{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
    Module      :  Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.Base
    Description :  class abstracting imprecise function arithmetic on [-1,1]^n
    Copyright   :  (c) 2007-2008 Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mik@konecny.aow.cz
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    A class  abstracting function arithmetic with directed rounding.
    It is used to describe a boundary for an approximation
    to a real function on the interval [-1,1]^n.
    To be imported qualified, usually with the synonym UFB.
module Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.UnitDom.Base where

import Prelude hiding (min, max, recip)

import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.DomainBox as DBox
import Data.Number.ER.Real.DomainBox (VariableID(..), DomainBox, DomainIntBox)
import Data.Number.ER.BasicTypes
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Base as B
import qualified Data.Number.ER.Real.Approx as RA

import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.Typeable

    (B.ERRealBase b, RA.ERIntApprox ra, Fractional ufb, Ord ufb,
     DomainBox boxb varid b, DomainIntBox boxra varid ra) => 
    ERUnitFnBase boxb boxra varid b ra ufb
    | ufb -> boxb boxra varid b ra
    initialiseBaseArithmetic :: ufb -> IO ()
    initialiseBaseArithmetic _ =
    	B.initialiseBaseArithmetic (0 :: b)
        Check internal consistency, typically absence of NaN.
    isValid :: ufb -> Bool
        A linear ordering, which can be syntactic and rather arbitrary. 
    compareApprox :: ufb -> ufb -> Ordering
        Check internal consistency of the function and report problem if any.
    check :: 
        String {-^ indentification of caller location for easier debugging -} -> 
        ufb -> ufb
    getGranularity :: ufb -> Granularity
    setMinGranularity :: Granularity -> ufb -> ufb
    setGranularity :: Granularity -> ufb -> ufb
    {-| Construct a constant function. -}
    const :: b -> ufb
    {-| Construct an affine function. -}
    affine :: 
        b {-^ value at 0 -} ->
        Map.Map varid b {-^ ascent of each base vector -} -> 
        Multiply a function by a scalar, 
        rounding downwards and upwards. 
    scale :: b -> ufb -> (ufb, ufb) 
        Multiply a function by an approximation of a scalar, 
        rounding downwards and upwards. 
    scaleApprox :: ra -> ufb -> (ufb, ufb) 
        Multiply a function by an approximation of a scalar, 
        rounding downwards. 
    scaleApproxDown :: ra -> ufb -> ufb
    scaleApproxDown ratio = fst . scaleApprox ratio  
        Multiply a function by an approximation of a scalar, 
        rounding upwards. 
    scaleApproxUp :: ra -> ufb -> ufb
    scaleApproxUp ratio = snd . scaleApprox ratio  
        Get the degree of this particular function.
        If the function is a polynomial, this function should
        return its degree. 
    getDegree :: ufb -> Int
        Decrease the degree of function approximation, 
        rounding pointwise downwards and upwards.
    reduceDegree :: Int -> ufb -> (ufb, ufb)
        Decrease the degree of function approximation, rounding pointwise downwards.
    reduceDegreeDown :: Int -> ufb -> ufb
    reduceDegreeDown maxDegr = fst . reduceDegree maxDegr
        Decrease the degree of function approximation, rounding pointwise upwards.
    reduceDegreeUp :: Int -> ufb -> ufb
    reduceDegreeUp maxDegr = snd . reduceDegree maxDegr
        Approximate the integral of p (with 0 at 0) from below and from above.
    integrate :: 
        varid {-^ variable to integrate by -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
    {-| Approximate the integral of p (with 0 at 0) from below. -}
    integrateDown :: 
        varid {-^ variable to integrate by -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
    integrateDown x = fst . integrate x
    {-| Approximate the integral of p (with 0 at 0) from above. -}
    integrateUp :: 
        varid {-^ variable to integrate by -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
    integrateUp x = snd . integrate x
        Measure the volume between a function 
        and the zero hyperplane on the domain @[-1,1]^n@.
    volumeAboveZero :: 
        [varid] {-^ axes to include in the measuring domain -} -> 
        ufb -> (b,b)
        Find an upper bound of the function over @[-1,1]^n@.
    upperBound :: EffortIndex -> ufb -> b
        Find a lower bound of the function over @[-1,1]^n@.
    lowerBound :: EffortIndex -> ufb -> b
    lowerBound ix f = negate $ upperBound ix (negate f)
        Approximate the function max(0,p(x)) from below and from above.
    nonneg ::
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate the function 1/p(x) from below and from above.
    recip :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} ->
        EffortIndex -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate the function 1/p(x) from below.
    recipDown :: Int -> EffortIndex -> ufb -> ufb
    recipDown maxDegr ix a = fst $ recip maxDegr ix a
        Approximate the function 1/p(x) from above.
    recipUp :: Int -> EffortIndex -> ufb -> ufb
    recipUp maxDegr ix a = snd $ recip maxDegr ix a
        Approximate the function max(p_1(x),p_2(x)) from below and from above.
    max :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_1(x) -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_2(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate the function max(p_1(x),p_2(x)) from below.
    maxDown :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_1(x) -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_2(x) -} -> 
    maxDown maxDegr a b = fst $ max maxDegr a b
        Approximate the function max(p_1(x),p_2(x)) from above.
    maxUp :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_1(x) -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_2(x) -} -> 
    maxUp maxDegr a b = snd $ max maxDegr a b
        Approximate the function min(p_1(x),p_2(x)) from below and from above.
    min :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_1(x) -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_2(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
    min maxDegr p1 p2 = -- default implementation using symmetry with ufbMax
        (negate hi, negate lo)
        (lo, hi) = max maxDegr (negate p1) (negate p2)
        Approximate the function min(p_1(x),p_2(x)) from below.
    minDown :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_1(x) -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_2(x) -} -> 
    minDown maxDegr a b = fst $ min maxDegr a b
        Approximate the function min(p_1(x),p_2(x)) from above.
    minUp :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_1(x) -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p_2(x) -} -> 
    minUp maxDegr a b = snd $ min maxDegr a b
        Approximate @sqrt(p(x))@ from below and from above.
    sqrt :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try when approximating exp as a polynomial -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate @exp(p(x))@ from below and from above.
    exp :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try when approximating exp as a polynomial -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate @log(p(x))@ from below and from above.
    log :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try when approximating log as a polynomial -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate @sin(p(x))@ from below and from above,
        assuming the range of p is within [-pi/2,pi/2].
    sin :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try when approximating sin as a polynomial -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate @cos(p(x))@ from below and from above,
        assuming the range of p is within [-pi/2,pi/2].
    cos :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try when approximating cos as a polynomial -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Approximate @atan(p(x))@ from below and from above.
    atan :: 
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        EffortIndex {-^ how hard to try when approximating cos as a polynomial -} -> 
        ufb {-^ p(x) -} -> 
        (ufb, ufb)
        Evaluate at a point, rounding upwards and downwards.
    eval :: boxb -> ufb -> (b, b)
        Evaluate at a point, rounding downwards.
    evalDown :: boxb -> ufb -> b
    evalDown pt = fst . eval pt
        Evaluate at a point, rounding downwards.
    evalUp :: boxb -> ufb -> b
    evalUp pt = snd . eval pt
        Safely evaluate at a point using a real number approximation
        for both the point and the result.
    evalApprox :: boxra -> ufb -> ra
        Partially evaluate at a lower-dimensional point 
        given using a real number approximation.
        Approximate the resulting function from below and from above.
    partialEvalApprox :: boxra -> ufb -> (ufb, ufb)
        Partially evaluate at a lower-dimensional point 
        given using a real number approximation.
        Approximate the resulting function from below.
    partialEvalApproxDown :: boxra -> ufb -> ufb
    partialEvalApproxDown substitutions = fst . partialEvalApprox substitutions
        Partially evaluate at a lower-dimensional point 
        given using a real number approximation.
        Approximate the resulting function from above.
    partialEvalApproxUp :: boxra -> ufb -> ufb
    partialEvalApproxUp substitutions = snd . partialEvalApprox substitutions
        Compose two functions, rounding upwards and downwards
        provided each @f_v@ ranges within the domain @[-1,1]@. 
    compose ::
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ function @f@ -} -> 
        Map.Map varid ufb 
         {-^ variables to substitute and for each variable @v@, 
             function @f_v@ to substitute for @v@ 
             that maps @[-1,1]@ into @[-1,1]@  -} ->
        (ufb, ufb) {-^ upper and lower bounds of @f[v |-> f_v]@ -}
        Compose two functions, rounding downwards
        provided each @f_v@ ranges within the domain @[-1,1]@. 
    composeDown ::
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ function @f1@ -} -> 
        Map.Map varid ufb 
         {-^ variables to substitute and for each variable @v@, 
             function @f_v@ to substitute for @v@ 
             that maps @[-1,1]@ into @[-1,1]@  -} ->
        ufb {-^ a lower bound of @f1.f2@ -}
    composeDown maxDegr f = fst . compose maxDegr f  
        Compose two functions, rounding upwards
        provided each @f_v@ ranges within the domain @[-1,1]@. 
    composeUp ::
        Int {-^ max degree for result -} -> 
        ufb {-^ function @f1@ -} -> 
        Map.Map varid ufb 
         {-^ variables to substitute and for each variable @v@, 
             function @f_v@ to substitute for @v@ 
             that maps @[-1,1]@ into @[-1,1]@  -} ->
        ufb {-^ an upper bound of @f1.f2@ -}
    composeUp maxDegr f = snd . compose maxDegr f 
        Convert from the interval type to the base type.
        (The types are determined by the given example function.)
    raEndpoints :: 
        ufb {-^ this parameter is not used except for type checking -} -> 
        ra -> 
        Convert from the base type to the interval type. 
        (The types are determined by the given example function.)
    raFromEndpoints :: 
        ufb {-^ this parameter is not used except for type checking -} -> 
        (b,b) ->