{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, Rank2Types,
             ExistentialQuantification, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances,
             ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-}

module Agda.Auto.NarrowingSearch where

import Agda.Utils.Impossible
#include "../undefined.h"

import Data.IORef hiding (writeIORef, modifyIORef)
import qualified Data.IORef as NoUndo (writeIORef, modifyIORef)
import Control.Monad.State

type Prio = Int

class Trav a blk | a -> blk where
 traverse :: Monad m => (forall b . Trav b blk => MM b blk -> m ()) -> a -> m ()

instance Trav a blk => Trav (MM a blk) blk where
 traverse f me = f me

data Term blk = forall a . Trav a blk => Term a

data Prop blk = OK
              | Error String
              | forall a . AddExtraRef String (Metavar a blk) (Int, RefCreateEnv blk a)
              | And (Maybe [Term blk]) (MetaEnv (PB blk)) (MetaEnv (PB blk))
              | Sidecondition (MetaEnv (PB blk)) (MetaEnv (PB blk)) -- first arg is sidecondition
              | Or Prio (MetaEnv (PB blk)) (MetaEnv (PB blk))
              | ConnectHandle (OKHandle blk) (MetaEnv (PB blk))

data OKVal = OKVal
type OKHandle blk = MM OKVal blk
type OKMeta blk = Metavar OKVal blk
data Metavar a blk = Metavar
 {mbind :: IORef (Maybe a),
  mprincipalpresent :: IORef Bool,
  mobs :: IORef [(QPB a blk, Maybe (CTree blk))],
  mcompoint :: IORef [SubConstraints blk],
  mextrarefs :: IORef [(Int, RefCreateEnv blk a)]


hequalMetavar :: Metavar a1 blk1 -> Metavar a2 bkl2 -> Bool
hequalMetavar m1 m2 = mprincipalpresent m1 == mprincipalpresent m2

instance Eq (Metavar a blk) where
 x == y = hequalMetavar x y

newMeta :: IORef [SubConstraints blk] -> IO (Metavar a blk)
newMeta mcompoint = do
 bind <- newIORef Nothing
 pp <- newIORef False
 obs <- newIORef []
 erefs <- newIORef []
 return $ Metavar bind pp obs mcompoint erefs

initMeta :: IO (Metavar a blk)
initMeta = do
 cp <- newIORef []
 newMeta cp

data CTree blk = CTree
 {ctpriometa :: IORef (PrioMeta blk),
  ctsub :: IORef (Maybe (SubConstraints blk)),
  ctparent :: IORef (Maybe (CTree blk)), -- Nothing - root
  cthandles :: IORef [OKMeta blk]

data SubConstraints blk = SubConstraints
 {scflip :: IORef Bool,
  sccomcount :: IORef Int,
  scsub1 :: CTree blk,
  scsub2 :: CTree blk

newCTree :: Maybe (CTree blk) -> IO (CTree blk)
newCTree parent = do
 priometa <- newIORef (NoPrio False)
 sub <- newIORef Nothing
 rparent <- newIORef parent
 handles <- newIORef []
 return $ CTree priometa sub rparent handles

newSubConstraints :: CTree blk -> IO (SubConstraints blk)
newSubConstraints node = do
 flip <- newIORef True -- False -- initially (and always) True, trying out prefer rightmost subterm when none have priority
 comcount <- newIORef 0
 sub1 <- newCTree $ Just node
 sub2 <- newCTree $ Just node
 return $ SubConstraints flip comcount sub1 sub2

data PrioMeta blk = forall a . Refinable a blk => PrioMeta Prio (Metavar a blk)
                  | NoPrio Bool -- True if subconstraint is done (all OK)

instance Eq (PrioMeta blk) where
 NoPrio d1 == NoPrio d2 = d1 == d2
 PrioMeta p1 m1 == PrioMeta p2 m2 = p1 == p2 && hequalMetavar m1 m2
 _ == _ = False

-- -----------------------

data Restore = forall a . Restore (IORef a) a

type Undo = StateT [Restore] IO

ureadIORef :: IORef a -> Undo a
ureadIORef ptr = lift $ readIORef ptr

uwriteIORef :: IORef a -> a -> Undo ()
uwriteIORef ptr newval = do
 oldval <- ureadIORef ptr
 modify (Restore ptr oldval :)
 lift $ NoUndo.writeIORef ptr newval

umodifyIORef :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> Undo ()
umodifyIORef ptr f = do
 oldval <- ureadIORef ptr
 modify (Restore ptr oldval :)
 lift $ NoUndo.writeIORef ptr (f oldval)

ureadmodifyIORef :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> Undo a
ureadmodifyIORef ptr f = do
 oldval <- ureadIORef ptr
 modify (Restore ptr oldval :)
 lift $ NoUndo.writeIORef ptr (f oldval)
 return oldval

runUndo :: Undo a -> IO a
runUndo x = do
 (res, restores) <- runStateT x []
 mapM_ (\(Restore ptr oldval) -> NoUndo.writeIORef ptr oldval) restores
 return res

-- -----------------------

type RefCreateEnv blk = StateT ( ( (IORef [SubConstraints blk])), Int) IO

data Pair a b = Pair a b

class Refinable a blk | a -> blk where
 refinements :: blk -> [blk] -> Metavar a blk -> IO [(Int, RefCreateEnv blk a)]

newPlaceholder :: RefCreateEnv blk (MM a blk)
newPlaceholder = do
 (e@( ( mcompoint)), c) <- get
 m <- lift $ newMeta mcompoint
 put (e, (c + 1))
 return $ Meta m

newOKHandle :: RefCreateEnv blk (OKHandle blk)
newOKHandle = do
 (e@( ( _)), c) <- get
 cp <- lift $ newIORef []
 m <- lift $ newMeta cp
 put (e, (c + 1))
 return $ Meta m

dryInstantiate :: RefCreateEnv blk a -> IO a
dryInstantiate bind = evalStateT bind ( ( __IMPOSSIBLE__), 0)

type BlkInfo blk = (Bool, Prio, Maybe blk) -- Bool - is principal

data MM a blk = NotM a
              | Meta (Metavar a blk)

type MetaEnv = IO

data MB a blk = NotB a
              | forall b . Refinable b blk => Blocked (Metavar b blk) (MetaEnv (MB a blk))
              | Failed String

data PB blk = NotPB (Prop blk)
            | forall b . Refinable b blk => PBlocked (Metavar b blk) (BlkInfo blk) (MetaEnv (PB blk))
            | forall b1 b2 . (Refinable b1 blk, Refinable b2 blk) => PDoubleBlocked (Metavar b1 blk) (Metavar b2 blk) (MetaEnv (PB blk))

data QPB b blk = QPBlocked (BlkInfo blk) (MetaEnv (PB blk))
               | QPDoubleBlocked (IORef Bool) (MetaEnv (PB blk)) -- flag set True by first observer that continues

mmcase :: Refinable a blk => MM a blk -> (a -> MetaEnv (MB b blk)) -> MetaEnv (MB b blk)
mmcase x f = case x of
 NotM x -> f x
 x@(Meta m) -> do
  bind <- readIORef $ mbind m
  case bind of
   Just x -> f x
   Nothing -> return $ Blocked m (mmcase x f)

mmmcase :: Refinable a blk => MM a blk -> MetaEnv (MB b blk) -> (a -> MetaEnv (MB b blk)) -> MetaEnv (MB b blk)
mmmcase x fm f = case x of
 NotM x -> f x
 Meta m -> do
  bind <- readIORef $ mbind m
  case bind of
   Just x -> f x
   Nothing -> fm

mmpcase :: Refinable a blk => BlkInfo blk -> MM a blk -> (a -> MetaEnv (PB blk)) -> MetaEnv (PB blk)
mmpcase blkinfo x f = case x of
 NotM x -> f x
 x@(Meta m) -> do
  bind <- readIORef $ mbind m
  case bind of
   Just x -> f x
   Nothing -> return $ PBlocked m blkinfo (mmpcase __IMPOSSIBLE__ x f) -- blkinfo not needed because will be notb next time

doubleblock :: (Refinable a blk, Refinable b blk) => MM a blk -> MM b blk -> MetaEnv (PB blk) -> MetaEnv (PB blk)
doubleblock (Meta m1) (Meta m2) cont = return $ PDoubleBlocked m1 m2 cont
doubleblock _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

mbcase :: MetaEnv (MB a blk) -> (a -> MetaEnv (MB b blk)) -> MetaEnv (MB b blk)
mbcase x f = do
 x' <- x
 case x' of
  NotB x -> f x
  Blocked m x -> return $ Blocked m (mbcase x f)
  Failed msg -> return $ Failed msg

mbpcase :: Prio -> Maybe blk -> MetaEnv (MB a blk) -> (a -> MetaEnv (PB blk)) -> MetaEnv (PB blk)
mbpcase prio bi x f = do
 x' <- x
 case x' of
  NotB x -> f x
  Blocked m x -> return $ PBlocked m (False, prio, bi) (mbpcase prio bi x f)
  Failed msg -> return $ NotPB $ Error msg

mmbpcase :: MetaEnv (MB a blk) -> (forall b . Refinable b blk => MM b blk -> MetaEnv (PB blk)) -> (a -> MetaEnv (PB blk)) -> MetaEnv (PB blk)
mmbpcase x fm f = do
 x' <- x
 case x' of
  NotB x -> f x
  Blocked m x -> fm (Meta m)
  Failed msg -> return $ NotPB $ Error msg

waitok :: OKHandle blk -> MetaEnv (MB b blk) -> MetaEnv (MB b blk)
waitok okh f =
 mmcase okh $ \b -> case b of -- principle constraint is never present for okhandle so it will not be refined
  OKVal -> f

mbret :: a -> MetaEnv (MB a blk)
mbret x = return $ NotB x

mbfailed :: String -> MetaEnv (MB a blk)
mbfailed msg = return $ Failed msg

mpret :: Prop blk -> MetaEnv (PB blk)
mpret p = return $ NotPB p

expandbind :: MM a blk -> MetaEnv (MM a blk)
expandbind x = case x of
 NotM{} -> return x
 Meta m -> do
  bind <- readIORef $ mbind m
  case bind of
   Just x -> return $ NotM x
   Nothing -> return x

-- -----------------------

type HandleSol = IO ()

type SRes = Either Bool Int

topSearch :: forall blk . IORef Int -> IORef Int -> HandleSol -> blk -> MetaEnv (PB blk) -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
topSearch ticks nsol hsol envinfo p searchdepth depthinterval = do
 depthreached <- newIORef False

 mainroot <- newCTree Nothing

  searchSubProb :: [(CTree blk, Maybe (IORef Bool))] -> Int -> IO SRes
  searchSubProb [] depth = do
   when (depth < depthinterval) $ do

    n <- readIORef nsol
    NoUndo.writeIORef nsol $! n - 1

   return $ Left True
  searchSubProb ((root, firstdone) : restprobs) depth =
    search :: Int -> IO SRes
    search depth = do
     pm <- readIORef $ ctpriometa root
     case pm of
      NoPrio False -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- nothing to refine but not done
      NoPrio True ->
       searchSubProb restprobs depth -- ?? what should depth be
      PrioMeta _ m -> do
       let carryon = fork m depth
       sub <- readIORef $ ctsub root
       case sub of
        Nothing -> carryon
        Just sc -> do
         let sub1 = scsub1 sc
             sub2 = scsub2 sc
         pm1 <- readIORef $ ctpriometa sub1
         pm2 <- readIORef $ ctpriometa sub2
         let split = carryon -- split disabled
         case pm1 of
          NoPrio True -> split
          _ ->
           case pm2 of
            NoPrio True -> split
            _ -> do
             comc <- readIORef $ sccomcount sc
             case comc of
              0 -> split
              _ -> carryon

    fork :: Refinable a blk => Metavar a blk -> Int -> IO SRes
    fork m depth = do
      blkinfos <- extractblkinfos m
      refs <- refinements envinfo blkinfos m
      f refs
      f [] = do
       erefs <- readIORef $ mextrarefs m
       case erefs of
        [] -> return (Left False)
        _ -> do
         NoUndo.writeIORef (mextrarefs m) []
         f erefs
      f ((cost, bind) : binds) = hsres (refine m bind (depth - cost) ) (f binds)
    hsres :: IO SRes -> IO SRes -> IO SRes
    hsres x1 x2 = do
     res <- x1
     case res of
      Right _ -> return res
      Left found -> do
       n <- readIORef nsol
       if n == 0 then
         return res
        else do
         res2 <- x2
         case res2 of
          Right _ -> if found then __IMPOSSIBLE__ else return res2
          Left found2 -> return $ Left (found || found2)

    refine :: Metavar a blk -> RefCreateEnv blk a -> Int -> IO SRes

    refine _ _ depthleft | depthleft < 0 = do
     NoUndo.writeIORef depthreached True
     return $ Left False

    refine m bind depthleft = runUndo $
     do t <- ureadIORef ticks
        lift $ NoUndo.writeIORef ticks $! t + 1

        (bind, (_, nnewmeta)) <- lift $ runStateT bind ( ( (mcompoint m)), 0)
        uwriteIORef (mbind m) (Just bind)
        mcomptr <- ureadIORef $ mcompoint m
        mapM_ (\comptr ->
          umodifyIORef (sccomcount comptr) (+ (nnewmeta - 1))
          -- umodifyIORef (scflip comptr) not -- don't flip now since trying prefer rightmost subterm if non have prio
         ) mcomptr
        obs <- ureadIORef (mobs m)
        res <- recalcs obs
        case res of
         True -> -- failed
          return $ Left False
         False -> lift $ search depthleft -- succeeded

    doit = do
     res <- search depth
     return $ case res of
      Right n ->
       case firstdone of
        Nothing ->
         if n == 0 then
          Left False
          Right (n - 1)
        Just _ ->
         Right (n + 1)
      res@(Left True) -> res
      res@(Left False) ->
       case firstdone of
        Nothing -> res
        Just _ -> Right 0
    case firstdone of
     Nothing -> doit
     Just rdone -> do
      done <- readIORef rdone
      if done then
        searchSubProb restprobs depth
       else do
        NoUndo.writeIORef rdone True

 runUndo $ do
  res <- reccalc p (Just mainroot)
  case res of
   True -> -- failed immediately
    return False
   False -> do
    Left solfound <- lift $ searchSubProb [(mainroot, Nothing)] searchdepth
    dr <- lift $ readIORef depthreached
    return dr

extractblkinfos :: Metavar a blk -> IO [blk]
extractblkinfos m = do
 obs <- readIORef $ mobs m
 return $ f obs
  f [] = []
  f ((QPBlocked (_,_,mblkinfo) _, _) : cs) =
   case mblkinfo of
    Nothing -> f cs
    Just blkinfo -> blkinfo : f cs
  f ((QPDoubleBlocked{}, _) : cs) = f cs

recalcs :: [(QPB a blk, Maybe (CTree blk))] -> Undo Bool
recalcs [] = return False
recalcs (c : cs) = seqc (recalc c) (recalcs cs)

seqc :: Undo Bool -> Undo Bool -> Undo Bool
seqc x y = do
 res1 <- x
 case res1 of
  res1@True -> return res1
  False -> y

recalc :: (QPB a blk, Maybe (CTree blk)) -> Undo Bool
recalc (con, node) =
 case con of
  QPBlocked _ cont -> reccalc cont node
  QPDoubleBlocked flag cont -> do
   fl <- ureadIORef flag
   if fl then
     return False
    else do
     uwriteIORef flag True
     reccalc cont node

reccalc :: MetaEnv (PB blk) -> Maybe (CTree blk) -> Undo Bool
reccalc cont node = do
 res <- calc cont node
 case res of
  Nothing -> return True
  Just pendhandles ->
   foldM (\res1 h ->
    case res1 of
     True -> return res1
     False -> do

      uwriteIORef (mbind h) $ Just OKVal
      obs <- ureadIORef (mobs h)
      recalcs obs
   ) False pendhandles

calc :: forall blk . MetaEnv (PB blk) -> Maybe (CTree blk) -> Undo (Maybe [OKMeta blk])
calc cont node = do
  res <- donewp node cont
  case res of
   Just (_, pendhandles) -> do
    pendhandles2 <- case node of
     Just node -> propagatePrio node
     Nothing -> return []
    return $ Just (pendhandles ++ pendhandles2)
   Nothing -> return Nothing
  storeprio (Just node) pm pendhandles = do
   pendhandles' <- case pm of
    NoPrio True -> do
     handles <- ureadIORef (cthandles node)
     return $ handles ++ pendhandles
    _ -> return pendhandles
   uwriteIORef (ctpriometa node) pm
   return $ Just (pm, pendhandles')
  storeprio Nothing _ _ =
   return $ Just (NoPrio False, [])
  donewp node p = do
   bp <- lift p
   case bp of
    NotPB p ->
     doprop node p
    PBlocked m blkinfo cont -> do
     oldobs <- ureadmodifyIORef (mobs m) ((QPBlocked blkinfo cont, node) :)
     let (princ, prio, _) = blkinfo
     pp <- ureadIORef (mprincipalpresent m)
     when (princ && not pp) $ do
      uwriteIORef (mprincipalpresent m) True
      mapM_ (\(qpb, node) -> case node of
         Just node ->
          case qpb of
           QPBlocked (_, prio, _) _ -> do

            uwriteIORef (ctpriometa node) (PrioMeta prio m)
            propagatePrio node
           QPDoubleBlocked flag _ ->
            return []
         Nothing -> return []
       ) oldobs
     if pp || princ then
       storeprio node (PrioMeta prio m) []
       storeprio node (NoPrio False) []
    PDoubleBlocked m1 m2 cont -> do
     flag <- lift $ newIORef False
     let newobs = ((QPDoubleBlocked flag cont, node) :)
     umodifyIORef (mobs m1) newobs
     umodifyIORef (mobs m2) newobs
     storeprio node (NoPrio False) []
  doprop node p =
   case p of
    OK -> storeprio node (NoPrio True) []
    Error _ -> return Nothing

    AddExtraRef _ m eref -> do
     lift $ NoUndo.modifyIORef (mextrarefs m) (eref :)
     return Nothing
    And coms p1 p2 -> do
     let Just jnode = node
     sc <- lift $ newSubConstraints jnode

     uwriteIORef (ctsub jnode) $ Just sc
     ndep <- case coms of
      Nothing -> return 1 -- no metas pointing to it so will never decrement to 0
      Just coms -> return 1 -- dito
     lift $ NoUndo.writeIORef (sccomcount sc) ndep -- OK since sc was just created
     resp1 <- donewp (Just $ scsub1 sc) p1
     case resp1 of
      Just (pm1, phs1) -> do
       resp2 <- donewp (Just $ scsub2 sc) p2
       case resp2 of
        Just (pm2, phs2) ->
         storeprio node (choosePrioMeta False pm1 pm2) (phs1 ++ phs2)
        resp2@Nothing -> return resp2
      resp1@Nothing -> return resp1
    Sidecondition sidep mainp -> do
     resp1 <- donewp Nothing sidep
     case resp1 of
      Just{} -> do
       resp2 <- donewp node mainp
       case resp2 of
        Just (pm2, phs2) ->
         storeprio node pm2 phs2
        resp2@Nothing -> return resp2
      resp1@Nothing -> return resp1
    Or prio p1 p2 -> do
     cm <- lift $ initMeta
     donewp node (choose (Meta cm) prio p1 p2)
    ConnectHandle (Meta handle) p' -> do
     let Just jnode = node
     umodifyIORef (cthandles jnode) (handle :)
     donewp node p'
    ConnectHandle (NotM _) _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

choosePrioMeta :: Bool -> PrioMeta blk -> PrioMeta blk -> PrioMeta blk
choosePrioMeta flip pm1@(PrioMeta p1 _) pm2@(PrioMeta p2 _) = if p1 > p2 then pm1 else if p2 > p1 then pm2 else if flip then pm2 else pm1
choosePrioMeta _ pm@(PrioMeta _ _) (NoPrio _) = pm
choosePrioMeta _ (NoPrio _) pm@(PrioMeta _ _) = pm
choosePrioMeta _ (NoPrio d1) (NoPrio d2) = NoPrio (d1 && d2)

propagatePrio :: CTree blk -> Undo [OKMeta blk]
propagatePrio node = do
 parent <- lift $ readIORef $ ctparent node
 case parent of
  Nothing -> return []
  Just parent -> do
   Just sc <- ureadIORef (ctsub parent)
   pm1 <- ureadIORef $ ctpriometa $ scsub1 sc
   pm2 <- ureadIORef $ ctpriometa $ scsub2 sc
   flip <- ureadIORef $ scflip sc
   let pm = choosePrioMeta flip pm1 pm2
   opm <- ureadIORef (ctpriometa parent)
   if (not (pm == opm)) then do
     uwriteIORef (ctpriometa parent) pm
     phs <- case pm of
      NoPrio True -> ureadIORef (cthandles parent)
      _ -> return []
     phs2 <- propagatePrio parent
     return $ phs ++ phs2
     return []

data Choice = LeftDisjunct | RightDisjunct

choose :: MM Choice blk -> Prio -> MetaEnv (PB blk) -> MetaEnv (PB blk) -> MetaEnv (PB blk)
choose c prio p1 p2 =
 mmpcase (True, prio, Nothing) c $ \c -> case c of
  LeftDisjunct -> p1
  RightDisjunct -> p2

instance Refinable Choice blk where
 refinements _ x _ = return [(0, return LeftDisjunct), (0, return RightDisjunct)]

instance Refinable OKVal blk where
 refinements _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- OKVal should never be refined

-- ------------------------------------