{- |
  This module provides 'Colour', which stores linear RGB
  (red, green, blue) colour values where each channel is a 'Double'.
  It also provides arithmetic over such colours, and a few predefined

module Data.Colour.Double where

{- |
  The main colour type. It stores three channels (red, green and
  blue) as linear 'Double' values normally ranging from 0 to 1.
  (0 represents minimum intensity, 1 represents maximum. Black is
  therefore @Colour 0 0 0@ and white is @Colour 1 1 1@.)

  The channel values are stored as strict, unboxed fields, so
  operating on @Colour@s should be quite efficient in time and space.

  The 'Num' and 'Fractional' instances provide arithmetic for
  @Colour@s. Note that @(*)@ acts channel-wise; this is usually what
  is wanted.
data Colour = Colour {red, green, blue :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double}
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

{- |
  Apply a function to every channel in a colour. (Mostly used
  internally, but exposed here in case it may be useful.)
cmap :: (Double -> Double) -> Colour -> Colour
cmap f (Colour r g b) = Colour (f r) (f g) (f b)

{- |
  This is similar to 'Data.List.zipWith'. (Mostly used internally,
  but exposed here in case it may be useful.)
czip :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Colour -> Colour -> Colour
czip f (Colour r1 g1 b1) (Colour r2 g2 b2) = Colour (f r1 r2) (f g1 g2) (f b1 b2)

{- |
  Use a function to collapse a @Colour@ into a @Double@. No
  particular order of application is promised.
cfold :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Colour -> Double
cfold f (Colour r g b) = f r (f g b)

{- | Turn a @Double@ into a shade of grey. -}
grey :: Double -> Colour
grey x = Colour x x x

{- |
  Scale a @Colour@ by a specified amount. (That is, change the
  brightness while not affecting the shade.)
cscale :: Double -> Colour -> Colour
cscale x = cmap (x*)

instance Num Colour where
  (+) = czip (+)
  (-) = czip (-)
  (*) = czip (*)
  negate = cmap negate
  abs    = cmap abs
  signum = cmap signum
  fromInteger = grey . fromInteger

instance Fractional Colour where
  (/) = czip (/)
  recip = cmap recip
  fromRational = grey . fromRational

{- |
  Take a @Colour@ and clip all channels to the range 0--1
  inclusive. Any value outside that range will be replaced
  with the nearest endpoint (i.e., 0 for negative numbers,
  1 for positive numbers higher than 1). Values inside
  the range are unaffected.
clip :: Colour -> Colour
clip = cmap (min 1 . max 0)

-- | Convert a 'Colour' into a tuple.
unpack :: Colour -> (Double, Double, Double)
unpack (Colour r g b) = (r, g, b)

-- | Convert a tuple into a 'Colour'.
pack :: (Double, Double, Double) -> Colour
pack (r, g, b) = Colour r g b

-- | Constant: Black.
cBlack   :: Colour
cBlack   = Colour 0 0 0

-- | Constant: Red.
cRed     :: Colour
cRed     = Colour 1 0 0

-- | Constant: Yellow.
cYellow  :: Colour
cYellow  = Colour 1 1 0

-- | Constant: Green.
cGreen   :: Colour
cGreen   = Colour 0 1 0

-- | Constant: Cyan.
cCyan    :: Colour
cCyan    = Colour 0 1 1

-- | Constant: Blue.
cBlue    :: Colour
cBlue    = Colour 0 0 1

-- | Constant: Magenta.
cMagenta :: Colour
cMagenta = Colour 1 0 1

-- | Constant: White.
cWhite   :: Colour
cWhite   = Colour 1 1 1