{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances  #-}

module Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

import Agda.Syntax.Common as Common hiding (NamedArg)
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract (IsProjP(..))
import Agda.Syntax.Internal hiding (Arg)
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal as I

import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Functor ((<.>))
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Size (size)
import Agda.Utils.Tuple

#include "../../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- * Tools for clauses

-- | Translate the clause patterns to terms with free variables bound by the
--   clause telescope.
--   Precondition: no projection patterns.
clauseArgs :: Clause -> Args
clauseArgs cl = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims $ clauseElims cl

-- | Translate the clause patterns to an elimination spine
--   with free variables bound by the clause telescope.
clauseElims :: Clause -> Elims
clauseElims cl = patternsToElims (clausePerm cl) (namedClausePats cl)

-- | Arity of a function, computed from clauses.
class FunArity a where
  funArity :: a -> Int

-- | Get the number of initial 'Apply' patterns.
instance IsProjP p => FunArity [p] where
  funArity = length . takeWhile (isNothing . isProjP)

-- | Get the number of initial 'Apply' patterns in a clause.
instance FunArity Clause where
  funArity = funArity . clausePats

-- | Get the number of common initial 'Apply' patterns in a list of clauses.
instance FunArity [Clause] where
  funArity []  = 0
  funArity cls = minimum $ map funArity cls

-- * Tools for patterns

instance IsProjP Pattern where
  isProjP (ProjP d) = Just d
  isProjP _         = Nothing

-- Special case of Agda.Syntax.Abstract.IsProjP (Arg...)
-- instance IsProjP (Common.Arg c Pattern) where
--   isProjP = isProjP . unArg

{- NOTE: The following definition does not work, since Elim' already
   contains Arg.  Otherwise, we could have fixed it using traverseF.

patternsToElims :: Permutation -> [I.NamedArg Pattern] -> Elims
patternsToElims perm aps = evalState (argPatsToElims aps) xs
    xs   = permute (invertP perm) $ downFrom (size perm)

    tick :: State [Int] Int
    tick = do x : xs <- get; put xs; return x

    argPatsToElims :: [I.NamedArg Pattern] -> State [Int] Elims
    argPatsToElims = traverse $ traverse $ patToElim . namedThing

    patToElim :: Pattern -> State [Int] (Elim' Term)
    patToElim p = case p of
      VarP _      -> Apply . flip var <$> tick
      DotP v      -> Apply v <$ tick   -- dot patterns count as variables
      ConP c _ ps -> Apply . Con c . map argFromElim <$> argPatsToElims ps
      LitP l      -> pure $ Apply $ Lit l
      ProjP d     -> pure $ Proj d

patternsToElims :: Permutation -> [I.NamedArg Pattern] -> [Elim]
patternsToElims perm ps = evalState (mapM build' ps) xs
    xs   = permute (invertP perm) $ downFrom (size perm)

    tick :: State [Int] Int
    tick = do x : xs <- get; put xs; return x

    build' :: NamedArg Pattern -> State [Int] Elim
    build' = build . fmap namedThing

    build :: I.Arg Pattern -> State [Int] Elim
    build (Arg ai (VarP _)     ) = Apply . Arg ai . var <$> tick
    build (Arg ai (ConP c _ ps)) =
      Apply . Arg ai . Con c <$> mapM (argFromElim <.> build') ps
    build (Arg ai (DotP t)     ) = Apply (Arg ai t) <$ tick
    build (Arg ai (LitP l)     ) = return $ Apply $ Arg ai $ Lit l
    build (Arg ai (ProjP dest) ) = return $ Proj  $ dest

-- * One hole patterns

-- | A @OneholePattern@ is a linear pattern context @P@ such that for
--   any non-projection pattern @p@, inserting @p@ into the single hole @P[p]@,
--   yields again a non-projection pattern.
data OneHolePatterns = OHPats [NamedArg Pattern]
                              (NamedArg OneHolePattern)
                              [NamedArg Pattern]
  deriving (Show)
data OneHolePattern  = Hole
		     | OHCon ConHead ConPatternInfo OneHolePatterns
                       -- ^ The type in 'ConPatternInfo' serves the same role as in 'ConP'.
                       -- TODO: If a hole is plugged this type may
                       -- have to be updated in some way.
  deriving (Show)

plugHole :: Pattern -> OneHolePatterns -> [NamedArg Pattern]
plugHole p (OHPats ps hole qs) = ps ++ [fmap (plug p <$>) hole] ++ qs
    plug p Hole           = p
    plug p (OHCon c mt h) = ConP c mt $ plugHole p h

-- | @allHoles ps@ returns for each pattern variable @x@ in @ps@ a
--   context @P@ such @P[x]@ is one of the patterns of @ps@.
--   The @Ps@ are returned in the left-to-right order of the
--   pattern variables in @ps@.
allHoles :: [NamedArg Pattern] -> [OneHolePatterns]
allHoles = map snd . allHolesWithContents

allHolesWithContents :: [NamedArg Pattern] -> [(Pattern, OneHolePatterns)]
allHolesWithContents []       = []
allHolesWithContents (p : ps) = map left phs ++ map (right p) (allHolesWithContents ps)
    phs :: [(Pattern, NamedArg OneHolePattern)]
    phs = map (id -*- \h -> fmap (h <$) p)
              (holes $ namedArg p)

    holes :: Pattern -> [(Pattern, OneHolePattern)]
    holes p@(VarP _)     = [(p, Hole)]
    holes p@(DotP _)     = [(p, Hole)]
    holes (ConP c mt qs) = map (id -*- OHCon c mt) $ allHolesWithContents qs
    holes LitP{}         = []
    holes ProjP{}        = []

    left  (p, ph)               = (p, OHPats [] ph ps)
    right q (p, OHPats ps h qs) = (p, OHPats (q : ps) h qs)