-- | Various ciphers.
module Acme.Cipher (Cipher, encode, decode, playfair, substitution, addLetters, subtractLetters, viginere, caesar, Plugboard(..), Reflector(..), RotorMapping(..), enigma) where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
import Control.Monad

import System.Random.Shuffle


data Cipher key = Cipher (key -> String -> String) (key -> String -> String)

encode ~(Cipher f _) = f

decode ~(Cipher _ f) = f

-- | The Playfair cipher
playfair = Cipher start start where
	start k = fn (take 25 (nub (map (\ch -> if ch == 'J' then 'I' else ch) k)) ++ (['A'..'Z'] \\ ('J' : k)))
	fn k (c1 : c2 : s) = (k !! (5 * n + y)) : (k !! (5 * x + m)) : fn k s
			(n, m) = fromJust (findIndex (==c1) k) `divMod` 5
			(x, y) = fromJust (findIndex (==c2) k) `divMod` 5
	fn _ s = s

swap (x, y) = (y, x)

-- | The letter substitution cipher
substitution = Cipher (\k s -> map (\ch -> fromJust $ lookup ch k) s) (\k s -> map (\ch -> fromJust $ lookup ch (map swap k)) s)

letter x = ord x - ord 'A' + 1

letter2 x = chr (x + ord 'A' - 1)

addLetters x y = if letter2 (letter x + letter y) > 'Z' then letter2 $ letter x + letter y - 26 else letter2 $ letter x + letter y

subtractLetters x y = if letter2 (letter x - letter y) < 'A' then letter2 $ letter x - letter y + 26 else letter2 $ letter x - letter y

-- | The Viginere cipher (acts like one-time pad if the key is as long as the plaintext)
viginere = Cipher (\k s -> zipWith addLetters s (cycle k)) (\k s -> zipWith subtractLetters s (cycle k))

-- | The Caesar cipher
caesar = Cipher (\k s -> map (`addLetters` k) s) (\k s -> map (`subtractLetters` k) s)

-- | For good measure, the German Enigma
data Rotor s = Rotor { mapping :: [(Char, Char)], position :: STRef s Char, nextRotor :: Maybe (Rotor s) }

advance rotor = do
	pos <- readSTRef (position rotor)
	let plus1 = addLetters pos 'A'
	writeSTRef (position rotor) plus1
	when (plus1 == 'A') $ maybe (return ()) advance (nextRotor rotor)

newRotor (RotorMapping mapping) init next = do
	pos <- newSTRef init
	return (Rotor mapping pos next)

newRotors (map1,map2,map3) (init1,init2,init3) = do
	rot1 <- newRotor map1 init1 Nothing
	rot2 <- newRotor map2 init2 (Just rot1)
	rot3 <- newRotor map3 init3 (Just rot2)
	return (rot1, rot2, rot3)

look ls x = fromJust (lookup x ls)

rotorFunction rotor = do
	pos <- readSTRef (position rotor)
	return (look (mapping rotor) . (`subtractLetters` pos))

reverseRotorFunction rotor = do
	pos <- readSTRef (position rotor)
	return ((`addLetters` pos) . look (map swap (mapping rotor)))

randomLetter stdgen = randomR ('A','Z') stdgen

newtype Plugboard = Plugboard [(Char, Char)]

newtype Reflector = Reflector [(Char, Char)]

newtype RotorMapping = RotorMapping [(Char, Char)]

encodeEnigma (Plugboard plugboard, Reflector reflector0, mappings) (init1,init2,init3) text = do
	let reflector = reflector0 ++ map swap reflector0
	-- Create the rotors
	(rotor1,rotor2,rotor3) <- newRotors mappings (init1,init2,init3)
	-- Translate the plaintext
	mapM (\letter -> do
			f1 <- rotorFunction rotor1
			f2 <- rotorFunction rotor2
			f3 <- rotorFunction rotor3
			f4 <- reverseRotorFunction rotor1
			f5 <- reverseRotorFunction rotor2
			f6 <- reverseRotorFunction rotor3
			advance rotor3
			return $ look (map swap plugboard) $ f6 $ f5 $ f4 $ look reflector $ f1 $ f2 $ f3 $ look plugboard letter)

enigma stdgen = Cipher (\key plaintext -> runST $ do
	-- Choose an initial rotor position
	(init1, stdgen) <- return (randomLetter stdgen)
	(init2, stdgen) <- return (randomLetter stdgen)
	(init3, _) <- return (randomLetter stdgen)
	-- Do the cipher
	cipher <- encodeEnigma key (init1,init2,init3) plaintext
	-- Add the initial rotor position
	return (init1 : init2 : init3 : cipher))
	(\key (init1 : init2 : init3 : cipher) -> runST $ encodeEnigma key (init1,init2,init3) cipher)

rot13 = map (\x -> (x, addLetters x 'M')) ['A'..'N']

test = do
	ls <- shuffleM ['A'..'Z']
	let k = zip ['A'..] ls
	let key = (Plugboard k, Reflector rot13, (RotorMapping k, RotorMapping k, RotorMapping k))
	stdgen <- getStdGen
	putStrLn $ decode (enigma stdgen) key (encode (enigma stdgen) key "TESTINGTESTING")