module Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Options where

import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import Text.PrettyPrint
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO

import Agda.Syntax.Concrete
import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Errors
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.State
import Agda.Interaction.EmacsCommand as Emacs
import Agda.Interaction.FindFile
import Agda.Interaction.Options
import Agda.Utils.FileName
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.String
import Agda.Utils.Trie (Trie)
import qualified Agda.Utils.Trie as Trie

#include "../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Sets the pragma options.

setPragmaOptions :: PragmaOptions -> TCM ()
setPragmaOptions opts = do
  clo <- commandLineOptions
  let unsafe = unsafePragmaOptions opts
  when (optSafe clo && not (null unsafe)) $ typeError (SafeFlagPragma unsafe)
  case checkOpts (clo { optPragmaOptions = opts }) of
    Left err   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Right opts -> do
      modify $ \s -> s { stPragmaOptions = (optPragmaOptions opts) }

-- | Sets the command line options (both persistent and pragma options
-- are updated).
-- Relative include directories are made absolute with respect to the
-- current working directory. If the include directories have changed
-- (and were previously @'Right' something@), then the state is reset
-- (completely) .
-- An empty list of relative include directories (@'Left' []@) is
-- interpreted as @["."]@.

setCommandLineOptions :: CommandLineOptions -> TCM ()
setCommandLineOptions opts =
  case checkOpts opts of
    Left err   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Right opts -> do
      incs <- case optIncludeDirs opts of
        Right is -> return is
        Left  is -> do
          setIncludeDirs is CurrentDir
      modify $ \s ->
        s { stPersistent = (stPersistent s) {
              stPersistentOptions = opts { optIncludeDirs = Right incs }
          , stPragmaOptions = optPragmaOptions opts

-- | Returns the pragma options which are currently in effect.

pragmaOptions :: TCM PragmaOptions
pragmaOptions = gets stPragmaOptions

-- | Returns the command line options which are currently in effect.

commandLineOptions :: TCM CommandLineOptions
commandLineOptions = do
  p  <- stPragmaOptions <$> get
  cl <- stPersistentOptions . stPersistent <$> get
  return $ cl { optPragmaOptions = p }

setOptionsFromPragma :: OptionsPragma -> TCM ()
setOptionsFromPragma ps = do
    opts <- commandLineOptions
    case parsePragmaOptions ps opts of
	Left err    -> typeError $ GenericError err
	Right opts' -> setPragmaOptions opts'

-- | Disable display forms.
enableDisplayForms :: TCM a -> TCM a
enableDisplayForms =
  local $ \e -> e { envDisplayFormsEnabled = True }

-- | Disable display forms.
disableDisplayForms :: TCM a -> TCM a
disableDisplayForms =
  local $ \e -> e { envDisplayFormsEnabled = False }

-- | Check if display forms are enabled.
displayFormsEnabled :: TCM Bool
displayFormsEnabled = asks envDisplayFormsEnabled

-- | Don't eta contract implicit
dontEtaContractImplicit :: TCM a -> TCM a
dontEtaContractImplicit = local $ \e -> e { envEtaContractImplicit = False }

-- | Do eta contract implicit
{-# SPECIALIZE doEtaContractImplicit :: TCM a -> TCM a #-}
doEtaContractImplicit :: MonadTCM tcm => tcm a -> tcm a
doEtaContractImplicit = local $ \e -> e { envEtaContractImplicit = True }

shouldEtaContractImplicit :: TCM Bool
shouldEtaContractImplicit = asks envEtaContractImplicit

-- | Don't reify interaction points
dontReifyInteractionPoints :: TCM a -> TCM a
dontReifyInteractionPoints =
  local $ \e -> e { envReifyInteractionPoints = False }

shouldReifyInteractionPoints :: TCM Bool
shouldReifyInteractionPoints = asks envReifyInteractionPoints

-- | Gets the include directories.
-- Precondition: 'optIncludeDirs' must be @'Right' something@.

getIncludeDirs :: TCM [AbsolutePath]
getIncludeDirs = do
  incs <- optIncludeDirs <$> commandLineOptions
  case incs of
    Left  _    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
    Right incs -> return incs

-- | Which directory should form the base of relative include paths?

data RelativeTo
  = ProjectRoot AbsolutePath
    -- ^ The root directory of the \"project\" containing the given
    -- file. The file needs to be syntactically correct, with a module
    -- name matching the file name.
  | CurrentDir
    -- ^ The current working directory.

-- | Makes the given directories absolute and stores them as include
-- directories.
-- If the include directories change (and they were previously
-- @'Right' something@), then the state is reset (completely, except
-- for the include directories and 'stInteractionOutputCallback').
-- An empty list is interpreted as @["."]@.

  :: [FilePath]
  -- ^ New include directories.
  -> RelativeTo
  -- ^ How should relative paths be interpreted?
  -> TCM ()
setIncludeDirs incs relativeTo = do
  opts <- commandLineOptions
  let oldIncs = optIncludeDirs opts

  (root, check) <- case relativeTo of
    CurrentDir -> do
      root <- liftIO (absolute =<< getCurrentDirectory)
      return (root, return ())
    ProjectRoot f -> do
      m <- moduleName' f
      return (projectRoot f m, checkModuleName m f)

  let setIncs incs = modify $ \s ->
        s { stPersistent =
          (stPersistent s) { stPersistentOptions =
            (stPersistentOptions $ stPersistent s)
              { optIncludeDirs = Right incs

  setIncs (map (mkAbsolute . (filePath root </>)) $
             case incs of
               [] -> ["."]
               _  -> incs)

  incs <- getIncludeDirs
  case oldIncs of
    Right incs' | incs' /= incs -> do
      ho <- stInteractionOutputCallback <$> get
      modify $ \st -> st { stInteractionOutputCallback = ho }
      setIncs incs
    _                           -> return ()


setInputFile :: FilePath -> TCM ()
setInputFile file =
    do	opts <- commandLineOptions
	setCommandLineOptions $
          opts { optInputFile = Just file }

-- | Should only be run if 'hasInputFile'.
getInputFile :: TCM AbsolutePath
getInputFile =
    do	mf <- optInputFile <$> commandLineOptions
	case mf of
	    Just file -> liftIO $ absolute file
	    Nothing   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

hasInputFile :: TCM Bool
hasInputFile = isJust <$> optInputFile <$> commandLineOptions

proofIrrelevance :: TCM Bool
proofIrrelevance = optProofIrrelevance <$> pragmaOptions

hasUniversePolymorphism :: TCM Bool
hasUniversePolymorphism = optUniversePolymorphism <$> pragmaOptions

showImplicitArguments :: TCM Bool
showImplicitArguments = optShowImplicit <$> pragmaOptions

showIrrelevantArguments :: TCM Bool
showIrrelevantArguments = optShowIrrelevant <$> pragmaOptions

-- | Switch on printing of implicit and irrelevant arguments.
--   E.g. for reification in with-function generation.
withShowAllArguments :: TCM a -> TCM a
withShowAllArguments ret = do
  opts <- pragmaOptions
  let imp = optShowImplicit opts
      irr = optShowIrrelevant opts
  setPragmaOptions $ opts { optShowImplicit = True, optShowIrrelevant = True }
  x <- ret
  opts <- pragmaOptions
  setPragmaOptions $ opts { optShowImplicit = imp, optShowIrrelevant = irr }
  return x

{- RETIRED, Andreas, 2012-04-30
setShowImplicitArguments :: Bool -> TCM a -> TCM a
setShowImplicitArguments showImp ret = do
  opts <- pragmaOptions
  let imp = optShowImplicit opts
  setPragmaOptions $ opts { optShowImplicit = showImp }
  x <- ret
  opts <- pragmaOptions
  setPragmaOptions $ opts { optShowImplicit = imp }
  return x

ignoreInterfaces :: TCM Bool
ignoreInterfaces = optIgnoreInterfaces <$> commandLineOptions

positivityCheckEnabled :: TCM Bool
positivityCheckEnabled = not . optDisablePositivity <$> pragmaOptions

typeInType :: TCM Bool
typeInType = not . optUniverseCheck <$> pragmaOptions

-- Verbosity

-- Invariant (which we may or may not currently break): Debug
-- printouts use one of the following functions:
--   reportS
--   reportSLn
--   reportSDoc

getVerbosity :: TCM (Trie String Int)
getVerbosity = optVerbose <$> pragmaOptions

type VerboseKey = String

hasVerbosity :: VerboseKey -> Int -> TCM Bool
hasVerbosity k n | n < 0     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
                 | otherwise = do
    t <- getVerbosity
    let ks = wordsBy (`elem` ".:") k
	m  = maximum $ 0 : Trie.lookupPath ks t
    return (n <= m)

-- | If this command is run under the Emacs mode, then it formats the
-- debug message in such a way that the Emacs mode can understand it.

emacsifyDebugMessage :: String -- ^ The debug message.
                     -> TCM String
emacsifyDebugMessage s =
  ifM (envEmacs <$> ask)
      (return $ Emacs.response $
         L [ A "agda2-verbose"
           , A (quote s)
      (return s)

-- | Displays a debug message in a suitable way.
displayDebugMessage :: String -> TCM ()
displayDebugMessage s =
  liftIO . putStr =<< emacsifyDebugMessage s

-- | Precondition: The level must be non-negative.
verboseS :: VerboseKey -> Int -> TCM () -> TCM ()
verboseS k n action = whenM (hasVerbosity k n) action

reportS :: VerboseKey -> Int -> String -> TCM ()
reportS k n s = verboseS k n $ displayDebugMessage s

reportSLn :: VerboseKey -> Int -> String -> TCM ()
reportSLn k n s = verboseS k n $ do
  displayDebugMessage (s ++ "\n")
  liftIO $ hFlush stdout

reportSDoc :: VerboseKey -> Int -> TCM Doc -> TCM ()
reportSDoc k n d = verboseS k n $ do
  displayDebugMessage . (++ "\n") . show =<< do
    d `catchError` \ err ->
      (\ s -> (sep $ map text
                 [ "Printing debug message"
                 , k  ++ ":" ++show n
                 , "failed due to error:" ]) $$
              (nest 2 $ text s)) <$> prettyError err

verboseBracket :: VerboseKey -> Int -> String -> TCM a -> TCM a
verboseBracket k n s m = do
  v <- hasVerbosity k n
  if not v then m
           else do
    displayDebugMessage $ "{ " ++ s ++ "\n"
    x <- m `finally` displayDebugMessage "}\n"
    return x