module Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Split where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import Data.Traversable hiding (mapM, sequence)

import Agda.Interaction.Options

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Literal
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Info as A

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints
import Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion
import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Problem
import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.Term
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free

import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

#include "../../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | TODO: move to Agda.Syntax.Abstract.View
asView :: A.Pattern -> ([Name], A.Pattern)
asView (A.AsP _ x p) = (x :) -*- id $ asView p
asView p	     = ([], p)

-- | TODO: move somewhere else
expandLitPattern :: NamedArg A.Pattern -> TCM (NamedArg A.Pattern)
expandLitPattern p = traverse (traverse expand) p
    expand p = case asView p of
      (xs, A.LitP (LitInt r n))
        | n < 0     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        | n > 20    -> typeError $ GenericError $
                        "Matching on natural number literals is done by expanding "
                        ++ "the literal to the corresponding constructor pattern, so "
                        ++ "you probably don't want to do it this way."
        | otherwise -> do
          Con z _ <- primZero
          Con s _ <- primSuc
          let zero  = A.ConP info (A.AmbQ [setRange r z]) []
              suc p = A.ConP info (A.AmbQ [setRange r s]) [defaultArg $ unnamed p]
              info  = A.PatRange r
              p'    = foldr ($) zero $ genericReplicate n suc
          return $ foldr (A.AsP info) p' xs
      _ -> return p

-- | Split a problem at the first constructor of datatype type. Implicit
--   patterns should have been inserted.
splitProblem :: Problem -> TCM (Either SplitError SplitProblem)
splitProblem (Problem ps (perm, qs) tel) = do
    reportS "tc.lhs.split" 20 $ "initiating splitting\n"
    runErrorT $
      splitP ps (permute perm $ zip [0..] $ allHoles qs) tel
    splitP :: [NamedArg A.Pattern] -> [(Int, OneHolePatterns)] -> Telescope -> ErrorT SplitError TCM SplitProblem
    splitP _	    []		 (ExtendTel _ _)	 = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    splitP _	    (_:_)	  EmptyTel		 = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    splitP []	     _		  _			 = throwError $ NothingToSplit
    splitP ps	    []		  EmptyTel		 = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    splitP (p : ps) ((i, q) : qs) tel0@(ExtendTel a tel) = do
      p <- lift $ expandLitPattern p
      case asView $ namedThing $ unArg p of
	(xs, p@(A.LitP lit))  -> do
          -- Note that, in the presence of --without-K, this branch is
          -- based on the assumption that the types of literals are
          -- not indexed.

          -- Andreas, 2010-09-07 cannot split on irrelevant args
          when (argRelevance a == Irrelevant) $
            typeError $ SplitOnIrrelevant p a
	  b <- lift $ litType lit
	  ok <- lift $ do
	      noConstraints (equalType (unArg a) b)
	      return True
	    `catchError` \_ -> return False
	  if ok
	    then return $
	      Split mempty
		    (fmap (LitFocus lit q i) a)
		    (fmap (Problem ps ()) tel)
	    else keepGoing
	(xs, p@(A.ConP _ (A.AmbQ cs) args)) -> do
	  a' <- reduce $ unArg a
	  case unEl a' of
	    Def d vs	-> do
	      def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo d
              unless (defIsRecord def) $
                when (argRelevance a == Irrelevant) $
                  typeError $ SplitOnIrrelevant p a
              let mp = case def of
                        Datatype{dataPars = np} -> Just np
                        Record{recPars = np}    -> Just np
                        _                       -> Nothing
              case mp of
                Nothing -> keepGoing
                Just np ->
		  traceCall (CheckPattern p EmptyTel (unArg a)) $ do  -- TODO: wrong telescope
                  -- Check that we construct something in the right datatype
                  c <- do
                      cs' <- mapM canonicalName cs
                      d'  <- canonicalName d
                      let cons def = case theDef def of
                            Datatype{dataCons = cs} -> cs
                            Record{recCon = c}      -> [c]
                            _                       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
                      cs0 <- cons <$> getConstInfo d'
                      case [ c | (c, c') <- zip cs cs', elem c' cs0 ] of
                        c : _ -> return c   -- if there are more than one they will
                                            -- all have the same canonical form
                        []    -> typeError $ ConstructorPatternInWrongDatatype (head cs) d
		  let (pars, ixs) = genericSplitAt np vs
		  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.split" 10 $
		    vcat [ sep [ text "splitting on"
			       , nest 2 $ fsep [ prettyA p, text ":", prettyTCM a ]
			 , nest 2 $ text "pars =" <+> fsep (punctuate comma $ map prettyTCM pars)
			 , nest 2 $ text "ixs  =" <+> fsep (punctuate comma $ map prettyTCM ixs)

                  whenM (optWithoutK <$> pragmaOptions) $
                    wellFormedIndices pars ixs

		  return $ Split mempty
				 (fmap (Focus c args (getRange p) q i d pars ixs) a)
				 (fmap (Problem ps ()) tel)
	    _	-> keepGoing
	p -> keepGoing
	keepGoing = do
	  let p0 = Problem [p] () (ExtendTel a $ fmap (const EmptyTel) tel)
	  Split p1 xs foc p2 <- underAbstraction a tel $ \tel -> splitP ps qs tel
	  return $ Split (mappend p0 p1) xs foc p2

-- | Checks that the indices are constructors applied to distinct
-- variables which do not occur free in the parameters.

  :: MonadTCM tcm
  => [Arg Term] -- ^ Parameters.
  -> [Arg Term] -- ^ Indices.
  -> tcm ()
wellFormedIndices pars ixs = do
  pars <- normalise pars
  ixs  <- normalise ixs
  vs   <- case constructorApplications ixs of
            Nothing -> typeError $ IndicesNotConstructorApplications ixs
            Just vs -> return vs
  unless (fastDistinct vs) $
    typeError $ IndexVariablesNotDistinct ixs
  case filter snd $ zip vs (map (`freeIn` pars) vs) of
    []          -> return ()
    (v , _) : _ -> typeError $ IndexFreeInParameter v pars
  -- | If the term consists solely of constructors applied to
  -- variables, then the variables are returned, and otherwise
  -- nothing.
  constructorApplication :: Term -> Maybe [Nat]
  constructorApplication (Var x [])   = Just [x]
  constructorApplication (Con c args) = constructorApplications args
  constructorApplication _            = Nothing

  constructorApplications :: [Arg Term] -> Maybe [Nat]
  constructorApplications args =
    concat <$> mapM (constructorApplication . unArg) args