ADPfusion- Efficient, high-level dynamic programming.
tableStreamIndex :: Proxy pos -> minSize -> LimitType u -> PointR I -> PointR I Source #
Associated Types
type Rep (RunningIndex (PointR I)) :: Type -> Type #
from :: RunningIndex (PointR I) -> Rep (RunningIndex (PointR I)) x #
to :: Rep (RunningIndex (PointR I)) x -> RunningIndex (PointR I) #
type Rep (RunningIndex (PointR O)) :: Type -> Type #
from :: RunningIndex (PointR O) -> Rep (RunningIndex (PointR O)) x #
to :: Rep (RunningIndex (PointR O)) x -> RunningIndex (PointR O) #
type Rep (RunningIndex (PointR C)) :: Type -> Type #
from :: RunningIndex (PointR C) -> Rep (RunningIndex (PointR C)) x #
to :: Rep (RunningIndex (PointR C)) x -> RunningIndex (PointR C) #
rnf :: RunningIndex (PointR I) -> () #
mkStream :: Proxy (ps :. IVariable d) -> S -> Int# -> LimitType (is :. PointR I) -> (is :. PointR I) -> Stream m (Elm S (is :. PointR I)) Source #
mkStream :: Proxy (ps :. IStatic d) -> S -> Int# -> LimitType (is :. PointR I) -> (is :. PointR I) -> Stream m (Elm S (is :. PointR I)) Source #
mkStream :: Proxy (IVariable d) -> S -> Int# -> LimitType (PointR I) -> PointR I -> Stream m (Elm S (PointR I)) Source #
mkStream :: Proxy (IStatic d) -> S -> Int# -> LimitType (PointR I) -> PointR I -> Stream m (Elm S (PointR I)) Source #