{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | Types used for precise syntax highlighting.

module Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise
  ( -- * Files
  , NameKind(..)
  , OtherAspect(..)
  , Aspects(..)
  , File
  , HighlightingInfo
    -- ** Creation
  , singleton
  , several
    -- ** Inspection
  , smallestPos
  , toMap
    -- * Compressed files
  , CompressedFile(..)
  , compressedFileInvariant
  , compress
  , decompress
  , noHighlightingInRange
    -- ** Creation
  , singletonC
  , severalC
  , splitAtC
    -- ** Inspection
  , smallestPosC
    -- * Tests
  , Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise.tests
  ) where

import Agda.Utils.TestHelpers
import Agda.Utils.String
import Agda.Utils.List hiding (tests)
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad
import Agda.Utils.QuickCheck
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import qualified Agda.Syntax.Common as Common
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as SC

import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Range

-- Files

-- | Syntactic aspects of the code. (These cannot overlap.)
--   They can be obtained from the lexed tokens already,
--   except for the 'NameKind'.

data Aspect
  = Comment
  | Keyword
  | String
  | Number
  | Symbol                     -- ^ Symbols like forall, =, ->, etc.
  | PrimitiveType              -- ^ Things like Set and Prop.
  | Name (Maybe NameKind) Bool -- ^ Is the name an operator part?
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | @NameKind@s are figured our during scope checking.

data NameKind
  = Bound                         -- ^ Bound variable.
  | Constructor Common.Induction  -- ^ Inductive or coinductive constructor.
  | Datatype
  | Field                         -- ^ Record field.
  | Function
  | Module                        -- ^ Module name.
  | Postulate
  | Primitive                     -- ^ Primitive.
  | Record                        -- ^ Record type.
  | Argument                      -- ^ Named argument, like x in {x = v}
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | Other aspects, generated by type checking.
--   (These can overlap with each other and with 'Aspect's.)

data OtherAspect
  = Error
  | DottedPattern
  | UnsolvedMeta
  | UnsolvedConstraint
    -- ^ Unsolved constraint not connected to meta-variable. This
    -- could for instance be an emptyness constraint.
  | TerminationProblem
  | IncompletePattern
    -- ^ When this constructor is used it is probably a good idea to
    -- include a 'note' explaining why the pattern is incomplete.
  | TypeChecks
    -- ^ Code which is being type-checked.
    deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded, Typeable)

-- | Meta information which can be associated with a
-- character\/character range.

data Aspects = Aspects
  { aspect       :: Maybe Aspect
  , otherAspects :: [OtherAspect]
  , note         :: Maybe String
    -- ^ This note, if present, can be displayed as a tool-tip or
    -- something like that. It should contain useful information about
    -- the range (like the module containing a certain identifier, or
    -- the fixity of an operator).
  , definitionSite :: Maybe (SC.TopLevelModuleName, Int)
    -- ^ The definition site of the annotated thing, if applicable and
    --   known. File positions are counted from 1.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | A 'File' is a mapping from file positions to meta information.
-- The first position in the file has number 1.

newtype File = File { mapping :: IntMap Aspects }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | Syntax highlighting information.

type HighlightingInfo = CompressedFile

-- Creation

-- | @'singleton' rs m@ is a file whose positions are those in @rs@,
-- and in which every position is associated with @m@.

singleton :: Ranges -> Aspects -> File
singleton rs m = File {
 mapping = IntMap.fromAscList [ (p, m) | p <- rangesToPositions rs ] }

-- | Like 'singleton', but with several 'Ranges' instead of only one.

several :: [Ranges] -> Aspects -> File
several rs m = mconcat $ map (\r -> singleton r m) rs

-- Merging

-- | Merges meta information.

mergeAspects :: Aspects -> Aspects -> Aspects
mergeAspects m1 m2 = Aspects
  { aspect       = (mplus `on` aspect) m1 m2
  , otherAspects = nub $ ((++) `on` otherAspects) m1 m2
  , note         = case (note m1, note m2) of
      (Just n1, Just n2) -> Just $
         if n1 == n2
           then n1
           else addFinalNewLine n1 ++ "----\n" ++ n2
      (Just n1, Nothing) -> Just n1
      (Nothing, Just n2) -> Just n2
      (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
  , definitionSite = (mplus `on` definitionSite) m1 m2

instance Monoid Aspects where
  mempty = Aspects
    { aspect         = Nothing
    , otherAspects   = []
    , note           = Nothing
    , definitionSite = Nothing
  mappend = mergeAspects

-- | Merges files.

merge :: File -> File -> File
merge f1 f2 =
  File { mapping = (IntMap.unionWith mappend `on` mapping) f1 f2 }

instance Monoid File where
  mempty  = File { mapping = IntMap.empty }
  mappend = merge

-- Inspection

-- | Returns the smallest position, if any, in the 'File'.

smallestPos :: File -> Maybe Int
smallestPos = fmap (fst . fst) . IntMap.minViewWithKey . mapping

-- | Convert the 'File' to a map from file positions (counting from 1)
-- to meta information.

toMap :: File -> IntMap Aspects
toMap = mapping

-- Compressed files

-- | A compressed 'File', in which consecutive positions with the same
-- 'Aspects' are stored together.

newtype CompressedFile =
  CompressedFile { ranges :: [(Range, Aspects)] }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | Invariant for compressed files.
-- Note that these files are not required to be /maximally/
-- compressed, because ranges are allowed to be empty, and the
-- 'Aspects's in adjacent ranges are allowed to be equal.

compressedFileInvariant :: CompressedFile -> Bool
compressedFileInvariant (CompressedFile []) = True
compressedFileInvariant (CompressedFile f)  =
  all rangeInvariant rs &&
  all (not . empty) rs &&
  and (zipWith (<=) (map to $ init rs) (map from $ tail rs))
  where rs = map fst f

-- | Compresses a file by merging consecutive positions with equal
-- meta information into longer ranges.

compress :: File -> CompressedFile
compress f =
  CompressedFile $ map join $ groupBy' p (IntMap.toAscList $ mapping f)
  p (pos1, m1) (pos2, m2) = pos2 == pos1 + 1 && m1 == m2
  join pms = ( Range { from = head ps, to = last ps + 1 }
             , head ms
    where (ps, ms) = unzip pms

-- | Decompresses a compressed file.

decompress :: CompressedFile -> File
decompress =
  File .
  IntMap.fromList .
  concat .
  map (\(r, m) -> [ (p, m) | p <- rangeToPositions r ]) .

prop_compress :: File -> Bool
prop_compress f =
  compressedFileInvariant c
  decompress c == f
  where c = compress f

-- | Clear any highlighting info for the given ranges. Used to make sure
--   unsolved meta highlighting overrides error highlighting.
noHighlightingInRange :: Ranges -> CompressedFile -> CompressedFile
noHighlightingInRange rs (CompressedFile hs) =
    CompressedFile $ concatMap clear hs
    clear (r, i) =
      case minus (Ranges [r]) rs of
        Ranges [] -> []
        Ranges rs -> [ (r, i) | r <- rs ]

-- Operations that work directly with compressed files

-- | @'singletonC' rs m@ is a file whose positions are those in @rs@,
-- and in which every position is associated with @m@.

singletonC :: Ranges -> Aspects -> CompressedFile
singletonC (Ranges rs) m =
  CompressedFile [(r, m) | r <- rs, not (empty r)]

prop_singleton :: Ranges -> Aspects -> Bool
prop_singleton rs m = singleton rs m == decompress (singletonC rs m)

-- | Like 'singletonR', but with a list of 'Ranges' instead of a
-- single one.

severalC :: [Ranges] -> Aspects -> CompressedFile
severalC rss m = mconcat $ map (\rs -> singletonC rs m) rss

prop_several :: [Ranges] -> Aspects -> Bool
prop_several rss m = several rss m == decompress (severalC rss m)

-- | Merges compressed files.

mergeC :: CompressedFile -> CompressedFile -> CompressedFile
mergeC (CompressedFile f1) (CompressedFile f2) =
  CompressedFile (mrg f1 f2)
  mrg []             f2             = f2
  mrg f1             []             = f1
  mrg (p1@(i1,_):f1) (p2@(i2,_):f2)
    | to i1 <= from i2 = p1 : mrg f1      (p2:f2)
    | to i2 <= from i1 = p2 : mrg (p1:f1) f2
    | to i1 <= to i2   = ps1 ++ mrg f1 (ps2 ++ f2)
    | otherwise        = ps1 ++ mrg (ps2 ++ f1) f2
      where (ps1, ps2) = fuse p1 p2

  -- Precondition: The ranges are overlapping.
  fuse (i1, m1) (i2, m2) =
    ( fix [ (Range { from = a, to = b }, ma)
          , (Range { from = b, to = c }, mergeAspects m1 m2)
    , fix [ (Range { from = c, to = d }, md)
    [(a, ma), (b, _), (c, _), (d, md)] =
      sortBy (compare `on` fst)
             [(from i1, m1), (to i1, m1), (from i2, m2), (to i2, m2)]
    fix = filter (not . empty . fst)

prop_merge :: File -> File -> Bool
prop_merge f1 f2 =
  merge f1 f2 == decompress (mergeC (compress f1) (compress f2))

instance Monoid CompressedFile where
  mempty  = CompressedFile []
  mappend = mergeC

-- | @splitAtC p f@ splits the compressed file @f@ into @(f1, f2)@,
-- where all the positions in @f1@ are @< p@, and all the positions
-- in @f2@ are @>= p@.

splitAtC :: Int -> CompressedFile ->
            (CompressedFile, CompressedFile)
splitAtC p f = (CompressedFile f1, CompressedFile f2)
  (f1, f2) = split $ ranges f

  split [] = ([], [])
  split (rx@(r,x) : f)
    | p <= from r = ([], rx:f)
    | to r <= p   = (rx:f1, f2)
    | otherwise   = ([ (toP, x) ], (fromP, x) : f)
    where (f1, f2) = split f
          toP      = Range { from = from r, to = p    }
          fromP    = Range { from = p,      to = to r }

prop_splitAtC :: Int -> CompressedFile -> Bool
prop_splitAtC p f =
  all (<  p) (positions f1) &&
  all (>= p) (positions f2) &&
  decompress (mergeC f1 f2) == decompress f
  (f1, f2) = splitAtC p f

  positions = IntMap.keys . toMap . decompress

-- | Returns the smallest position, if any, in the 'CompressedFile'.

smallestPosC :: CompressedFile -> Maybe Int
smallestPosC (CompressedFile [])           = Nothing
smallestPosC (CompressedFile ((r, _) : _)) = Just (from r)

prop_smallestPos :: CompressedFile -> Bool
prop_smallestPos f = smallestPos (decompress f) == smallestPosC f

-- Generators

instance Arbitrary Aspect where
  arbitrary =
    frequency [ (3, elements [ Comment, Keyword, String, Number
                             , Symbol, PrimitiveType ])
              , (1, liftM2 Name (maybeGen arbitrary) arbitrary)

  shrink Name{} = [Comment]
  shrink _      = []

instance CoArbitrary Aspect where
  coarbitrary Comment       = variant 0
  coarbitrary Keyword       = variant 1
  coarbitrary String        = variant 2
  coarbitrary Number        = variant 3
  coarbitrary Symbol        = variant 4
  coarbitrary PrimitiveType = variant 5
  coarbitrary (Name nk b)   =
    variant 6 . maybeCoGen coarbitrary nk . coarbitrary b

instance Arbitrary NameKind where
  arbitrary = oneof $ [liftM Constructor arbitrary] ++
                      map return [ Bound
                                 , Datatype
                                 , Field
                                 , Function
                                 , Module
                                 , Postulate
                                 , Primitive
                                 , Record

  shrink Constructor{} = [Bound]
  shrink _             = []

instance CoArbitrary NameKind where
  coarbitrary Bound             = variant 0
  coarbitrary (Constructor ind) = variant 1 . coarbitrary ind
  coarbitrary Datatype          = variant 2
  coarbitrary Field             = variant 3
  coarbitrary Function          = variant 4
  coarbitrary Module            = variant 5
  coarbitrary Postulate         = variant 6
  coarbitrary Primitive         = variant 7
  coarbitrary Record            = variant 8
  coarbitrary Argument          = variant 9

instance Arbitrary OtherAspect where
  arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]

instance CoArbitrary OtherAspect where
  coarbitrary = coarbitrary . fromEnum

instance Arbitrary Aspects where
  arbitrary = do
    aspect  <- arbitrary
    other   <- arbitrary
    note    <- maybeGen string
    defSite <- arbitrary
    return (Aspects { aspect = aspect, otherAspects = other
                     , note = note, definitionSite = defSite })
    where string = listOfElements "abcdefABCDEF/\\.\"'@()åäö\n"

  shrink (Aspects a o n d) =
    [ Aspects a o n d | a <- shrink a ] ++
    [ Aspects a o n d | o <- shrink o ] ++
    [ Aspects a o n d | n <- shrink n ] ++
    [ Aspects a o n d | d <- shrink d ]

instance CoArbitrary Aspects where
  coarbitrary (Aspects aspect otherAspects note defSite) =
    coarbitrary aspect .
    coarbitrary otherAspects .
    coarbitrary note .
    coarbitrary defSite

instance Arbitrary File where
  arbitrary = fmap (File . IntMap.fromList) $ listOf arbitrary
  shrink    = map (File . IntMap.fromList) . shrink . IntMap.toList . toMap

instance CoArbitrary File where
  coarbitrary (File rs) = coarbitrary (IntMap.toAscList rs)

instance Arbitrary CompressedFile where
  arbitrary = do
    rs <- (\ns1 ns2 -> toRanges $ sort $
                         ns1 ++ concatMap (\n -> [n, succ n]) (ns2 :: [Int])) <$>
            arbitrary <*> arbitrary
    CompressedFile <$> mapM (\r -> (,) r <$> arbitrary) rs
    toRanges (f : t : rs)
      | f == t    = toRanges (t : rs)
      | otherwise = Range { from = f, to = t } :
                    toRanges (case rs of
                                f : rs | t == f -> rs
                                _               -> rs)
    toRanges _ = []

  shrink (CompressedFile f) = CompressedFile <$> shrink f

-- All tests

-- | All the properties.

tests :: IO Bool
tests = runTests "Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise"
  [ quickCheck' compressedFileInvariant
  , quickCheck' (all compressedFileInvariant . shrink)
  , quickCheck' (\r m -> compressedFileInvariant $ singletonC r m)
  , quickCheck' (\rs m -> compressedFileInvariant $ severalC rs m)
  , quickCheck' (\f1 f2 -> compressedFileInvariant $ mergeC f1 f2)
  , quickCheck' (\i f -> all compressedFileInvariant $
                         (\(f1, f2) -> [f1, f2]) $
                         splitAtC i f)
  , quickCheck' prop_compress
  , quickCheck' prop_singleton
  , quickCheck' prop_several
  , quickCheck' prop_merge
  , quickCheck' prop_splitAtC
  , quickCheck' prop_smallestPos