module Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars.Occurs where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Agda.Benchmarking as Bench
import Agda.Syntax.Common
import Agda.Syntax.Internal
import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark as Bench
import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
import Agda.TypeChecking.Free hiding (Occurrence(..))
import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
import Agda.TypeChecking.MetaVars
import Agda.Utils.Either
import Agda.Utils.Except
( ExceptT
, MonadError(catchError, throwError)
, runExceptT
import Agda.Utils.Lens
import Agda.Utils.List (downFrom)
import Agda.Utils.Maybe
import Agda.Utils.Monad
import Agda.Utils.Permutation
import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow)
import Agda.Utils.Size
#include "undefined.h"
import Agda.Utils.Impossible
modifyOccursCheckDefs :: (Set QName -> Set QName) -> TCM ()
modifyOccursCheckDefs f = stOccursCheckDefs %= f
initOccursCheck :: MetaVariable -> TCM ()
initOccursCheck mv = modifyOccursCheckDefs . const =<<
if (miMetaOccursCheck (mvInfo mv) == DontRunMetaOccursCheck)
then do
reportSLn "tc.meta.occurs" 20 $
"initOccursCheck: we do not look into definitions"
return Set.empty
else do
reportSLn "tc.meta.occurs" 20 $
"initOccursCheck: we look into the following definitions:"
mb <- asks envMutualBlock
case mb of
Nothing -> do
reportSLn "tc.meta.occurs" 20 $ "(none)"
return Set.empty
Just b -> do
ds <- lookupMutualBlock b
reportSDoc "tc.meta.occurs" 20 $ sep $ map prettyTCM $ Set.toList ds
return ds
defNeedsChecking :: QName -> TCM Bool
defNeedsChecking d = Set.member d <$> use stOccursCheckDefs
tallyDef :: QName -> TCM ()
tallyDef d = modifyOccursCheckDefs $ \ s -> Set.delete d s
data OccursCtx
= Flex
| Rigid
| StronglyRigid
| Top
| Irrel
deriving (Eq, Show)
data UnfoldStrategy = YesUnfold | NoUnfold
deriving (Eq, Show)
defArgs :: UnfoldStrategy -> OccursCtx -> OccursCtx
defArgs NoUnfold _ = Flex
defArgs YesUnfold ctx = weakly ctx
unfold :: UnfoldStrategy -> Term -> TCM (Blocked Term)
unfold NoUnfold v = notBlocked <$> instantiate v
unfold YesUnfold v = reduceB v
leaveTop :: OccursCtx -> OccursCtx
leaveTop Top = StronglyRigid
leaveTop ctx = ctx
weakly :: OccursCtx -> OccursCtx
weakly Top = Rigid
weakly StronglyRigid = Rigid
weakly ctx = ctx
strongly :: OccursCtx -> OccursCtx
strongly Rigid = StronglyRigid
strongly ctx = ctx
patternViolation' :: Int -> String -> TCM a
patternViolation' n err = do
reportSLn "tc.meta.occurs" n err
abort :: OccursCtx -> TypeError -> TCM a
abort Top err = typeError err
abort StronglyRigid err = typeError err
abort Flex err = patternViolation' 70 (show err)
abort Rigid err = patternViolation' 70 (show err)
abort Irrel err = patternViolation' 70 (show err)
type Vars = ([Nat],[Nat])
goIrrelevant :: Vars -> Vars
goIrrelevant (relVs, irrVs) = (irrVs ++ relVs, [])
allowedVar :: Nat -> Vars -> Bool
allowedVar i (relVs, irrVs) = i `elem` relVs
takeRelevant :: Vars -> [Nat]
takeRelevant = fst
liftUnderAbs :: Vars -> Vars
liftUnderAbs (relVs, irrVs) = (0 : map (1+) relVs, map (1+) irrVs)
class Occurs t where
occurs :: UnfoldStrategy -> OccursCtx -> MetaId -> Vars -> t -> TCM t
metaOccurs :: MetaId -> t -> TCM ()
:: (Occurs a, InstantiateFull a, PrettyTCM a)
=> MetaId -> Vars -> a -> TCM a
occursCheck m xs v = disableDestructiveUpdate $ Bench.billTo [ Bench.Typing, Bench.OccursCheck ] $ do
mv <- lookupMeta m
initOccursCheck mv
let redo m = m
redo (occurs NoUnfold Top m xs v) `catchError` \_ -> do
initOccursCheck mv
redo (occurs YesUnfold Top m xs v) `catchError` \err -> case err of
TypeError _ cl -> case clValue cl of
MetaOccursInItself{} ->
typeError . GenericError . show =<<
fsep [ text ("Refuse to construct infinite term by instantiating " ++ prettyShow m ++ " to")
, prettyTCM =<< instantiateFull v
MetaCannotDependOn _ _ i ->
ifM (isSortMeta m `and2M` (not <$> hasUniversePolymorphism))
( typeError . GenericError . show =<<
fsep [ text ("Cannot instantiate the metavariable " ++ prettyShow m ++ " to")
, prettyTCM v
, text "since universe polymorphism is disabled"
( typeError . GenericError . show =<<
fsep [ text ("Cannot instantiate the metavariable " ++ prettyShow m ++ " to solution")
, prettyTCM v
, text "since it contains the variable"
, enterClosure cl $ \_ -> prettyTCM (Var i [])
, text $ "which is not in scope of the metavariable or irrelevant in the metavariable but relevant in the solution"
_ -> throwError err
_ -> throwError err
instance Occurs Term where
occurs red ctx m xs v = do
v <- unfold red v
case v of
NotBlocked _ v -> occurs' ctx v
Blocked _ v -> occurs' Flex v
occurs' ctx v = do
reportSDoc "tc.meta.occurs" 45 $
text ("occursCheck " ++ prettyShow m ++ " (" ++ show ctx ++ ") of ") <+> prettyTCM v
reportSDoc "tc.meta.occurs" 70 $
nest 2 $ text $ show v
case v of
Var i es -> do
if (i `allowedVar` xs) then Var i <$> occ (weakly ctx) es else do
isST <- isSingletonType =<< typeOfBV i
case isST of
Left mid -> patternViolation' 70 $ "Disallowed var " ++ show i ++ " not obviously singleton"
Right Nothing ->
abort (strongly ctx) $ MetaCannotDependOn m (takeRelevant xs) i
Right (Just sv) -> return $ sv `applyE` es
Lam h f -> Lam h <$> occ (leaveTop ctx) f
Level l -> Level <$> occ ctx l
Lit l -> return v
DontCare v -> dontCare <$> occurs red Irrel m (goIrrelevant xs) v
Def d es -> Def d <$> occDef d (leaveTop ctx) es
Con c vs -> Con c <$> occ (leaveTop ctx) vs
Pi a b -> uncurry Pi <$> occ (leaveTop ctx) (a,b)
Sort s -> Sort <$> occ (leaveTop ctx) s
v@Shared{} -> updateSharedTerm (occ ctx) v
MetaV m' es -> do
when (m == m') $ patternViolation' 50 $ "occursCheck failed: Found " ++ prettyShow m
(MetaV m' <$> occurs red Flex m xs es) `catchError` \err -> do
reportSDoc "tc.meta.kill" 25 $ vcat
[ text $ "error during flexible occurs check, we are " ++ show ctx
, text $ show err
case err of
PatternErr{} | ctx /= Flex -> do
reportSLn "tc.meta.kill" 20 $
"oops, pattern violation for " ++ prettyShow m'
caseMaybe (allApplyElims es) (throwError err) $ \ vs -> do
killResult <- prune m' vs (takeRelevant xs)
if (killResult == PrunedEverything)
then occurs red ctx m xs =<< instantiate (MetaV m' es)
else throwError err
_ -> throwError err
occ ctx v = occurs red ctx m xs v
occDef d ctx vs = do
def <- theDef <$> getConstInfo d
whenM (defNeedsChecking d) $ do
tallyDef d
reportSLn "tc.meta.occurs" 30 $ "Checking for occurrences in " ++ show d
metaOccurs m def
if (defIsDataOrRecord def) then (occ ctx vs) else (occ (defArgs red ctx) vs)
metaOccurs m v = do
v <- instantiate v
case v of
Var i vs -> metaOccurs m vs
Lam h f -> metaOccurs m f
Level l -> metaOccurs m l
Lit l -> return ()
DontCare v -> metaOccurs m v
Def d vs -> metaOccurs m d >> metaOccurs m vs
Con c vs -> metaOccurs m vs
Pi a b -> metaOccurs m (a,b)
Sort s -> metaOccurs m s
Shared p -> metaOccurs m $ derefPtr p
MetaV m' vs | m == m' -> patternViolation' 50 $ "Found occurrence of " ++ prettyShow m
| otherwise -> metaOccurs m vs
instance Occurs QName where
occurs red ctx m xs d = __IMPOSSIBLE__
metaOccurs m d = whenM (defNeedsChecking d) $ do
tallyDef d
reportSLn "tc.meta.occurs" 30 $ "Checking for occurrences in " ++ show d
metaOccurs m . theDef =<< getConstInfo d
instance Occurs Defn where
occurs red ctx m xs def = __IMPOSSIBLE__
metaOccurs m Axiom{} = return ()
metaOccurs m Function{ funClauses = cls } = metaOccurs m cls
metaOccurs m Datatype{ dataCons = cs } = mapM_ mocc cs
where mocc c = metaOccurs m . defType =<< getConstInfo c
metaOccurs m Record{ recConType = v } = metaOccurs m v
metaOccurs m Constructor{} = return ()
metaOccurs m Primitive{} = return ()
instance Occurs Clause where
occurs red ctx m xs cl = __IMPOSSIBLE__
metaOccurs m (Clause { clauseBody = body }) = walk body
where walk NoBody = return ()
walk (Body v) = metaOccurs m v
walk (Bind b) = underAbstraction_ b walk
instance Occurs Level where
occurs red ctx m xs (Max as) = Max <$> occurs red ctx m xs as
metaOccurs m (Max as) = metaOccurs m as
instance Occurs PlusLevel where
occurs red ctx m xs l@ClosedLevel{} = return l
occurs red ctx m xs (Plus n l) = Plus n <$> occurs red ctx' m xs l
where ctx' | n == 0 = ctx
| otherwise = leaveTop ctx
metaOccurs m ClosedLevel{} = return ()
metaOccurs m (Plus n l) = metaOccurs m l
instance Occurs LevelAtom where
occurs red ctx m xs l = do
l <- case red of
YesUnfold -> reduce l
NoUnfold -> instantiate l
case l of
MetaLevel m' args -> do
MetaV m' args <- ignoreSharing <$> occurs red ctx m xs (MetaV m' args)
return $ MetaLevel m' args
NeutralLevel r v -> NeutralLevel r <$> occurs red ctx m xs v
BlockedLevel m' v -> BlockedLevel m' <$> occurs red Flex m xs v
UnreducedLevel v -> UnreducedLevel <$> occurs red ctx m xs v
metaOccurs m l = do
l <- instantiate l
case l of
MetaLevel m' args -> metaOccurs m $ MetaV m' args
NeutralLevel _ v -> metaOccurs m v
BlockedLevel _ v -> metaOccurs m v
UnreducedLevel v -> metaOccurs m v
instance Occurs Type where
occurs red ctx m xs (El s v) = uncurry El <$> occurs red ctx m xs (s,v)
metaOccurs m (El s v) = metaOccurs m (s,v)
instance Occurs Sort where
occurs red ctx m xs s = do
s' <- case red of
YesUnfold -> reduce s
NoUnfold -> instantiate s
case s' of
DLub s1 s2 -> uncurry DLub <$> occurs red (weakly ctx) m xs (s1,s2)
Type a -> Type <$> occurs red ctx m xs a
Prop -> return s'
Inf -> return s'
SizeUniv -> return s'
metaOccurs m s = do
s <- instantiate s
case s of
DLub s1 s2 -> metaOccurs m (s1,s2)
Type a -> metaOccurs m a
Prop -> return ()
Inf -> return ()
SizeUniv -> return ()
instance Occurs a => Occurs (Elim' a) where
occurs red ctx m xs e@Proj{} = return e
occurs red ctx m xs (Apply a) = Apply <$> occurs red ctx m xs a
metaOccurs m (Proj{} ) = return ()
metaOccurs m (Apply a) = metaOccurs m a
instance (Occurs a, Subst t a) => Occurs (Abs a) where
occurs red ctx m xs b@(Abs s x) = Abs s <$> underAbstraction_ b (occurs red ctx m (liftUnderAbs xs))
occurs red ctx m xs b@(NoAbs s x) = NoAbs s <$> occurs red ctx m xs x
metaOccurs m (Abs s x) = metaOccurs m x
metaOccurs m (NoAbs s x) = metaOccurs m x
instance Occurs a => Occurs (Arg a) where
occurs red ctx m xs (Arg info x) | isIrrelevant info = Arg info <$>
occurs red Irrel m (goIrrelevant xs) x
occurs red ctx m xs (Arg info x) = Arg info <$>
occurs red ctx m xs x
metaOccurs m a = metaOccurs m (unArg a)
instance Occurs a => Occurs (Dom a) where
occurs red ctx m xs (Dom info x) = Dom info <$> occurs red ctx m xs x
metaOccurs m = metaOccurs m . unDom
instance (Occurs a, Occurs b) => Occurs (a,b) where
occurs red ctx m xs (x,y) = (,) <$> occurs red ctx m xs x <*> occurs red ctx m xs y
metaOccurs m (x,y) = metaOccurs m x >> metaOccurs m y
instance Occurs a => Occurs [a] where
occurs red ctx m xs ys = mapM (occurs red ctx m xs) ys
metaOccurs m ys = mapM_ (metaOccurs m) ys
prune :: MetaId -> Args -> [Nat] -> TCM PruneResult
prune m' vs xs = do
caseEitherM (runExceptT $ mapM (hasBadRigid xs) $ map unArg vs)
(const $ return PrunedNothing) $ \ kills -> do
reportSDoc "tc.meta.kill" 10 $ vcat
[ text "attempting kills"
, nest 2 $ vcat
[ text "m' =" <+> pretty m'
, text "xs =" <+> prettyList (map (prettyTCM . var) xs)
, text "vs =" <+> prettyList (map prettyTCM vs)
, text "kills =" <+> text (show kills)
killArgs kills m'
hasBadRigid :: [Nat] -> Term -> ExceptT () TCM Bool
hasBadRigid xs t = do
let failure = throwError ()
tb <- liftTCM $ reduceB t
let t = ignoreBlocking tb
case ignoreSharing t of
Var x _ -> return $ notElem x xs
Lam _ v -> failure
DontCare v -> hasBadRigid xs v
v@(Def f es) -> ifNotM (isNeutral tb f es) failure $ do
es `rigidVarsNotContainedIn` xs
Pi a b -> (a,b) `rigidVarsNotContainedIn` xs
Level v -> v `rigidVarsNotContainedIn` xs
Sort s -> s `rigidVarsNotContainedIn` xs
Con c args -> do
ifM (liftTCM $ isEtaCon (conName c))
(and <$> mapM (hasBadRigid xs . unArg) args)
Lit{} -> failure
MetaV{} -> failure
Shared p -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
isNeutral :: MonadTCM tcm => Blocked t -> QName -> Elims -> tcm Bool
isNeutral b f es = liftTCM $ do
let yes = return True
no = return False
def <- getConstInfo f
case theDef def of
Axiom{} -> yes
Datatype{} -> yes
Record{} -> yes
Function{} -> case b of
NotBlocked StuckOn{} _ -> yes
NotBlocked AbsurdMatch _ -> yes
_ -> no
_ -> no
rigidVarsNotContainedIn :: (MonadTCM tcm, FoldRigid a) => a -> [Nat] -> tcm Bool
rigidVarsNotContainedIn v is = liftTCM $ do
n0 <- getContextSize
levels = Set.fromList $ map (n01 ) is
test i = do
n <- getContextSize
let l = n1 i
forbidden = l < n0 && not (l `Set.member` levels)
when forbidden $
reportSLn "tc.meta.kill" 20 $
"found forbidden de Bruijn level " ++ show l
return $ Any forbidden
getAny <$> foldRigid test v
class FoldRigid a where
foldRigid :: (Monoid (TCM m)) => (Nat -> TCM m) -> a -> TCM m
instance FoldRigid Term where
foldRigid f t = do
b <- liftTCM $ reduceB t
case ignoreSharing $ ignoreBlocking b of
Var i es -> f i `mappend` fold es
Lam _ t -> fold t
Lit{} -> mempty
Def _ es -> case b of
Blocked{} -> mempty
NotBlocked MissingClauses _ -> mempty
_ -> fold es
Con _ ts -> fold ts
Pi a b -> fold (a,b)
Sort s -> fold s
Level l -> fold l
MetaV{} -> mempty
DontCare{} -> mempty
Shared{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
where fold = foldRigid f
instance FoldRigid Type where
foldRigid f (El s t) = foldRigid f (s,t)
instance FoldRigid Sort where
foldRigid f s =
case s of
Type l -> fold l
Prop -> mempty
Inf -> mempty
SizeUniv -> mempty
DLub s1 s2 -> fold (s1, s2)
where fold = foldRigid f
instance FoldRigid Level where
foldRigid f (Max ls) = foldRigid f ls
instance FoldRigid PlusLevel where
foldRigid f ClosedLevel{} = mempty
foldRigid f (Plus _ l) = foldRigid f l
instance FoldRigid LevelAtom where
foldRigid f l =
case l of
MetaLevel{} -> mempty
NeutralLevel MissingClauses _ -> mempty
NeutralLevel _ l -> fold l
BlockedLevel _ l -> fold l
UnreducedLevel l -> fold l
where fold = foldRigid f
instance (Subst t a, FoldRigid a) => FoldRigid (Abs a) where
foldRigid f b = underAbstraction_ b $ foldRigid f
instance FoldRigid a => FoldRigid (Arg a) where
foldRigid f a =
case getRelevance a of
Irrelevant -> mempty
UnusedArg -> mempty
_ -> foldRigid f $ unArg a
instance FoldRigid a => FoldRigid (Dom a) where
foldRigid f dom = foldRigid f $ unDom dom
instance FoldRigid a => FoldRigid (Elim' a) where
foldRigid f (Apply a) = foldRigid f a
foldRigid f Proj{} = mempty
instance FoldRigid a => FoldRigid [a] where
foldRigid f = foldMap $ foldRigid f
instance (FoldRigid a, FoldRigid b) => FoldRigid (a,b) where
foldRigid f (a,b) = foldRigid f a `mappend` foldRigid f b
data PruneResult
= NothingToPrune
| PrunedNothing
| PrunedSomething
| PrunedEverything
deriving (Eq, Show)
killArgs :: [Bool] -> MetaId -> TCM PruneResult
killArgs kills _
| not (or kills) = return NothingToPrune
killArgs kills m = do
mv <- lookupMeta m
allowAssign <- asks envAssignMetas
if mvFrozen mv == Frozen || not allowAssign then return PrunedNothing else do
let a = jMetaType $ mvJudgement mv
TelV tel b <- telView' <$> instantiateFull a
let args = zip (telToList tel) (kills ++ repeat False)
(kills', a') = killedType args b
dbg kills' a a'
if not (any unArg kills') then return PrunedNothing else do
performKill kills' m a'
return $ if (and $ zipWith implies kills $ map unArg kills')
then PrunedEverything
else PrunedSomething
implies :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
implies False _ = True
implies True x = x
dbg kills' a a' =
reportSDoc "tc.meta.kill" 10 $ vcat
[ text "after kill analysis"
, nest 2 $ vcat
[ text "metavar =" <+> prettyTCM m
, text "kills =" <+> text (show kills)
, text "kills' =" <+> text (show kills')
, text "oldType =" <+> prettyTCM a
, text "newType =" <+> prettyTCM a'
killedType :: [(Dom (ArgName, Type), Bool)] -> Type -> ([Arg Bool], Type)
killedType [] b = ([], b)
killedType ((arg@(Dom info _), kill) : kills) b
| dontKill = (Arg info False : args, mkPi arg b')
| otherwise = (Arg info True : args, strengthen __IMPOSSIBLE__ b')
(args, b') = killedType kills b
dontKill = not kill || 0 `freeIn` b'
:: [Arg Bool]
-> MetaId
-> Type
-> TCM ()
performKill kills m a = do
mv <- lookupMeta m
when (mvFrozen mv == Frozen) __IMPOSSIBLE__
let n = size kills
let perm = Perm n
[ i | (i, Arg _ False) <- zip [0..] kills ]
m' <- newMeta (mvInfo mv) (mvPriority mv) perm
(HasType __IMPOSSIBLE__ a)
etaExpandMetaSafe m'
vars = [ Arg info (var i)
| (i, Arg info False) <- zip (downFrom n) kills ]
u = MetaV m' $ map Apply vars
tel = map ("v" <$) kills
dbg m' u
assignTerm m tel u
dbg m' u = reportSDoc "tc.meta.kill" 10 $ vcat
[ text "actual killing"
, nest 2 $ vcat
[ text "new meta:" <+> pretty m'
, text "kills :" <+> text (show kills)
, text "inst :" <+> pretty m <+> text ":=" <+> prettyTCM u