{- |
  Type classes (and instances) for things that are like Booleans.

  The names of methods in 'Boolean' clash with the standard Prelude,
  so you probably want to inport the Prelude hiding these three
  names (since the class methods do the same thing, but with more
  general type signatures).

  Please note the following points:

  * This module imports "Control.Monad.Instances", which brings
    several new 'P.Monad' instances into scope.

  * Among other things, a monad instance for functions is brought
    into scope. This, combined with the 'Boolean' instance for
    monads, causes any function that returns a 'Boolean' to become
    a 'Boolean' itself. This allows you to write constructions such
    as @(> 5) && (< 9)@, which has the obvious meaning.

  * Another interesting consequence of the 'Boolean' instance for
    monads is that 'P.Maybe' 'P.Bool' is a 'Boolean'. You can use
    this to implement 3-value logic (\"true\", \"false\" and
    \"other\"), with 'P.Nothing' implementing \"other\". Any logical
    operations yield 'P.Nothing' unless all arguments are 'P.Just'
    something. (This is usually the behaviour you want.)

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Data.Boolean where

import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import Control.Monad.Instances -- For the Monad ((->) r) instance.

{- |
  Typeclass for things that have true and false values.


  * Normal 'P.Bool' values (obviously).

  * Any function that yields a 'BoolValue' as its result.
    (@'true' = 'P.const' 'P.True'@, @'false' = 'P.const' 'P.False'@)
    This instance arrises due to the monad instance for functions.

  * Any monadic action that yields a 'BoolValue' as its result.
    (@'true' = 'P.return' 'P.True'@, @'false' = 'P.return' 'P.False'@)
class BoolValue b where
  true  :: b
  false :: b

instance BoolValue P.Bool where
  true  = P.True
  false = P.False

instance (P.Monad m, BoolValue b) => BoolValue (m b) where
  true  = P.return true
  false = P.return false

-- | Convert a 'P.Bool' value to the appropriate 'BoolValue'.
lift_bool :: (BoolValue b) => P.Bool -> b
lift_bool b = if b then true else false

{- |
  Typeclass for things that support Boolean operators.


  * Normal 'P.Bool' values (obviously).

  * Any function that returns a 'Boolean'.
    This instance arrises due to the monad instance for functions.

  * Any monadic action that returns a 'Boolean'.
    The left action is performed before the right action (which may
    be significant, depending on the monad).
class Boolean b where
  -- | Logical-AND of two values.
  (&&) :: b -> b -> b

  -- | Logical-OR of two values. (Inclusive-OR.)
  (||) :: b -> b -> b

  -- | Logical-NOT of two values. (Logical inverse.)
  not  :: b -> b

  {- |
    Exclusive-OR (XOR). There is a default implementation, but you
    can override it for efficiency if desired.
  xor :: b -> b -> b

  x `xor` y = (x || y) && (not (x && y))

instance Boolean P.Bool where
  (&&) = (P.&&)
  (||) = (P.||)
  not  = P.not
  xor  = (P.==)

instance (P.Monad m, Boolean b) => Boolean (m b) where
  (&&) = M.liftM2 (&&)
  (||) = M.liftM2 (||)
  not  = M.liftM  not
  xor  = M.liftM2 xor