{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ViewPatterns #-}

-- | Function for generating highlighted and aligned LaTeX from literate
-- Agda source.

module Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.LaTeX
  ( generateLaTeX
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (log)
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.Error
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text          as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO       as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.ByteString    as BS

import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map  as Map

import Paths_Agda

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad (TCM)
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad as TCM
import Agda.Interaction.Options
import Agda.Compiler.CallCompiler
import qualified Agda.Utils.IO.UTF8 as UTF8

#include "../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- * Datatypes.

-- | The @LaTeX@ monad is a combination of @ErrorT@, @RWST@ and
-- @IO@. The error part is just used to keep track whether we finished
-- or not, the reader part isn't used, the writer is where the output
-- goes and the state is for keeping track of the tokens and some other
-- useful info, and the I/O part is used for printing debugging info.
type LaTeX = ErrorT String (RWST () Text State IO)

data State = State
  { tokens     :: Tokens
  , column     :: Int     -- ^ Column number, used for polytable alignment.
  , indent     :: Int     -- ^ Indentation level, also for alignment.
  , indentPrev :: Int
  , inCode     :: Bool    -- ^ Keeps track of whether we are in a code
                          -- block or not.
  , debugs     :: [Debug] -- ^ Says what debug information should printed.

type Tokens = [Token]

data Token = Token
  { text     :: Text
  , info     :: MetaInfo
  , position :: Integer  -- ^ Is not used currently, but could
                         -- potentially be used for hyperlinks as in
                         -- the HTML output?
  deriving Show

data Debug = MoveColumn | NonCode | Code | Spaces | Output
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Run function for the @LaTeX@ monad.
runLaTeX :: LaTeX a -> () -> State -> IO (Either String a, State, Text)
runLaTeX = runRWST . runErrorT

emptyState :: State
emptyState = State
  { tokens     = []
  , column     = 0
  , indent     = 0
  , indentPrev = 0
  , inCode     = False
  , debugs     = []

-- * Some helpers.

(<+>) = T.append

isInfixOf' :: Text -> Text -> Maybe (Text, Text)
isInfixOf' needle haystack = go (T.tails haystack) 0
  go []                                         n = Nothing
  go ((T.stripPrefix needle -> Just suf) : xss) n = Just (T.take n haystack, suf)
  go (_                                  : xss) n = go xss (n + 1)

-- Same as above, but starts searching from the back rather than the
-- front.
isInfixOfRev :: Text -> Text -> Maybe (Text, Text)
isInfixOfRev needle haystack
  = case T.reverse needle `isInfixOf'` T.reverse haystack of
      Nothing         -> Nothing
      Just (pre, suf) -> Just (T.reverse suf, T.reverse pre)

isSpaces :: Text -> Bool
isSpaces = T.all isSpace

isActualSpaces :: Text -> Bool
isActualSpaces = T.all (== ' ')

-- | Yields the next token, taking special care to begin/end code
-- blocks. Junk occuring before and after the code blocks is separated
-- into separate tokens, this makes it easier to keep track of whether
-- we are in a code block or not.
nextToken' :: LaTeX Token
nextToken' = do
  toks <- gets tokens
  case toks of
    []     -> throwError "Done"

    -- Clean begin/end code block or a LaTeX comment.
    t : ts | text t == beginCode || text t == endCode ||
             T.singleton '%' == T.take 1 (T.stripStart (text t)) -> do

      modify $ \s -> s { tokens = ts }
      return t

    t : ts -> do
      modify $ \s -> s { tokens = ts }

      inCode <- gets inCode
      let code = if inCode then endCode else beginCode

      case code `isInfixOf'` text t of
        Nothing -> do

          -- Spaces take care of their own column tracking.
          unless (isSpaces (text t)) $ do
            log MoveColumn $ text t
            moveColumn $ T.length $ text t

          return t

        Just (pre, suf) -> do

          let (textToReturn, textsToPutBack) =

               -- This bit fixes issue 954.

               -- Drop spaces up until and including the first trailing
               -- newline after begin code blocks.
               if code == beginCode && isSpaces suf
               then case T.singleton '\n' `isInfixOf'` suf of
                     Nothing        -> (pre, [ beginCode ])
                     Just (_, suf') -> (pre, [ beginCode, suf' ])

               -- Do the converse thing for end code blocks.
               else if code == endCode && isSpaces pre
                    then case T.singleton '\n' `isInfixOfRev` pre of
                           Nothing           -> (code, [ suf ])
                           Just (pre', suf') ->
                             (pre' <+> T.dropWhile (`elem` [' ', '\t']) suf',
                              [ code, suf ])

              -- This case happens for example when you have two code
              -- blocks after each other, i.e. the begin code of the
              -- second ends up in the suffix of the first's end code.
                    else (pre, [ code, suf ])

          let tokToReturn   = t { text = textToReturn }
          let toksToPutBack = map (\txt -> t { text = txt }) textsToPutBack

          unless (isSpaces pre) $ do
            log MoveColumn pre
            moveColumn $ T.length pre

          modify $ \s -> s { tokens = toksToPutBack ++ tokens s }
          return tokToReturn

nextToken :: LaTeX Text
nextToken = text `fmap` nextToken'

resetColumn :: LaTeX ()
resetColumn = modify $ \s -> s { column = 0 }

moveColumn :: Int -> LaTeX ()
moveColumn i = modify $ \s -> s { column = i + column s }

setIndent :: Int -> LaTeX ()
setIndent i = modify $ \s -> s { indent = i }

resetIndent :: LaTeX ()
resetIndent = modify $ \s -> s { indent = 0 }

setIndentPrev :: Int -> LaTeX ()
setIndentPrev i = modify $ \s -> s { indentPrev = i }

resetIndentPrev :: LaTeX ()
resetIndentPrev = modify $ \s -> s { indentPrev = 0 }

setInCode :: LaTeX ()
setInCode = modify $ \s -> s { inCode = True }

unsetInCode :: LaTeX ()
unsetInCode = modify $ \s -> s { inCode = False }

logHelper :: Debug -> Text -> [String] -> LaTeX ()
logHelper debug text extra = do
  debugs <- gets debugs
  when (debug `elem` debugs) $ do
    lift $ lift $ T.putStrLn $ T.pack (show debug ++ ": ") <+>
      T.pack "'" <+> text <+> T.pack "' " <+>
      if null extra
         then T.empty
         else T.pack "(" <+> T.pack (unwords extra) <+> T.pack ")"

log :: Debug -> Text -> LaTeX ()
log MoveColumn text = do
  ind <- gets indent
  logHelper MoveColumn text ["ind=", show ind]
log Code text = do
  ind <- gets indent
  col <- gets column
  logHelper Code text ["ind=", show ind, "col=", show col]
log debug text = logHelper debug text []

log' :: Debug -> String -> LaTeX ()
log' d = log d . T.pack

output :: Text -> LaTeX ()
output text = do
  log Output text
  tell text

-- * LaTeX and polytable strings.

-- Polytable, http://www.ctan.org/pkg/polytable, is used for code
-- alignment, similar to lhs2TeX's approach.

nl        = T.pack "%\n"
beginCode = T.pack "\\begin{code}"
endCode   = T.pack "\\end{code}"

ptOpen     = T.pack "\\>"
ptOpen'  i = ptOpen <+> T.pack ("[" ++ show i ++ "]")
ptClose    = T.pack "\\<"
ptClose' i = ptClose <+> T.pack ("[" ++ show i ++ "]")
ptNL       = nl <+> T.pack "\\\\\n"

cmdPrefix   = T.pack "\\Agda"
cmdArg    x = T.singleton '{' <+> x <+> T.singleton '}'
cmdIndent i = cmdPrefix <+> T.pack "Indent" <+>
                  cmdArg (T.pack (show i)) <+> cmdArg T.empty

infixl'     = T.pack "infixl"
infix'      = T.pack "infix"
infixr'     = T.pack "infixr"

-- * Automaton.

-- | The start state, @nonCode@, prints non-code (the LaTeX part of
-- literate Agda) until it sees a @beginBlock@.
nonCode :: LaTeX ()
nonCode = do
  tok <- nextToken
  log NonCode tok

  if tok == beginCode

     then do
       output $ beginCode <+> nl

     else do
       output tok

-- | Deals with code blocks. Every token, except spaces, is pretty
-- printed as a LaTeX command.
code :: LaTeX ()
code = do

  -- Get the column information before grabbing the token, since
  -- grabbing (possibly) moves the column.
  col  <- gets column

  tok' <- nextToken'
  let tok = text tok'
  log Code tok

  when (tok == T.empty) code

  when (col == 0 && not (isActualSpaces tok)) $ do
    output ptOpen

  when (tok == endCode) $ do
    output $ ptClose <+> nl <+> endCode

  when (tok `elem` [ infixl', infix', infixr' ]) $ do
    output $ cmdPrefix <+> T.pack "Keyword" <+> cmdArg tok

  when (isSpaces tok) $ do
    spaces $ T.group tok

  case aspect (info tok') of
    Nothing -> output $ escape tok
--    Just a  -> output $ cmdPrefix <+> T.pack (cmd a) <+> cmdArg (escape tok)
--  Andreas, 2014-02-17 preliminary fix for issue 1062
    Just a  -> case cmd a of
      "" -> output $ escape tok
      s  -> output $ cmdPrefix <+> T.pack s <+> cmdArg (escape tok)


  cmd :: Aspect -> String
--  cmd (Name mKind _) = maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ showKind mKind
--  Andreas, 2014-02-17 preliminary fix for issue 1062
  cmd (Name mKind _) = maybe "" showKind mKind
    showKind :: NameKind -> String
    showKind (Constructor Inductive)   = "InductiveConstructor"
    showKind (Constructor CoInductive) = "CoinductiveConstructor"
    -- Andreas, 2014-02-17
    -- It might be boring boilerplate, but please spell out the
    -- remaining cases instead of using the brittle @show@ function.
    -- What if a constructor in @NameKind@ gets renamed?
    showKind k                         = show k
  cmd a              = show a

-- Escapes special characters.
escape :: Text -> Text
escape (T.uncons -> Nothing)     = T.empty
escape (T.uncons -> Just (c, s)) = T.pack (replace c) <+> escape s
  replace :: Char -> String
  replace c = case c of
    '_'  -> "\\_"
    '{'  -> "\\{"
    '}'  -> "\\}"
    '#'  -> "\\#"
    '$'  -> "\\$"
    '&'  -> "\\&"
    '%'  -> "\\%"
    '~'  -> "\\textasciitilde"
    '^'  -> "\\textasciicircum"
    '\\' -> "\\textbackslash"
    -- Escaping newlines seems to fix the problem caused by pattern
    -- synonyms.
    '\n' -> "\\<\\\\\n\\>"
    _    -> [ c ]
escape _                         = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | Fixity declarations need a special treatment. The operations in
-- declarations like:
--     infix num op1 op2 op3
-- are treated as comments and thus grouped together with the newlines
-- that follow, which results incorrect LaTeX output -- the following
-- state remedies the problem by breaking on newlines.
fixity :: LaTeX ()
fixity = do
  tok <- nextToken

  case T.breakOn (T.pack "\n") tok of

    -- Spaces.
    (sps, nls) | nls == T.empty && isSpaces sps -> do
        spaces $ T.group sps

    -- Fixity level.
    (num, nls) | nls == T.empty -> do
        output $ cmdPrefix <+> T.pack "Number" <+> cmdArg num

    -- Operations followed by newlines.
    (ops, nls) | otherwise      -> do
        output $ escape ops
        spaces (T.group nls)

-- | Spaces are grouped before processed, because multiple consecutive
-- spaces determine the alignment of the code and consecutive newline
-- characters need special treatment as well.
spaces :: [Text] -> LaTeX ()
spaces []                                 = return ()
spaces ((T.uncons -> Nothing)       : ss) = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- Single spaces are ignored.
spaces ((T.uncons -> Just (' ', s)) : []) | T.null s = do
  col <- gets column
  when (col == 0) $ do
    output ptOpen

  moveColumn 1
  output $ T.singleton ' '

-- Multiple spaces.
spaces (s@(T.uncons -> Just (' ', _)) : ss) = do
  let len = T.length s

  col <- gets column
  moveColumn len

  if col /= 0

     then do
       log' Spaces "col /= 0"
       output $ T.singleton ' '
       col <- gets column
       output $ ptClose' col <+> nl <+> ptOpen' col

     else do
       log' Spaces "col == 0"
       indent <- gets indent
       indentPrev <- gets indentPrev

       case compare len indent of

         GT -> do
           log' Spaces "GT"
           setIndent len
           setIndentPrev indent
           output $ ptOpen' indent
           output $ cmdIndent len
           output $ ptClose' len <+> nl <+> ptOpen' len

         EQ -> do
           log' Spaces "EQ"
           output $ ptOpen' indentPrev
           output $ cmdIndent len
           output $ ptClose' len <+> nl <+> ptOpen' len

         LT -> do
           log' Spaces "LT"
           setIndent len
           output $ ptOpen' 0
           output $ cmdIndent len
           output $ ptClose' len <+> nl <+> ptOpen' len

  spaces ss

-- Newlines.
spaces (s@(T.uncons -> Just ('\n', _)) : ss) = do
  output $ ptClose <+> T.replicate (T.length s) ptNL
  spaces ss

-- Treat tabs as if they were spaces.
spaces (s@(T.uncons -> Just ('\t', _)) : ss) =
  spaces $ T.replicate (T.length s) (T.singleton ' ') : ss
spaces (_                              : ss) = __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- * Main.

defaultStyFile = "agda.sty"

-- | The only exported function. It's (only) called in @Main.hs@.
generateLaTeX :: A.ModuleName -> HighlightingInfo -> TCM ()
generateLaTeX mod hi = do

  options <- TCM.commandLineOptions

  -- There is a default directory given by 'defaultLaTeXDir'.
  let dir = optLaTeXDir options
  liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir

  TCM.reportSLn "latex" 1 $ unlines
    [ ""
    , "Checking if " ++ defaultStyFile ++ " is found by the LaTeX environment."

  merrors <- callCompiler' "kpsewhich" [ "--path=" ++ dir,  defaultStyFile ]

  when (isJust merrors) $ do
    TCM.reportSLn "latex" 1 $ unlines
      [ ""
      , defaultStyFile ++ " was not found. Copying a default version of " ++
      , "into the directory " ++ dir ++ "."

    liftIO $ do
      styFile <- getDataFileName defaultStyFile
      liftIO $ copyFile styFile (dir </> defaultStyFile)

  liftIO $ do
    let filePath = modToFile mod
    source <- UTF8.readTextFile (filePath <.> "lagda")
    latex <- E.encodeUtf8 `fmap` toLaTeX source hi
    createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dir </> takeDirectory filePath
    BS.writeFile (dir </> filePath <.> "tex") latex

  modToFile :: A.ModuleName -> FilePath
  modToFile mod = go $ show mod
    go []         = []
    go ('.' : cs) = pathSeparator : go cs
    go (c   : cs) = c             : go cs

-- | Transforms the source code into LaTeX.
toLaTeX :: String -> HighlightingInfo -> IO Text
toLaTeX source hi

  = processTokens

  -- Head the list (the grouped chars contain the same meta info) and
  -- collect the characters into a string.
  . map (\xs -> case xs of
                    (mi, (pos, _)) : _ ->
                        Token { text     = T.pack $ map (\(_, (_, c)) -> c) xs
                              , info     = maybe mempty id mi
                              , position = pos
                    []                 -> __IMPOSSIBLE__)

  . List.groupBy ((==) `on` fst)  -- Characters which share the same
                                  -- meta info are the same token, so
                                  -- group them together.

  -- Look up the meta info at each position in the highlighting info.
  . map (\(pos, char) ->
        (Map.lookup pos infoMap, (pos, char)))

  -- Add position in file to each character.
  . zip [1..]
  $ source
  infoMap = toMap (decompress hi)

processTokens :: Tokens -> IO Text
processTokens ts = do
  (x, _, s) <- runLaTeX nonCode () (emptyState { tokens = ts })
  case x of
    Left "Done" -> return s
    _           -> __IMPOSSIBLE__