Name: ASN1 Version: License: BSD3 Author: Dominic Steinitz Maintainer: Copyright: Dominic Steinitz 2003 - 2007 Stability: Alpha Category: Language Homepage: Synopsis: ASN.1 support for Haskell Description: Enough ASN.1 suppport for X.509 identity and attribute certificates, PKCS8, PKCS1v15. Only the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) are supported. Build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 flag small_base description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package. library extensions: FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances if flag(small_base) build-depends: base >= 3, containers, old-time, pretty else build-depends: base < 3 build-Depends: mtl, QuickCheck, HUnit, NewBinary Exposed-Modules: Language.ASN1 Language.ASN1.BER Language.ASN1.InformationFramework Language.ASN1.TLV Language.ASN1.X509 Language.ASN1.X509.AttributeCertificateDefinitions Language.ASN1.PKCS1v15 Language.ASN1.PKCS8 Language.ASN1.Utils Language.ASN1.Raw -- Executable: BERTest -- Main-Is: BERTest.hs -- Ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts -- Other-modules: Language.ASN1 -- Language.ASN1.BER -- -- Executable: BERTest2 -- Main-Is: BERTest2.hs -- Ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts -- Other-modules: Language.ASN1 -- Language.ASN1.BER -- Language.ASN1.X509 -- Language.ASN1.InformationFramework -- Language.ASN1.X509.AttributeCertificateDefinitions -- Language.ASN1.TLV -- -- Executable: X509Example -- Main-Is: X509Example.hs -- Ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts -- Other-modules: Language.ASN1.BER -- Language.ASN1 -- Language.ASN1.TLV -- Language.ASN1.X509 -- Language.ASN1.Utils -- -- Executable: PKCS8Example -- Main-Is: PKCS8Example.hs -- Ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts -- Other-modules: Language.ASN1.BER -- Language.ASN1 -- Language.ASN1.TLV -- Language.ASN1.PKCS8 -- Language.ASN1.X509 -- -- Executable: AttributeCertificate -- Main-Is: AttributeCertificate.hs -- Ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts -- Other-modules: Language.ASN1.BER -- Language.ASN1 -- Language.ASN1.X509 -- Language.ASN1.InformationFramework -- Language.ASN1.X509.AttributeCertificateDefinitions -- Language.ASN1.Utils -- Language.ASN1.TLV -- Language.ASN1.Raw -- -- --