Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Name: AC-Vector Version: 2.1.0 Stability: Experimental Synopsis: Efficient geometric vectors and transformations. Description: This Haskell library implements several small vectors types with @Double@ fields, with seperate types for each size of vector, and a type class for handling vectors generally. Now includes \"bounding box\" types, useful for graphical work. (Note that this package itself has no graphics facilities as such. It just provides data structures useful for graphics.) Category: Data, Math, Numerical, Graphics License: BSD3 License-file: License.txt Author: Andrew Coppin Maintainer: Build-Type: Simple Tested-With: GHC == 6.10.3 Library Exposed-modules: Data.Vector, Data.Vector.Class, Data.Vector.V1, Data.Vector.V2, Data.Vector.V3, Data.Vector.V4, Data.Vector.Transform, Data.Vector.Transform.T1, Data.Vector.Transform.T2, Data.Vector.Transform.T3, Data.Vector.Transform.T4, Data.BoundingBox.Range, Data.BoundingBox.B1, Data.BoundingBox.B2, Data.BoundingBox.B3, Data.BoundingBox.B4 Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5 HS-Source-Dirs: .