{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module ADP.Fusion.Table where

import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Array.Repa.Shape
import Data.Strict.Tuple
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as S
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Strict.Maybe
import Prelude hiding (Maybe(..))

import Data.Array.Repa.Index.Subword
import Data.Array.Repa.Index.Points
import Data.Array.Repa.ExtShape
import qualified Data.PrimitiveArray as PA
import qualified Data.PrimitiveArray.Zero as PA

import ADP.Fusion.Classes

import Debug.Trace

-- * Mutable table with adaptive storage.

data MTbl i xs = MTbl !(ENZ i) !xs -- (PA.MutArr m (arr i x))

mTblSw :: ENE -> PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x) -> MTbl Subword (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))
mTblSw = MTbl
{-# INLINE mTblSw #-}

mTbl :: ENZ i -> PA.MutArr m (arr i x) -> MTbl i (PA.MutArr m (arr i x))
mTbl = MTbl
{-# INLINE mTbl #-}

-- | Generate the list of indices for use in table lookup.
-- Don't touch stuff in greek! ζ is the interior stack of arguments, α the
-- stack of saved indices

class TableIndices i where
  tableIndices :: Monad m => InOut i -> ENZ i -> i -> S.Stream m (ζ:!:α:!:i) -> S.Stream m (ζ:!:α:!:i)

-- * Instances

instance TableIndices Z where
  tableIndices Z Z Z = id
  {-# INLINE tableIndices #-}

instance TableIndices Subword where
  -- | These actually don't make sense in 1-dim settings, we keep the code as a
  -- reminder how things should look like: @tableIndices Outer ZeroT
  -- (Subword(i:.j)) = S.map (:!:subword j j)@
  tableIndices _ ZeroT _ = error "TableIndices Subword/ZeroT does not make sense"
  tableIndices Outer _ (Subword(i:.j)) = S.map (\(ζ:!:α:!:Subword(k:.l)) -> (ζ:!:α:!:subword l j))
  tableIndices (Inner _ szd) ene (Subword(i:.j)) = S.flatten mk step Unknown where
    mk (ζ:!:α:!:kl@(Subword(k:.l))) =
      let le = l + case ene of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NonEmptyT -> 1 }
          l' = case szd of { Nothing -> le ; Just z -> max le (j-z) }
      in  return (ζ:!:α:!:l:!:l')
    step (ζ:!:α:!:k:!:l)
      | i>j = return S.Done
      | otherwise = return $ S.Yield (ζ:!:α:!:subword k l) (ζ:!:α:!:k:!:l+1)
  {-# INLINE tableIndices #-}

instance TableIndices is => TableIndices (is:.Subword) where
  tableIndices (os:.Outer) (es:._) (is:.Subword(i:.j))
    = S.map (\(ζ:!:(α:!:Subword(_:.l)):!:is) -> (ζ:!:α:!:(is:.subword l j))) -- extend index to the end
    . tableIndices os es is -- extend the @is@ part
    . S.map (\(ζ:!:α:!:(is:.i)) -> (ζ:!:(α:!:i):!:is)) -- move topmost index to α for safekeeping
  -- tables annotated with zero-width have zero width @l--l@
  -- This also reduces the number of "running indices"
  -- TODO consider returning "def"ault elements here, instead of data from
  -- zero-length subword? Or does 'ZeroT' actually mean to extract (a/the)
  -- zero-length subword?
  tableIndices (os:.Inner _ szd) (es:.ZeroT) (is:.Subword(i:.j))
    = S.map (\(ζ:!:(α:.Subword(k:.l)):!:is) -> (ζ:!:α:!:(is:.subword l l)))
    . tableIndices os es is
    . S.map (\(ζ:!:α:!:(is:.i)) -> (ζ:!:(α:.i):!:is))
  -- the default case, where we need to create indices
  tableIndices (os:.Inner _ szd) (es:.e) (is:.Subword(i:.j))
    = S.flatten mk step Unknown
    . tableIndices os es is
    . S.map (\(ζ:!:α:!:(is:.i)) -> (ζ:!:(α:.i):!:is))
    where mk (ζ:!:(α:.Subword (k:.l)):!:is) =
            let le = l + case e of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NonEmptyT -> 1 }
                l' = case szd of { Nothing -> le ; Just z -> max le (j-z) }
            in  return (ζ:!:α:!:is:!:l:!:l')
          step (ζ:!:α:!:is:!:k:!:l)
            | l > j = return $ S.Done
            | otherwise = return $ S.Yield (ζ:!:α:!:(is:.subword k l)) (ζ:!:α:!:is:!:k:!:l+1)
  {-#  INLINE tableIndices #-}

instance TableIndices is => TableIndices (is:.PointL) where
  tableIndices (os:.Outer) (es:._) (is:.PointL(i:.j))
    = S.map (\(ζ:!:(α:!:PointL(_:.l)):!:is) -> (ζ:!:α:!:(is:.pointL l j))) -- extend index to the end
    . tableIndices os es is -- extend the @is@ part
    . S.map (\(ζ:!:α:!:(is:.i)) -> (ζ:!:(α:!:i):!:is)) -- move topmost index to α for safekeeping
  tableIndices (os:.Inner _ szd) (es:.ZeroT) (is:.PointL(i:.j))
    = S.map (\(ζ:!:(α:.PointL(k:.l)):!:is) -> (ζ:!:α:!:(is:.pointL l l)))  -- does @l==lower bound@ have to be true here?
    . tableIndices os es is
    . S.map (\(ζ:!:α:!:(is:.i)) -> (ζ:!:(α:.i):!:is))
  -- the default case, where we need to create indices
  tableIndices (os:.Inner _ szd) (es:.e) (is:.PointL(i:.j))
    = S.flatten mk step Unknown
    . tableIndices os es is
    . S.map (\(ζ:!:α:!:(is:.i)) -> (ζ:!:(α:.i):!:is))
    where mk (ζ:!:(α:.PointL (k:.l)):!:is) =
            let le = l + case e of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NonEmptyT -> 1 }
                l' = case szd of { Nothing -> le ; Just z -> max le (j-z) }
            in  return (ζ:!:α:!:is:!:l:!:l')
          step (ζ:!:α:!:is:!:k:!:l)
            | l > j = return $ S.Done
            | otherwise = return $ S.Yield (ζ:!:α:!:(is:.pointL k l)) (ζ:!:α:!:is:!:k:!:l+1)
  {-#  INLINE tableIndices #-}

instance Build (MTbl i x)

-- ** Subword

  ( ValidIndex ls Subword
  , Monad m
  , PA.MPrimArrayOps arr (Z:.Subword) x
  ) => ValidIndex (ls:!:MTbl Subword (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword where
  validIndex (_  :!: MTbl ZeroT _) _ _ = error "table with ZeroT found, there is no reason (actually: no implementation) for 1-dim ZeroT tables"
  validIndex (ls :!: MTbl ene tbl) abc@(a:!:b:!:c) ij@(Subword (i:.j)) =
    let (_,Z:.Subword (0:.n)) = PA.boundsM tbl
        minsize = max b (if ene==EmptyT then 0 else 1)
    in  i>=a && i+minsize<=j && j<=n-c && validIndex ls abc ij
  {-# INLINE validIndex #-}
  getParserRange (ls :!: MTbl ene _) ix = let (a:!:b:!:c) = getParserRange ls ix in if ene==EmptyT then (a:!:b:!:c) else (a:!:b+1:!:c)
  {-# INLINE getParserRange #-}

  ( Elms ls Subword
  ) => Elms (ls :!: MTbl Subword (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword where
  data Elm (ls :!: MTbl Subword (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword = ElmMTblSw !(Elm ls Subword) !x !Subword -- ElmBtTbl !(Elm ls Subword) !x !(m (S.Stream m b)) !Subword
  type Arg (ls :!: MTbl Subword (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) = Arg ls :. x
  getArg !(ElmMTblSw ls x _) = getArg ls :. x
  getIdx !(ElmMTblSw _  _ i) = i
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}
  {-# INLINE getIdx #-}

  ( Monad m
  , PrimMonad m
  , Elms ls Subword
  , MkStream m ls Subword
  , PA.MPrimArrayOps arr (Z:.Subword) x
  ) => MkStream m (ls :!: MTbl Subword (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword where
  mkStream !(ls:!:MTbl ene tbl) Outer !ij@(Subword (i:.j))
    = S.mapM (\s -> let (Subword (_:.l)) = getIdx s in PA.readM tbl (Z:.subword l j) >>= \z -> return $ ElmMTblSw s z (subword l j))
    $ mkStream ls (Inner Check Nothing) (subword i $ case ene of { EmptyT -> j ; NonEmptyT -> j-1 })
  mkStream !(ls:!:MTbl ene tbl) (Inner _ szd) !ij@(Subword (i:.j)) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream ls (Inner NoCheck Nothing) ij where
    mk !s = let (Subword (_:.l)) = getIdx s
                le = l + case ene of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NonEmptyT -> 1}
                l' = case szd of Nothing -> le
                                 Just z  -> max le (j-z)
            in return (s :!: l :!: l')
    {-# INLINE [0] mk #-}
    step !(s :!: k :!: l)
      | l > j = return S.Done
      | otherwise = PA.readM tbl (Z:.subword k l) >>= \z -> return $ S.Yield (ElmMTblSw s z (subword k l)) (s :!: k :!: l+1)
    {-# INLINE [0] step #-}
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}

-- ** multi-dim indices

  ( Elms ls (is:.i)
  ) => Elms (ls :!: MTbl (is:.i) (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) (is:.i) where
  data Elm (ls :!: MTbl (is:.i) (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) (is:.i) = ElmMTbl !(Elm ls (is:.i)) !x !(is:.i)
  type Arg (ls :!: MTbl (is:.i) (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) = Arg ls :. x
  getArg !(ElmMTbl ls x _) = getArg ls :. x
  getIdx !(ElmMTbl _ _  i) = i
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}
  {-# INLINE getIdx #-}

  ( Monad m
  , PrimMonad m
  , PA.MPrimArrayOps arr (is:.i) x
  , Elms ls (is:.i)
  , NonTermValidIndex (is:.i)
  , TableIndices (is:.i)
  , MkStream m ls (is:.i)
  ) => MkStream m (ls:!:MTbl (is:.i) (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) (is:.i) where
  mkStream (ls :!: MTbl enz tbl) os is
    = S.mapM (\(s:!:Z:!:β) -> PA.readM tbl β >>= \z -> return $ ElmMTbl s z β) -- extract data using β index
    . tableIndices os enz is -- generate indices for multiple dimensions
    . S.map (\s -> (s:!:Z:!:getIdx s)) -- extract the right-most current index
    $ mkStream ls (nonTermInnerOuter is os) (nonTermLeftIndex is os enz) -- TODO fix os is!
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}

  ( ValidIndex ls (is:.i)
  , PA.MPrimArrayOps arr (is:.i) x
  , NonTermValidIndex (is:.i)
  ) => ValidIndex (ls :!: MTbl (is:.i) (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) (is:.i) where
  validIndex (ls :!: MTbl es tbl) abc isi =
    let (_,rght) = PA.boundsM tbl
    in  nonTermValidIndex es rght abc isi && validIndex ls abc isi
  getParserRange (ls :!: MTbl es _) ix = getNonTermParserRange es ix $ getParserRange ls ix
  {-# INLINE validIndex #-}
  {-# INLINE getParserRange #-}

class NonTermValidIndex i where
  nonTermValidIndex :: ENZ i -> i -> ParserRange i -> i -> Bool
  getNonTermParserRange :: ENZ i -> i -> ParserRange i -> ParserRange i
  nonTermInnerOuter :: i -> InOut i -> InOut i
  nonTermLeftIndex :: i -> InOut i -> ENZ i -> i

instance NonTermValidIndex Z where
  nonTermValidIndex Z Z Z Z = True
  getNonTermParserRange Z Z Z = Z
  nonTermInnerOuter Z Z = Z
  nonTermLeftIndex Z Z Z = Z
  {-# INLINE nonTermValidIndex #-}
  {-# INLINE getNonTermParserRange #-}
  {-# INLINE nonTermInnerOuter #-}
  {-# INLINE nonTermLeftIndex #-}

instance NonTermValidIndex is => NonTermValidIndex (is:.Subword) where
  nonTermValidIndex (es:.e) (ns:.Subword(_:.n)) (abc:.(a:!:b:!:c)) (is:.Subword(i:.j)) =
    let minsize = max b (if e==EmptyT then 0 else 1)
    in  i>=a && i+minsize<=j && j<=n-c && nonTermValidIndex es ns abc is
  getNonTermParserRange (es:.e) (is:._) (abc:.(a:!:b:!:c)) =
    let b' = b + if e==EmptyT then 0 else 1
    in  getNonTermParserRange es is abc :. (a:!:b':!:c)
  nonTermInnerOuter (is:._) (os:.Outer) = nonTermInnerOuter is os :. Inner Check Nothing
  nonTermInnerOuter (is:._) (os:.Inner _ _) = nonTermInnerOuter is os :. Inner NoCheck Nothing
  nonTermLeftIndex (is:.Subword(i:.j)) (os:.o) (es:.e)
    | o==Outer && e==NonEmptyT = nonTermLeftIndex is os es :. subword i (j-1)
    | otherwise                = nonTermLeftIndex is os es :. subword i j
  {-# INLINE nonTermValidIndex #-}
  {-# INLINE getNonTermParserRange #-}
  {-# INLINE nonTermInnerOuter #-}
  {-# INLINE nonTermLeftIndex #-}

-- TODO autogenerated, check correctness

instance NonTermValidIndex is => NonTermValidIndex (is:.PointL) where
  nonTermValidIndex (es:.e) (ns:.PointL(_:.n)) (abc:.(a:!:b:!:c)) (is:.PointL(i:.j)) =
    let minsize = max b (if e==EmptyT then 0 else 1)
    in  i>=a && i+minsize<=j && j<=n-c && nonTermValidIndex es ns abc is
  getNonTermParserRange (es:.e) (is:._) (abc:.(a:!:b:!:c)) =
    let b' = b + if e==EmptyT then 0 else 1
    in  getNonTermParserRange es is abc :. (a:!:b':!:c)
  nonTermInnerOuter (is:._) (os:.Outer) = nonTermInnerOuter is os :. Inner Check Nothing
  nonTermInnerOuter (is:._) (os:.Inner _ _) = nonTermInnerOuter is os :. Inner NoCheck Nothing
  nonTermLeftIndex (is:.PointL(i:.j)) (os:.o) (es:.e)
    | o==Outer && e==NonEmptyT = nonTermLeftIndex is os es :. pointL i (j-1)
    | otherwise                = nonTermLeftIndex is os es :. pointL i j
  {-# INLINE nonTermValidIndex #-}
  {-# INLINE getNonTermParserRange #-}
  {-# INLINE nonTermInnerOuter #-}
  {-# INLINE nonTermLeftIndex #-}

data BtTbl i xs f = BtTbl !(ENZ i) !xs !f -- (i -> m (S.Stream m b))

btTbl :: ENZ i -> xs -> f -> BtTbl i xs f --(i -> m (S.Stream m b)) -> BtTbl m i xs b
btTbl = BtTbl
{-# INLINE btTbl #-}

type DefBtTbl m isi x b = BtTbl isi (PA.Unboxed isi x) (isi -> m (S.Stream m b))
type SwBtTbl m x b = BtTbl Subword (PA.Unboxed (Z:.Subword) x) (Subword -> m (S.Stream m b))

instance Build (BtTbl i xs f)

  ( Elms ls Subword
  ) => Elms (ls :!: SwBtTbl m x b) Subword where
  data Elm (ls :!: SwBtTbl m x b) Subword = ElmSwBtTbl !(Elm ls Subword) !(x,m (S.Stream m b)) !Subword
  type Arg (ls :!: SwBtTbl m x b) = Arg ls :. (x,m (S.Stream m b))
  getArg !(ElmSwBtTbl ls x _) = getArg ls :. x
  getIdx !(ElmSwBtTbl _ _  i) = i
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}
  {-# INLINE getIdx #-}

  ( Monad m
  , Elms ls Subword
  , VU.Unbox x
  , MkStream m ls Subword
  ) => MkStream m (ls :!: SwBtTbl m x b) Subword where
  mkStream !(ls:!:BtTbl ene tbl f) Outer !ij@(Subword (i:.j))
    = S.mapM (\s -> let (Subword (_:.l)) = getIdx s in return $ ElmSwBtTbl s (tbl PA.! (Z:.subword l j), f $ subword l j) (subword l j))
    $ mkStream ls (Inner Check Nothing) (subword i $ case ene of { EmptyT -> j ; NonEmptyT -> j-1 })
  mkStream !(ls:!:BtTbl ene tbl f) (Inner _ szd) !ij@(Subword (i:.j)) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream ls (Inner NoCheck Nothing) ij where
    mk !s = let (Subword (_:.l)) = getIdx s
                le = l + case ene of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NonEmptyT -> 1}
                l' = case szd of Nothing -> le
                                 Just z  -> max le (j-z)
            in return (s :!: l :!: l')
    step !(s :!: k :!: l)
      | l > j = return S.Done
      | otherwise = return $ S.Yield (ElmSwBtTbl s (tbl PA.! (Z:.subword k l), f $ subword k l) (subword k l)) (s :!: k :!: l+1)
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}

  ( ValidIndex ls Subword
  , VU.Unbox x
  ) => ValidIndex (ls :!: SwBtTbl m x b) Subword where
  validIndex (_  :!: BtTbl ZeroT _ _) _ _ = error "table with ZeroT found, there is no reason (actually: no implementation) for 1-dim ZeroT tables"
  validIndex (ls :!: BtTbl ene tbl _) abc@(a:!:b:!:c) ij@(Subword (i:.j)) =
    let (_,Z:.Subword (0:.n)) = PA.bounds tbl
        minsize = max b (if ene==EmptyT then 0 else 1)
    in  i>=a && i+minsize<=j && j<=n-c && validIndex ls abc ij
  {-# INLINE validIndex #-}
  getParserRange (ls :!: BtTbl ene _ f) ix = let (a:!:b:!:c) = getParserRange ls ix in if ene==EmptyT then (a:!:b:!:c) else (a:!:b+1:!:c)
  {-# INLINE getParserRange #-}

  ( Elms ls (is:.i)
  ) => Elms (ls :!: DefBtTbl m (is:.i) x b) (is:.i) where
  data Elm (ls :!: DefBtTbl m (is:.i) x b) (is:.i) = ElmBtTbl !(Elm ls (is:.i)) !(x,m (S.Stream m b)) !(is:.i)
  type Arg (ls :!: DefBtTbl m (is:.i) x b) = Arg ls :. (x,m (S.Stream m b))
  getArg !(ElmBtTbl ls x _) = getArg ls :. x
  getIdx !(ElmBtTbl _ _  i) = i
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}
  {-# INLINE getIdx #-}

  ( Monad m
  , Elms ls (is:.i)
  , ExtShape (is:.i)
  , Shape (is:.i)
  , VU.Unbox x
  , NonTermValidIndex (is:.i)
  , TableIndices (is:.i)
  , MkStream m ls (is:.i)
  ) => MkStream m (ls:!:DefBtTbl m (is:.i) x b) (is:.i) where
  mkStream (ls :!: BtTbl enz tbl f) os is
    = S.map (\(s:!:Z:!:β) -> ElmBtTbl s (tbl PA.! β,f β) β) -- extract data using β index
    . tableIndices os enz is -- generate indices for multiple dimensions
    . S.map (\s -> (s:!:Z:!:getIdx s)) -- extract the right-most current index
    $ mkStream ls (nonTermInnerOuter is os) (nonTermLeftIndex is os enz) -- TODO fix os is!
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}

  ( ValidIndex ls (is:.i)
  , Shape (is:.i)
  , ExtShape (is:.i)
  , VU.Unbox x
  , NonTermValidIndex (is:.i)
  ) => ValidIndex (ls :!: DefBtTbl m (is:.i) x b) (is:.i) where
  validIndex (ls :!: BtTbl es tbl f) abc isi =
    let (_,rght) = PA.bounds tbl
    in  nonTermValidIndex es rght abc isi && validIndex ls abc isi
  getParserRange (ls :!: BtTbl es _ _) ix = getNonTermParserRange es ix $ getParserRange ls ix
  {-# INLINE validIndex #-}
  {-# INLINE getParserRange #-}

class EmptyTable x where
  toEmptyT :: x -> x
  toNonEmptyT :: x -> x

instance (EmptyENZ (ENZ i)) => EmptyTable (MTbl i xs) where
  toEmptyT    (MTbl enz xs) = MTbl (toEmptyENZ    enz) xs
  toNonEmptyT (MTbl enz xs) = MTbl (toNonEmptyENZ enz) xs
  {-# INLINE toEmptyT #-}
  {-# INLINE toNonEmptyT #-}

instance (EmptyENZ (ENZ i)) => EmptyTable (BtTbl i xs f) where
  toEmptyT    (BtTbl enz xs f) = BtTbl (toEmptyENZ    enz) xs f
  toNonEmptyT (BtTbl enz xs f) = BtTbl (toNonEmptyENZ enz) xs f
  {-# INLINE toEmptyT #-}
  {-# INLINE toNonEmptyT #-}


-- * Backtracking tables.

data BtTbl m x b = BtTbl ENE !(PA.Unboxed (Z:.Subword) x) !(Subword -> m (S.Stream m b))

instance Build (BtTbl m x b)

  ( Monad m
  , Elms ls Subword
  ) => Elms (ls :!: BtTbl m x b) Subword where
  data Elm (ls :!: BtTbl m x b) Subword = ElmBtTbl !(Elm ls Subword) !x !(m (S.Stream m b)) !Subword
  type Arg (ls :!: BtTbl m x b) = Arg ls :. (x,m (S.Stream m b))
  getArg !(ElmBtTbl ls x b _) = getArg ls :. (x,b)
  getIdx !(ElmBtTbl _  _ _ i) = i
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}
  {-# INLINE getIdx #-}

  ( Monad m
  , VU.Unbox x
  , Elms ls Subword
  , MkStream m ls Subword
  ) => MkStream m (ls :!: BtTbl m x b) Subword where
  mkStream !(ls:!:BtTbl ene xs f) Outer !ij@(Subword (i:.j))
    = S.map (\s -> let (Subword (k:.l)) = getIdx s in ElmBtTbl s (xs PA.! (Z:.subword l j)) (f $ subword l j) (subword l j))
    $ mkStream ls (Inner Check Nothing) (subword i $ case ene of { EmptyT -> j ; NoEmptyT -> j-1 })
  mkStream !(ls:!:BtTbl ene xs f) (Inner _ szd) !ij@(Subword (i:.j)) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream ls (Inner NoCheck Nothing) ij where
    mk !s = let (Subword (k:.l)) = getIdx s
                le = l + case ene of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NoEmptyT -> 1}
                l' = case szd of Nothing -> le
                                 Just z  -> max le (j-z)
            in  return (s:!:l:!: l')
    step !(s:!:k:!:l)
      | l > j     = return $ S.Done
      | otherwise = return $ S.Yield (ElmBtTbl s (xs PA.! (Z:.subword k l)) (f $ subword k l) (subword k l)) (s:!:k:!:l+1)
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}

-- * Unboxed mutable table for the forward phase in one dimension.

data MTbl xs = MTbl !ENE !xs

  ( ValidIndex ls Subword
  , Monad m
  , PA.MPrimArrayOps arr (Z:.Subword) x
  ) => ValidIndex (ls:!:MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword where
  validIndex (_  :!: MTbl ZeroT _) _ _ = error "table with ZeroT found, there is no reason (actually: no implementation) for 1-dim ZeroT tables"
  validIndex (ls :!: MTbl ene tbl) abc@(a:!:b:!:c) ij@(Subword (i:.j)) =
    let (_,Z:.Subword (0:.n)) = PA.boundsM tbl
        minsize = max b (if ene==EmptyT then 0 else 1)
    in  i>=a && i+minsize<=j && j<=n-c && validIndex ls abc ij
  {-# INLINE validIndex #-}
  getParserRange (ls :!: MTbl ene _) ix = let (a:!:b:!:c) = getParserRange ls ix in if ene==EmptyT then (a:!:b:!:c) else (a:!:b+1:!:c)
  {-# INLINE getParserRange #-}

instance Build (MTbl xs)

  ( Monad m
  , Elms ls Subword
  ) => Elms (ls :!: MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword where
  data Elm (ls :!: MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword = ElmMTbl !(Elm ls Subword) !x !Subword
  type Arg (ls :!: MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) = Arg ls :. x
  getArg !(ElmMTbl ls x _) = getArg ls :. x
  getIdx !(ElmMTbl _ _ i) = i
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}
  {-# INLINE getIdx #-}

  ( PrimMonad m
  , PA.MPrimArrayOps arr (Z:.Subword) x
  , Elms ls Subword
  , MkStream m ls Subword
  ) => MkStream m (ls:!:MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (Z:.Subword) x))) Subword where
  mkStream !(ls:!:MTbl ene tbl) Outer !ij@(Subword (i:.j))
    = S.mapM (\s -> let (Subword (_:.l)) = getIdx s in PA.readM tbl (Z:.subword l j) >>= \z -> return $ ElmMTbl s z (subword l j))
    $ mkStream ls (Inner Check Nothing) (subword i $ case ene of { EmptyT -> j ; NoEmptyT -> j-1 })
  mkStream !(ls:!:MTbl ene tbl) (Inner _ szd) !ij@(Subword (i:.j)) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream ls (Inner NoCheck Nothing) ij where
    mk !s = let (Subword (_:.l)) = getIdx s
                le = l + case ene of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NoEmptyT -> 1}
                l' = case szd of Nothing -> le
                                 Just z  -> max le (j-z)
            in return (s :!: l :!: l')
    step !(s :!: k :!: l)
      | l > j = return S.Done
      | otherwise = PA.readM tbl (Z:.subword k l) >>= \z -> return $ S.Yield (ElmMTbl s z (subword k l)) (s :!: k :!: l+1)
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}


-- ** multi-tape generalization: empty / nonempty

  ( ValidIndex ls (is:.i)
  , Monad m
  , PA.MPrimArrayOps arr (is:.i) x
  ) => ValidIndex (ls :!: MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) (is:.i) where
    validIndex (ls :!: MTbl ene tbl) (is:.i) =
      in  undefined

  ( Monad m
  ) => Elms (ls :!: MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) (is:.i) where

  ( Monad m
  ) => MkStream m (ls:!: MTbl (PA.MutArr m (arr (is:.i) x))) (is:.i) where
  mkStream !(ls:!:MTbl ene tbl) io is
    = undefined

data GMtbl i x = forall m . GMtbl (ENEdim i) (PA.MutArr m (Storage i x))





-- * Immutable tables.

data Tbl x = Tbl !(PA.Unboxed (Z:.Subword) x)

instance Build (Tbl x)

  ( Elms ls Subword
  ) => Elms (ls :!: Tbl x) Subword where
  data Elm (ls :!: Tbl x) Subword = ElmTbl !(Elm ls Subword) !x !Subword
  type Arg (ls :!: Tbl x) = Arg ls :. x
  getArg !(ElmTbl ls x _) = getArg ls :. x
  getIdx !(ElmTbl _ _ idx) = idx
  {-# INLINE getArg #-}
  {-# INLINE getIdx #-}

  ( Monad m
  , VU.Unbox x
  , Elms ls Subword
  , MkStream m ls Subword
  ) => MkStream m (ls:!:Tbl x) Subword where
  mkStream !(ls:!:Tbl xs) Outer !ij@(Subword (i:.j)) = S.map (\s -> let (Subword (k:.l)) = getIdx s in ElmTbl s (xs PA.! (Z:.subword l j)) (subword l j)) $ mkStream ls (Inner Check Nothing) ij
  mkStream !(ls:!:Tbl xs) (Inner _ szd) !ij@(Subword (i:.j)) = S.flatten mk step Unknown $ mkStream ls (Inner NoCheck Nothing) ij where
    mk !s = let (Subword (k:.l)) = getIdx s
                le = l -- TODO need to add ENE here ! -- + case ene of { EmptyT -> 0 ; NoEmptyT -> 1}
                l' = case szd of Nothing -> le
                                 Just z  -> max le (j-z)
            in  return (s :!: l :!: l')
    step !(s :!: k :!: l)
      | l > j = return S.Done
      | otherwise = return $ S.Yield (ElmTbl s (xs PA.! (Z:.subword k l)) (subword k l)) (s :!: k :!: l+1)
  {-# INLINE mkStream #-}
