module Agda.Interaction.CommandLine.CommandLine where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Applicative

import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe

import Agda.Interaction.BasicOps as BasicOps hiding (parseExpr)
import Agda.Interaction.Monad

import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Parser
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base
import Agda.Syntax.Translation.ConcreteToAbstract
import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Pretty

import Text.PrettyPrint

import Agda.TheTypeChecker
import Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Errors
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute

import Agda.Utils.Except ( MonadError(catchError) )
import Agda.Utils.Monad

#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

data ExitCode a = Continue | ContinueIn TCEnv | Return a

type Command a = (String, [String] -> TCM (ExitCode a))

matchCommand :: String -> [Command a] -> Either [String] ([String] -> TCM (ExitCode a))
matchCommand x cmds =
    case List.filter (isPrefixOf x . fst) cmds of
        [(_,m)] -> Right m
        xs      -> Left $ List.map fst xs

interaction :: String -> [Command a] -> (String -> TCM (ExitCode a)) -> IM a
interaction prompt cmds eval = loop
        go (Return x)       = return x
        go Continue         = loop
        go (ContinueIn env) = local (const env) loop

        loop =
            do  ms <- readline prompt
                case fmap words ms of
                    Nothing               -> return $ error "** EOF **"
                    Just []               -> loop
                    Just ((':':cmd):args) ->
                        do  case matchCommand cmd cmds of
                                Right c -> go =<< liftTCM (c args)
                                Left [] ->
                                    do  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Unknown command '" ++ cmd ++ "'"
                                Left xs ->
                                    do  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "More than one command match: " ++ concat (intersperse ", " xs)
                    Just _ ->
                        do  go =<< liftTCM (eval $ fromJust ms)
            `catchError` \e ->
                do  s <- liftTCM $ prettyError e
                    liftIO $ putStrLn s

-- | The interaction loop.
interactionLoop :: TCM (Maybe Interface) -> IM ()
interactionLoop doTypeCheck =
    do  liftTCM reload
        interaction "Main> " commands evalTerm
        reload = do
            mi <- doTypeCheck
            -- Note that mi is Nothing if (1) there is no input file or
            -- (2) the file type checked with unsolved metas and
            -- --allow-unsolved-metas was used. In the latter case the
            -- behaviour of agda -I may be surprising. If agda -I ever
            -- becomes properly supported again, then this behaviour
            -- should perhaps be fixed.
            setScope $ case mi of
              Just i  -> iInsideScope i
              Nothing -> emptyScopeInfo
          `catchError` \e -> do
            s <- prettyError e
            liftIO $ putStrLn s
            liftIO $ putStrLn "Failed."

        commands =
            [ "quit"        |>  \_ -> return $ Return ()
            , "?"           |>  \_ -> continueAfter $ liftIO $ help commands
            , "reload"      |>  \_ -> do reload
                                         ContinueIn <$> ask
            , "constraints" |> \args -> continueAfter $ showConstraints args
            , "Context"     |> \args -> continueAfter $ showContext args
            , "give"        |> \args -> continueAfter $ giveMeta args
            , "Refine"      |> \args -> continueAfter $ refineMeta args
            , "metas"       |> \args -> continueAfter $ showMetas args
            , "load"        |> \args -> continueAfter $ loadFile reload args
            , "eval"        |> \args -> continueAfter $ evalIn args
            , "typeOf"      |> \args -> continueAfter $ typeOf args
            , "typeIn"      |> \args -> continueAfter $ typeIn args
            , "wakeup"      |> \_ -> continueAfter $ retryConstraints
            , "scope"       |> \_ -> continueAfter $ showScope
                (|>) = (,)

continueAfter :: TCM a -> TCM (ExitCode b)
continueAfter m = m >> return Continue

loadFile :: TCM () -> [String] -> TCM ()
loadFile reload [file] =
    do  setInputFile file
loadFile _ _ = liftIO $ putStrLn ":load file"

showConstraints :: [String] -> TCM ()
showConstraints [] =
    do  cs <- BasicOps.getConstraints
        liftIO $ putStrLn $ unlines (List.map show cs)
showConstraints _ = liftIO $ putStrLn ":constraints [cid]"

showMetas :: [String] -> TCM ()
showMetas [m] =
    do  i <- InteractionId <$> readM m
        withInteractionId i $ do
          s <- typeOfMeta AsIs i
          r <- getInteractionRange i
          d <- showA s
          liftIO $ putStrLn $ d ++ " " ++ show r
showMetas [m,"normal"] =
    do  i <- InteractionId <$> readM m
        withInteractionId i $ do
          s <- showA =<< typeOfMeta Normalised i
          r <- getInteractionRange i
          liftIO $ putStrLn $ s ++ " " ++ show r
showMetas [] =
    do  interactionMetas <- typesOfVisibleMetas AsIs
        hiddenMetas      <- typesOfHiddenMetas  AsIs
        mapM_ (liftIO . putStrLn) =<< mapM showII interactionMetas
        mapM_ print' hiddenMetas
        showII o = withInteractionId (outputFormId $ OutputForm noRange 0 o) $ showA o
        showM  o = withMetaId (nmid $ outputFormId $ OutputForm noRange 0 o) $ showA o

        metaId (OfType i _) = i
        metaId (JustType i) = i
        metaId (JustSort i) = i
        metaId (Assign i e) = i
        metaId _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
        print' x = do
            r <- getMetaRange $ nmid $ metaId x
            d <- showM x
            liftIO $ putStrLn $ d ++ "  [ at " ++ show r ++ " ]"
showMetas _ = liftIO $ putStrLn $ ":meta [metaid]"

showScope :: TCM ()
showScope = do
  scope <- getScope
  liftIO $ print scope

metaParseExpr ::  InteractionId -> String -> TCM A.Expr
metaParseExpr ii s =
    do  m <- lookupInteractionId ii
        scope <- getMetaScope <$> lookupMeta m
        r <- getRange <$> lookupMeta m
        --liftIO $ putStrLn $ show scope
        let pos = case rStart r of
                    Nothing  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
                    Just pos -> pos
        e <- liftIO $ parsePosString exprParser pos s
        concreteToAbstract scope e

actOnMeta :: [String] -> (InteractionId -> A.Expr -> TCM a) -> TCM a
actOnMeta (is:es) f =
     do  i <- readM is
         let ii = InteractionId i
         e <- metaParseExpr ii (unwords es)
         withInteractionId ii $ f ii e
actOnMeta _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__

giveMeta :: [String] -> TCM ()
giveMeta s | length s >= 2 =
    do  actOnMeta s (\ii -> \e  -> give ii Nothing e)
        return ()
giveMeta _ = liftIO $ putStrLn $ ": give" ++ " metaid expr"

refineMeta :: [String] -> TCM ()
refineMeta s | length s >= 2 =
    do  actOnMeta s (\ii -> \e  -> refine ii Nothing e)
        return ()
refineMeta _ = liftIO $ putStrLn $ ": refine" ++ " metaid expr"

retryConstraints :: TCM ()
retryConstraints = liftTCM wakeupConstraints_

evalIn :: [String] -> TCM ()
evalIn s | length s >= 2 =
    do  d <- actOnMeta s $ \_ e -> prettyA =<< evalInCurrent e
        liftIO $ print d
evalIn _ = liftIO $ putStrLn ":eval metaid expr"

parseExpr :: String -> TCM A.Expr
parseExpr s = do
    e <- liftIO $ parse exprParser s
    localToAbstract e return

evalTerm :: String -> TCM (ExitCode a)
evalTerm s =
    do  e <- parseExpr s
        v <- evalInCurrent e
        e <- prettyTCM v
        liftIO $ putStrLn $ show e
        return Continue
        evalInCurrent e = do
          (v,t) <- inferExpr e
          v'    <- normalise v
          return v'

typeOf :: [String] -> TCM ()
typeOf s =
    do  e  <- parseExpr (unwords s)
        e0 <- typeInCurrent Normalised e
        e1 <- typeInCurrent AsIs e
        liftIO . putStrLn =<< showA e1

typeIn :: [String] -> TCM ()
typeIn s@(_:_:_) =
    actOnMeta s $ \i e ->
    do  e1 <- typeInMeta i Normalised e
        e2 <- typeInMeta i AsIs e
        liftIO . putStrLn =<< showA e1
typeIn _ = liftIO $ putStrLn ":typeIn meta expr"

showContext :: [String] -> TCM ()
showContext (meta:args) = do
    i <- InteractionId <$> readM meta
    mi <- lookupMeta =<< lookupInteractionId i
    withMetaInfo (getMetaInfo mi) $ do
    ctx <- List.map unDom . telToList <$> getContextTelescope
    zipWithM_ display ctx $ reverse $ zipWith const [1..] ctx
        display (x, t) n = do
            t <- case args of
                    ["normal"] -> normalise $ raise n t
                    _          -> return $ raise n t
            d <- prettyTCM t
            liftIO $ print $ text (I.argNameToString x) <+> text ":" <+> d
showContext _ = liftIO $ putStrLn ":Context meta"

-- | The logo that prints when Agda is started in interactive mode.
splashScreen :: String
splashScreen = unlines
    [ "                 _ "
    , "   ____         | |"
    , "  / __ \\        | |"
    , " | |__| |___  __| | ___"
    , " |  __  / _ \\/ _  |/ __\\     Agda Interactive"
    , " | |  |/ /_\\ \\/_| / /_| \\"
    , " |_|  |\\___  /____\\_____/    Type :? for help."
    , "        __/ /"
    , "        \\__/"
    , ""
    , "The interactive mode is no longer supported. Don't complain if it doesn't work."

-- | The help message
help :: [Command a] -> IO ()
help cs = putStr $ unlines $
    [ "Command overview" ] ++ List.map explain cs ++
    [ "<exp> Infer type of expression <exp> and evaluate it." ]
        explain (x,_) = ":" ++ x