{- |
  Defines the 'Label' type, for making values 'show'able.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Test.AC.Label where


{- |
  The @Label@ type.

  A value of type @Label x@ is really a value of type @x@, but with
  a textual label. The 'Show' instance returns this label.

  This can be tremendously useful for allowing you to 'show' values
  which would not otherwise be printable. For example, functions.
  Rather than passing a function, you can pass a labelled function.
  This allows you to know, at runtime, /which/ function you're
  dealing with, which is very useful for test purposes.

  You can use 'label' to extract the label text, and 'value' to
  extract the actual data value.

  The 'Show' instance uses the 'label', but the other instances use
  only the 'value', ignoring the 'label'. (In particular, any
  operations which alter the 'value' leave the 'label' untouched.)
data Label x = Label {label :: String, value :: !x}

instance Eq x => Eq (Label x) where
  x == y = (value x) == (value y)

instance Ord x => Ord (Label x) where
  compare x y = compare (value x) (value y)

instance Enum x => Enum (Label x) where
  succ x = x {value = succ (value x)}
  pred x = x {value = pred (value x)}
  toEnum i = Label {label = "toEnum", value = toEnum i}
  fromEnum = fromEnum . value
  enumFrom       x     = map (Label (label x)) (enumFrom       (value x)                    )
  enumFromThen   x y   = map (Label (label x)) (enumFromThen   (value x) (value y)          )
  enumFromTo     x y   = map (Label (label x)) (enumFromTo     (value x) (value y)          )
  enumFromThenTo x y z = map (Label (label x)) (enumFromThenTo (value x) (value y) (value z))

instance Bounded x => Bounded (Label x) where
  minBound = Label "minBound" minBound
  maxBound = Label "maxBound" maxBound

instance Show (Label x) where show = label


{- |
  This type is similar to 'Label'. However, 'Label' cannot be made
  an instance of higher-kinded classes such as 'Functor' and 'Monad'.
  This type gets around that irritating limitation.
data Label1 c x1 = Label1 {label1 :: String, value1 :: c x1}

instance Eq (c x1) => Eq (Label1 c x1) where
  x == y = (value1 x) == (value1 y)

instance Ord (c x1) => Ord (Label1 c x1) where
  compare x y = compare (value1 x) (value1 y)

instance Enum (c x1) => Enum (Label1 c x1) where
  succ x = x {value1 = succ (value1 x)}
  pred x = x {value1 = pred (value1 x)}
  toEnum i = Label1 {label1 = "toEnum", value1 = toEnum i}
  fromEnum = fromEnum . value1
  enumFrom       x     = map (Label1 (label1 x)) (enumFrom       (value1 x)                      )
  enumFromThen   x y   = map (Label1 (label1 x)) (enumFromThen   (value1 x) (value1 y)           )
  enumFromTo     x y   = map (Label1 (label1 x)) (enumFromTo     (value1 x) (value1 y)           )
  enumFromThenTo x y z = map (Label1 (label1 x)) (enumFromThenTo (value1 x) (value1 y) (value1 z))

instance Bounded (c x1) => Bounded (Label1 c x1) where
  minBound = Label1 "minBound" minBound
  maxBound = Label1 "maxBound" maxBound

instance Show (Label1 c x1) where show = label1

instance Functor c => Functor (Label1 c) where
  fmap f l = l {value1 = fmap f (value1 l)}

instance Monad c => Monad (Label1 c) where
  return x = Label1 {label1 = "return", value1 = return x}

  lc >>= f = lc {value1 = value1 lc >>= \ x -> let lc' = f x in value1 lc'}