module Main where import Control.Monad(forM_, unless) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List (nub, tails) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Vector.Fusion.Util import Debug.Trace import Numeric.Log import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Tree as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as SM import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.FilePath import Text.Printf import Unsafe.Coerce import ADP.Fusion.Core import Biobase.Newick import Data.Forest.Static (TreeOrder(..),Forest) import Data.PrimitiveArray as PA hiding (map) import qualified Diagrams.TwoD.ProbabilityGrid as PG import FormalLanguage.CFG import qualified Data.Forest.Static as F import ADP.Fusion.Forest.Align.RL [formalLanguage| Verbose Grammar: Global N: T N: F N: M T: n S: [F,F] [F,F] -> iter <<< [T,T] [F,F] [F,F] -> iter <<< [M,M] [F,F] [T,T] -> indel <<< [-,n] [F,F] [T,T] -> delin <<< [n,-] [F,F] [M,M] -> align <<< [n,n] [F,F] [F,F] -> done <<< [e,e] // Outside: Labolg Source: Global // Emit: Global Emit: Labolg |] makeAlgebraProduct ''SigGlobal resig :: Monad m => SigGlobal m a b c d -> SigLabolg m a b c d resig (SigGlobal gdo git gal gin gde gh) = SigLabolg gdo git gal gin gde gh {-# Inline resig #-} score :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> Int -> SigGlobal m Int Int Info Info score matchSc notmatchSc delinSc = SigGlobal { gDone = \ (Z:.():.()) -> 0 -- traceShow "EEEEEEEEEEEEE" 0 , gIter = \ t f -> tSI glb ("TFTFTFTFTF",t,f) $ t+f , gAlign = \ (Z:.a:.b) f -> tSI glb ("ALIGN",f,a,b) $ f + if label a == label b then matchSc else notmatchSc , gIndel = \ (Z:.():.b) f -> tSI glb ("INDEL",f,b) $ f + delinSc , gDelin = \ (Z:.a:.()) f -> tSI glb ("DELIN",f,a) $ f + delinSc , gH = SM.foldl' max (-88888) } {-# Inline score #-} part :: Monad m => Log Double -> Log Double -> Log Double -> Log Double -> SigGlobal m (Log Double) (Log Double) Info Info part matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temp = SigGlobal { gDone = \ (Z:.():.()) -> 1 , gIter = \ t f -> tSI glb ("TFTFTFTFTF",t,f) $ t * f , gAlign = \ (Z:.a:.b) f -> tSI glb ("ALIGN",f,a,b) $ f * if label a == label b then matchSc else mismatchSc , gIndel = \ (Z:.():.b) f -> tSI glb ("INDEL",f,b) $ f * indelSc --exp(-indelSc/temp) , gDelin = \ (Z:.a:.()) f -> tSI glb ("DELIN",f,a) $ f * indelSc --exp(-indelSc/temp) , gH = SM.foldl' (+) 0.0000001 } {-# Inline part #-} type Pretty = [[T.Tree (Info,Info)]] pretty :: Monad m => SigGlobal m [T.Tree (Info,Info)] [[T.Tree ((Info,Info))]] Info Info pretty = SigGlobal { gDone = \ (Z:.():.()) -> [] , gIter = \ t f -> t++f , gAlign = \ (Z:.a:.b) f -> [T.Node (a,b) f] , gIndel = \ (Z:.():.b) f -> [T.Node (Info "-" 0,b) f] , gDelin = \ (Z:.a:.()) f -> [T.Node (a,Info "-" 0) f] , gH = SM.toList } {-# Inline pretty #-} type Trix = TreeIxR Pre V.Vector Info I type Tbl x = TwITbl Id Unboxed (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (Z:.Trix:.Trix) x type Frst = Forest Pre V.Vector Info type TblBt x = TwITblBt Unboxed (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (Z:.Trix:.Trix) Int Id Id [x] type B = T.Tree (Info,Info) runForward :: Frst -> Frst -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Z:.Tbl Int :.Tbl Int:.Tbl Int runForward f1 f2 matchSc notmatchSc delinSc = mutateTablesDefault $ gGlobal (score matchSc notmatchSc delinSc) (ITbl 0 1 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (-99999) [] )) (ITbl 0 0 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (-99999) [] )) (ITbl 0 0 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (-99999) [] )) (node NTany $ F.label f1) (node NTany $ F.label f2) {-# NoInline runForward #-} runInside :: Frst -> Frst -> Log Double -> Log Double -> Log Double -> Log Double -> Z:.Tbl (Log Double):.Tbl (Log Double):.Tbl (Log Double) runInside f1 f2 matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature = mutateTablesDefault $ gGlobal (part matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature) (ITbl 0 1 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (0) [] )) (ITbl 0 0 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (0) [] )) (ITbl 0 0 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (0) [] )) (node NTany $ F.label f1) (node NTany $ F.label f2) {-# NoInline runInside #-} type Trox = TreeIxR Pre V.Vector Info O type OTbl x = TwITbl Id Unboxed (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (Z:.Trox:.Trox) x runOutside :: Frst -> Frst -> Log Double -> Log Double -> Log Double -> Log Double -> Z:.Tbl (Log Double):.Tbl (Log Double):.Tbl (Log Double) -> Z:.OTbl (Log Double):.OTbl (Log Double):.OTbl (Log Double) runOutside f1 f2 matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature (Z:.iF:.iM:.iT) = mutateTablesDefault $ gLabolg (resig (part matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature)) (ITbl 0 0 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (0) [] )) (ITbl 0 1 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (0) [] )) (ITbl 0 1 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (PA.fromAssocs (Z:.minIx f1:.minIx f2) (Z:.maxIx f1:.maxIx f2) (0) [] )) iF iM iT (node NTany $ F.label f1) (node NTany $ F.label f2) {-# NoInline runOutside #-} runS :: Frst -> Frst -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Z:.Tbl Int :.Tbl Int:.Tbl Int, Int ,[[T.Tree (Info, Info)]] ) runS f1 f2 matchSc notmatchSc delinSc = (fwd,unId $ axiom f, unId $ axiom fb) where fwd@(Z:.f:.m:.t) = runForward f1 f2 matchSc notmatchSc delinSc = gGlobal ((score matchSc notmatchSc delinSc) <|| pretty) (toBacktrack f (undefined :: Id a -> Id a)) (toBacktrack m (undefined :: Id a -> Id a)) (toBacktrack t (undefined :: Id a -> Id a)) (node NTany $ F.label f1) (node NTany $ F.label f2) :: Z:.TblBt B:.TblBt B:.TblBt B runIO f1 f2 matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature = (fwd,out,unId $ axiom f) where fwd@(Z:.f:.m:.t) = runInside f1 f2 matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature out@( = runOutside f1 f2 matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature fwd -- a a -- / \ / \ -- e d b f -- / \ / \ -- b c c d -- -- (a,a) 100 -- / \ -- (e,-) (-,f) (-3) (-5) -- / \ / \ -- (b,b) (c,-) (-,c) (d,d) 100 (-3) (-5) 100 -- -- -- -- (a,a) 100 -- / \ -- (e,-) (d,-) (-3) (-3) -- / \ -- (b,b) (-,f) 100 (-5) -- / \ -- (c,c) (-,d) 100 (-5) t11 = "a;" t12 = "a;" t21 = "(b,c)a;" t22 = "(b,c)a;" t31 = "((d,e,f)b,(z)c)a;" -- t32 = "(((d,e)y,f)b,(c,(x)i)g)a;" -- t41 = "d;(b)e;" -- (b,c)e;" -- '-3' t42 = "(d)f;b;" -- b;" t51 = "(b:1,c:1)a:1;" t52 = "b:2;c:2;" t61 = "((b,c)e,d)a;" t62 = "(b,(c,d)f)a;" t71 = "(b)a;" t72 = "(b)a;" data PFT = SVG | EPS deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) data Options = Options { inputFiles :: [String] , probFile :: String , probFileTy :: PFT , linearScale :: Bool , matchSc :: Double , notmatchSc :: Double , delinSc :: Double , temperature :: Double } deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) oOptions = Options { inputFiles = def &= args , probFile = def &= help "probability file prefix" -- &= explicit &= name "probfile" &= name "p" --to not guessing names , probFileTy = EPS &= help "svg, eps; def=eps" , linearScale = False &= help "use linear, not logarithmic scaling; def=false" , matchSc = 10 &= help "score for match cases, positive number; def=10" , notmatchSc = -30 &= help "score for mismatches, negative number; def=-30" , delinSc = -10 &= help "score for deletions and insertions, negative number; def=-10" , temperature = 0.1 &= help "'temperature', strict (0.001) to less strict (0.99); def=0.1" } main :: IO () main = do o@Options{..} <- cmdArgs oOptions unless (length inputFiles >= 2) $ do putStrLn "give at least two Newick files on the command line" exitFailure let ts = init $ init $ tails inputFiles f z = Exp $ z/temperature forM_ ts $ \(n1:hs) -> do forM_ hs $ \n2 -> do putStrLn n1 putStrLn n2 f1 <- readFile n1 f2 <- readFile n2 runAlignS f1 f2 (round matchSc) (round notmatchSc) (round delinSc) unless (null probFile) $ do runAlignIO (if linearScale then PG.FWlinear else PG.FWlog) probFileTy (probFile ++ "-" ++ takeBaseName n1 ++ "-" ++ takeBaseName n2 ++ "." ++ (map toLower $ show probFileTy)) f1 f2 (f matchSc) (f notmatchSc) (f delinSc) (Exp temperature) runAlignS t1' t2' matchSc notmatchSc delinSc = do let f x = either error (F.forestPre . map getNewickTree) $ newicksFromText x t1 = f $ Text.pack t1' t2 = f $ Text.pack t2' let (fwd,sc,bt') = runS t1 t2 matchSc notmatchSc delinSc let (Z:.TW (ITbl _ _ _ ift) _ :. TW (ITbl _ _ _ imt) _ :. TW (ITbl _ _ _ itt) _) = fwd let bt = take 1 bt' -- TODO make nice !!! nub bt' printf "Score: %10d\n" sc forM_ bt $ \b -> do putStrLn "" forM_ b $ \x -> putStrLn $ T.drawTree $ fmap show x runAlignIO fw probFileTy probFile t1' t2' matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature = do let f x = either error (F.forestPre . map getNewickTree) $ newicksFromText x t1 = f $ Text.pack t1' t2 = f $ Text.pack t2' let (inn,out,_) = runIO t1 t2 matchSc mismatchSc indelSc temperature -- (t2 {F.lsib = VG.fromList [-1,-1], F.rsib = VG.fromList [-1,-1]}) let (Z:.TW (ITbl _ _ _ ift) _ :. TW (ITbl _ _ _ imt) _ :. TW (ITbl _ _ _ itt) _) = inn let (Z:.TW (ITbl _ _ _ oft) _ :. TW (ITbl _ _ _ omt) _ :. TW (ITbl _ _ _ ott) _) = out let (Z:.(TreeIxR frst1 lb1 _):.(TreeIxR frst2 lb2 _), Z:.(TreeIxR _ ub1 _):.(TreeIxR _ ub2 _)) = bounds oft let ix = (Z:.TreeIxR frst1 lb1 F:.TreeIxR frst2 lb2 F) let scift = ift ! ix print scift let scoft = Prelude.sum [ oft ! (Z:.TreeIxR frst1 b1 F :. TreeIxR frst2 b2 F) | b1 <- [lb1 .. ub1], b2 <- [lb2 .. ub2] ] print scoft let scimt = Prelude.sum [ imt ! (Z:.TreeIxR frst1 b1 T :. TreeIxR frst2 b2 T) | b1 <- [lb1 .. ub1], b2 <- [lb2 .. ub2] ] print scimt let scomt = Prelude.sum [ omt ! (Z:.TreeIxR frst1 b1 T :. TreeIxR frst2 b2 T) | b1 <- [lb1 .. ub1], b2 <- [lb2 .. ub2] ] print scomt let ps = map (\(k,k1,k2) -> let k' = unsafeCoerce k in ( k1 , k2 , ((imt!k) * (omt!k') / scift) , (maybe "-" label $ F.label t1 VG.!? k1) , (maybe "-" label $ F.label t2 VG.!? k2) )) [ (Z:.TreeIxR frst1 k1 T:.TreeIxR frst2 k2 T,k1,k2) | k1 <- [lb1 .. ub1 - 1], k2 <- [lb2 .. ub2 - 1] ] -- let gsc = map (\(k1,k2,sc,l1,l2) -> sc) ps let fillText [] = " " fillText xs = xs let gl1 = map (\k1 -> fillText . Text.unpack $ (maybe "-" label $ F.label t1 VG.!? k1)) [lb1 .. ub1 - 1] let gl2 = map (\k2 -> fillText . Text.unpack $ (maybe "-" label $ F.label t2 VG.!? k2)) [lb2 .. ub2 - 1] case probFileTy of SVG -> PG.svgGridFile probFile fw PG.FSfull ub1 ub2 gl1 gl2 gsc EPS -> PG.epsGridFile probFile fw PG.FSfull ub1 ub2 gl1 gl2 gsc