenses a) => Session -> a -> m CaptchaId -- | Attempt to retrieve the answer of a captcha previously submitted. answer :: Session -> CaptchaRes -> m Text -- | Submits a captcha and polls for the answer. solve :: (Coercible Captcha a, HasCaptchaLenses a, HasCommonCaptchaLenses a) => Session -> a -> PollingInterval -> TimeoutDuration -> m Text instance (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => TwoCaptchaClient m where submit session captcha' = handle $ postWith (captcha ^. options) session "" (captcha ^. parts) where captcha = coerce captcha' answer session (CaptchaRes captchaRes) = handle $ getWith (captchaRes ^. options) session "" solve session captcha pollingInterval timeoutDuration = do captchaId' <- submit session captcha let captchaRes' = captchaRes & apiKey .~ (captcha ^. apiKey) & headerACAO .~ (captcha ^. headerACAO) & captchaId ?~ captchaId' let time = liftIO $ (\t -> toNanoSecs t `div` 1000000) <$> getTime Monotonic startTime <- time let pollAnswer previousTime currentTime = -- Elapsed time is past the timeout duration if currentTime - previousTime >= timeoutDuration then throwM SolvingTimeout else do liftIO $ threadDelay (pollingInterval * 1000) -- Attempt to retrieve the answer. If it's not ready yet, retry. answerAttempt <- try $ answer session captchaRes' case answerAttempt of Left (TwoCaptchaResponseException CaptchaNotReady) -> do updatedTime <- time pollAnswer currentTime updatedTime Left exception -> throwM exception Right answer -> pure answer pollAnswer startTime startTime