-- | Check that a datatype is strictly positive.
module Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity where

import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List as List

import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute

import Agda.Utils.Impossible
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.SemiRing
import qualified Agda.Utils.Graph as Graph
import Agda.Utils.Graph (Graph)

#include "../undefined.h"

-- | Check that the datatypes in the given mutual block
--   are strictly positive.
checkStrictlyPositive :: MutualId -> TCM ()
checkStrictlyPositive mi = do
  qs <- lookupMutualBlock mi
  reportSDoc "tc.pos.tick" 100 $ text "positivity of" <+> prettyTCM (Set.toList qs)
  g  <- buildOccurrenceGraph qs
  let gstar = Graph.transitiveClosure $ fmap occ g
  reportSDoc "tc.pos.tick" 100 $ text "constructed graph"
  reportSLn "tc.pos.graph" 5 $ "Positivity graph: N=" ++ show (size $ Graph.nodes g) ++
                               " E=" ++ show (length $ Graph.edges g)
  reportSDoc "tc.pos.graph" 10 $ vcat
    [ text "positivity graph for" <+> prettyTCM (Set.toList qs)
    , nest 2 $ prettyGraph g
  mapM_ (setArgs gstar) $ Set.toList qs
  reportSDoc "tc.pos.tick" 100 $ text "set args"
  whenM positivityCheckEnabled $
    mapM_ (checkPos g) $ Set.toList qs
  reportSDoc "tc.pos.tick" 100 $ text "checked positivity"
    checkPos g q = whenM (isDatatype q) $ do
      reportSDoc "tc.pos.check" 10 $ text "Checking positivity of" <+> prettyTCM q
      case Graph.findPath isNegative (DefNode q) (DefNode q) g of
        Nothing                  -> return ()
        Just (Edge Positive _)   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        Just (Edge Unused _)     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        Just (Edge Negative how) -> do
          err <- fsep $
            [prettyTCM q] ++ pwords "is not strictly positive, because it occurs" ++
            [prettyTCM how]
          setCurrentRange (getRange q) $ typeError $ GenericError (show err)

    occ (Edge o _) = o
    isNegative (Edge o _) = o == Negative

    isDatatype q = do
      def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo q
      return $ case def of
        Datatype{dataClause = Nothing} -> True
        Record  {recClause  = Nothing} -> True
        _ -> False

    -- Set the polarity of the arguments to a definition
    setArgs g q = do
      reportSDoc "tc.pos.args" 5 $ text "checking args of" <+> prettyTCM q
      n <- getDefArity =<< getConstInfo q
      let nArgs = maximum $ n :
                    [ i + 1 | (ArgNode q1 i) <- Set.toList $ Graph.nodes g
                    , q1 == q ]
          findOcc i = case Graph.lookup (ArgNode q i) (DefNode q) g of
              Nothing -> Unused
              Just Negative -> Negative
              Just Positive -> Positive
              Just Unused   -> Unused
          args = map findOcc [0..nArgs - 1]
      reportSDoc "tc.pos.args" 10 $ sep
        [ text "args of" <+> prettyTCM q <+> text "="
        , nest 2 $ prettyList $ map (text . show) args
      setArgOccurrences q args

getDefArity def = case theDef def of
  Function{ funClauses = cs, funProjection = proj } -> do
    let dropped = maybe 0 (fromIntegral . subtract 1 . snd) proj
    subtract dropped . arity <$> instantiateFull (defType def)
  Datatype{ dataPars = n } -> return n
  Record{ recPars = n }    -> return n
  _                        -> return 0

-- Specification of occurrences -------------------------------------------

instance SemiRing Occurrence where
  oplus Negative _        = Negative
  oplus _ Negative        = Negative
  oplus Unused o          = o
  oplus o Unused          = o
  oplus Positive Positive = Positive

  otimes Unused _          = Unused
  otimes _ Unused          = Unused
  otimes Negative _        = Negative
  otimes _ Negative        = Negative
  otimes Positive Positive = Positive

-- | Description of an occurrence.
data OccursWhere
  = LeftOfArrow OccursWhere
  | DefArg QName Nat OccursWhere -- ^ in the nth argument of a define constant
  | VarArg OccursWhere           -- ^ as an argument to a bound variable
  | MetaArg OccursWhere          -- ^ as an argument of a metavariable
  | ConArgType QName OccursWhere -- ^ in the type of a constructor
  | InClause Nat OccursWhere     -- ^ in the nth clause of a defined function
  | InDefOf QName OccursWhere    -- ^ in the definition of a constant
  | Here
  | Unknown                      -- ^ an unknown position (treated as negative)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

(>*<) :: OccursWhere -> OccursWhere -> OccursWhere
Here            >*< o  = o
Unknown         >*< o  = Unknown
LeftOfArrow o1  >*< o2 = LeftOfArrow (o1 >*< o2)
DefArg d i o1   >*< o2 = DefArg d i (o1 >*< o2)
VarArg o1       >*< o2 = VarArg (o1 >*< o2)
MetaArg o1      >*< o2 = MetaArg (o1 >*< o2)
ConArgType c o1 >*< o2 = ConArgType c (o1 >*< o2)
InClause i o1   >*< o2 = InClause i (o1 >*< o2)
InDefOf d o1    >*< o2 = InDefOf d (o1 >*< o2)

instance PrettyTCM OccursWhere where
  prettyTCM o = prettyOs $ map maxOneLeftOfArrow $ uniq $ splitOnDef o
      nth 0 = pwords "first"
      nth 1 = pwords "second"
      nth 2 = pwords "third"
      nth n = pwords $ show (n + 1) ++ "th"

      uniq (x:y:xs)
        | x == y  = uniq (x:xs)
      uniq (x:xs) = x : uniq xs
      uniq []     = []

      prettyOs [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
      prettyOs [o] = prettyO o <> text "."
      prettyOs (o:os) = prettyO o <> text ", which occurs" <+> prettyOs os

      prettyO o = case o of
        Here           -> empty
        Unknown        -> empty
        LeftOfArrow o  -> explain o $ pwords "to the left of an arrow"
        DefArg q i o   -> explain o $ pwords "in the" ++ nth i ++ pwords "argument to" ++
                                      [prettyTCM q]
        VarArg o       -> explain o $ pwords "in an argument to a bound variable"
        MetaArg o      -> explain o $ pwords "in an argument to a metavariable"
        ConArgType c o -> explain o $ pwords "in the type of the constructor" ++ [prettyTCM c]
        InClause i o   -> explain o $ pwords "in the" ++ nth i ++ pwords "clause"
        InDefOf d o    -> explain o $ pwords "in the definition of" ++ [prettyTCM d]

      explain o ds = prettyO o $$ fsep ds

      maxOneLeftOfArrow o = case o of
        LeftOfArrow o  -> LeftOfArrow $ purgeArrows o
        Here           -> Here
        Unknown        -> Unknown
        DefArg q i o   -> DefArg q i   $ maxOneLeftOfArrow o
        InDefOf d o    -> InDefOf d    $ maxOneLeftOfArrow o
        VarArg o       -> VarArg       $ maxOneLeftOfArrow o
        MetaArg o      -> MetaArg      $ maxOneLeftOfArrow o
        ConArgType c o -> ConArgType c $ maxOneLeftOfArrow o
        InClause i o   -> InClause i   $ maxOneLeftOfArrow o

      purgeArrows o = case o of
        LeftOfArrow o -> purgeArrows o
        Here           -> Here
        Unknown        -> Unknown
        DefArg q i o   -> DefArg q i   $ purgeArrows o
        InDefOf d o    -> InDefOf d    $ purgeArrows o
        VarArg o       -> VarArg       $ purgeArrows o
        MetaArg o      -> MetaArg      $ purgeArrows o
        ConArgType c o -> ConArgType c $ purgeArrows o
        InClause i o   -> InClause i   $ purgeArrows o

      splitOnDef o = case o of
        Here           -> [Here]
        Unknown        -> [Unknown]
        InDefOf d o    -> sp (InDefOf d) o
        LeftOfArrow o  -> sp LeftOfArrow o
        DefArg q i o   -> sp (DefArg q i) o
        VarArg o       -> sp VarArg o
        MetaArg o      -> sp MetaArg o
        ConArgType c o -> sp (ConArgType c) o
        InClause i o   -> sp (InClause i) o
          sp f o = case splitOnDef o of
            os@(InDefOf _ _:_) -> f Here : os
            o:os               -> f o : os
            []                 -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- Computing occurrences --------------------------------------------------

data Item = AnArg Nat
          | ADef QName
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type Occurrences = Map Item [OccursWhere]

(>+<) :: Occurrences -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
(>+<) = Map.unionWith (++)

concatOccurs :: [Occurrences] -> Occurrences
concatOccurs = Map.unionsWith (++)

occursAs :: (OccursWhere -> OccursWhere) -> Occurrences -> Occurrences
occursAs f = Map.map (map f)

here :: Item -> Occurrences
here i = Map.singleton i [Here]

class ComputeOccurrences a where
  -- | The first argument is the items corresponding to the free variables.
  occurrences :: [Maybe Item] -> a -> Occurrences

instance ComputeOccurrences Clause where
  occurrences vars (Clause{ clausePats = ps, clauseBody = body }) =
    walk vars (patItems ps) body
      walk _    _         NoBody     = Map.empty
      walk vars []        (Body v)   = occurrences vars v
      walk vars (i : pis) (Bind b)   = walk (i : vars) pis $ absBody b
      walk _    []        Bind{}     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
      walk _    (_ : _)   Body{}     = __IMPOSSIBLE__

      match i (Arg _ _ VarP{}) = Map.empty
      match i _                = Map.singleton (AnArg i) [Unknown]

      patItems ps = concat $ zipWith patItem [0..] $ map unArg ps
      patItem i (VarP _) = [Just (AnArg i)]
      patItem i p        = replicate (nVars p) (Just (AnArg i))
        -- if we're pattern matching it's not something the positivity checker needs to worry about
        -- Actually it is: see issue 464

      nVars p = case p of
        VarP{}      -> 1
        DotP{}      -> 1
        ConP _ _ ps -> sum $ map (nVars . unArg) ps
        LitP{}      -> 0

instance ComputeOccurrences Term where
  occurrences vars v = case v of
    Var i args ->
      maybe Map.empty here (index vars $ fromIntegral i)
      >+< occursAs VarArg (occurrences vars args)
    Def d args   ->
      here (ADef d) >+<
      concatOccurs (zipWith (occursAs . DefArg d) [0..] $ map (occurrences vars) args)
    Con c args   -> occurrences vars args
    MetaV _ args -> occursAs MetaArg $ occurrences vars args
    Pi a b       -> occursAs LeftOfArrow (occurrences vars a) >+<
                    occurrences vars b
    Lam _ b      -> occurrences vars b
    Level l      -> occurrences vars l
    Lit{}        -> Map.empty
    Sort{}       -> Map.empty
    DontCare _   -> Map.empty -- Andreas, 2011-09-09: do we need to check for negative occurrences in irrelevant positions?
      -- Apparently some development version of GHC chokes if the
      -- following line is replaced by vs ! i.
      index vs i
        | i < length vs = vs !! i
        | otherwise     = __IMPOSSIBLE__

instance ComputeOccurrences Level where
  occurrences vars (Max as) = occurrences vars as

instance ComputeOccurrences PlusLevel where
  occurrences vars ClosedLevel{} = Map.empty
  occurrences vars (Plus _ l) = occurrences vars l

instance ComputeOccurrences LevelAtom where
  occurrences vars l = case l of
    MetaLevel _ vs   -> occursAs MetaArg $ occurrences vars vs
    BlockedLevel _ v -> occurrences vars v
    NeutralLevel v   -> occurrences vars v
    UnreducedLevel v -> occurrences vars v

instance ComputeOccurrences Type where
  occurrences vars (El _ v) = occurrences vars v

instance ComputeOccurrences a => ComputeOccurrences (Tele a) where
  occurrences vars EmptyTel        = Map.empty
  occurrences vars (ExtendTel a b) = occurrences vars (a, b)

instance ComputeOccurrences a => ComputeOccurrences (Abs a) where
  occurrences vars (Abs   _ b) = occurrences (Nothing : vars) b
  occurrences vars (NoAbs _ b) = occurrences vars b

instance ComputeOccurrences a => ComputeOccurrences (Arg a) where
  occurrences vars = occurrences vars . unArg

instance ComputeOccurrences a => ComputeOccurrences [a] where
  occurrences vars = concatOccurs . map (occurrences vars)

instance (ComputeOccurrences a, ComputeOccurrences b) => ComputeOccurrences (a, b) where
  occurrences vars (x, y) = occurrences vars x >+< occurrences vars y

-- | Compute the occurrences in a given definition.
computeOccurrences :: QName -> TCM Occurrences
computeOccurrences q = do
  def <- getConstInfo q
  occursAs (InDefOf q) <$> case theDef def of
    Function{funClauses = cs} -> do
      n  <- getDefArity def
      cs <- map (etaExpandClause n) <$> instantiateFull cs
        $ concatOccurs
        $ zipWith (occursAs . InClause) [0..]
        $ map (occurrences []) cs
    Datatype{dataClause = Just c} -> occurrences [] <$> instantiateFull c
    Datatype{dataPars = np, dataCons = cs}       -> do
      let conOcc c = do
            a <- defType <$> getConstInfo c
            TelV tel _ <- telView' <$> normalise a
            let tel' = telFromList $ genericDrop np $ telToList tel
                vars = reverse [ Just (AnArg i) | i <- [0..np - 1] ]
            return $ occursAs (ConArgType c) $ occurrences vars tel'
      concatOccurs <$> mapM conOcc cs
    Record{recClause = Just c} -> occurrences [] <$> instantiateFull c
    Record{recPars = np, recTel = tel} -> do
      let tel' = telFromList $ genericDrop np $ telToList tel
          vars = reverse [ Just (AnArg i) | i <- [0..np - 1] ]
      occurrences vars <$> instantiateFull tel'

    -- Arguments to other kinds of definitions are hard-wired.
    Constructor{} -> return Map.empty
    Axiom{}       -> return Map.empty
    Primitive{}   -> return Map.empty

-- | Eta expand a clause to have the given number of variables.
--   Warning: doesn't update telescope or permutation!
--   This is used instead of special treatment of lambdas
--   (which was unsound: issue 121)
etaExpandClause :: Nat -> Clause -> Clause
etaExpandClause n c@Clause{ clausePats = ps, clauseBody = b }
  | m <= 0    = c
  | otherwise = c { clausePats = ps ++ genericReplicate m (defaultArg $ VarP "_")
                  , clauseBody = liftBody m b
    m = n - genericLength ps

    bind 0 = id
    bind n = Bind . Abs "_" . bind (n - 1)

    vars = reverse [ defaultArg $ Var i [] | i <- [0..m - 1] ]

    liftBody m (Bind b)   = Bind $ fmap (liftBody m) b
    liftBody m NoBody     = bind m NoBody
    liftBody m (Body v)   = bind m $ Body $ raise m v `apply` vars

-- Building the occurrence graph ------------------------------------------

data Node = DefNode QName
          | ArgNode QName Nat
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Node where
  show (DefNode q)   = show q
  show (ArgNode q i) = show q ++ "." ++ show i

instance PrettyTCM Node where
  prettyTCM (DefNode q)   = prettyTCM q
  prettyTCM (ArgNode q i) = prettyTCM q <> text ("." ++ show i)

prettyGraph g = vcat $ map pr $ Map.assocs $ Graph.unGraph g
    pr (n, es) = sep
      [ prettyTCM n
      , nest 2 $ vcat $ map prE $ Map.assocs es
    prE (n, Edge o w) = prO o <+> prettyTCM n <+> fsep (pwords $ show w)
    prO Positive = text "-[+]->"
    prO Negative = text "-[-]->"
    prO Unused   = text "-[ ]->"

data Edge = Edge Occurrence OccursWhere
  deriving (Show)

instance SemiRing Edge where
  oplus _                   e@(Edge Negative _) = e
  oplus e@(Edge Negative _) _                   = e
  oplus (Edge Unused _)     e                   = e
  oplus e                   (Edge Unused _)     = e
  oplus (Edge Positive _)   e@(Edge Positive _) = e

  otimes (Edge o1 w1) (Edge o2 w2) = Edge (otimes o1 o2) (w1 >*< w2)

buildOccurrenceGraph :: Set QName -> TCM (Graph Node Edge)
buildOccurrenceGraph qs = Graph.unions <$> mapM defGraph (Set.toList qs)
    defGraph :: QName -> TCM (Graph Node Edge)
    defGraph q = do
      occs <- computeOccurrences q
      let onItem (item, occs) = do
            es <- mapM (computeEdge qs) occs
            return $ Graph.unions $
                map (\(b, w) -> Graph.singleton (itemToNode item) b w) es
      Graph.unions <$> mapM onItem (Map.assocs occs)
        itemToNode (AnArg i) = ArgNode q i
        itemToNode (ADef q)  = DefNode q

-- | Given an 'OccursWhere' computes the target node and an 'Edge'. The first
--   argument is the set of names in the current mutual block.
computeEdge :: Set QName -> OccursWhere -> TCM (Node, Edge)
computeEdge muts o = do
  (to, occ) <- mkEdge __IMPOSSIBLE__ Positive o
  return (to, Edge occ o)
    mkEdge to pol o = case o of
      Here           -> return (to, pol)
      Unknown        -> return (to, Negative)
      VarArg o       -> negative o
      MetaArg o      -> negative o
      LeftOfArrow o  -> negative o
      DefArg d i o
        | Set.member d muts -> inArg d i o
        | otherwise         -> addPol o =<< getArgOccurrence d i
      ConArgType _ o -> keepGoing o
      InClause _ o   -> keepGoing o
      InDefOf d o    -> mkEdge (DefNode d) Positive o
        keepGoing     = mkEdge to pol
        negative      = mkEdge to Negative
        addPol o pol' = mkEdge to (otimes pol pol') o

        -- Reset polarity when changing the target node
        -- D: (A B -> C) generates a positive edge B --> A.1
        -- even though the context is negative.
        inArg d i = mkEdge (ArgNode d i) Positive