{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RelaxedPolyRec #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Error

import Data.Function
import Data.List hiding (sort)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav

import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I
import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Generic
import Agda.Syntax.Position
import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract as A

import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Builtin
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
import Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints
import Agda.TypeChecking.Errors
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free
import Agda.TypeChecking.Level
import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance
import Agda.TypeChecking.EtaContract
import Agda.TypeChecking.SizedTypes (boundedSizeMetaHook, isSizeProblem)

-- import Agda.TypeChecking.CheckInternal
-- import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.CheckInternal (checkInternal)
import Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars.Occurs

import Agda.Utils.Fresh
import Agda.Utils.List
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Size
import Agda.Utils.Tuple
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import qualified Agda.Utils.VarSet as Set

#include "../undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible

-- | Find position of a value in a list.
--   Used to change metavar argument indices during assignment.
--   @reverse@ is necessary because we are directly abstracting over the list.
findIdx :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Maybe Int
findIdx vs v = findIndex (==v) (reverse vs)

-- | Check whether a meta variable is a place holder for a blocked term.
isBlockedTerm :: MetaId -> TCM Bool
isBlockedTerm x = do
    reportSLn "tc.meta.blocked" 12 $ "is " ++ show x ++ " a blocked term? "
    i <- mvInstantiation <$> lookupMeta x
    let r = case i of
	    BlockedConst{}                 -> True
            PostponedTypeCheckingProblem{} -> True
	    InstV{}                        -> False
	    InstS{}                        -> False
	    Open{}                         -> False
	    OpenIFS{}                      -> False
    reportSLn "tc.meta.blocked" 12 $
      if r then "  yes, because " ++ show i else "  no"
    return r

isEtaExpandable :: MetaId -> TCM Bool
isEtaExpandable x = do
    i <- mvInstantiation <$> lookupMeta x
    return $ case i of
      Open{}                         -> True
      OpenIFS{}                      -> False
      InstV{}                        -> False
      InstS{}                        -> False
      BlockedConst{}                 -> False
      PostponedTypeCheckingProblem{} -> False

-- * Performing the assignment

-- | Performing the meta variable assignment.
--   The instantiation should not be an 'InstV' or 'InstS' and the 'MetaId'
--   should point to something 'Open' or a 'BlockedConst'.
--   Further, the meta variable may not be 'Frozen'.
assignTerm :: MetaId -> Term -> TCM ()
assignTerm x t = do
     -- verify (new) invariants
    whenM (isFrozen x) __IMPOSSIBLE__
    assignTerm' x t

-- | Skip frozen check.  Used for eta expanding frozen metas.
assignTerm' :: MetaId -> Term -> TCM ()
assignTerm' x t = do
    reportSLn "tc.meta.assign" 70 $ show x ++ " := " ++ show t
     -- verify (new) invariants
    whenM (not <$> asks envAssignMetas) __IMPOSSIBLE__

{- TODO make double-checking work
-- currently, it does not work since types of sort-metas are inaccurate!

    -- Andreas, 2013-10-25 double check solution before assigning
    m <- lookupMeta x
    case mvJudgement m of
      HasType _ a -> dontAssignMetas $ checkInternal t a
      IsSort{}    -> return ()  -- skip double check since type of meta is not accurate
    -- Andreas, 2013-10-25 double check solution before assigning
    -- Andreas, 2013-11-30 this seems to open a can of worms...
    -- dontAssignMetas $ do
    --   checkInternal t . jMetaType . mvJudgement =<< lookupMeta x

    let i = metaInstance (killRange t)
    verboseS "profile.metas" 10 $ liftTCM $ tickMax "max-open-metas" . size =<< getOpenMetas
    modifyMetaStore $ ins x i
    etaExpandListeners x
    wakeupConstraints x
    reportSLn "tc.meta.assign" 20 $ "completed assignment of " ++ show x
    metaInstance = InstV
    ins x i store = Map.adjust (inst i) x store
    inst i mv = mv { mvInstantiation = i }

    -- Andreas, 2013-10-25 hack to fool the unused-imports-checking-Nazi
    -- phantomUseToOverruleStrictImportsChecking = checkInternal

-- * Creating meta variables.

newSortMeta :: TCM Sort
newSortMeta =
  ifM typeInType (return $ mkType 0) $ {- else -}
  ifM hasUniversePolymorphism (newSortMetaCtx =<< getContextArgs)
  -- else (no universe polymorphism)
  $ do i   <- createMetaInfo
       lvl <- levelType
       x   <- newMeta i normalMetaPriority (idP 0) $ IsSort () lvl -- WAS: topSort
       return $ Type $ Max [Plus 0 $ MetaLevel x []]

newSortMetaCtx :: Args -> TCM Sort
newSortMetaCtx vs =
  ifM typeInType (return $ mkType 0) $ {- else -} do
    i   <- createMetaInfo
    tel <- getContextTelescope
    lvl <- levelType
    let t = telePi_ tel lvl -- WAS: topSort
    x   <- newMeta i normalMetaPriority (idP 0) (IsSort () t)
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.new" 50 $
      text "new sort meta" <+> prettyTCM x <+> text ":" <+> prettyTCM t
    return $ Type $ Max [Plus 0 $ MetaLevel x $ map Apply vs]

newTypeMeta :: Sort -> TCM Type
newTypeMeta s = El s <$> newValueMeta RunMetaOccursCheck (sort s)

newTypeMeta_ ::  TCM Type
newTypeMeta_  = newTypeMeta =<< (workOnTypes $ newSortMeta)
-- TODO: (this could be made work with new uni-poly)
-- Andreas, 2011-04-27: If a type meta gets solved, than we do not have to check
-- that it has a sort.  The sort comes from the solution.
-- newTypeMeta_  = newTypeMeta Inf

-- | @newIFSMeta s t cands@ creates a new "implicit from scope" metavariable
--   of type the output type of @t@ with name suggestion @s@ and initial
--   solution candidates @cands@. If @t@ is a function type, then insert enough
--   lambdas in front of it.
newIFSMeta :: MetaNameSuggestion -> Type -> Maybe [(Term, Type)] -> TCM Term
newIFSMeta s t cands = do
  let TelV tel t' = telView' t
  addCtxTel tel $ do
    vs  <- getContextArgs
    ctx <- getContextTelescope
    teleLam tel <$> newIFSMetaCtx s (telePi_ ctx t') vs (raise (size tel) cands)

-- | Create a new value meta with specific dependencies.
newIFSMetaCtx :: MetaNameSuggestion -> Type -> Args -> Maybe [(Term, Type)] -> TCM Term
newIFSMetaCtx s t vs cands = do
  reportSDoc "tc.meta.new" 50 $ fsep
    [ text "new ifs meta:"
    , nest 2 $ prettyTCM vs <+> text "|-"
  i0 <- createMetaInfo
  let i = i0 { miNameSuggestion = s }
  let TelV tel _ = telView' t
      perm = idP (size tel)
  x <- newMeta' OpenIFS i normalMetaPriority perm (HasType () t)
  reportSDoc "tc.meta.new" 50 $ fsep
    [ nest 2 $ text (show x) <+> text ":" <+> prettyTCM t
  addConstraint $ FindInScope x cands
  return $ MetaV x $ map Apply vs

newNamedValueMeta :: RunMetaOccursCheck -> MetaNameSuggestion -> Type -> TCM Term
newNamedValueMeta b s t = do
  v <- newValueMeta b t
  setValueMetaName v s
  return v

-- | Create a new metavariable, possibly η-expanding in the process.
newValueMeta :: RunMetaOccursCheck -> Type -> TCM Term
newValueMeta b t = do
  vs  <- getContextArgs
  tel <- getContextTelescope
  newValueMetaCtx b (telePi_ tel t) vs

newValueMetaCtx :: RunMetaOccursCheck -> Type -> Args -> TCM Term
newValueMetaCtx b t ctx =
  instantiateFull =<< newValueMetaCtx' b t ctx

-- | Create a new value meta without η-expanding.
newValueMeta' :: RunMetaOccursCheck -> Type -> TCM Term
newValueMeta' b t = do
  vs  <- getContextArgs
  tel <- getContextTelescope
  newValueMetaCtx' b (telePi_ tel t) vs

-- | Create a new value meta with specific dependencies.
newValueMetaCtx' :: RunMetaOccursCheck -> Type -> Args -> TCM Term
newValueMetaCtx' b t vs = do
  i <- createMetaInfo' b
  let TelV tel a = telView' t
      perm = idP (size tel)
  x <- newMeta i normalMetaPriority perm (HasType () t)
  reportSDoc "tc.meta.new" 50 $ fsep
    [ text "new meta:"
    , nest 2 $ prettyTCM vs <+> text "|-"
    , nest 2 $ text (show x) <+> text ":" <+> prettyTCM t
  etaExpandMetaSafe x
  -- Andreas, 2012-09-24: for Metas X : Size< u add constraint X+1 <= u
  let u = shared $ MetaV x $ map Apply vs
  boundedSizeMetaHook u tel a
  return u

newTelMeta :: Telescope -> TCM Args
newTelMeta tel = newArgsMeta (abstract tel $ El Prop $ Sort Prop)

type Condition = I.Dom Type -> Abs Type -> Bool
trueCondition _ _ = True

newArgsMeta :: Type -> TCM Args
newArgsMeta = newArgsMeta' trueCondition

newArgsMeta' :: Condition -> Type -> TCM Args
newArgsMeta' condition t = do
  args <- getContextArgs
  tel  <- getContextTelescope
  newArgsMetaCtx' condition t tel args

newArgsMetaCtx :: Type -> Telescope -> Args -> TCM Args
newArgsMetaCtx = newArgsMetaCtx' trueCondition

newArgsMetaCtx' :: Condition -> Type -> Telescope -> Args -> TCM Args
newArgsMetaCtx' condition (El s tm) tel ctx = do
  tm <- reduce tm
  case ignoreSharing tm of
    Pi dom@(Dom info a) codom | condition dom codom -> do
      arg  <- Arg info <$> do
              applyRelevanceToContext (getRelevance info) $
                 -- Andreas, 2010-09-24 skip irrelevant record fields when eta-expanding a meta var
                 -- Andreas, 2010-10-11 this is WRONG, see Issue 347
                if r == Irrelevant then return DontCare else
                 newValueMetaCtx RunMetaOccursCheck (telePi_ tel a) ctx
      args <- newArgsMetaCtx' condition (El s tm `piApply` [arg]) tel ctx
      return $ arg : args
    _  -> return []

-- | Create a metavariable of record type. This is actually one metavariable
--   for each field.
newRecordMeta :: QName -> Args -> TCM Term
newRecordMeta r pars = do
  args <- getContextArgs
  tel  <- getContextTelescope
  newRecordMetaCtx r pars tel args

newRecordMetaCtx :: QName -> Args -> Telescope -> Args -> TCM Term
newRecordMetaCtx r pars tel ctx = do
  ftel	 <- flip apply pars <$> getRecordFieldTypes r
  fields <- newArgsMetaCtx (telePi_ ftel $ sort Prop) tel ctx
  con    <- getRecordConstructor r
  return $ Con con fields

newQuestionMark :: InteractionId -> Type -> TCM Term
newQuestionMark ii t = do
  -- Do not run check for recursive occurrence of meta in definitions,
  -- because we want to give the recursive solution interactively (Issue 589)
  m  <- newValueMeta' DontRunMetaOccursCheck t
  let MetaV x _ = ignoreSharing m
  connectInteractionPoint ii x
  return m

-- | Construct a blocked constant if there are constraints.
blockTerm :: Type -> TCM Term -> TCM Term
blockTerm t blocker = do
  (pid, v) <- newProblem blocker
  blockTermOnProblem t v pid

blockTermOnProblem :: Type -> Term -> ProblemId -> TCM Term
blockTermOnProblem t v pid =
  -- Andreas, 2012-09-27 do not block on unsolved size constraints
  ifM (isProblemSolved pid `or2M` isSizeProblem pid) (return v) $ do
    i   <- createMetaInfo
    es  <- map Apply <$> getContextArgs
    tel <- getContextTelescope
    x   <- newMeta' (BlockedConst $ abstract tel v)
                    i lowMetaPriority (idP $ size tel)
                    (HasType () $ telePi_ tel t)
                    -- we don't instantiate blocked terms
    inTopContext $ addConstraint (Guarded (UnBlock x) pid)
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.blocked" 20 $ vcat
      [ text "blocked" <+> prettyTCM x <+> text ":=" <+> inTopContext (prettyTCM $ abstract tel v)
      , text "     by" <+> (prettyTCM =<< getConstraintsForProblem pid) ]
    inst <- isInstantiatedMeta x
    case inst of
      True  -> instantiate (MetaV x es)
      False -> do
        -- We don't return the blocked term instead create a fresh metavariable
        -- that we compare against the blocked term once it's unblocked. This way
        -- blocked terms can be instantiated before they are unblocked, thus making
        -- constraint solving a bit more robust against instantiation order.
        v   <- newValueMeta DontRunMetaOccursCheck t
        i   <- liftTCM fresh
        -- This constraint is woken up when unblocking, so it doesn't need a problem id.
        cmp <- buildProblemConstraint 0 (ValueCmp CmpEq t v (MetaV x es))
        listenToMeta (CheckConstraint i cmp) x
        return v

blockTypeOnProblem :: Type -> ProblemId -> TCM Type
blockTypeOnProblem (El s a) pid = El s <$> blockTermOnProblem (El Inf $ Sort s) a pid

-- | @unblockedTester t@ returns @False@ if @t@ is a meta or a blocked term.
--   Auxiliary function to create a postponed type checking problem.
unblockedTester :: Type -> TCM Bool
unblockedTester t = ifBlockedType t (\ m t -> return False) (\ t -> return True)

-- | Create a postponed type checking problem @e : t@ that waits for type @t@
--   to unblock (become instantiated or its constraints resolved).
postponeTypeCheckingProblem_ :: TypeCheckingProblem -> TCM Term
postponeTypeCheckingProblem_ p = do
  postponeTypeCheckingProblem p (unblock p)
    unblock (CheckExpr _ t)           = unblockedTester t
    unblock (CheckArgs _ _ _ _ t _ _) = unblockedTester t

-- | Create a postponed type checking problem @e : t@ that waits for conditon
--   @unblock@.  A new meta is created in the current context that has as
--   instantiation the postponed type checking problem.  An 'UnBlock' constraint
--   is added for this meta, which links to this meta.
postponeTypeCheckingProblem :: TypeCheckingProblem -> TCM Bool -> TCM Term
postponeTypeCheckingProblem p unblock = do
  i   <- createMetaInfo' DontRunMetaOccursCheck
  tel <- getContextTelescope
  cl  <- buildClosure p
  let t = problemType p
  m   <- newMeta' (PostponedTypeCheckingProblem cl unblock)
                  i normalMetaPriority (idP (size tel))
         $ HasType () $ telePi_ tel t

  -- Create the meta that we actually return
  -- Andreas, 2012-03-15
  -- This is an alias to the pptc meta, in order to allow pruning (issue 468)
  -- and instantiation.
  -- Since this meta's solution comes from user code, we do not need
  -- to run the extended occurs check (metaOccurs) to exclude
  -- non-terminating solutions.
  es  <- map Apply <$> getContextArgs
  v   <- newValueMeta DontRunMetaOccursCheck t
  cmp <- buildProblemConstraint 0 (ValueCmp CmpEq t v (MetaV m es))
  i   <- liftTCM fresh
  listenToMeta (CheckConstraint i cmp) m
  addConstraint (UnBlock m)
  return v

problemType :: TypeCheckingProblem -> Type
problemType (CheckExpr _ t) = t
problemType (CheckArgs _ _ _ _ _ t _) = t

-- | Eta expand metavariables listening on the current meta.
etaExpandListeners :: MetaId -> TCM ()
etaExpandListeners m = do
  ls <- getMetaListeners m
  clearMetaListeners m	-- we don't really have to do this
  mapM_ wakeupListener ls

-- | Wake up a meta listener and let it do its thing
wakeupListener :: Listener -> TCM ()
  -- Andreas 2010-10-15: do not expand record mvars, lazyness needed for irrelevance
wakeupListener (EtaExpand x)         = etaExpandMetaSafe x
wakeupListener (CheckConstraint _ c) = do
  reportSDoc "tc.meta.blocked" 20 $ text "waking boxed constraint" <+> prettyTCM c
  addAwakeConstraints [c]

-- | Do safe eta-expansions for meta (@SingletonRecords,Levels@).
etaExpandMetaSafe :: MetaId -> TCM ()
etaExpandMetaSafe = etaExpandMeta [SingletonRecords,Levels]

-- | Various kinds of metavariables.

data MetaKind =
    -- ^ Meta variables of record type.
  | SingletonRecords
    -- ^ Meta variables of \"hereditarily singleton\" record type.
  | Levels
    -- ^ Meta variables of level type, if type-in-type is activated.
  deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Show)

-- | All possible metavariable kinds.

allMetaKinds :: [MetaKind]
allMetaKinds = [minBound .. maxBound]

-- | Eta expand a metavariable, if it is of the specified kind.
--   Don't do anything if the metavariable is a blocked term.
etaExpandMeta :: [MetaKind] -> MetaId -> TCM ()
etaExpandMeta kinds m = whenM (isEtaExpandable m) $ do
  verboseBracket "tc.meta.eta" 20 ("etaExpandMeta " ++ show m) $ do
  let waitFor x = do
        reportSDoc "tc.meta.eta" 20 $ do
          text "postponing eta-expansion of meta variable" <+>
            prettyTCM m <+>
            text "which is blocked by" <+> prettyTCM x
        listenToMeta (EtaExpand m) x
      dontExpand = do
        reportSDoc "tc.meta.eta" 20 $ do
          text "we do not expand meta variable" <+> prettyTCM m <+>
            text ("(requested was expansion of " ++ show kinds ++ ")")
  meta           <- lookupMeta m
  let HasType _ a = mvJudgement meta
  TelV tel b     <- telView a
  -- if the target type @b@ of @m@ is a meta variable @x@ itself
  -- (@NonBlocked (MetaV{})@),
  -- or it is blocked by a meta-variable @x@ (@Blocked@), we cannot
  -- eta expand now, we have to postpone this.  Once @x@ is
  -- instantiated, we can continue eta-expanding m.  This is realized
  -- by adding @m@ to the listeners of @x@.
  ifBlocked (unEl b) (\ x _ -> waitFor x) $ \ t -> case ignoreSharing t of
    lvl@(Def r es) ->
      ifM (isEtaRecord r) {- then -} (do
        let ps = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
	let expand = do
              u <- abstract tel <$> do withMetaInfo' meta $ newRecordMetaCtx r ps tel $ teleArgs tel
              inTopContext $ do
                verboseS "tc.meta.eta" 15 $ do
                  du <- prettyTCM u
                  reportSLn "tc.meta.eta" 15 $ "eta expanding: " ++ show m ++ " --> " ++ show du
                -- Andreas, 2012-03-29: No need for occurrence check etc.
                -- we directly assign the solution for the meta
                -- 2012-05-23: We also bypass the check for frozen.
                noConstraints $ assignTerm' m u  -- should never produce any constraints
        if Records `elem` kinds then
         else if (SingletonRecords `elem` kinds) then do
           singleton <- isSingletonRecord r ps
           case singleton of
             Left x      -> waitFor x
             Right False -> dontExpand
             Right True  -> expand
          else dontExpand
      ) $ {- else -} ifM (andM [ return $ Levels `elem` kinds
                      , typeInType
                      , (Just lvl ==) <$> getBuiltin' builtinLevel
                      ]) (do
        reportSLn "tc.meta.eta" 20 $ "Expanding level meta to 0 (type-in-type)"
        -- Andreas, 2012-03-30: No need for occurrence check etc.
        -- we directly assign the solution for the meta
        noConstraints $ assignTerm m (abstract tel $ Level $ Max [])
     ) $ {- else -} dontExpand
    _ -> dontExpand

-- | Eta expand blocking metavariables of record type, and reduce the
-- blocked thing.

etaExpandBlocked :: Reduce t => Blocked t -> TCM (Blocked t)
etaExpandBlocked t@NotBlocked{} = return t
etaExpandBlocked (Blocked m t)  = do
  etaExpandMeta [Records] m
  t <- reduceB t
  case t of
    Blocked m' _ | m /= m' -> etaExpandBlocked t
    _                      -> return t

-- * Solve constraint @x vs = v@.

-- | Assign to an open metavar which may not be frozen.
--   First check that metavar args are in pattern fragment.
--     Then do extended occurs check on given thing.
--   Assignment is aborted by throwing a @PatternErr@ via a call to
--   @patternViolation@.  This error is caught by @catchConstraint@
--   during equality checking (@compareAtom@) and leads to
--   restoration of the original constraints.

assignV :: CompareDirection -> MetaId -> Args -> Term -> TCM ()
assignV dir x args v = assignWrapper dir x (map Apply args) v $ assign dir x args v

assignWrapper :: CompareDirection -> MetaId -> Elims -> Term -> TCM () -> TCM ()
assignWrapper dir x es v doAssign = do
  ifNotM (asks envAssignMetas) patternViolation $ {- else -} do
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 10 $ do
      text "term" <+> prettyTCM (MetaV x es) <+> text (":" ++ show dir) <+> prettyTCM v
    liftTCM $ nowSolvingConstraints doAssign `finally` solveAwakeConstraints

-- | Miller pattern unification:
--   @assign x vs v@ solves problem @x vs = v@ for meta @x@
--   if @vs@ are distinct variables (linearity check)
--   and @v@ depends only on these variables
--   and does not contain @x@ itself (occurs check).
--   This is the basic story, but we have added some features:
--   1. Pruning.
--   2. Benign cases of non-linearity.
--   3. @vs@ may contain record patterns.
--   For a reference to some of these extensions, read
--   Andreas Abel and Brigitte Pientka's TLCA 2011 paper.

assign :: CompareDirection -> MetaId -> Args -> Term -> TCM ()
assign dir x args v = do

        mvar <- lookupMeta x  -- information associated with meta x
        let t = jMetaType $ mvJudgement mvar

        -- Andreas, 2011-05-20 TODO!
        -- full normalization  (which also happens during occurs check)
        -- is too expensive! (see Issue 415)
        -- need to do something cheaper, especially if
        -- we are dealing with a Miller pattern that can be solved
        -- immediately!
        -- Ulf, 2011-08-25 DONE!
        -- Just instantiating the top-level meta, which is cheaper. The occurs
        -- check will first try without unfolding any definitions (treating
        -- arguments to definitions as flexible), if that fails it tries again
        -- with full unfolding.
        v <- instantiate v
        reportSLn "tc.meta.assign" 50 $ "MetaVars.assign: assigning to " ++ show v

        case (ignoreSharing v, mvJudgement mvar) of
            (Sort Inf, HasType{}) -> typeError SetOmegaNotValidType
            _                     -> return ()

        -- We don't instantiate frozen mvars
        when (mvFrozen mvar == Frozen) $ do
          reportSLn "tc.meta.assign" 25 $ "aborting: meta is frozen!"

	-- We never get blocked terms here anymore. TODO: we actually do. why?
	whenM (isBlockedTerm x) patternViolation

        -- Andreas, 2010-10-15 I want to see whether rhs is blocked
        reportSLn "tc.meta.assign" 50 $ "MetaVars.assign: I want to see whether rhs is blocked"
        reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 25 $ do
          v0 <- reduceB v
          case v0 of
            Blocked m0 _ -> text "r.h.s. blocked on:" <+> prettyTCM m0
            NotBlocked{} -> text "r.h.s. not blocked"

        -- Turn the assignment problem @_X args >= SizeLt u@ into
        -- @_X args = SizeLt (_Y args@ and constraint
        -- @_Y args >= u@.
        subtypingForSizeLt dir x mvar t args v $ \ v -> do

        -- Normalise and eta contract the arguments to the meta. These are
        -- usually small, and simplifying might let us instantiate more metas.

        -- MOVED TO expandProjectedVars:
        -- args <- etaContract =<< normalise args

        -- Also, try to expand away projected vars in meta args.
        expandProjectedVars args v $ \ args v -> do

        -- If we had the type here we could save the work we put
        -- into expanding projected variables.
        -- catchConstraint (ValueCmp CmpEq ? (MetaV m $ map Apply args) v) $ do

        -- Andreas, 2011-04-21 do the occurs check first
        -- e.g. _1 x (suc x) = suc (_2 x y)
        -- even though the lhs is not a pattern, we can prune the y from _2
        let varsL = freeVars args
        let relVL = Set.toList $ relevantVars varsL
{- Andreas, 2012-04-02: DontCare no longer present
        -- take away top-level DontCare constructors
        args <- return $ map (fmap stripDontCare) args
        -- Andreas, 2011-10-06 only irrelevant vars that are direct
        -- arguments to the meta, hence, can be abstracted over, may
        -- appear on the rhs.  (test/fail/Issue483b)
        -- Update 2011-03-27: Also irr. vars under record constructors.
        let fromIrrVar (Var i [])   = return [i]
            fromIrrVar (Con c vs)   =
              ifM (isNothing <$> isRecordConstructor (conName c)) (return []) $
                concat <$> mapM (fromIrrVar . {- stripDontCare .-} unArg) vs
            fromIrrVar (Shared p)   = fromIrrVar (derefPtr p)
            fromIrrVar _ = return []
        irrVL <- concat <$> mapM fromIrrVar
                   [ v | Arg info v <- args, irrelevantOrUnused (getRelevance info) ]
        reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 20 $
            let pr (Var n []) = text (show n)
                pr (Def c []) = prettyTCM c
                pr _          = text ".."
            in vcat
                 [ text "mvar args:" <+> sep (map (pr . unArg) args)
                 , text "fvars lhs (rel):" <+> sep (map (text . show) relVL)
                 , text "fvars lhs (irr):" <+> sep (map (text . show) irrVL)

	-- Check that the x doesn't occur in the right hand side.
        -- Prune mvars on rhs such that they can only depend on varsL.
        -- Herein, distinguish relevant and irrelevant vars,
        -- since when abstracting irrelevant lhs vars, they may only occur
        -- irrelevantly on rhs.
	v <- liftTCM $ occursCheck x (relVL, irrVL) v

	reportSLn "tc.meta.assign" 15 "passed occursCheck"
	verboseS "tc.meta.assign" 30 $ do
	  let n = size v
	  when (n > 200) $ reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 30 $
            sep [ text "size" <+> text (show n)
--                , nest 2 $ text "type" <+> prettyTCM t
                , nest 2 $ text "term" <+> prettyTCM v

        -- Check linearity of @ids@
        -- Andreas, 2010-09-24: Herein, ignore the variables which are not
        -- free in v
        -- Ulf, 2011-09-22: we need to respect irrelevant vars as well, otherwise
        -- we'll build solutions where the irrelevant terms are not valid
        let fvs = allVars $ freeVars v
        reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 20 $
          text "fvars rhs:" <+> sep (map (text . show) $ Set.toList fvs)

	-- Check that the arguments are variables
	mids <- do
          res <- runErrorT $ inverseSubst args
          case res of
            -- all args are variables
            Right ids -> do
              reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 50 $
                text "inverseSubst returns:" <+> sep (map prettyTCM ids)
              return $ Just ids
            -- we have proper values as arguments which could be cased on
            -- here, we cannot prune, since offending vars could be eliminated
            Left CantInvert  -> return Nothing
            -- we have non-variables, but these are not eliminateable
            Left NeutralArg  -> Just <$> attemptPruning x args fvs
            -- we have a projected variable which could not be eta-expanded away:
            -- same as neutral
            Left (ProjectedVar i qs) -> Just <$> attemptPruning x args fvs

        case mids of
          Nothing  -> patternViolation -- Ulf 2014-07-13: actually not needed after all: attemptInertRHSImprovement x args v
          Just ids -> do
            -- Check linearity
            ids <- do
              res <- runErrorT $ checkLinearity {- (`Set.member` fvs) -} ids
              case res of
                -- case: linear
                Right ids -> return ids
                -- case: non-linear variables that could possibly be pruned
                Left ()   -> attemptPruning x args fvs

            -- Solve.
            m <- getContextSize
            assignMeta' m x t (length args) ids v
        attemptPruning x args fvs = do
          -- non-linear lhs: we cannot solve, but prune
          killResult <- prune x args $ Set.toList fvs
          reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 10 $
            text "pruning" <+> prettyTCM x <+> do
            text $
              if killResult `elem` [PrunedSomething,PrunedEverything] then "succeeded"
               else "failed"

-- | When faced with @_X us == D vs@ for an inert D we can solve this by
--   @_X xs := D _Ys@ with new constraints @_Yi us == vi@. This is important
--   for instance arguments, where knowing the head D might enable progress.
attemptInertRHSImprovement :: MetaId -> Args -> Term -> TCM ()
attemptInertRHSImprovement m args v = do
  reportSDoc "tc.meta.inert" 30 $ vcat
    [ text "attempting inert rhs improvement"
    , nest 2 $ sep [ prettyTCM (MetaV m $ map Apply args) <+> text "=="
                   , prettyTCM v ] ]
  -- Check that the right-hand side has the form D vs, for some inert constant D.
  -- Returns the type of D and a function to build an application of D.
  (a, mkRHS) <- ensureInert v
  -- Check that all arguments to the meta are neutral and does not have head D.
  -- If there are non-neutral arguments there could be solutions to the meta
  -- that computes over these arguments. If D is an argument to the meta we get
  -- multiple solutions (for instance: _M Nat == Nat can be solved by both
  -- _M := \ x -> x and _M := \ x -> Nat).
  mapM_ (ensureNeutral (mkRHS []) . unArg) args
  tel <- theTel <$> (telView =<< getMetaType m)
  -- When attempting shortcut meta solutions, metas aren't necessarily fully
  -- eta expanded. If this is the case we skip inert improvement.
  when (length args < size tel) $ do
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.inert" 30 $ text "not fully applied"
  -- Solve the meta with _M := \ xs -> D (_Y1 xs) .. (_Yn xs), for fresh metas
  -- _Yi.
  metaArgs <- inTopContext $ addCtxTel tel $ newArgsMeta a
  let varArgs  = map Apply $ reverse $ zipWith (\i a -> var i <$ a) [0..] (reverse args)
      sol      = foldr (\a -> Lam (argInfo a) . Abs "x") (mkRHS metaArgs) args
  reportSDoc "tc.meta.inert" 30 $ nest 2 $ vcat
    [ text "a       =" <+> prettyTCM a
    , text "tel     =" <+> prettyTCM tel
    , text "metas   =" <+> prettyList (map prettyTCM metaArgs)
    , text "sol     =" <+> prettyTCM sol
  assignTerm m sol
  patternViolation  -- throwing a pattern violation here lets the constraint
                    -- machinery worry about restarting the comparison.
    ensureInert :: Term -> TCM (Type, Args -> Term)
    ensureInert v = do
      let notInert = do
            reportSDoc "tc.meta.inert" 30 $ nest 2 $ text "not inert:" <+> prettyTCM v
          toArgs elims =
            case allApplyElims elims of
              Nothing -> do
                reportSDoc "tc.meta.inert" 30 $ nest 2 $ text "can't do projections from inert"
              Just args -> return args
      case ignoreSharing v of
        Var x elims -> (, Var x . map Apply) <$> typeOfBV x
        Con c args  -> notInert -- (, Con c) <$> defType <$> getConstInfo (conName c)
        Def f elims -> do
          def <- getConstInfo f
          let good = return (defType def, Def f . map Apply)
          case theDef def of
            Axiom{}       -> good
            Datatype{}    -> good
            Record{}      -> good
            Function{}    -> notInert
            Primitive{}   -> notInert
            Constructor{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

        Pi{}       -> notInert -- this is actually inert but improving doesn't buy us anything for Pi
        Lam{}      -> notInert
        Sort{}     -> notInert
        Lit{}      -> notInert
        Level{}    -> notInert
        MetaV{}    -> notInert
        DontCare{} -> notInert
        ExtLam{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
        Shared{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

    ensureNeutral :: Term -> Term -> TCM ()
    ensureNeutral rhs v = do
      b <- reduceB v
      let notNeutral v = do
            reportSDoc "tc.meta.inert" 30 $ nest 2 $ text "not neutral:" <+> prettyTCM v
          checkRHS arg
            | arg == rhs = do
              reportSDoc "tc.meta.inert" 30 $ nest 2 $ text "argument shares head with RHS:" <+> prettyTCM arg
            | otherwise  = return ()
      case fmap ignoreSharing b of
        Blocked{}    -> notNeutral v
        NotBlocked v ->
          case v of
            Var x _    -> checkRHS (Var x [])
            Def f _    -> checkRHS (Def f [])
            Pi{}       -> return ()
            Sort{}     -> return ()
            Level{}    -> return ()
            Lit{}      -> notNeutral v
            DontCare{} -> notNeutral v
            MetaV{}    -> notNeutral v
            Con{}      -> notNeutral v
            Lam{}      -> notNeutral v
            ExtLam{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
            Shared{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

-- | @assignMeta m x t ids u@ solves @x ids = u@ for meta @x@ of type @t@,
--   where term @u@ lives in a context of length @m@.
--   Precondition: @ids@ is linear.
assignMeta :: Int -> MetaId -> Type -> [Int] -> Term -> TCM ()
assignMeta m x t ids v = do
  let n    = length ids
      cand = List.sort $ zip ids $ map var $ downFrom n
  assignMeta' m x t n cand v

-- | @assignMeta' m x t ids u@ solves @x = [ids]u@ for meta @x@ of type @t@,
--   where term @u@ lives in a context of length @m@,
--   and @ids@ is a partial substitution.
assignMeta' :: Int -> MetaId -> Type -> Int -> SubstCand -> Term -> TCM ()
assignMeta' m x t n ids v = do
  -- we are linear, so we can solve!
  reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 25 $
      text "preparing to instantiate: " <+> prettyTCM v

  -- Rename the variables in v to make it suitable for abstraction over ids.
  v' <- do
    -- Basically, if
    --   Γ   = a b c d e
    --   ids = d b e
    -- then
    --   v' = (λ a b c d e. v) _ 1 _ 2 0
    -- Andreas, 2013-10-25 Solve using substitutions:
    -- Convert assocList @ids@ (which is sorted) into substitution,
    -- filling in __IMPOSSIBLE__ for the missing terms, e.g.
    -- [(0,0),(1,2),(3,1)] --> [0, 2, __IMP__, 1, __IMP__]
    -- ALT 1: O(m * size ids), serves as specification
    -- let ivs = [fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ lookup i ids | i <- [0..m-1]]
    -- ALT 2: O(m)
    let assocToList i l = case l of
          _           | i >= m -> []
          ((j,u) : l) | i == j -> u              : assocToList (i+1) l
          _                    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ : assocToList (i+1) l
        ivs = assocToList 0 ids
    return $ applySubst (ivs ++# raiseS n)  v

  -- Metas are top-level so we do the assignment at top-level.
  inTopContext $ do
    -- Andreas, 2011-04-18 to work with irrelevant parameters
    -- we need to construct tel' from the type of the meta variable
    -- (no longer from ids which may not be the complete variable list
    -- any more)
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 15 $ text "type of meta =" <+> prettyTCM t
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 70 $ text "type of meta =" <+> text (show t)

    TelV tel' _ <- telViewUpTo n t
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 30 $ text "tel'  =" <+> prettyTCM tel'
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 30 $ text "#args =" <+> text (show n)
    -- Andreas, 2013-09-17 (AIM XVIII): if t does not provide enough
    -- types for the arguments, it might be blocked by a meta;
    -- then we give up. (Issue 903)
    when (size tel' < n)
       patternViolation -- WAS: __IMPOSSIBLE__

    -- The solution.
    let u = killRange $ abstract tel' v'
    -- Perform the assignment (and wake constraints).
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 10 $
      text "solving" <+> prettyTCM x <+> text ":=" <+> prettyTCM u
    assignTerm x u

-- | Turn the assignment problem @_X args <= SizeLt u@ into
-- @_X args = SizeLt (_Y args)@ and constraint
-- @_Y args <= u@.
subtypingForSizeLt :: CompareDirection -> MetaId -> MetaVariable -> Type -> Args -> Term -> (Term -> TCM ()) -> TCM ()
subtypingForSizeLt DirEq x mvar t args v cont = cont v
subtypingForSizeLt dir   x mvar t args v cont = do
  let fallback = cont v
  -- Check whether we have built-ins SIZE and SIZELT
  (mSize, mSizeLt) <- getBuiltinSize
  caseMaybe mSize   fallback $ \ qSize   -> do
  caseMaybe mSizeLt fallback $ \ qSizeLt -> do
  -- Check whether v is a SIZELT
  v <- reduce v
  case ignoreSharing v of
    Def q [Apply (Arg ai u)] | q == qSizeLt -> do
      -- Clone the meta into a new size meta @y@.
      -- To this end, we swap the target of t for Size.
      TelV tel _ <- telView t
      let size = sizeType_ qSize
          t'   = telePi tel size
      y <- newMeta (mvInfo mvar) (mvPriority mvar) (mvPermutation mvar)
                   (HasType __IMPOSSIBLE__ t')
      -- Note: no eta-expansion of new meta possible/necessary.
      -- Add the size constraint @y args `dir` u@.
      let yArgs = MetaV y $ map Apply args
      addConstraint $ dirToCmp (`ValueCmp` size) dir yArgs u
      -- We continue with the new assignment problem, and install
      -- an exception handler, since we created a meta and a constraint,
      -- so we cannot fall back to the original handler.
      let xArgs = MetaV x $ map Apply args
          v'    = Def qSizeLt [Apply $ Arg ai yArgs]
          c     = dirToCmp (`ValueCmp` set0) dir xArgs v'
      catchConstraint c $ cont v'
    _ -> fallback

-- | Eta-expand bound variables like @z@ in @X (fst z)@.
expandProjectedVars :: (Normalise a, TermLike a, PrettyTCM a, NoProjectedVar a, Subst a, PrettyTCM b, Subst b) =>
  a -> b -> (a -> b -> TCM c) -> TCM c
expandProjectedVars args v ret = loop (args, v) where
  loop (args, v) = do
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign.proj" 40 $ text "meta args: " <+> prettyTCM args
    args <- etaContract =<< normalise args
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign.proj" 40 $ text "norm args: " <+> prettyTCM args
    let done = ret args v
    case noProjectedVar args of
      Right ()              -> done
      Left (ProjVarExc i _) -> etaExpandProjectedVar i (args, v) done loop

-- | Eta-expand a de Bruijn index of record type in context and passed term(s).
etaExpandProjectedVar :: (PrettyTCM a, Subst a) => Int -> a -> TCM c -> (a -> TCM c) -> TCM c
etaExpandProjectedVar i v fail succeed = do
  caseMaybeM (etaExpandBoundVar i) fail $ \ (delta, sigma, tau) -> do
    reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign.proj" 25 $
      text "eta-expanding var " <+> prettyTCM (var i) <+>
      text " in terms " <+> prettyTCM v
    inTopContext $ addContext delta $
      succeed $ applySubst tau v

-- | Check whether one of the meta args is a projected var.
class NoProjectedVar a where
  noProjectedVar :: a -> Either ProjVarExc ()

data ProjVarExc = ProjVarExc Int [QName]

instance Error ProjVarExc where
  noMsg = __IMPOSSIBLE__

instance NoProjectedVar Term where
  noProjectedVar (Var i es) | Just qs@(_:_) <- mapM isProjElim es = Left $ ProjVarExc i qs
  noProjectedVar _ = return ()

instance NoProjectedVar a => NoProjectedVar (I.Arg a) where
  noProjectedVar = Fold.mapM_ noProjectedVar

instance NoProjectedVar a => NoProjectedVar [a] where
  noProjectedVar = Fold.mapM_ noProjectedVar

-- Wrong attempt at expanding bound variables.
-- The following code curries meta instead.

-- | @etaExpandProjectedVar mvar x t n qs@
--   @mvar@ is the meta var info.
--   @x@ is the meta variable we are trying to solve for.
--   @t@ is its type.
--   @n@ is the number of the meta arg we want to curry (starting at 0).
--   @qs@ is the projection path along which we curry.
etaExpandProjectedVar :: MetaVariable -> MetaId -> Type -> Int -> [QName] -> TCM a
etaExpandProjectedVar mvar x t n qs = inTopContext $ do
  (_, uncurry, t') <- curryAt t n
  let TelV tel a = telView' t'
      perm       = idP (size tel)
  y <- newMeta (mvInfo mvar) (mvPriority mvar) perm (HasType __IMPOSSIBLE__ t')
  assignTerm' x (uncurry $ MetaV y [])

  -- first, strip the leading n domains (which remain unchanged)
  TelV gamma core <- telViewUpTo n t
  case ignoreSharing $ unEl core of
    -- There should be at least one domain left
    Pi (Dom ai a) b -> do
      -- Eta-expand @dom@ along @qs@ into a telescope @tel@, computing a substitution.
      -- For now, we only eta-expand once.
      -- This might trigger another call to @etaExpandProjectedVar@ later.
      -- A more efficient version does all the eta-expansions at once here.
      (r, pars, def) <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> isRecordType a
      unless (recEtaEquality def) __IMPOSSIBLE__
      let tel = recTel def `apply` pars
          m   = size tel
          v   = Con (recConHead def) $ map var $ downFrom m
          b'  = raise m b `absApp` v
          fs  = recFields def
          vs  = zipWith (\ f i -> Var i [Proj f]) fs $ downFrom m
          -- v = c (n-1) ... 1 0
      (tel, u) <- etaExpandAtRecordType a $ var 0
      -- TODO: compose argInfo ai with tel.
      -- Substitute into @b@.
      -- Abstract over @tel@.
      -- Abstract over @gamma@.
      -- Create new meta.
      -- Solve old meta, using substitution.
    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

type FVs = Set.VarSet
type SubstCand = [(Nat,Term)] -- ^ a possibly non-deterministic substitution

-- | Turn non-det substitution into proper substitution, if possible.
--   Otherwise, raise the error.
checkLinearity :: SubstCand -> ErrorT () TCM SubstCand
checkLinearity ids0 = do
  let ids = sortBy (compare `on` fst) ids0  -- see issue 920
  let grps = groupOn fst ids
  concat <$> mapM makeLinear grps
    -- | Non-determinism can be healed if type is singleton. [Issue 593]
    --   (Same as for irrelevance.)
    makeLinear :: SubstCand -> ErrorT () TCM SubstCand
    makeLinear []            = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    makeLinear grp@[_]       = return grp
    makeLinear (p@(i,t) : _) =
      ifM ((Right True ==) <$> do isSingletonTypeModuloRelevance =<< typeOfBV i)
        (return [p])
        (throwError ())

-- | Turn non-det substitution into proper substitution, if possible.
--   Writes a list of non-linear variables that need to be pruned.
--   If a non-linear variable is @elemFVs@, hence, not prunable,
--   the error is thrown.
checkLinearity :: (Nat -> Bool) -> SubstCand -> ErrorT () (WriterT [Nat] TCM) SubstCand
checkLinearity elemFVs ids0 = do
  let ids = sortBy (compare `on` fst) ids0
  let grps = groupOn fst ids
  concat <$> mapM makeLinear grps
    -- | Non-determinism can be healed if type is singleton. [Issue 593]
    --   (Same as for irrelevance.)
    makeLinear :: SubstCand -> ErrorT () TCM SubstCand
    makeLinear []                = __IMPOSSIBLE__
    makeLinear grp@[_]           = return grp
    makeLinear grp@(p@(i,t) : _) = do
      ifM ((Right True ==) <$> do isSingletonTypeModuloRelevance =<< typeOfBV i)
        {- then -} (return [p])
        {- else -} $ do
        ifM (elemFVs i)
          {- then -} (throwError ())          -- non-prunable non-linear var
          {- else -} (tell [i] >> return grp) -- possibly prunable non-lin var

-- Intermediate result in the following function
type Res = [(I.Arg Nat, Term)]

-- | Exceptions raised when substitution cannot be inverted.
data InvertExcept
  = CantInvert                -- ^ Cannot recover.
  | NeutralArg                -- ^ A neutral arg: can't invert, but maybe prune.
  | ProjectedVar Int [QName]  -- ^ Try to eta-expand var to remove projs.

instance Error InvertExcept where
  noMsg = CantInvert

-- | Check that arguments @args@ to a metavar are in pattern fragment.
--   Assumes all arguments already in whnf and eta-reduced.
--   Parameters are represented as @Var@s so @checkArgs@ really
--   checks that all args are @Var@s and returns the "substitution"
--   to be applied to the rhs of the equation to solve.
--   (If @args@ is considered a substitution, its inverse is returned.)
--   The returned list might not be ordered.
--   Linearity, i.e., whether the substitution is deterministic,
--   has to be checked separately.
inverseSubst :: Args -> ErrorT InvertExcept TCM SubstCand
inverseSubst args = map (mapFst unArg) <$> loop (zip args terms)
    loop  = foldM isVarOrIrrelevant []
    terms = map var (downFrom (size args))
    failure = do
      lift $ reportSDoc "tc.meta.assign" 15 $ vcat
        [ text "not all arguments are variables: " <+> prettyTCM args
        , text "  aborting assignment" ]
      throwError CantInvert
    neutralArg = throwError NeutralArg

    isVarOrIrrelevant :: Res -> (I.Arg Term, Term) -> ErrorT InvertExcept TCM Res
    isVarOrIrrelevant vars (arg, t) =
      case ignoreSharing <$> arg of
        -- i := x
        Arg info (Var i []) -> return $ (Arg info i, t) `cons` vars

        -- π i := x  try to eta-expand projection π away!
        Arg _ (Var i es) | Just qs <- mapM isProjElim es ->
          throwError $ ProjectedVar i qs

        -- (i, j) := x  becomes  [i := fst x, j := snd x]
        -- Andreas, 2013-09-17 but only if constructor is fully applied
        Arg info (Con c vs) -> do
          let fallback
               | irrelevantOrUnused (getRelevance info) = return vars
               | otherwise                              = failure
          isRC <- lift $ isRecordConstructor $ conName c
          case isRC of
            Just (_, Record{ recFields = fs })
              | length fs == length vs -> do
                let aux (Arg _ v) (Arg info' f) =
                      (Arg (ArgInfo { argInfoColors = argInfoColors info -- TODO guilhem
                                    , argInfoHiding = min (argInfoHiding info)
                                                          (argInfoHiding info')
                                    , argInfoRelevance = max (argInfoRelevance info)
                                                             (argInfoRelevance info')
                           v,) -- OLD: (stripDontCare v),
                       $ t `applyE` [Proj f]
                res <- loop $ zipWith aux vs fs
-- Andreas, 2013-09-22, applyDef not needed after all
-- since f (because taken from recFields) is the original record projection.
--                        <$> do liftTCM $ applyDef f (defaultArg t)
--                res <- loop =<< zipWithM aux vs fs
                return $ res `append` vars
              | otherwise -> fallback
            Just _  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
            Nothing -> fallback

        -- An irrelevant argument which is not an irrefutable pattern is dropped
        Arg info _ | irrelevantOrUnused (getRelevance info) -> return vars
        -- Andreas, 2013-10-29
        -- An irrelevant part can also be marked by a DontCare
        -- (coming from an irrelevant projection), see Issue 927:
        Arg _ DontCare{}                                    -> return vars

        -- Distinguish args that can be eliminated (Con,Lit,Lam,unsure) ==> failure
        -- from those that can only put somewhere as a whole ==> return Nothing
        Arg _ Var{}      -> neutralArg
        Arg _ Def{}      -> failure
        Arg _ Lam{}      -> failure
        Arg _ Lit{}      -> failure
        Arg _ MetaV{}    -> failure
        Arg _ Pi{}       -> neutralArg
        Arg _ Sort{}     -> neutralArg
        Arg _ Level{}    -> neutralArg
        Arg _ ExtLam{}   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__

        Arg info (Shared p) -> isVarOrIrrelevant vars (Arg info $ derefPtr p, t)

    -- managing an assoc list where duplicate indizes cannot be irrelevant vars
    append :: Res -> Res -> Res
    append res vars = foldr cons vars res

    -- adding an irrelevant entry only if not present
    cons :: (I.Arg Nat, Term) -> Res -> Res
    cons a@(Arg (ArgInfo _ Irrelevant _) i, t) vars    -- TODO? UnusedArg?!
      | any ((i==) . unArg . fst) vars  = vars
      | otherwise                       = a : vars
    -- adding a relevant entry:
    cons a@(Arg info i, t) vars = a :
      -- filter out duplicate irrelevants
      filter (not . (\ a@(Arg info j, t) -> isIrrelevant info && i == j)) vars

-- | Used in 'Agda.Interaction.BasicOps.giveExpr'.
updateMeta :: MetaId -> Term -> TCM ()
updateMeta mI v = do
    mv <- lookupMeta mI
    withMetaInfo' mv $ do
      args <- getContextArgs
      noConstraints $ assignV DirEq mI args v

-- | Returns every meta-variable occurrence in the given type, except
-- for those in 'Sort's.

allMetas :: TermLike a => a -> [MetaId]
allMetas = foldTerm metas
  metas (MetaV m _) = [m]
  metas _           = []