module TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.Captcha where import Control.Lens (Getter, Lens', iso, lens, to, (%~), (&), (.~), (^.)) import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses) import Data.String (IsString) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import GHC.Base (Coercible, coerce) import Network.Wreq (Options, Part, defaults, param, partFile, partText) -- import Prelude hiding (lookup) -- | The id of a captcha being solved. type CaptchaId = Text -- | Time in milliseconds in how often to request the answer. type PollingInterval = Int -- | Time in milliseconds on when to timeout if the request takes too long. type TimeoutDuration = Integer -- | Default captcha timeout duration (120 seconds). captchaTimeout :: TimeoutDuration captchaTimeout = 120000 -- | Default polling interval (10 seconds). pollingInterval :: PollingInterval pollingInterval = 10000 -- | Represents the request information required to solve a captcha. data Captcha = MkCaptcha { _options :: Options, _partTexts :: [(Text, Text)], _partFiles :: [(Text, FilePath)] } deriving (Show) makeLenses ''Captcha -- | Convert the captcha's multipart form parameters into a ['Part']. parts :: Getter Captcha [Part] parts = to (\captcha -> (uncurry partText <$> captcha ^. partTexts) ++ (uncurry partFile <$> captcha ^. partFiles)) instance HasCommonCaptchaLenses Captcha instance HasCaptchaLenses Captcha -- | Default parameters for solving a captcha. Internal use only. defaultCaptcha :: Captcha defaultCaptcha = MkCaptcha (defaults & param "json" .~ ["1"]) [] [] -- | Create a lens using the given field name for multipart forms. mkPartLens :: (Coercible Captcha a, IsString s) => Lens' Captcha [(Text, s)] -> Text -> Lens' a (Maybe s) mkPartLens partLens field = lens getter setter where getter a = lookup field (coerce a ^. partLens) setter a (Just value) = coerce $ coerce a & partLens %~ ((field, value) :) setter a Nothing = a -- | Create a lens using the given field name for multipart form texts. mkPartTextLens :: Coercible Captcha a => Text -> Lens' a (Maybe Text) mkPartTextLens = mkPartLens partTexts -- | Create a lens using the given field name for multipart form files. mkPartFileLens :: Coercible Captcha a => Text -> Lens' a (Maybe FilePath) mkPartFileLens = mkPartLens partFiles -- | Creates a lens using the given field name for query parameters. mkParamLens :: Coercible Captcha a => Text -> Lens' a (Maybe Text) mkParamLens field = lens getter setter where getter a = let value = coerce a ^. options . param field in if null value then Nothing else Just $ head value setter a (Just value) = coerce $ coerce a & options %~ (& param field .~ [value]) setter a Nothing = a -- | -- Create a lens using the given field name for type __b__ with a 'Show' and 'Read' instance. -- -- GOTCHA: Bool values translate to 'True' or 'False'. Use 'mkLensBool' instead for bool lenses. mkParamLens' :: (Coercible Captcha a, Show b, Read b) => Text -> Lens' a (Maybe b) mkParamLens' field = mkParamLens field . iso (read . unpack <$>) (pack . show <$>) -- | -- Create a lens using the given field name for bools. -- -- The boolean values become: -- -- * 'True' - 1 -- * 'False' - 0 mkParamLensBool :: Coercible Captcha a => Text -> Lens' a (Maybe Bool) mkParamLensBool field = mkParamLens field . iso (textToBool <$>) (boolToText <$>) where textToBool "0" = False textToBool "1" = True textToBool number = error $ unpack number <> " is not a valid bool value. This should never occur, please don't manipulate the options manually." boolToText False = "0" boolToText True = "1" -- | Lenses for constructing options for 'TwoCaptcha.Internal.Client.submit'. class Coercible Captcha a => HasCaptchaLenses a where -- | Software developer id. Developers who integrate their software with 2captcha earn 10% of the user's spendings. softId :: Lens' a (Maybe Int) softId = mkParamLens' "soft_id" -- | URL for (callback) response that will be sent the answer to when the captcha is solved. pingback :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) pingback = mkParamLens "pingback" -- | Type of captcha to solve. method :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) method = mkParamLens "method" -- | Lenses for constructing options for 'TwoCaptcha.Internal.Client.submit' and 'TwoCaptcha.Internal.Client.answer'. class Coercible Captcha a => HasCommonCaptchaLenses a where -- | Your 2captcha API . apiKey :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) apiKey = mkParamLens "key" -- | -- If True, 'TwoCaptcha.Internal.Client.submit' will include the __Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*__ header in the response. -- Used for cross-domain AJAX requests in web applications. headerACAO :: Lens' a (Maybe Bool) headerACAO = mkParamLensBool "header_acao" -- | Parameters used to retrieve the 'TwpCaptcha.Internal.Client.answer' of a solved captcha. newtype CaptchaRes = CaptchaRes Captcha deriving (Show) instance HasCommonCaptchaLenses CaptchaRes -- | -- Parameters for retrieving a captcha's answer. -- -- Required parameters: -- -- * 'apiKey' -- * 'captchaId' -- -- Optional parameters: -- -- * 'headerACAO' captchaRes :: CaptchaRes captchaRes = CaptchaRes (defaultCaptcha & options %~ (& param "action" .~ ["get"])) -- | The captcha id returned from 'TwoCaptcha.Internal.Client.submit'. captchaId :: Lens' CaptchaRes (Maybe Text) captchaId = mkParamLens "id" class Coercible Captcha a => HasPageURL a where -- | Full URL of the page where the captcha is found. pageUrl :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) pageUrl = mkParamLens "pageurl" class Coercible Captcha a => HasProxy a where -- | -- Proxy to be sent to the worker who solves the captcha. You can read more about proxies . -- -- Format must be in __login:password@ . proxy :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) proxy = mkParamLens "proxy" -- | Type of your proxy: __HTTP__, __HTTPS__, __SOCKS4__, __SOCKS5__. proxyType :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) proxyType = mkParamLens "proxytype" class Coercible Captcha a => HasLocalImage a where -- | File path of a captcha image. file :: Lens' a (Maybe FilePath) file = mkPartFileLens "file" -- | Base-64 encoded image. body :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) body = mkPartTextLens "body" -- | Text which is shown to the worker to help solve a captcha. textInstructions :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) textInstructions = mkParamLens "textInstructions" -- | Image file path with instructions on solving a captcha. imgInstructions :: Lens' a (Maybe FilePath) imgInstructions = mkPartFileLens "imgInstructions" class Coercible Captcha a => HasLanguage a where -- | -- The captcha's language: -- -- 0. Not specified. -- 1. Cyrillic captcha. -- 2. Latin captcha. language :: Lens' a (Maybe Int) language = mkParamLens' "language" -- | The captcha's language code. Click for a list of supported languages. languageCode :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) languageCode = mkParamLens "lang" class Coercible Captcha a => HasUserAgent a where -- | User agent that will be used by the worker when solving the captcha. userAgent :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) userAgent = mkParamLens "userAgent" class Coercible Captcha a => HasCookies a where -- | -- Cookies that will be used by the worker solving the captcha. The used cookies will also be included in the response. -- -- Format: __KEY1:Value1;KEY2:Value2;__ cookies :: Lens' a (Maybe Text) cookies = mkParamLens "cookies"