{- |
  Properties for testing that instances of the 'Ord' class perform

  'p_symmetric' and 'p_transitive' check the basic properties of the
  ordering. In other words, they test the 'compare' method. 'p_equal'
  checks that 'Ord' agrees with 'Eq' (that is, 'compare' returns 'EQ'
  when '==' returns 'True'). The "Test.AC.Class.Eq" module already
  checks that 'Eq' is reflexive, so if 'Ord' agrees with 'Eq' then
  'Ord' too is reflexive, and we don't need a seperate test for that.
  The remaining tests (i.e., 'p_compare', 'p_min' and 'p_max') check
  for the extraordinarily unlikely case that the various 'Ord'
  methods do not agree with each other. (Usually they are implemented
  in terms of each other.)

module Test.AC.Class.Ord where

import Test.AC.Test

-- | Check that 'compare' agrees with '==' on equity.
p_equal :: (Show x, Ord x) => x -> x -> Test
p_equal x y =
  title "compare agrees with (==)" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  temporary "x == y" (x == y) $
  temporary "compare x y" (compare x y) $
  if x == y
    then compare x y ?=  EQ
    else compare x y ?/= EQ

-- | Check that swapping the arguments to 'compare' works correctly.
p_symmetric :: (Show x, Ord x) => x -> x -> Test
p_symmetric x y =
  title "if x < y then y > x" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  temporary "compare x y" (compare x y) $
  case compare x y of
    EQ -> compare y x ?= EQ
    LT -> compare y x ?= GT
    GT -> compare y x ?= LT

-- | Check that if @x \< y@ and @y \< z@ then @x \< z@.
p_transitive :: (Show x, Ord x) => x -> x -> x -> Test
p_transitive x y z =
  title "if x < y and y < z then x < z" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  argument "z" z $
  temporary "compare x y" (compare x y) $
  temporary "compare y z" (compare y z) $
  case (compare x y, compare y z) of
    (EQ, c ) -> compare x z ?= c
    (c , EQ) -> compare x z ?= c
    (c1, c2) -> if c1 == c2 then compare x z ?= c1 else inapplicable

-- | Check that 'compare' agrees with '>', '<', etc.
p_compare :: (Show x, Ord x) => x -> x -> Test
p_compare x y =
  title "compare x y agrees with (<), (>), etc." $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  temporary "compare x y" (compare x y) $
    (b1, b2, b3, b4) =
      case compare x y of
        LT -> (True , True , False, False)
        EQ -> (False, True , False, True )
        GT -> (False, False, True , True )
      title "x <  y" $ (x <  y) ?= b1,
      title "x <= y" $ (x <= y) ?= b2,
      title "x >  y" $ (x >  y) ?= b3,
      title "x >= y" $ (x >= y) ?= b4

-- | Check that 'min' works correctly.
p_min :: (Show x, Ord x) => x -> x -> Test
p_min x y =
  title "min x y" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  temporary "compare x y" (compare x y) $
  case compare x y of
    EQ -> tests [title "min x y == x" $ min x y ?= x, title "min x y == y" $ min x y ?= y]
    LT -> min x y ?= x
    GT -> min x y ?= y

-- | Check that 'max' works correctly.
p_max :: (Show x, Ord x) => x -> x -> Test
p_max x y =
  title "max x y" $
  argument "x" x $
  argument "y" y $
  temporary "compare x y" (compare x y) $
  case compare x y of
    EQ -> tests [title "max x y == x" $ max x y ?= x, title "max x y == y" $ max x y ?= y]
    LT -> max x y ?= y
    GT -> max x y ?= x

{- |
  Given a list of /distinct/ values, perform all applicable tests
  on all possible combinations of inputs. (If the inputs are not
  distinct, some redundant tests are performed.)
p_Ord :: (Show x, Ord x) => [x] -> Test
p_Ord xs =
  title "p_Eq" $
  argument "xs" xs $
    title "p_equal"      $ tests [ p_equal      x y   | x <- xs, y <- xs          ],
    title "p_symmetric"  $ tests [ p_symmetric  x y   | x <- xs, y <- xs          ],
    title "p_transitive" $ tests [ p_transitive x y z | x <- xs, y <- xs, z <- xs ],
    title "p_compare"    $ tests [ p_compare    x y   | x <- xs, y <- xs          ],
    title "p_min"        $ tests [ p_min        x y   | x <- xs, y <- xs          ],
    title "p_max"        $ tests [ p_max        x y   | x <- xs, y <- xs          ]