{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | Code which replaces pattern matching on record constructors with
-- uses of projection functions.

module Agda.TypeChecking.RecordPatterns
  ( translateRecordPatterns
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.Utils.Either
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Size

#include "../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Replaces pattern matching on record constructors with uses of
-- projection functions. Does not remove record constructor patterns
-- which have sub-patterns containing non-record constructor or
-- literal patterns.
-- If the input clause contains dot patterns inside record patterns,
-- then the translation may yield clauses which are not type-correct.
-- However, we believe that it is safe to use the output as input to
-- 'Agda.TypeChecking.CompiledClause.Compile.compileClauses'. Perhaps
-- it would be better to perform record pattern translation on the
-- compiled clauses instead, but the code below has already been
-- implemented and seems to work.

translateRecordPatterns :: Clause -> TCM Clause
translateRecordPatterns clause = do
  -- ps: New patterns, in left-to-right order, in the context of the
  -- old RHS.

  -- s: Partial substitution taking the old pattern variables
  -- (including dot patterns; listed from left to right) to terms in
  -- the context of the new RHS.

  -- cs: List of changes, with types in the context of the old
  -- telescope.

  (ps, s, cs) <- runRecPatM $ translatePatterns $ clausePats clause

  let -- Number of variables + dot patterns in new clause.
      noNewPatternVars = size cs

      s'   = reverse s
      rest = [ Var i [] | i <- [noNewPatternVars..] ]

      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the old RHS's
      -- context to terms in the new RHS's context.
      rhsSubst = s' ++ rest

      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the old telescope's
      -- context to terms in the new RHS's context.
      rhsSubst' = permute (reverseP $ clausePerm clause) s' ++ rest
      -- TODO: Is it OK to replace the definition above with the
      -- following one?
      --   rhsSubst' = permute (clausePerm clause) s ++ rest

      -- The old telescope, flattened and in textual left-to-right
      -- order (i.e. the type signature for the variable which occurs
      -- first in the list of patterns comes first).
      flattenedOldTel =
        permute (invertP $ compactP $ clausePerm clause) $
        zip (teleNames $ clauseTel clause) $
        flattenTel $
        clauseTel clause

      -- The new telescope, still flattened, with types in the context
      -- of the new RHS, in textual left-to-right order, and with
      -- Nothing in place of dot patterns.
      newTel' =
        map (fmap (id *** substs rhsSubst')) $
        translateTel cs $

      -- Permutation taking the new variable and dot patterns to the
      -- new telescope.
      newPerm = adjustForDotPatterns $
                  reorderTel_ $ map (maybe dummy snd) newTel'
        -- It is important that dummy does not mention any variable
        -- (see the definition of reorderTel).
        dummy = defaultArg (El Prop (Sort Prop))

        isDotP n = case genericIndex cs n of
                     Left DotP{} -> True
                     _           -> False

        adjustForDotPatterns (Perm n is) =
          Perm n (filter (not . isDotP) is)

      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the new RHS's context
      -- to terms in the new telescope's context.
      lhsSubst' = permToSubst (reverseP newPerm)

      -- Substitution used to convert terms in the old telescope's
      -- context to terms in the new telescope's context.
      lhsSubst = map (substs lhsSubst') rhsSubst'

      -- The new telescope.
      newTel =
        uncurry unflattenTel . unzip $
        map (maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ id) $
        permute newPerm $
        map (fmap (id *** substs lhsSubst')) $

      -- New clause.
      c = clause
            { clauseTel  = newTel
            , clausePerm = newPerm
            , clausePats = substs lhsSubst ps
            , clauseBody = translateBody cs rhsSubst $ clauseBody clause

  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.top" 10 $
    escapeContext (size $ clauseTel clause) $ vcat
      [ text "Translated clause:"
      , nest 2 $ vcat
        [ text "delta =" <+> prettyTCM (clauseTel c)
        , text "perm  =" <+> text (show $ clausePerm c)
        , text "ps    =" <+> text (show $ clausePats c)
        , text "body  =" <+> text (show $ clauseBody c)
        , text "body  =" <+> prettyTCM (clauseBody c)

  return c

-- Record pattern monad

-- | A monad used to translate record patterns.
-- The state records the number of variables produced so far, the
-- reader records the total number of variables produced by the entire
-- computation. Functions using this monad need to be sufficiently
-- lazy in the reader component.

newtype RecPatM a = RecPatM (TCMT (ReaderT Nat (StateT Nat IO)) a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
            MonadIO, MonadTCM,
            MonadReader TCEnv, MonadState TCState)

-- | Runs a computation in the 'RecPatM' monad.

runRecPatM :: RecPatM a -> TCM a
runRecPatM (RecPatM m) =
  mapTCMT (\m -> do
             (x, noVars) <- mfix $ \ ~(_, noVars) ->
                              runStateT (runReaderT m noVars) 0
             return x)

-- | Returns the next pattern variable, and the corresponding term.

nextVar :: RecPatM (Pattern, Term)
nextVar = RecPatM $ do
  n <- lift get
  lift $ put $ succ n
  noVars <- lift ask
  return (VarP "r", Var (noVars - n - 1) [])

-- Types used to record changes to a clause

-- | @VarPat@ stands for variable patterns, and @DotPat@ for dot
-- patterns.

data Kind = VarPat | DotPat
  deriving Eq

-- | @'Left' p@ means that a variable (corresponding to the pattern
-- @p@, a variable or dot pattern) should be kept unchanged. @'Right'
-- (n, x, t)@ means that @n 'VarPat'@ variables, and @n 'DotPat'@ dot
-- patterns, should be removed, and a new variable, with the name @x@,
-- inserted instead. The type of the new variable is @t@.

type Changes = [Either Pattern (Kind -> Nat, String, Arg Type)]

-- | Record pattern trees.

data RecordTree
  = Leaf Pattern
    -- ^ Corresponds to variable and dot patterns; contains the
    -- original pattern.
  | RecCon (Arg Type) [(Term -> Term, RecordTree)]
    -- ^ @RecCon t args@ stands for a record constructor application:
    -- @t@ is the type of the application, and the list contains a
    -- projection function and a tree for every argument.

-- Record pattern trees

-- | @projections t@ returns a projection for every non-dot leaf
-- pattern in @t@. The term is the composition of the projection
-- functions from the leaf to the root.
-- Every term is tagged with its origin: a variable pattern or a dot
-- pattern.

projections :: RecordTree -> [(Term -> Term, Kind)]
projections (Leaf (DotP{})) = [(id, DotPat)]
projections (Leaf (VarP{})) = [(id, VarPat)]
projections (Leaf _)        = __IMPOSSIBLE__
projections (RecCon _ args) =
  concatMap (\(p, t) -> map (\(p', k) -> (p' . p, k))
                            (projections t))

-- | Converts a record tree to a single pattern along with information
-- about the deleted pattern variables.

removeTree :: RecordTree -> RecPatM (Pattern, Substitution, Changes)
removeTree tree = do
  (pat, x) <- nextVar
  let ps = projections tree
      s  = map (\(p, _) -> p x) ps

      count k = genericLength $ filter ((== k) . snd) ps

  return $ case tree of
    Leaf p     -> (p,   s, [Left p])
    RecCon t _ -> (pat, s, [Right (count, "r", t)])

-- Translation of patterns

-- | Removes record constructors from patterns.
-- Returns the following things:
-- * The new pattern.
-- * A substitution which maps the /old/ pattern variables (in the
--   order they occurred in the pattern; not including dot patterns)
--   to terms (either the new name of the variable, or a projection
--   applied to a new pattern variable).
-- * A list explaining the changes to the variables bound in the
--   pattern.
-- Record patterns containing non-record constructor patterns are not
-- translated (though their sub-patterns may be).
-- Example: The pattern @rec1 (con1 a) (rec2 b c) (rec3 d)@ should
-- yield the pattern @rec1 (con1 x) y z@, along with a substitution
-- similar to @[x, proj2-1 y, proj2-2 y, proj3-1 z]@.
-- This function assumes that literals are never of record type.

translatePattern :: Pattern -> RecPatM (Pattern, Substitution, Changes)
translatePattern (ConP c Nothing ps) = do
  (ps, s, cs) <- translatePatterns ps
  return (ConP c Nothing ps, s, cs)
translatePattern p@(ConP _ (Just _) _) = do
  r <- recordTree p
  case r of
    Left  r -> r
    Right t -> removeTree t
translatePattern p@VarP{} = removeTree (Leaf p)
translatePattern p@DotP{} = removeTree (Leaf p)
translatePattern p@LitP{} = return (p, [], [])

-- | 'translatePattern' lifted to lists of arguments.

translatePatterns ::
  [Arg Pattern] -> RecPatM ([Arg Pattern], Substitution, Changes)
translatePatterns ps = do
  (ps', ss, cs) <- unzip3 <$> mapM (translatePattern . unArg) ps
  return (ps' `withArgsFrom` ps, concat ss, concat cs)

-- | Traverses a pattern and returns one of two things:
-- * If there is no non-record constructor in the pattern, then
--   @'Right' ps@ is returned, where @ps@ contains one projection for
--   every variable in the input pattern (in the order they are
--   encountered).
-- * Otherwise the output is a computation returning the same kind of
--   result as that coming from 'translatePattern'. (Computations are
--   returned rather than values to ensure that variable numbers are
--   allocated in the right order.)
-- Assumes that literals are never of record type.

recordTree ::
  Pattern ->
  RecPatM (Either (RecPatM (Pattern, Substitution, Changes)) RecordTree)
recordTree p@(ConP _ Nothing _) = return $ Left $ translatePattern p
recordTree (ConP c (Just t) ps) = do
  rs <- mapM (recordTree . unArg) ps
  case allRight rs of
    Left rs ->
      return $ Left $ do
        (ps', ss, cs) <- unzip3 <$> mapM (either id removeTree) rs
        return (ConP c (Just t) (ps' `withArgsFrom` ps),
                concat ss, concat cs)
    Right ts -> liftTCM $ do
      t <- reduce t
      case t of
        Arg { unArg = El _ (Def r _) } -> do
          rDef <- theDef <$> getConstInfo r
          case rDef of
            Record { recFields = fields } -> do
              let proj p = \t -> Def (unArg p) [defaultArg t]
              return $ Right $ RecCon t $ zip (map proj fields) ts
            _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
recordTree p@VarP{} = return (Right (Leaf p))
recordTree p@DotP{} = return (Right (Leaf p))
recordTree p@LitP{} = return $ Left $ translatePattern p

-- Translation of the clause telescope and body

-- | Translates the telescope.

  :: Changes
     -- ^ Explanation of how the telescope should be changed. Types
     -- should be in the context of the old telescope.
  -> [(String, Arg Type)]
     -- ^ Old telescope, flattened, in textual left-to-right
     -- order.
  -> [Maybe (String, Arg Type)]
     -- ^ New telescope, flattened, in textual left-to-right order.
     -- 'Nothing' is used to indicate the locations of dot patterns.
translateTel (Left (DotP{}) : rest)   tel = Nothing : translateTel rest tel
translateTel (Right (n, x, t) : rest) tel = Just (x, t) :
                                              translateTel rest
                                                (genericDrop (n VarPat) tel)
translateTel (Left _ : rest) (t : tel)    = Just t : translateTel rest tel
translateTel []              []           = []
translateTel (Left _ : _)    []           = __IMPOSSIBLE__
translateTel []              (_ : _)      = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | Translates the clause body. The substitution should take things
-- in the context of the old RHS to the new RHS's context.

translateBody :: Changes -> Substitution -> ClauseBody -> ClauseBody
translateBody _                        s NoBody = NoBody
translateBody (Right (n, x, _) : rest) s b      =
  Bind $ Abs x $ translateBody rest s $ dropBinds n' b
  where n' = sum $ map n [VarPat, DotPat]
translateBody (Left _ : rest) s (Bind b)   = Bind $ fmap (translateBody rest s) b
translateBody []              s (Body t)   = Body $ substs s t
translateBody _               _ _          = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- Helper functions

-- | Turns a permutation into a substitution.

permToSubst :: Permutation -> Substitution
permToSubst (Perm n is) =
  [ makeVar i | i <- [0..n-1] ] ++ [ Var i [] | i <- [size is..] ]
  makeVar i = case genericElemIndex i is of
    Nothing -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Just k  -> Var k []

-- | @dropBinds n b@ drops the initial @n@ occurrences of 'Bind' from @b@.
-- Precondition: @b@ has to start with @n@ occurrences of 'Bind'.

dropBinds :: Nat -> ClauseBody -> ClauseBody
dropBinds n b          | n == 0 = b
dropBinds n (Bind b)   | n > 0  = dropBinds (pred n) (absBody b)
dropBinds _ _                   = __IMPOSSIBLE__